Highest Bidder Collection Read online

Page 11

  “Mr. Stone, it’s Jackson.” Jackson Harris, my lawyer. “We have a situation.” I cringe at the ease in his voice. He doesn’t have a situation. He gets paid regardless. If my ex could afford him, he’d be on her team right now. He’s not loyal to me. Neither is my PR team, but I’ll pay them whatever they need to get this shit dealt with.

  “And that is?” I ask as though I don’t already know. Tricia’s been harassing the office, calling me nonstop. I’ve gotten her message, but apparently she hasn’t received mine.

  “Tricia’s refuting the legitimacy of the NDA.”

  I let his words sink in. During our divorce, she agreed to sign the NDA and legally cannot discuss any matters pertaining to our relationship during any period of time, married or otherwise. “I fail to see how that’s an issue. She’s contractually-”

  He cuts me off, “She can refute it, although she has no footing.”

  “Then how is this a problem?”

  “I’ve received several calls from Andrea, and it is apparent that Tricia has reached out to several editorials and is taking bids for her story.” My blood runs cold as I drive down the highway. My heart pumps harder in my chest and I try to focus and not be consumed with the anger that’s barely contained.

  Her story. As though she’s anything other than a gold digger. I gave her everything, and the moment she found someone else, she left me. She thought she had it made with me. But I worked too much. Always bitching that I needed to make more, but be home more. She was impossible to please.

  I tried. I fucking tried. I slam my fist down on the wheel. At least karma bit her in the ass and the asshole she cheated on me with left her. It would’ve been better if I could have proved that she was cheating. Then she would have walked away with far less.

  I take in a deep breath, pulling off of the interstate and getting closer to my penthouse.

  “She has nothing to lose, Lucian. We can sue her afterward, but the damage will be done.” I swallow thickly, hating that one mistake so many years ago can continue to cause me damage.

  “And what do you suggest?” I ask him.

  “We can pay her, or the magazines, but I imagine she’d be cheaper.” I scoff and look out of the window as I drive into the private garage and key in my personal PIN. I check the time, it’s six forty. My little treasure should be waiting for me.

  “She’s not getting anything. I refuse to pay her one cent.”

  Just as I say the words, the sound of an incoming call comes through the background.

  “It will be expensive not to pay her, Mr. Stone. We can always pay now and sue later.” His tone holds a hint of a warning, letting me know he doesn’t approve, but I don’t give a fuck. He works for me, and I don’t care how much money I have to spend to make sure she doesn’t profit off a damn thing from me anymore.

  “No. She gets nothing.” I end the call and answer the next, pulling my black R8 in next to the Aston Martin. I’m on the fourth floor of the garage. It’s private and all mine. I glance around the space as I answer, “Stone.”

  “Mr. Stone, this is Andrea from the agency, do you have a moment to speak with me?”

  I pinch the bridge of my nose and wish I could ignore these problems. Public relations is a pain in my ass.

  A long inhale calms me slightly as I say, “I’m listening.”

  “Given the current climate, I’ve been working with Alena and we feel it may be best if we were to combat the possibility of your ex’s story being released with a different form of press.”

  I open my mouth to remind her that in my opinion, no press is good press. I don’t want to be seen anywhere. I can’t even stand the business articles from Forbes and Business Insider. I’m not interested.

  “I understand that you prefer to stay out of the limelight, so to speak, but in my professional opinion…” she pauses on the phone and I find myself watching the digital dash, waiting for her to continue. “May I be frank with you, Mr. Stone?”

  “Yes.” I prefer if everyone were frank so I didn’t have to deal with fake bullshit.

  “Your wife has held this over your head for years, and her story is going to come out whether she profits from it or not, doesn’t matter. She’s going to go through with this. I think it’s best that we create an appearance now that will refute the picture she intends to paint.”

  I swallow thickly, staring straight ahead through the windshield at the grey cylinder blocks of the garage. I’m numb to this. There’s nothing that she can really do to hurt me. I glance at the elevator. I just want to get upstairs to my penthouse and go straight to the playroom.

  A small smile kicks my lips up. She’ll be waiting for me like a good girl. Just like yesterday and every day these past two weeks. It’s time to give her some real training. My fingers itch to touch the thick coarse fibers of the rope that’s already laying on the bed. She’s going to get a lesson in saying please and thank you today, and I can hardly wait.

  “I think it would be best to create the impression that you’re in a committed and loving relationship. We all love couples. So much more so than a nasty divorce. Weddings are the best sellers.”

  My eyebrows raise at her comment. She’s delusional if she thinks that shit's going to happen. “I’m not interested in a PR stunt, Andrea.”

  “I’m only saying, what if you were to be seen in a romantic setting and paparazzi happened to take your picture? And let’s say that the picture happened to be leaked, along with a story that you confirmed to be true. Well if that situation were to occur, it would go a long way in making your ex look like a villain and you as a prince charming that the public is rooting for.”

  It’s quiet for a moment as I consider her request.

  “It will make you look relatable. In fact, it may be better than the story she’s selling,” she adds with a bright and cheery tone. “Just a thought.”

  “Fine,” I finally say with my fingers on the key in the ignition.

  “Wonderful,” Andrea’s tone remains upbeat. I have a feeling she must have real assholes for clients since she’s never bothered by my tone. “Shall we send someone out for you?”

  “No,” I’m quick to cut her off. I have my treasure, and I think she’d enjoy it. I pause as I realize I hadn’t thought twice about whether or not it should be Dahlia. I can imagine how I’d tease her under the table. Yes. I have to remember cameras will be watching, but I’m going to enjoy myself.

  “Thank you, Andrea. I’ll have my reservations for this evening sent to you.”

  “No need, Mr. Stone. You’re all set at the Ritz; a table’s been reserved for you at any time you choose.”

  I huff a humorless laugh. “You pay us well, Mr. Stone,” Andrea says. “I have faith in this plan.”

  I don’t, but at least I have my treasure waiting for me.

  Chapter 14


  A shiver snakes down my limbs as my thighs tremble from exertion, my ass stuck high into the air. I’ve been waiting in this position for what feels like forever. It’s a bit uncomfortable, but it’s how he wants me. My sir. He’s coming for me. And he expects me to be ready to take him. All of him.

  My breathing becomes heavy, labored, as I keep my hands firmly planted against the lush mattress. I want to be perfect for him. I need to please him and make sure I obey. The only thing he’s asked of me is to wait for him just like this. And I can do that. I did it yesterday.

  My body trembles again, my ass trembling with a chill, my pussy clenching with insatiable need. Fuck. I can hardly wait.

  Keeping myself balanced, I glance around the room. My clothes are in a neat pile on a chair in the corner, but Lucian isn’t here yet. Where is he? I want him here now. Ravaging me. Dominating me for everything I’m worth.

  I turn my head back toward the wall, concentrating on keeping my ass suspended in the air. I’ll wait however long it takes for him to get here. I need him to see me like this the moment he walks in. My nipples pebble as I imagine him walking down
the hall toward this master suite, dressed in one of his expensive business suits, his shirt unbuttoned, his tie loosened, looking sexy as fuck. Ready to fuck.

  I let out a groan, my pussy clenching repeatedly on thin air, wishing his cock was there. Another groan escapes my lips as I imagine him behind me, fucking me mercilessly, his blunt nails digging into my hips as he thrusts harder and deeper.

  I’m so horny, I have the overpowering urge to reach down and rub my pussy. But I know I’m not supposed to. I scissor my thighs, craving some friction. Just the tiniest bit. It’s a battle, and I’m almost about to give in to the desire to touch myself, when I hear the sound of the door creaking open.

  Relief flows through my abdomen as excitement causes my limbs to shudder. Yes.

  I go perfectly still at the sound of Lucian’s voice, keeping my ass right where he told me to.

  “Treasure,” I hear him growl behind me, his deep baritone filling the room and making my clit throb even more.

  I tremble slightly, feeling my breath quickening. “Yes sir?” I ask breathlessly. Just being in his presence is such a huge turn-on, knowing what’s to come. What he’s going to do to me. My whole body has come alive with desire.

  I hear the sound of his muted footsteps against the plush carpeting and I fight the urge to turn around to catch a glimpse of him. He hasn’t given me permission.

  The bed creaks as he gets on it and goosebumps rise along my skin, traveling from the base of my spine toward my shoulders and down my front. A second later I feel his hot breath on my ass cheeks and I know he’s level with my ass, eyeing my glistening pussy. My heart begins to pound like a war drum, beating so hard that Lucian probably hears it.

  I close my eyes in anticipation, my breathing ragged and shallow as I wait for him to bury his face in my pussy and then make me beg for more.

  “I asked you to wait for me here and to be still, treasure,” Lucian growls from behind me, his hot breath grazing my pussy and causing it to clench even harder. He puts a hand on either side of my ass and spreads me farther apart. My eyes widen, and my fingers dig into the mattress.

  I buck forward slightly, the feel of his breath on me making me shiver uncontrollably. Oh my God. He’s driving me crazy, and he knows it. Why won’t he just put that mouth on my pussy and take me by force?

  “I did, sir,” I weakly protest. I’m practically trembling with exhaustion from holding this position for so long. For him.

  “No, treasure,” I hear him say as I feel his fingers lightly touch my mound, gliding along the slick, swollen flesh. I groan softly as I let his fingers dip inside and explore my sore walls. I feel a little discomfort that makes me wince, but it mixes in with the pleasure and I want more. Much more. My neck arches, and I bite down on my lip to keep from moaning. “You didn’t.”

  He doesn’t give me more, though. I gasp as he pulls his fingers away and I instantly miss his touch.

  The bed creaks as Lucian crawls off of it and walks over to the nightstand. I sneak a peek to the side. I can see him now, and he looks just like I imagined him; his shirt unbuttoned at the chest, his tie loosened. And he has a huge fucking bulge pressing against his expensive slacks, dying to be let out. My mouth waters at the sight.

  I watch as Lucian walks over to the side of the room, messing with something in a drawer before standing in front of the whips and canes. Uh-oh. My heart begins pounding like a sledgehammer as I read Lucian’s body language. He means business.

  “You were supposed to be still, treasure,” he growls ominously, “and for the last five minutes you have been anything but still.” Moving slowly, deliberately, he picks up a riding crop. He walks back over to the bed, dragging out each step, his face an impenetrable mask. My heart flutters, knowing what's coming next as he moves out of view behind me.

  The bed creaks again and then everything goes still. Silence. I strain my ears, listening for Lucian’s breathing, but all I can make out is my heart pounding between my ears.


  I buck forward as pain stings my right ass cheek and a soft cry escapes my lips. Immediately, I feel Lucian probing my pussy, his finger lathered with a cooling gel. My eyes close from the soothing relief. But it’s temporary.

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  I buck forward again, my head almost slamming into the headboard, crying out with pain and pleasure. Lucian continues to probe my pussy, my ass on fire from his brutal slaps. It hurts, but it feels so good at the same time. My body’s alive with pleasure, wanting more but also wanting to get away. It takes everything in me to be good for him and obey. I have to stay still, but it’s so fucking hard when my instincts are screaming at me to move.

  “Are you going to listen, my treasure?”

  “Yes,” I say weakly, my limbs trembling with need, resisting the urge to angle my pussy as his fingers barely touch my throbbing clit. I’m so close.

  Lucian strokes several fingers against my G-spot, nearly fisting me and causing me to gasp and white lights to dance in my vision. “Yes what?”

  “Yes, sir!” I yell as my body threatens to fall over the high cliff of pleasure.

  Smack! Smack!! The relentless smacks continue, and the pain turns to something else. Instead of moving away, I find my body eager for the next. Smack! Smack!

  He slaps the riding crop against my ass again and I cry out once more. I feel pressure building inside of my core. I’m going to cum all over his fucking fingers if he keeps this up. My cheeks burn with embarrassment at how much I want his punishment. How much I crave and need it.

  Suddenly, Lucian’s hands are gone from my pussy and disappointment flows through my body. I was so close. I’m breathless, and my body weak with need and exhaustion.

  “Your punishment is over,” Lucian declares, making me even more upset. My heart tightens, and I find myself feeling unstable and weak. My ass hurts as he shifts his position.

  I have the urge to protest, my lips parting, but nothing coming out. This was my punishment. I knew I should have been still. I should have controlled it. I close my eyes and try to ignore how upset I am.

  “Thank you,” I say, trying to keep my voice neutral and hide my disappointment.

  “Thank you what?” he asks menacingly.

  “Sir!” I say quickly. “Thank you, sir.”

  He’s suddenly pressed against me, his breath hot on my neck. Behind me, I can feel his hard cock pressing up against my sore ass through his silk slacks. My pussy pulses in tandem with the blood that’s pumping through his huge dick. “Good girl,” he whispers in my ear, his hand snaking around my waist and up my chest to clamp down on a hard nipple. “Now when I tell you to be still, will you be still?”

  I hold in a moan as he gently pinches my nipple to the point that a gasp is forced from me. The sensation is directly linked to my throbbing clit. And again I feel on edge. “Yes, sir,” I whisper, immediately turned on again, and nodding my head.

  He gently kisses my shoulder and strokes my back. “You will, treasure.” He releases me and gets up off the bed and frustration laces through me. I feel cheated somewhat. I want him back.

  Keeping my expression neutral, I watch as he walks over to the corner and grabs my clothes out of the chair.

  “Is this all you have?” he asks, looking down at the black skirt and cream blouse I’d worn on the way over and examining it.

  Anxiety courses through me. I know they’re not the most expensive clothes, but it’s the best outfit I have.

  Not knowing what to say, I give him a slight nod.

  “When I ask a question,” he growls, narrowing his eyes slightly at me, “I expect a verbal response.”

  I force it from my lips. “Yes, sir.”

  He looks down at the pile again and I can tell he’s not pleased. A feeling of worthlessness touches my chest. I don’t know why, but his disdain for my clothes makes me feel like shit. Like I’m not good enough. I hate it.

  “It will have to do,” Lucian says. “For tonight only. But after to
day, I’ll need the sizes you wear so you’ll be prepared for next time.”

  My face crinkles in confusion. He told me to be naked.

  “We’re going out, treasure,” Lucian announces, tossing my outfit down the chair and moving his hands to the belt wrapped around his waist. He begins walking over to the bed while undoing his belt, his eyes on me, burning with an intensity that causes my skin to prickle. He gets his belt off and tosses it to the side, and then he pulls his slacks down around his ass, gripping his massive, swollen, throbbing cock in his hand and stroking it as he moves forward.

  “But first things first,” he growls, as he climbs onto the bed behind me, lines his huge dick up with my pussy… And plunges it deep inside with enough force to make me cry out.

  Chapter 15


  Dahlia’s blouse is loose on her and the wind blows it easily, pressing the thin fabric against her skin. The night is bitter cold, but all she has is a thin cardigan and a cream chiffon blouse. Her skirt covers her legs to her knees, but I imagine she’s going to be cold.

  I don’t have a single item for a woman in this house. I should’ve been more prepared, but I had no intention of taking her out. Next time I’ll be ready. I’ve already sent a text to Linda with Dahlia’s sizes and everything I want for her. The thought takes me off guard that there will even be a next time. But I can’t deny that I’m already thinking about taking her out again. Just the mention of dinner made her obviously happy.

  I love the look on her face, and I want to keep her satisfied.

  I know Madam Lynn has extended contracts in the past, so perhaps my Dahlia will be happy enough with the same arrangements.

  I slip my jacket off my shoulders and place it around hers even though we aren’t outside yet. She turns in the foyer, her heels clicking on the marble floors to look at me.

  “I’ll be alright,” she says sweetly.

  “That’s not the correct response, my treasure,” I leave a small note of admonishment to linger and she recognizes it although it’s mostly meant to be playful.