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- Linda Louise Rigsbee
Courtship of the Recluse Page 4
Courtship of the Recluse Read online
Page 4
After nearly an hour of riding, they descended the steep walls of a draw and followed it to a small valley. Protected from the harsh winter storms, the valley was already lush and green. The valley was speckled with healthy Angus cattle. Here and there, calves frolicked with each other, kicking their heels in the air and bellowing their delight at the balmy weather. The adults ignored them, grazing contentedly on the deep grass.
They rode through the herd, which paid little attention to their passage. The animals were sleek and their black fur shone in the sunlight. Cynthia leaned over as they drew near one and tried to pet it, but the cow moved away a few steps and began grazing again. She glanced up to find Cade watching her. His pupils were contracted by the bright sunlight and his light green eyes contrasted sharply with his bronze tan. At that moment he was surprisingly attractive.
She smiled at him. “I guess they’re not as tame as they look.”
He shrugged. “I’m the only human they see most of the time, and I represent no harm to them. This is the herd I’ve been developing for about five years. I started with a few select cows and a good bull. I replaced the bull last year to prevent inbreeding, but I’ve been pleased with the offspring.”
“They’re beautiful. I don’t know what traits you look for in beef cattle, but they look healthy.”
He nodded. “They are, and hardy.” He turned his horse and started through the herd. “Come on. I want to show you something.”
She followed him across the valley and up a steep slope. The inside of her legs were so sore that walking might be more comfortable. He probably didn’t realize she wasn’t used to riding.
They rode across a mesa and descended to a wide creek. The grass around the creek was new, giving it a velvety look. The creek was clear and swift. When they paused on the bank, she could stand the pain no longer. Leaning into one stirrup, she forced her other leg over the back of the horse and dismounted. Her legs were so numb that she staggered and grabbed the stirrup. The horse snorted and sidestepped, letting her fall to the ground.
Instantly Cade was beside her, helping her up. “Why didn’t you say you were tired? We could have stopped any time.”
Her face was hot as she pushed away from him, avoiding his gaze. What a pansy he must think she was.
“I’m all right. I’m just a little stiff.”
Actually, her legs felt like stumps and her groin muscles were knotted with pain. She hobbled to the edge of the creek. The surface of the water ruptured, spewing a colorful fish into the air. The fish flipped and dived back into the water. Cynthia gasped. Did you see that?” she asked breathlessly. It looked like a Rainbow Trout. She leaned forward, examining the lurking figures under the surface. “There are lots of them. Do you ever fish here?”
He shook his head. “I’m not much of a fisherman.”
“Oh, I’d love to come here and fish sometime. Would you mind?”
He gazed down the creek, his expression unreadable. “As long as you eat what you catch. I don’t believe in catch-and-release except if the fish is simply too small. We Americans have a nasty habit of playing with our food - like a cat. If you hunt, it should be for food, not pleasure.”
She couldn’t agree with him more, but it was an unusual viewpoint for a man. She stretched and walked around, gradually gaining feeling in her legs. That might have been a mistake. Every muscle complained so painfully that she wished the numbness would return. She tried to work the muscles in her lower back with her fingertips, but the effort was worse than the benefit.
Suddenly strong fingers began working her shoulder muscles, delightfully descending to the muscles on either side of her spine. She moaned.
“Oh, that feels so good. You can’t imagine how sore I am.”
“Do you want to go back?”
“How long have we been out?”
“About three hours.”
Three more hours back? How could she endure the ride? She tried to smile cheerfully as she looked at him over one shoulder. “Aren’t you getting hungry? I’ll be fine after we rest for a little bit.”
“Sure.” The fingers ceased their massage and he took her arm, leading her to a dry rock. “Why don’t you rest here a few minutes and I’ll do the serving for once.”
“But I can...”
His hand pressed down on her shoulder. “So can I. I got along before I hired you and I think I can manage one meal now.”
She stretched out on the rock, its warmth penetrating her shirt and further relaxing her muscles. Closing her eyes against the bright sunlight, she absorbed its warmth. She breathed deeply of the clear air and listened to the sound of the creek darting over rocks - swirling against its banks. Somewhere in the distance, a Meadowlark called, its melodic song adding sweetness to the smell of wild roses. It was spring again - at last.
“Are you asleep?”
She opened her eyes and squinted up at him through the sunlight. Languidly lifting a hand, she shaded her eyes and smiled at him.
“No. I’m enjoying this immensely, though.” She took the sandwich he offered and grinned. “Is this what you do out here all day long?”
The lips twitched and a brow quirked. “Do you want to swap jobs?”
She laughed. “Only if this is all I have to do.”
He squatted beside her and scanned the horizon soberly. “If you figure out a way to do this all day and still make the ranch turn a profit, you could make a fortune teaching your method at seminars.”
She sat up and glanced around at the magnificent scenery. “I know the work is hard and the weather is forbidding at times, but do you know how lucky you are?”
He stared at her intently while he chewed a mouthful of food. Finally he swallowed and nodded.
“I know, but there are a lot of people who don’t understand.”
She crossed her legs painfully and stared down at her sandwich. “Different strokes for different folks,” she quipped, and took a bite of the sandwich.
They ate in silence then, enjoying the tranquility of Mother Nature's work around them. Tomorrow would be another day at the house, and she intended to enjoy every minute of this day with Cade. He made an excellent companion, a fact that hadn’t occurred to her before that moment. Who would have thought it? Certainly she wouldn’t have on the day he offered her the job. But then, a lot of things had changed since that day.
He stood and walked to the edge of the creek, stooping to wash his hands. He was so meticulous - so thoroughly masculine and sexy. She stared down at her sandwich, shocked that the thought had crossed her mind. Cade...sexy? Yet there was something about the way he moved, so full of grace and power. Animal magnetism. That was it - nothing more.
She finished her sandwich and drank some coffee, shoving the thought to the deepest recesses of her mind. Cade was her boss, and thinking such things was not only disrespectful of him, but job threatening as well - especially if he suspected the existence of such thoughts.
Lunch finished, they mounted and started back to the house. The country was beautiful, poised on the edge of spring. A crisp wind caught up with them on the plateau, where not even a tree hindered its progress. She unfolded her jacket collar and hunkered down in the saddle, cold and miserable.
Cade reined in and pointed. Her gaze followed in the direction he indicated. About two hundred yards away a lone wolf stood poised for flight, watching them cautiously. Its legs were long and lean and its head was held low, ears erect. It looked hungry and cold. Cynthia glanced up at Cade.
“Do you lose many cattle to wolves?”
He shrugged. “It’s hard to say. I lose some cattle every year. Usually they succumb to the cold, heat or disease, but sometimes they simply disappear. Most of the losses are calves, though. There again, it’s hard to say whether they die from natural causes or attacks by predators. Of course, that includes Pumas and coyotes as well.”
The wolf finally decided they were no threat and turned his back on them, trotting away across the vast grassland.r />
“I noticed that you always carry a rifle when you go out. Do you ever shoot any wolves?”
He scowled at her. “The rifle is for emergencies only. I try to live in harmony with nature.” He watched the wolf disappear into the tall grass. “The fact is, when wolves attack a herd, they always take the weakest animal. That’s the natural selection process at work - survival of the fittest. Farmers don’t butcher their best animals, either. They leave them for breeding purposes. It’s the hunter that throws nature out of balance, selecting only the best game.”
“So you’re against hunters and fishermen?”
He glanced at her and his lip twitched. “No, I simply think there is a proper way to do things, and humans have a habit of doing what pleases them at the moment, not what is best for the future.”
“So you’re saying the wolves improve your herd by culling out the weakest animals?”
Again the lip twitched. “In a manner of speaking. Of course, it would be more profitable for the ranch if I culled those animals by taking them to the slaughter house.”
“That’s why the other ranchers want to kill off the wolf? To improve their profits?”
“More likely so they can stay in the black. I have enough acreage and cattle to absorb some of the loss. Most of the ranchers are barely getting along as it is.” He grimaced. “The trouble is; my ranch has been a safe haven and even headquarters for the wolf population around here. So far I don’t think I have a problem, but I have to consider those other ranchers when I decide how many wolves this land can support. The more they get to eat, the more offspring they will produce, and some of those offspring will need to stake out new territory. So far, deer and rabbits are easier for a few wolves to pull down than a healthy cow, but if the pack gets too big they may go after cattle. I don’t make the decisions alone, though. State game officials are involved as well.” He turned his horse and they started out again.
She hugged her arms and hunched down into her jacket, her teeth chattering. The more she learned about the way he thought, the more she was convinced that people around him were the strange ones, not Cade.
The next time she talked to Mary, she said as much. Mary smiled knowingly.
“I told you so.”
“Told me what?”
“You’d fall for him.”
Cynthia caught her breath. “I haven’t fallen for him. I was simply stating that I agree with the man.”
“Sure, and you haven’t entertained a single romantic thought about him?” Mary watched her intently.
Cynthia knew her face was getting red. She could feel the warmth of the blush as it crawled up her neck. She rolled her eyes. “Don’t be silly. He’s a good eight years older than I am.”
“Six, but who’s counting? Oh, I forgot. You were the one who thought about it long enough to calculate it out.” Mary smiled; a devilish twinkle in her eye.
The blush was developing into a burning flame. “Nothing is going on, if that’s what you’re getting at.”
Mary shrugged. “Not yet, anyway.”
Cynthia winced. “Don’t you have any faith in me at all?”
Mary gnawed on her lower lip and it was her turn to blush. “I’m sorry. I guess I’m judging you by what I’d be doing in your shoes. I had an awful crush on him when we were in high school. He was the one that kept me honest. I sure didn’t have that much will power.”
Cynthia sighed. “I thought you were mighty interested in him. I should have known. Well, he isn’t interested in me, so the door is still open for you.”
Mary studied her reflectively and finally spoke in a hushed tone, as if she didn’t actually want to know the answer to her question.
“You say he’s not interested in you. Are you interested in him?”
The blood bounded back into her neck. “Only as a friend.”
Mary smiled and the twinkle came back into her eyes. “Now he’s a friend. Before that he was a boss. What will it be a month from now? Don’t try to fool an old fool. I can tell by the color in your cheeks. You’re falling for him.”
“I am not,” she snapped and then shrugged. “Let’s not argue about it.”
Mary lifted her brows and then nodded. “All right, let’s talk about something else. How is it going with Scruffy?”
Thankful for the change of subject, Cynthia launched into a description of her latest conquests with the cat, again tucking that nagging doubt to the back of her mind. Thinking about Cade in that way could lead to no good. She was simply lonely out there and he was good company - the only company.
Gradually winter released its grip and flowers erupted from the ground in celebration of spring. Even Scruffy seemed to acknowledge its arrival, allowing Cynthia to remain on the porch when he ate the table scraps. Eventually her attempts to tame him paid off, and he allowed her to touch him - provided she was careful not to move too quickly. Not unlike another male on the ranch.
Cade was trying to be accommodating, but sometimes he was as skittish about conversation as the cat was about being touched - and likely for the same reason. Neither of them had a clue what was on her mind. In Cade’s case, that was probably a blessing at times. Hopefully he had no idea how her heart beat double time occasionally at the strangest things. Like the way his broad shoulders swayed so gracefully with each step as he strode to the corral - or the way he lounged in a doorway, coffee in one hand, one long leg thrown carelessly over the other. And lately her curiosity had been going beyond the usual questions about his mysterious family tree - beyond the questing of his vast knowledge of the ranch. Was it normal to have sudden flashing questions like...what would it be like to kiss him? Was it simply loneliness? Most important, did he ever suspect her foolish thoughts? If he did, he gave no indication. Although at times she caught him watching her thoughtfully. Thankfully it had never been one of the times that she was thinking about him though. Otherwise her expression might have revealed her torrid thoughts. She sighed and wandered through the spotless kitchen. She needed something else to do - something creative. She paused in the kitchen doorway, envisioning the family room redecorated. It wasn’t the first time she had done so, but this morning she had run across some curtains and rugs in the attic. Should she ask him about putting them up? So far she had never mentioned her excursions to the attic, but when things got too dull around the house, she went up to explore. The discovery of a second room in the attic had provided more hours of entertainment.
The radio was playing a waltz as she walked through the family room and she moved to the sway of it, dancing with an imaginary friend. She stopped, suddenly aware that Cade was propped against the kitchen door jam, nursing a cup of coffee. Warmth invaded her cheeks and she giggled nervously.
“Don’t just stand there. Come join me in a dance. This other guy keeps stepping on my toes.”
“I don’t do floors,” he answered dryly.
She laughed at his dry humor. “You mean you don’t know how to dance.”
He shook his head soberly. “No reason to learn. I’d rather not make a fool out of myself.” He turned and disappeared into the kitchen.
She snapped the radio off. Was he trying to tell her she was acting like a fool? Well, it must have looked that way. She shook her head. Supper was ready and he was probably hungry. But when she came into the kitchen he was nowhere in sight. She pulled the roast from the oven. The carrots and potatoes packed around it were the perfect consistency. She set the table and glanced up when the screen door squeaked.
He didn’t wear a coat today and his shirtsleeves were rolled up to reveal brown muscular forearms. The heart thing happened again and she busied herself at the table.
He crossed to the sink. “I’m starved.”
“It’s ready when you are.” She kept her face averted until the warmth left her cheeks. “I still don’t know how you can stand that cold wind.”
He dropped into his chair. “It feels warm today, but I always keep a light jacket
in my saddle bags. I need it when I get in the high country.” He accepted the platter of food and heaped his plate. They ate in silence until he finally turned a concerned gaze on her. “Is something on your mind?”
Her cheeks flushed again and in her desperate search for something to explain her preoccupation, she plunged into the subject of the curtains.
“You know, this house wouldn’t be as cold if there were some curtains on the window and some rugs on the floor.”
He took a sip of coffee before responding. “Curtains shut out the light. This place is dark enough as it is.” He took a bite of food and watched her intently. Finally he swallowed and spoke. “Does the cold bother you that much?”
“Sometimes. Anyway, it’s the paneling that makes the room so dark, not the curtains over the windows. If you use the right colors, and brighten the walls with a few large pictures, or some mirrors, it wouldn’t be so dark. The house could use a little cheerful decorating.”
For a minute she was afraid she had stepped over the line. He stared at her and frowned. Finally he spoke.
“You think the atmosphere in this house is depressing?”
“Don’t you?” Surely he must have noticed.
He gave his attention to the food in his plate. Was he angry? It was hard to tell. Either she had never seen him angry or he had cleverly concealed it - like every other emotion. Finally he finished his meal and scooted his chair back.
“Is that apple pie I smell?”
Why did he do that every time he disagreed with her? She scooted her chair back without responding and went to the laundry room where the pie was cooling. As she re-entered the kitchen, he watched her cross to the table. He rubbed his jaw reflectively.
“There are some curtains and rugs in the attic - I’m sure you’ve already found them. If you want to put them up, go ahead. I don’t spend that much time in the house anyway.”