6 Sexy Three Can Play Stories Read online

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  "Yes, dear."

  The tall, graying doctor - 40 years old this year and happily married - passes the foodstuff to his long term wife Laura Smith.

  "Isn't it lovely outside?" she says with a large smile. "We haven't been able to go out like this in months. I missed you so much."

  He smiles back, fantasies forgotten.

  "I know. I'm so sorry that work has been so busy."

  Laura gives him an understanding look. She always understands. Her husband is working with children after all. It's a difficult job and takes up a lot of his time - always has and always will.

  "Don't worry. I love you so much."

  Her small, familiar, comforting hand takes his own. They stare into each other's eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun around them, the sounds of children that they never had playing and of younger men and women engaged in the wonders of courtship. It would all be perfect if the blond wasn't sitting a short distance away looking back.

  "I can't," David insists in a hushed whisper, the halls of the hospital too full for him to speak as loudly as he desires. "We have to stop doing this."

  "Dr. Pete, is it really such a problem? She'll never know."

  The tall, graying man stares into young, slim blond's deep blue eyes.

  "I can't, Kate. If Kerry found out then she'd be heartbroken."

  With a dainty smile, the younger woman shakes her head.

  "You are such a good man, but if you think that I'm going to let you go then you are mistaken."

  Kate Jenkins strides away without another word. Harry's body hunches over. This is how it has always been with them. There is no way that Kate is going to take 'no' for an answer. She will find a way to get back into his life. That woman gets what she wants ALWAYS.

  Leaning against a wall, Harry runs one hand through his once brown hair. What a fool he was. The temptation of his 'other needs' and the gorgeousness of that woman got to him. He shouldn't have strayed.

  "I'm a happily married man," he assures himself. "I will never cheat again."

  Easier said than done.

  Kate Jenkins sits in the break room, somewhere in the back, well away from where Harry is sitting with his wife having an unexpected lunch date.

  The woman is pretty. Kate isn't so interested in Harry's wife, but even she can see that for 43, slightly older than her lover, the woman is still attractive.

  On the table in front of her is a white envelope. It has Laura Smith written on the front and a photo taken after a certain event inside. The image is revealing. If she were to see it then everything would change for her. The woman would no longer be a part of David's life. His love would be free.

  Free. What does that really mean? Laura's hand crumples the corner of the envelope. Should she? Does she really have the right to take what is hers in this case? Is this fair on Harry?

  So many questions, so many doubts. If she gives it to Laura right now then the cherished life that his love has will fall apart. There will be repercussions.

  Laura shakes her head. She's 22 years old, extremely intelligent and perhaps a little too caught up in the older, kind Dr. Smith.

  "I shouldn't do this," she murmurs.

  The eyes tell a different story. They are locked on the woman - the competition, her enemy.

  Laura stands up, not knowing what is about to happen. Kate gets to her feet as well. Harry doesn't see her. Their eyes don't meet.

  Strolling through the mass of hospital workers, she makes her way towards Laura as the woman waves and lovingly kisses her man on the cheek, a friendly smile on the woman's lips and a matching one on Harry's.

  "I'm going to do this," Kate reassures herself quietly. "I'm going to do what needs to be done."

  Laura starts towards her. She gets in line with the woman, the envelope clutched in her hand. Harry's wife meets her eyes, not recognizing her as the enemy, the competition - but not for much longer.

  "I'm going to do this."

  "You fucking bitch!" Harry growls, slamming her to the door of the dirty yellow sedan she has been driving since high school. "What the hell did you do?"

  He's angry. Kate probably would too after what likely happened when Laura opened the envelope.

  "She's asked for a divorce," he growls. "This is all your fault!"

  That's the last straw. Just who does the fool think he is?

  Grabbing him under the arm pit, she yanks on the skin hard like her instructor taught her in self-defense class. Harry steps back shocked. Unfortunately, he's not very good at fighting and receives a hard kick to the knee cap that drops him.

  "I'll be at this address," Kate says coldly. "If you want to salvage your marriage and what we have then you'll come."

  The woman drops a piece of paper taken from her pocket to the concrete where he is bent over holding his knee.

  "Don't be late."

  He pockets the hand gun. It fits snug in his jacket, cold steel to resolve a situation he never thought to get into. Anger so strong that it could destroy a life burns in him. Tonight he will kill Kate Jenkins and bury her in the host of bodies that come to the morgue. Harry has no idea exactly how to get the body from this hotel to there, but murder is on his mind. She ruined his life!

  The door is brown, wooden, solid. He turns the door handle and finds it open. It is dark inside. Harry tries to find the light switch, but something cold against the side of his head makes him stop.

  "What is that?" he asks.

  "A .36, loaded and cocked."

  Kate Jenkins came prepared. The gun is extracted and dumped.

  "Turn on the lights."

  They come on. Harry gasps.


  Laura Smith stands there, hands on hips, legs wide, stance strong.

  "This is your resolution, Dr. Smith," Kate says, putting the fake revolver down on the bench table and dumping his gun in the waste bin. "She agreed to try and make it work out."

  "How?" he asks in shock, his eyes not coming off his wife and what she is wearing.

  "With sex. Just how you broke her heart."

  The young woman strolls over to his wife and puts a very friendly hand on her shoulder.

  "Don't you want to fuck us, Harry? Your lover and your loving wife?"

  He gulps. Sometimes when he is sleeping with Laura or Kate he would fantasize about this. The two of them, the perfect blond and a brunette the likes of which still turns heads at her age. Does he dare refuse? With his marriage on the line, there is no choice.

  "I'll do it."

  "Good," Kate proclaims.

  She reaches to the long coat that she is wearing and drops it away. Both of them have the same lingerie on. Black, see through, thigh high stockings and silver heels, no panties, just the bra and thin corset getup. Down in his pants a rage stirs to rival his anger before. This may be the last time that he lies with either of them. Perhaps they will decide that their love is not enough. He cannot allow that. Harry wants it all.

  "Come," he commands.

  They strut over and put their arms around his tall, lightly muscled frame. He wraps his arms around them, kissing his wife then his lover. Not for a second does he believe that either of them are ok with this, but right now he doesn't care. A desire like nothing ever experienced within him is coming on. He rips at their clothing, tearing it away. Large and full breasts for his wife, small and petite for his lover. Heaven in two pairs.

  Harry grabs his Laura's nipples and squeezes them firmly. They harden immediately and he smiles in admiration. Usually this kind of thing doesn't affect the woman so strongly, but today she must be heavily aroused. They talked of threesomes in university, but an opportunity never arouse. This is their first. It will be wonderful.

  Coming to his knees, he places a finger in each of their wet holes. His wife has a short line of hair and Kate is bare shaven. Their juices roll down his fingers to stain his shirt cuffs. The feeling of their tight pussies under his fingers, barely taking two each, sends a surge of pleasure through his body.

  "I want you!" he groans, not sure who he is speaking to.

  Taking Laura by the hips, he takes her to the bed then grabs Kate to place down on top of her. The two woman are face to face and all it takes is a gentle push. Soon their lips are locked and they are moaning and groaning in a way that brings hardness where things were already painfully hard.

  "Women!" he rejoices.

  Out comes his manhood; it visits his wife's hole first, but stays only shortly. Into the next - out of it to the other - again in the lover's - back to the wife's. In, out, in, out until it is glistening wet.


  Neither woman hears him. They are too busy exploring something which for both of them is a first: A woman's body is a beautiful thing to look at, but even more wonderful when touched. They know each other intimately without having experienced the other before. Licking, sucking, kissing, and playing, fingers, hands and skin are pressed, used and enjoyed to create arousal. The first to let go is Kate, who has always had a hair trigger, but Laura is not far behind.

  "Good. So good," Harry moans.

  Getting them up, now in full command of the show, he places them over top of each other's womanhoods.


  No encouraging is needed. Tongues are applied. The groaning that ensues is rich and lusty. Harry comes around back and pokes at Laura's rear.

  "In there tonight, honey?"

  Harry says nothing. He enters. She cries out.

  "Yes. That gorgeous ass!"

  Slapping his wife's butt, he rides her fully, his hand in her hair and pressing the woman's head down into his lover's pussy.

  "Oh, that's good," he groans.

  Not long after things are starting to tense up downstairs. Harry realizes his time is short and gets the two woman to lie side by side. They barely pay him any heed until his moaning reaches a climax that signifies his climax.


  Juices pour down on their breasts, stomachs and faces. They wither in it.

  "Yes, yes, yes..."

  Again and again it falls. So much that everyone in the room is shocked by it.

  "Ahhhh..." A relaxed groan.

  Falling to the bed, he lies beside his wife. There is silence in the room, not oppressive, but strong, speaking of things not said.

  "You aren't allowed to sleep with her without me," Laura whispers in his ear.

  He makes to answer, but Kate is quicker.

  "I won't let him," she says. "He will never cheat on us again."

  They roll into each other. Harry stares on as his wife and lover keep the action going. Should he worry about where this is going?

  Two hands, both different, both of women that he loves, reach around and grasp his manhood. Reassurance. Love. Commitment. A new beginning. That is what is said in that touch.


  They glance over at him. Harry is hard again. It is a good night for everyone.

  Miami Beach Babes

  (A Drunken Drug Fueled Threesome)

  Where the hell do they grow girls like this?

  I'm on my ass staring up at what might be the hottest body on a blond I've ever seen.

  “Kim...” I murmur her name as if to ensure it and she are real.

  The woman struts in front of me on heels too high for walking with a look of liquored up highness that can only be bought on by the best cocaine mixed with the very best champagne. I can just catch the scent of the latter on her breath as she turns to me and claps one hand against her sexy thigh, pointing and laughing.

  “You could at least help me up.”

  Jenny is the other woman. She calls out from the kitchen, “What? Baby can't get up by himself?”

  I figure that Jenny is the bad cop and Kim the good one. However, Kim was the one to push me over, so I think naughty cop and way, way more naughty cop might be a better description.

  My hands rustle on the perfectly polished wooden flooring and help me lurch to my feet. I have to steady myself against the firm support of the lamp fitting on the wall near the bay window which has a good view of the beach where I picked these two lovely specimens of Miami's finest.

  Kim takes a hand and places it against my cock.

  “He's not baked yet,” the woman calls.

  Jenny cackles something about penis pills and goes back to raiding my fridge.

  I glance down at Kim's MASSIVE (and, yes, the word deserves those capitals) tits. They are bigger than my head. Man, I'd love to do a line of coke off those titties if the owner wasn't too wasted to hold still is what I am thinking as I take a good long look at the perfect skin, exceptional curvature and outrageous size of her breasts. She smirks and blows me a kiss. As one might imagine, everyone has sex on the brain right now.

  For a moment or two I bask in the heat coming from the window to my right and then head over to bed to watch Kim and Jenny are opening yet another bottle of chilled expensive champagne.

  These two are definitely part of some of the finest 'ladies' that Miami has produce yet, I assure you. I know this because it's only two o'clock in the afternoon and both of them are stumbling about my penthouse bedroom like sailors 10 minutes after leaving the closest titty bar to their ship on their first outing in 10 months since leaving port.

  “Over here,” I urge.

  They don't make a move towards me, so I try again – this time with a large amount of hand gestures and waving motions to catch their, often, wandering attention. Their heels clack with uneven timing on the polished wooden floor when they eventually decide to simper over my way.

  Based on the sultry Texan tones of her accent my new friend Kim is from out of town. She's a little strange as the woman, no matter what I try, from stern faces to comical ones, cannot seem to stop laughing. That's fine though as she's the personification of the bleached super blond who hasn't turned to abusing peroxide too much and stands 5ft nothing with the biggest all natural boobs you've ever seen.

  To put that statement into perspective, as these can't go without a decent description, Kim's breasts are so insanely big that her ultra tiny bikini top (that's all she's wearing) looks like one of the rubber bands from my work desk in the corner. It's like someone took a perfectly respectable swath of colorful material, shrunk it several times and then shaped it into something that barely hides her nipples with how erect they are right now.

  Kim laughs loudly and leaps onto the bed. Her bikini loses traction on the lightly sweating expanse of her skin and falls down to be lost in the lower grove of her breasts. She lands with a big thump on the mattress and bounces back to crawl up my legs to fumble around between them.

  “I found the di---ck---” she slurs.

  The other woman pops down on the side of the bed with the newly opened bottle of champagne in hand. Kim is here visiting the small woman. She has tiny tits that are hidden by her long brown curly hair and a fat, fat, gorgeous ass, which a certain singer known for her wide rear might find envy in, and is built in that way that only women who are both beautiful and muscular can achieve.

  I look from one to the other and can't help but grin. To say that I'm in for a treat today would be underrating how awesome this situation is.

  The brunette takes a long and full slurp and pours the dregs in the bottom of the bottle all over my chest. It's cool and wet and slides down the sides of my body.

  “I flavored you.”

  Kim starts laughing again and they both join in the middle to lick off the sticky champagne.

  “Did I say I found the dick?” Kim asks.

  “I think you did.”

  “What should I do with it? Miami guys probably like all kinds of wild stuff.”

  They are ignoring me. With the way Kim is pumping on my cock, I don't mind if they do.

  “What do you do back home?”

  “Well... first...”

  Kim grabs Jenny and pulls her down beside her. The two women nestle against my leg.

  “We run our hands up and down it to make sure the dig
ger is nice and hard for the digging.”

  Jenny snorts. “They actually say that?”

  “It's an agricultural thing,” Kim confirms sagely.

  My mind throws up an image of sunny, warm fields and lines of different types of produce being grown on multiple farms. Somewhere someone grew those huge tits of Kim's. They are so soft against my leg that they would make a better cushion to sleep on than my pillow, which is very expensive and supposed to help fix my neck when it plays up (Yes, even the rich have problems like that.)

  They both slide down the smooth maroon sheets to line themselves up on either side of my cock and give it a loving tug – one hand around the base and the other around the tip with room to spare because their hands are so small.

  “He's big,” Kim notes.

  Jenny smirks. “I've seen bigger.”

  “Oh my, I really do have such slutty friends,” Kim teases.

  The woman leans forward and runs the tip of her index finger around and around on the dripping wet flesh underneath my foreskin and purrs, “She didn't mean what she said, Mr. Dick.”

  I shake my head. Now I'm a dick with a man's body attached? Somehow the role is kind of hot.

  “If you love him so much you better give him a taste then.”

  Kim is quick to agree. “Definitely.”

  For all the words they used getting to the event, neither seems keen to let the other have her wicked way with my cock. I watch them slowly draw out their gorgeous pink tongues and tease the edges of my shaft on either side with the tips. I can firmly say from the angle than I'm staring down at them that I have yet to see two healthier throats: Pink, wonderfully wet and oh-so-ready.

  The instant that their greedy tongues touch they start lapping up either side like it's a race to see who can take me to heaven first.

  “SHHHHHIIIII----!” I cry out.

  It's like a fairy broke in through the window, shoulder first and hard enough to crack the glass, and liberally spread star dust all over the tip of my cock. The way they are suckling the sides and rolling their tongues against the flesh provides me with some very special sensations.