Fire Rescue Read online

Page 3

  “So you believe me?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve always been a skeptic, calling ghosts and mediums and all that kind of stuff bullshit. But I know Granny had some kind of a gift. I just haven’t let myself think too much about it since she’s gone. The one thing I do believe is that if she could warn me, she sure as hell would.”

  “So you think I’m delivering a valid message?”

  He drew a long breath and held it for a moment. “Look, I’m attracted to you, big time. I won’t deny that and I think you like me too. I want to see a lot more of you, get to know you, and all that stuff.”

  Aislin’s body revved with a burst of desire. She could imagine the kind of ‘stuff’ he had in mind and she wanted it too. “But you think I’m either crazy or a charlatan?”

  Morgan laughed. “That brings it down to basics in a hurry but I don’t think you’re either.”

  “I’ve been called both, most of my life, and worse.”

  “So you’ve always had this gift?”

  “Yes, as long as I can remember. If you don’t think I’m crazy, what do you think?”

  “I want to believe you,” he told her. “And I’d like to kiss you again after we eat to see if it was as awesome as I remembered.”

  Heat curled lower than her belly and her mouth tingled with anticipation. “I’d like that,” she said. “I’d like it a lot.”

  “Good. That makes two of us.”

  Even with the potential kiss hovering between them, potent and filled with promise, Aislin enjoyed the pizza and the conversation. Morgan asked about some of the flowers and who had planted them, then they talked about nature. A pair of chattering squirrels in the branches of the pear tree caught their interest and they laughed when the creatures tossed twigs in their direction.

  “I like animals,” Aislin laughed. “Even ornery ones.”

  “Me, too. I’m fond of scenery too like the sunset.”

  Aislin glanced west and smiled. Vivid oranges lit the sky and a few darker clouds contrasted with the color in a gorgeous way. “That’s beautiful. I like dawn, too. As a little girl, I would get up early with my grandfather when I stayed at their house. He let me drink coffee and watch the sun rise. Those are good memories.”

  Morgan nodded. “It sounds like it. Speaking of grandparents, is Granny around?”

  Before she answered, Aislin scanned the patio. “She’s not at present, no. Why?”

  “I just wondered,” Morgan said. “Is, uh, anyone?”

  She almost laughed, then didn’t. He had a reasonable question. “No,” she said. “There’s not. Why?”

  “Because I don’t want an audience for this,” he answered.

  Before she could process, he rose and bent down to latch his mouth onto hers with precision. Morgan’s kiss kindled her passion and Aislin gave back the his fire with interest. His lips lingered on hers, caressing and demanding. The combination of gentleness with avid intent increased her passion. A fiery tide spread from her lips, down her throat and engulfed her breasts until her nipples hardened into taut points. Morgan’s breathing shifted into a rapid pace and he pulled her to her feet with one swift motion, then wrapped his arms tightly around her. Aislin leaned into him, greedy for more kisses, grateful for his solid body for support. His mouth brought hot flashes, then cold chills so deep she shivered. Between her legs, her pussy turned wet and ached with want. Her knees wobbled as he used his tongue to drive the kiss deeper and when Morgan rubbed her rock hard nipples with one hand, dizzy delight turned her head.

  When she came home from school and shopping, Aislin had changed into a favorite comfy tee and jeans but she hadn’t bothered with a bra. Morgan slipped his hand beneath her shirt and cupped her left breast in his hand. His strong hand fit and when he brushed the nipple with easy fingers, Aislin quivered. Pleasure rippled through her and she yearned for more. He intensified his kiss and she would lay down for him on the patio if he wanted.

  The remainder of the pizza went cold as the cheese on top congealed. Aislin tasted the beer in his mouth, the lingering flavor of the sausage on his tongue, and inhaled his utterly male essence. Morgan smelled of musky cologne and his natural scent, a heady mixture. If she hadn’t already been in heat, the aroma would have brought her there.

  His cock pressed against her belly, hardening beneath his pants and Aislin reached down to stroke it through the cloth. When it moved of its own accord, a fresh wave of want poured over her and turned up her inner thermostat. No man had ever kissed her with such fire or evoked passion with no more than deep kisses and a few caresses. He’s good, she thought, damn good.

  But Aislin had never been a fuck-on-the-first-date kind of gal and she didn’t intend to start now. She wanted to savor the intimacy, when and not if it came. Some old-fashioned morals clashed against her body’s urgent need and she wondered, through the wild, swirling sensation and emotion, if she might be tuned into Jenny more than she thought.

  The possibility was enough to put on the brakes. She pulled back, just a little and gazed at Morgan. Her lips must be swollen and the lipstick long vanished. Morgan paused and met her gaze “Problem?”

  She shook her head. “No, no problem, just this is happening fast. We’re not even on a date, not really and…”

  “And you’re afraid I’m a wolf about to prey on you.” The humor in his voice and the teasing light in his eyes saved what otherwise would have been embarrassing and might’ve put an end to any shot at a relationship.

  “Maybe I’m worried I’m a wanton temptress leading you astray,” Aislin replied with a grin.

  “I hadn’t thought of it but maybe you are,” Morgan replied. His grin fanned her inner fires hotter. “I don’t usually lose control before I’ve finished my pizza.”

  Aislin spread her hand over the table. It trembled slightly and she hoped he wouldn’t notice. “Help yourself.”

  “I’m done, I think,” he said. “If I can keep my hands off you, I’d like to talk, get to know you more. You intrigue me.”

  Although she couldn’t see it, she felt the blush spreading from her chest to forehead. “Likewise,” she told him. “Let me clear all this away, then.”

  The task would help settle her turbulent body and ground her thoughts. “I can help.”

  If he did, they would brush against each other and so she shook her head. “I’ve got this but if you want to drag those two big chairs under the pear tree, we can watch the sunset. There’s an awesome view and if you want another beer, I’ll bring one from the kitchen.”

  “No, thanks,” Morgan said. “I want my head clear, no buzz, as we get acquainted.”

  By the time she carried in the leftover pizza, their plates, and trash, the sun had dropped lower. Morgan had placed the two Adirondack chairs in the perfect spot beneath the branches of the pear tree, close but not near enough to do more than hold hands. She liked that and settled into the empty seat. “This is perfect.”

  He nodded. “It’s pretty damn cool. So you like sunsets?”

  “And sunrise and rainbows and walking in the rain,” Aislin answered. “I love to watch thunderstorms roll in from the west, too.”

  “There’s a power and energy in them,” Morgan said. “I enjoy that too. Sometimes I fill in as a weather spotter when I’m not on duty. Do you like the woods, too?”

  “I love them. I don’t always have time but when it’s possible, I like to go mushroom hunting in the spring and on nature walks especially in the fall. What about water—you know, lakes, ponds, rivers?”

  “All of the above,” Morgan said. “I like to fish, sometimes, but I enjoy just sitting beside or being out on the water just as much, maybe more.”

  They exchanged big, sappy smiles. Common tastes made companionship easier and Aislin could envision future dates spent in favorite places. The sky turned all dark and orange and purple as they watched the sun slide down beyond the horizon but even after the stars came out, they remained, talking. They loved some of the same movies and boo

  “I like bagpipes,” he told her with a sheepish grin.

  “So do I, especially with drums,” Aislin cried. “Scotland the Brave?”

  “Yeah, totally,” Morgan said. “I’ve even thought of buying a kilt.”

  “You should.” Imagining how he would look it one made her hot again.

  A cool breeze rifled her hair and she shivered.

  “Are you cold?”

  “No,” she said. Aislin reached for his hand and held it, the first time she’d dared to touch him since the kiss. “But it’s getting late and I work tomorrow, plus I have a hot date with a fireman.”

  “I forgot you’re not off tomorrow too,” he said. “It’s almost midnight. I’ll get out of here so you can get some rest.”

  Somehow, she doubted she would be able to sleep but Aislin nodded. “Sure. Let me walk you back through the house.”

  At the front door, he kissed her again, brief but just as passionate. “I don’t know how much longer I can wait,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Soon,” she said.

  After talking for hours, she knew him more and wanted him more, not just in her bed but in her life. Once in bed, her fingers strayed to her pussy and she stroked herself, thinking of Morgan, imagining sex with him. Somehow, she didn’t doubt it would be all she dreamed about – and maybe more.

  Chapter Four

  At five-fifteen on Thursday, Aislin checked her make-up for the third time and teased her hair a little more. She spritzed on her favorite soft rose fragrance and almost dropped the atomizer when the doorbell chimed. Nervous and eager with anticipation for her first real date with Morgan, she became clumsy.

  Aislin almost fell down the stairs in her rush. When she opened the door, Morgan stood there with a grin and a bouquet of deep pink roses in his arms.

  “Hi,” he said. “I brought these for you.”

  “They’re gorgeous, thank you. Come in and I’ll put them in water.”

  He followed, the tension between them strung taut as barbed wire and the heat shimmered invisible in the air. It didn’t take her sixth sense to know they’d be in bed before the night ended. If they didn’t, they would both suffer from need.

  Reaching for a vase tucked on the highest shelf in the kitchen, Aislin stood on her tiptoes and almost toppled. “Whoops!”

  Morgan wrapped his hands around her waist and held her steady. “Easy, honey. I can get the vase for you.”

  His fingers radiated heat through her thin blouse, but she managed to say, “Okay, thanks.”

  With ease, he plucked it from the shelf and placed it on the counter. Morgan faced her and they gazed at one another. Like a match touched to a candle’s wick, his eyes ignited her desire. She longed to kiss him, to run her hands over his body, and feel the strength of his muscles beneath her touch. Aislin stepped toward him as he snatched her into his embrace.

  “Kiss me,” he said.

  She didn’t require any encouragement. Their mouths latched together with the furious force of two storm fronts colliding. Aislin tasted the faint lingering malt of a beer on his lips. His mouth burned against hers, needy and greedy. Morgan kissed her long and hard, his tongue darting into her mouth with daring. Her body charged with sudden electricity, her breasts tender, nipples hard as pebbles, and pussy wet as a spring rain. He held her tight in his arms as he devoured her lips.

  Aislin let her fingers stray into his short hair and stroked it the way she ached to caress his body. Morgan shifted to allow enough space between them for his hand to grasp her breast and squeeze. Although his tongue was within her mouth, she moaned from deep down as a surge of pleasure swept through her blood with raging heat. He fondled her nipple through the fabric and her body tensed tightly with growing want.

  Morgan combed one hand through her long curls, then pulled his mouth back from hers.

  “Do you want to eat or fuck?” he said in a low voice.

  “Fuck me,” she said. Her words were almost a whimper in her desperation, in her rising desire and urgent want. “The bedroom’s upstairs to the right.”

  He swept her up into his arms. “There’s a couch in the next room.”

  “Oh, God, yes, yes.”

  On the way, they stripped clothing faster than a street hoochie, her blouse falling to the floor beside his shirt. His deft fingers undid the button and zipper on her jeans. Morgan stepped out of his own pants, then ripped away her bra and she removed her panties. He wore neither boxers nor briefs, just pure man and at the first sight of his cock, Aislin sighed with appreciation. That saying about feet and dicks isn’t some old wives’ tale after all, she thought as she compared the size of his large feet to his member.

  Next thing she knew, she lay on her back on the couch with her legs stretched wide. One rested on top of the sofa, the other hooked around his body as he came in hard and fast to enter her. Aislin grasped his shoulders to pull him closer, whimpering with want. Morgan supported his weight with hands planted on either side of her body, then thrust into her hot pussy.

  Aislin cried out as he entered, as his dick slipped into her warmth and fit tightly. She tensed her ass to caress his dick with her inner walls. He thrust in and out in a rhythm older than time but paced it. Each stroke delivered a new burst of incredible delight and her need for release grew with each delightful sensation. She used her fingers to tweak his nipples, to fondle them with just enough force to create a fine line between pleasure and pain.

  Morgan pumped into her and came, taking her with him as he spasmed hard, gasping, and moaning as he came. Aislin screamed in those last moments, as she hit orgasm, her body convulsing with such intensity she thought she might die of such physical rapture. She clung to him so tightly her fingernails left marks in his upper arms and when she shuddered back to earth, half-blind, breathing rapidly, sweaty and spent, she couldn’t remember such a magnificent culmination, ever.

  He balanced on top of her, his dick resting against her leg. He hadn’t bothered with protection. Thank God I’m on the pill. Aislin lifted a lazy hand to stroke his cheek and he opened his eyes. “That was fantastic.”

  “Yes, it was,” she said. Now, she supposed they would shower together, get dressed, then go out for a burger. That’s how things usually went but this time, Aislin didn’t want to. She would rather stay here, naked and explore his body further.

  As if he picked up on her desire, Morgan grinned. “Let’s go upstairs and do it again,” he said. “We’ll go slower this time. Are you up for it?”


  Neither retrieved their scattered clothing as they untangled. They ran, laughing up the stairs and into her bedroom. Aislin pulled the soft, satin comforter from the bed and turned to him. She wondered how they would start over, what way they could recapture the mood and wondered what happened if they couldn’t.

  Morgan walked over to her stereo and turned on the CD. The delightful, uplifting, joyous music of Mannheim Steamroller filled the room. He gazed over Aislin, from her crooked toes to her tangled hair. “You’re Goddamn beautiful,” he said. “You’re prettier than any woman I’ve ever known and I want you. If you don’t believe me, look.”

  His cock stood at attention, straighter than a soldier at inspection. At the sight of it, Aislin melted. She ogled Morgan’s lean, muscular body, admiring the way his broad torso narrowed to his lower abdomen and then tapered to his long legs. “You’re beautiful, too,” she said, breathless. “Like a statue or a model or something.”

  “So love me,” he told her.

  This time, neither hurried. They stood facing one another and caressed with slow hands, easy fingers. Aislin stroked his cheek, rubbed his chest until his nipples turned proud, and ran her hand over the flat of his belly. She cupped his cock between her hands, delighting in his small moans as she touched and teased. Then she knelt down to run her fingers down his legs, marveling at his rock-hard calves. Aislin reached up and took his dick again. This time, she clutched it in one hand and worked it hard. He
groaned as it grew even stiffer. Then she took the length of it into her mouth and suckled, first gently, then with increasing fervor until she feared he would explode into her mouth.

  His fingers tugged at her hair. “Bed,” he managed to say.

  She threw herself across it and brought up her knees, then spread them wide. Although he wore the delicious agony of waiting on his face, Morgan didn’t enter her yet. Instead, he kissed her, his mouth feverish against her lips. She could still taste his cock and now his mouth fired her up more. He kissed down her throat and then nibbled, using his teeth to break the skin to leave a tiny, tender love bite.

  Morgan kissed her breasts, then he suckled first one nipple and the other. He drew a harsh breath as he did and she admired his restraint because hers had long since gone. His warm lips tickled as he kissed down her belly and stopped at her mound. Aislin thought he might tongue her there, but he didn’t. Instead, he groaned once with such exquisite agony she realized he’d come to the end of his endurance. His mouth on her clit would have to wait for another time.

  He hammered into her, hard and fast. She cried out with the impact of it and the intense delight sweeping over her. Her body burned and she thought for sure the heat would consume her into ash. This time, when they came, it rocked her to the core of her body and being. They shuddered together and cried out, voices mingling, truly one in both a physical sense and in spirit for that moment.


  Chapter Five

  After that first wonderful, wicked, wanton night, they were together in every way, every day without restraint. They never did go out for a burger and beer on that fateful evening. Instead, they ate bologna sandwiches and talked deep into the night about everything but her fey gifts or his impending death. Morgan spent the night and although they were too weary to fuck again, Aislin enjoyed the masculine body beside her. She slept with one hand touching him and woke to his kiss.