Exposed Wives Read online

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  As strange it may seem, I admire both his boldness and naturalness. Brian would never do such a thing. I’d never dare either. And yet Scott is there, speaking with a stranger naked man and with his topless beautiful woman.

  It doesn’t take much time before he comes back to us. Being the wine making me bolder or the little jealousy I felt towards the other woman, I find myself looking at his crotch again, as he sits down. And another rush of blood gets to my face when it’s clear he is now even more excited than before. Is that woman so beautiful? Or is it only because… because she is almost naked? I wonder if every woman feels inadequate like me, when looking at younger, prettier ones.

  “They were the ones asking how come we are wearing our swimwear, actually,” he laughs. “I told them we’ll consider removing it,” he adds winking at me.

  Such boldness, asking me to get naked straight in front of my husband.

  “Well, I’ll get bare first, OK?” he says, following up to his previous words and sliding his swim trunks down his thighs, then beyond his ankles. In a couple of seconds, he is in front of us, completely naked.

  Looking at him from the side, though I can’t see anything but his naked hip. Nonetheless, the day has taken a turn I wasn’t expecting. Here I am, looking at my naked husband’s boss.

  “Right, right,” Brian says when Scott requests him to cooperate.

  So he quickly takes off his trunks, too. I look at my hubby, surprised. The Brian I know would never do anything like that. He must really, really feel the pressure of the situation.

  And then Scott speaks again, this time to me.

  “As much as I saw so far, you’re quite the uninhibited type, Nicole,” he says looking straight into my eyes first, and then slowly lowering his eyes to my breast, to my crotch, to my legs and feet. I feel explored, scanned.

  Uninhibited? Me? More than him or Brian getting naked in front of me, this is the biggest shock for me, today. Does he really think I am… I am usually like this? Is this what he thinks now, after I let my husband expose my body to him?

  “Surely, Nicole will get undressed soon,” Brian says caressing my back. His hand slides down my neck, following the line of my spinal cord, until it stops right at the knot holding my bra in place. Then, without waiting for me to express my opinion, he pulls the string to let my tits fall down the bottom of the yellow triangles covering them. “Right, dear?”

  I quickly cover them with an arm.

  “What are y-”

  But as soon as I meet my hubby’s eyes, I understand I’ll eventually have to resign. Those are eyes of a beggar: pitiful eyes telling me to help him, to abide by his wishes for the sake of his – ultimately our – lives.

  I let him take away my yellow bra, then raise my eyes to look in front of me.

  Scott is doing nothing to conceal his interest in me.

  “You’re so lucky, Brian,” he says. “You have a beautiful wife.”

  Again, my face reddens in an instant. But as if I’m given strength by Scott’s words, my arm slowly slides down my stomach, revealing him – and everybody in the beach – my naked breasts, and the small piercing adorning one of my hard nipples.

  “I’m speechless,” my husband’s boss continues. “I wish I had a girlfriend like her. Lucky man, pal,” he adds giving a light punch on my hubby’s shoulder.

  “Wanna rent her?” Brian laughs back.

  Looking at them, an external observer would think they are close friends: all but a boss and his underling. As for me, I wonder how can Brian speak like that: is he even aware of the fact that most women would wait in line to get their hands on such a nice body, as Scott’s? Is he even aware that having him around us has excited me as I’ve never been – even at Scott’s fault – in the past months? And yet, now I would easily fall prey to such a man if I was left alone with him.

  And as if destiny wants to play tricks on me, right while I’m thinking about it, my hubby stands up and says he’s going to get other beers and wine, then quickly disappear.


  Scott just looks at me for a couple of seconds. I feel his eyes everywhere: stopping at my neck, at my breast, my stomach. I feel imperfect, fat, even if I know that I am not. I’m aware of the drops of sweat lining the hollow of my neck, the wrinkles just below my breasts. And yet, instead of covering myself, I stay motionless – my legs slightly open and my elbows supporting my raised chest – and just look at him back.

  “I wasn’t being polite,” he says.

  I know he meant it. He has been eating me with his eyes for the past hours… he must fancy me to some extent. But beautiful? I bet he can get prettier women whenever he wants, I fear what he likes about me is the fact I’m taboo, the fact I’m his underling’s, untouchable woman.

  In any case, it’s not me who decided to do this. I wonder if Brian will still be so happy if I stop being passive, in this wicked game he decided to play. I wonder what will happen if I put him to test.

  “Would you add me some more oil?”

  Yes, it’s me who just said that. Unbelievable, right? I’m trembling, as I wait for his answer. This will be my revenge against my hubby, for using me as he pleases. He’ll come back from the bar, he’ll see his boss touching me, he’ll get mad and bring me home. Maybe he’ll fuck me, finally, to take back possession of what’s his.

  Scott smiles at me with such a daring grin that, for a moment, I hope my husband will come back right away. But his boss takes the oil and comes to sit at my side, while I get on my four – exposing my hanging breasts in the process – and then lay on my stomach. I’m here, almost naked, giving myself to a stranger.

  Please, Brian, come back soon.

  His hands spread oil on my shoulders and arms, then on my back and sides, doing nothing to avoid contact with my squashed tits.

  Please, Brian, come back soon.

  His strong fingers slide down my spine, tracing gentle circles that give me the chills. A man I’ve never met before is touching my back, sliding his hands down… grazing my butt now – Oh God! – sliding an inch past the band of my bikini panties, and then down my buttocks. My husband’s boss is touching my ass!

  Please, Brian, come back soon.

  His thumbs dare to push against the crack of my butt, and lower, grazing my swollen, needy lips, before reaching my inner thighs and continuing spreading the oil to my knees, calves, ankles.

  I’m doing my best not to moan, now, but my body reacts on his own, and when he slides his hands back up my thighs and grazes my pussy once again, my hips move by themselves to reach out to his fingers. I feel ashamed. Am I really trying to get revenge on my husband, or I’m just looking for an excuse to give myself to this powerful man?

  Please, Brian, don’t come back, now.

  But I know the steps approaching us very well, and yet Scott is not removing his hands from my thighs.

  “Here’s the beer,” I hear Brian saying.

  “Thanks, mind if I finish helping your wife?”

  How am I going to face him, now? He had to get angry, he had to punch Scott, to command him to disappear in an instant… not to look at me, being shamefully touched by him like this.

  “Go ahead, at least I don’t’ have to do it,” Brian says in a laugh.

  “It’s OK,” I say turning around, avoiding eye contact with my hubby. “It’s enough.”

  “What about your front?” Brian asks.

  Fucking husband. Would he let his boss touch my tits if it means keeping his job?

  “No need for it, I can do it by myself,” I say, pouring some oil on my chest, and starting to spread it. Now I’m aware of the eyes of both my husband and Scott, and when I divert my sight to the sea I realize even the other woman is looking in my direction. I’m fondling my breast with oil, as the worst slut would do, in front of my husband’s boss. Does making this to keep a job, equals doing it for money? Am I officially selling myself to get a benefit?

  I finish to oil myself quickly.

  “I’ll g
o for another swim,” Scott says. “I definitely need it.”

  As I look at him walking away, I can’t avoid noticing that the thing hanging between his legs has gotten bigger.

  I turned him on, and he’s not even trying to hide it.


  “For once, stop covering yourself!” Brian says as soon as Scott is out of the hearing range. “Do you want me to get fired that much?” he says. “You keep on covering yourself, and avoiding Scott’s advances.”

  “What… what the fuck Brian, are you willing to sell your wife just to… just to keep your job?” I ask back.

  “It’s our job, Nicole. You don’t work, and if I lose this, we’re both fucked,” he groans. “So do your share!”

  “I’m not a slut,” I hiss back.

  The tension between us seems to be going to explode, but then his face suddenly relaxes.

  “I know… I know, sweetie,” he says now, caressing my arm. “I just want you to… to give him some other reason to be interested in me.”

  “And those other reasons would be my... my tits, my ass, my fucking wet cunt?”

  Biran doesn’t notice the adjective I just used. Otherwise, he’d surely ask if I’m really wet, now.

  “He said you’re beautiful, and he’s right.”

  The sudden compliment feels out of place.

  “So, what do you want me to do?”

  “Just... just let it go, OK?”

  “You mean, I should let him look at me? Or even show more of myself to him? Or even…” I shiver at the thought “let he touch me?”

  “You just let him touch your ass, for god’s sake! I saw it!” he whisper-shouts back. “What’s the problem with a little peek, now?”

  He didn’t understand my reasons, and now it’s complicated to explain them to him. In his eyes, I was just flirting with his boss. And maybe, as bad as I feel realizing it, I indeed was.

  “Just look at me when you don't’ know what to do, OK?” he asks, calming down again.

  “I don’t know, Brian… I’m not sure about this...”

  But when he leans to kiss me – for the first time, today – I notice his fully erected cock between his legs. Only now I start suspecting, that keeping his job is not his only motive to show me off.

  He just likes to do so.


  When Scott comes back, he is the first to notice that the other woman has gotten completely naked. She is now standing in front of her man without worrying to cover her nudities. She seems so natural, taking selfies with her man undressed like that. I almost envy her this attitude.

  “Well, it has to be expected in a nudist beach,” he says to my husband, and Brian nods in approval.

  “Everyone is naked now,” my husband says, looking at me.

  “I really can’t-” I try to say, but again, my husband’s eyes piercing my soul tell me what he wants me to do. By now, I would not be surprised if he told his boss to fuck me, really. And frankly, I think I would let him do.

  I look away while I slide my thumbs on the bikini bottom straps and pull them down my thighs. I keep my legs closed while I kick my last piece of clothing away, and even when I’m finally, totally naked. Then I grab my wine and take a long sip, just to avoid the two men eyes a while longer.

  When I put away my glass and look up again, only Scott is looking at me. Brian seems more interested in the younger woman still standing a couple of meters from us.

  “My ex used to have such a piercing, too. Doesn’t it hurt?” Scott asks, at some point. ”Her nipple would always get irritated, so much she had to remove it, in the end.”

  He’s bluntly looking at my breast, at my nipples. And I can’t tell him not to do so.

  No, I want him to look at me more, because these butterflies I feel down my stomach, aren’t of anger anymore.

  “I’m OK with it, never had any issue,” I say.

  “Not even with you other piercing,” Brian adds.

  My legs have been closed all the time, and my mound covered with a hand to prevent him to catch glimpses of my sex. There is no way he would even imagine I have a piercing on my clit. And yet my hubby is bluntly telling him so.

  “Other piercing?” Scott asks.

  “Between her legs,” Brian says. He seems strangely excited, almost in a hurry. “She got it before knowing me,” he adds.

  “It’s… it’s a thing of the past. I was just a teenager when I got it and… I just got used to it.”

  Both men’s eyes are stuck at my groin, expecting me to show them. I feel at a turning point, once again. Should I agree, and show this stranger my naked pussy? If I will, what will happen?

  “Open your legs,” Brian says. For the first time in our life together, more than a request, this feels like a command.

  And even as shy as I am, as shy as I feel, I execute it without saying a word, spreading my legs slowly, until the only thing covering my sex is my hand.

  “Mmmm… can’t see much like this,” Scott says, getting closer with his face.

  My husband’s boss is looking straight between my legs. And my pussy is so wet and sticky that, I know, if I’ll remove my hand, he’ll realize I’ve been horny all the time. I can’t do it, I don’t want to do it. And yet I crave to show him my dirtiness.

  “Look,” my husband says grabbing my wrist and tossing it away, revealing my shaved pussy to Scott, and with it the silver half ring that slice my skin just above my clit. “She’s never removed it in all the years I know her.”

  I cover my pussy back with my hand, but this time is Scott to grab it and, even if I try to offer resistance, I can’t put up with his strength, and I soon surrender, my pussy becoming visible to him, once again.

  “Mmmm… seems nice. I bet it feels great when it gets sucked, right?”

  Such a question! Scott has lost all his filters, and I don’t have anything to protect myself, anymore. I’m exposed, and I feel like I can be myself, with him, as I didn’t for long.

  For a moment, I want to shout at him that I have not been licked for years, but I just look down my stomach and stare at my swollen, wet, exposed lips. I need to see exactly what he is seeing. I’m pulsating so much, I think I may cum in a couple of seconds if someone would suck me for real.

  “Dunno about licking, but if you pull it like this, she always moans in pleasure,” Brian says reaching out to my ring and pulling my clit – and with it my lips – towards his boss’s face.

  This time, I moan for real. Two men are looking at my pussy, playing with my clit. One of them is my husband’s boss, someone I had never seen before today.

  “You don’t lick your wife?” Scott asks, genuinely surprised.

  “No… he doesn’t,” I answer this time, panting.

  “That’s why you’re so sensitive there, then,” Scott says grabbing the jewel from my husband’s finger and pulling it himself.

  Please, don’t look at me.

  I moan again, feeling juices flowing out my pussy, on the towel. I must be such a sticky mess down there, and both men must be looking straight at it… at my big labia spread, covered in dirty white residues of juices, at my turgid clit, being pulled and released by my husband’s boss.

  Please, don’t look at me.

  “Don’t you need to get some relief?” he asks.

  “Not me. I said I don’t’ like it,” Brian says. “Go ahead, if you want.”

  It’s done. My husband has just given me to his boss, and there’s no way I’m going to stop him from licking my pussy, now.

  Please, look at me. Lick me, finger me, use me.

  “You… you are right… I… I need to be licked,” I say.

  I’m too horny. I need an orgasm, I need my pussy to stop being so sensitive, swollen. I need to get back in control of myself… and I can’t do it until I cum.

  When Scott spreads my legs and leans between them, my head is spinning, more from the anticipation than the alcohol.

  Please, just lick it already.

first contact between his tongue and my pussy fills me with electricity. But instead of going straight to my clit, he licks my slit bottom-up, shoving his tongue between my swollen lips until it meets my pierced clit.

  I have forgotten about the other three persons on the beach, I have forgotten about swimmers who may see what’s happening. It’s me, my spread legs, and a man giving me sensations I had long forgotten. I can’t even sense my husband anymore, as I lie on the towel with my eyes closed.

  My heart echoes in my chest, my mind feels foggy, overwhelmed. Scott is incredible: he is so gentle, yet applying the right amount of pressure, being rough enough to keep me on the edge, using the jewel to enhance my sensations… he knows how to drive a woman to the edge.

  I wriggle, moaning, grabbing his bald head and pushing it towards my sex. My long awaited orgasm is growing inside me so quickly, I know I’ll soon lose control of myself. I barely feel my husband’s hand grabbing mine, and yet that single contact makes me aware, once again, of his presence, of a stranger licking my pussy and the other three who could be looking at me, right now.

  And I explode, grasping Scott’s head with my thighs, keeping it pressed against my pussy as he laps and licks, as he teases my clit wrapped by his lips until the last spasm of my climax fades away and all remains is me, lying on the towel, exhausted by the strength of the unexpected pleasure.

  But I know already, that I have no time to rest. I become aware of a presence close to my face. Brian has knelt right at my side, and his hard cock is standing proudly as it has never done, just an inch from my mouth.

  Only now I begin hearing the voices, and I wonder if they’ve been there all the time.

  “Suck him… such a wonderful orgasm… blow him… beautiful pussy…”

  It’s the two men and the woman. They have come closer and are encouraging me to show off more.

  I don’t know if such a situation is common or not. I remember I read about some nudist beach, somewhere in the world, where people are free to fuck and others to watch. In some cases, people watching is even involved in the acts, to some extent.