Conrad (Savage Kings MC - South Carolina Book Series 4) Read online
Savage Kings MC - South Carolina
Lane Hart
D.B. West
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Coming Soon
About the Authors
This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogue were created from the authors’ imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual people or events is coincidental.
The authors acknowledge the copyrighted and trademarked status of various products within this work of fiction.
© 2020 Editor's Choice Publishing
All Rights Reserved.
Only Amazon has permission from the publisher to sell and distribute this title.
This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Editor’s Choice Publishing
P.O. Box 10024
Greensboro, NC 27404
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Edited by One Love Editing
Cover by Marianne Nowicki of
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Conrad Erikson thought that doing the police chief a favor would be an easy assignment, one that could ultimately benefit the Savage Kings MC in the future. All he has to do is pick up the chief’s daughter from college and bring her home.
What could possibly go wrong?
When it comes to the chief’s daughter Hannah, the answer is anything and everything.
And if Conrad isn’t careful, she’ll wreck his life and bring down the entire MC.
Conrad Erikson
* * *
It’s never good when the chief of police waltzes into your business, looks around, and then hefts up the front of his pants like he owns the place. The overweight asshole also has an enormous ego which is why I intercept him before my brother, Cannon, spots him on the floor of the Savage Kings Harley Davidson dealership. I can already hear the first words out of my twin’s mouth: “I’ve got your Fat Boy Harley right here, you porky fuck.”
Shaking my head at Cannon’s inability to hold his tongue, I walk up to the police chief and dig deep to find my best customer service voice. I’ve got to at least try and be nice to this asshole. The Kings have always had some pushback from Chief Bailey. He wishes he could find something, anything, to take down our MC but knows that’ll never happen. He didn’t exactly build any bridges of friendship when Roman, our president, went to him asking for help finding Tessa when she was kidnapped. In fact, Roman said the chief was more concerned about the damage to the city’s image than the four women who had gone missing. The other three were known around town for selling their bodies, which meant the police couldn’t care less about them.
“Can I help you with something, Chief?” I ask with a fake smile on my face.
His eyes narrow at me, and I know exactly what he’s going to say before he opens his big mouth. I’ve always been good at reading people, especially shallow pieces of shit. “Which one are you?”
Only our closest friends and family can tell me and Cannon apart. While we may look identical at the exact same height and weight, with the same light blond hair and blue eyes, our personalities couldn’t be further apart. Cannon’s loud and outgoing with his constant hilarious commentary that helps him lure hordes of women to his bed. I, however, know when to keep my mouth shut and how to keep my dick in my pants.
“I’m Conrad,” I answer, even though it probably doesn’t matter to the chief.
“Right. Conrad. Just the man I wanted to talk to,” he says, his gray eyes still sizing up my muscular six-foot-four frame. I’m at least half a foot taller than the chief, but he probably outweighs me by a solid, or not-so-solid, fifty pounds. He must feel threatened because he rests his fingers over the butt of the gun in his hip holster, like that will make me nervous. Not much frightens me, especially not an old, washed-up cop who sits behind a desk all day because he can’t meet any of the physical requirements of the job. It would probably take him two minutes to get that damned gun out of its holster, the way his love handles are bulging over it.
“What can I do for you?” I ask, hoping we can get to the reason why he’s here. If I’m lucky I can get rid of him before Cannon comes and, well, lives up to his name by blowing shit all to hell with his offensive rhetoric.
“I need a favor from you,” Chief Bailey starts.
“A favor from me?” I repeat in confusion.
“Well, I need a favor from the MC, but you’re going to be the person to make it happen.”
“I am, huh?” Fuck, I hate his cocky tone of voice. It’s as if he thinks he’s god and everyone is supposed to do his bidding.
“You are,” he reiterates, making my teeth grind together.
“So let’s hear it.”
Jutting out his chin, he says, “I want however many of your men you can spare to fly out to California and retrieve my daughter for me.”
“Sorry, Chief, but the Savage Kings aren’t golden retrievers or those big snow dogs, Saint Bernards. We don’t fetch people.” The smart-ass words are out of my mouth before I can stop them, but I don’t regret them. Who the hell does he think he is, coming into our business and demanding the Kings do shit for him? The fat old bastard has apparently lost his goddamn mind.
“That wasn’t a request, it’s an order!” Chief Bailey says as his round face turns a bright shade of red. “I’m planning a run for mayor next year, and no one can hurt my campaign, especially my own reckless daughter!”
I find it hilarious that the man can run an entire police department but not keep his kid in line. Still, that’s not my problem or the MC’s. “Again, the Savage Kings are not on your payroll or anyone else’s. We can’t help you.”
Grumbling under his breath, he shoves his hands into his pockets, fumbling around until he finally finds what he’s looking for – his cell phone. His sausage fingers jab at the device, and then he spins it around to show me the screen.
All I can do is stare at the thankfully silent video for several long seconds as my lungs squeeze painfully in my chest. I quickly glance over my shoulder nervously to make sure no customers or staff, especially Cannon, are seeing the violent images.
“There’s plenty more where that came from,” the chief says cheerfully with a smirk as he slides the phone into his pants pocket. “I’ve got hours of you and your…extracurricular activities.”
When I
can take a deep breath again, I quietly grit out, “How the fuck did you get that?”
“Contrary to what you all may believe, this is my town, not Roman McNamara’s or the Savage Kings MC. I decide what businesses are allowed to operate within the city limits. Sam Brown and I have an agreement. He provides me with some of the footage from his…establishment, and in exchange, I don’t shut him down.”
I stab my fingers through the front of my hair as I try and figure out what the hell I’m going to do.
“What do you think your brother and the MC will say when they watch these videos?” the son of a bitch asks.
“It was all consensual!”
“Maybe so. But will they actually believe you after they see it for themselves, especially after how bent out of shape Roman got about what happened to that girl? What was her name? Teresa?”
“Tessa,” I whisper.
“Tessa. Right!” he says with a snap of his fingers.
“I haven’t been back there in months, since way before the night she was taken,” I assure him. “I’m never going back again!”
“Whatever you say,” Chief Bailey replies. “I don’t give a shit what you do in your free time. It’s your life. As a father, though, well, I would hate it, but I’ll have to send a copy to your parents too.”
All the blood drains from my face so fast that I get dizzy and have to grab on to one of the Harleys on display to keep from hitting the floor. Cannon and I couldn’t have gone into a lab and created a better mother and father than the ones we were given. Right now, they have enough on their plate with my dad having to quit his job to take care of my mom as her multiple sclerosis worsens. They don’t need any extra stress on them, especially something like this that would break their hearts.
“Don’t…” I mutter.
“You don’t want me to send the video to anyone?” he asks snidely.
“So does that mean you’re going to enlist the MC to help me with my favor?”
“Fine. We’ll do it!”
“That’s what I thought,” he remarks. “Give me your number so I can text you the details about my daughter.”
I rattle off the numbers to him absently, still unable to wrap my head around all this shit. How can this be happening? It’s like my worst nightmare, having my dark secrets not only thrown back in my face, but risking everyone else in my life finding out and hating me. Cannon’s my best friend. And while he may be wild and crazy, even he has his limits – limits that I’ve crossed more than once.
“I’ll send you her address and details later today,” Chief Bailey says as he types into his phone like he didn’t just threaten to ruin my life. “She’s supposed to be in college at Saint Mary near San Francisco, but I haven’t heard from her in weeks, not since she was arrested for public intoxication.”
My first thought is good – he deserves to have a delinquent daughter. No wonder the girl is a train wreck if he’s the man who raised her.
And now she’s going to be my problem. Mine and the MC’s.
“Why can’t you just go and pick her up yourself?” I grumble while scrubbing my hands down my face.
“You think I haven’t tried?” he snaps at me. “She refuses to even see me!”
“But you think she’ll be more than willing to leave with men she’s never met before?”
“Yes,” he answers way too fast. “I mean, she’ll probably leave with you, but if not, remind her…remind her that she has a little sister who misses her too. You just do whatever it takes to drag her ass back here!”
“You mean kidnap her if necessary?”
“Yes!” he huffs and holds up his hand. “Don’t even act like you have a problem with that. We both know that’s not an issue for you or your ‘crew.’”
“What if we end up kidnapping her for you and get caught?” I snap at him. “It’s our asses on the line here.”
“Then don’t be stupid,” he says as he starts toward the door, then stops suddenly. “Whatever you have to do to get her back, make sure you and your MC buddies keep your dicks in your pants! Don’t even think about playing any of your sick little games with her!”
“I would never touch a woman against her will,” I mutter defensively.
“I’ll show these videos to the world and fucking ruin you if you lay even one finger on her, even if she begs you to,” he yells before finally walking out.
Chapter One
* * *
“Any other business?” Winston asks since he’s taking over Roman’s presidential responsibilities while he’s on his honeymoon with Charlotte.
“Ah, just one small thing,” I speak up and say, swallowing down my anger at being blackmailed by that sorry son of a bitch. The last thing I need is for anyone, especially Cannon, to pick on the fact that the asshole has something on me. He’ll want to know what it is, and there’s no stuffing that cat back in the bag. “Chief Bailey came by the dealership the other day. He needs a favor.”
“From us?” Winston asks.
“Why the fuck does he think we’ll do him a favor?” Winston grumbles.
Avoiding eye contact with anyone while I lie, I go with as much of the truth as I can muster. “He sounded pretty desperate. Something about trouble with his daughter.”
“His daughter? What’s that got to do with us?” Winston asks.
Again, I pretend like I only have the vaguest idea of what’s going on, refusing to confess to the table that the chief is going to run for mayor soon. “I think he wants us to go pick her up from her college and bring her home.”
“Why can’t he do it?” Cannon asks, eyes narrowed at me while studying my face to figure out what I’m not saying out loud to the group. Damn twin intuition!
I shrug one shoulder as casually as I can. “Guess he’s tried, and she won’t leave with him.”
“He wants us to go and take his daughter by force,” Verek says in understanding when he figures it out first. “No fucking thank you. I won’t be any part of some kidnapping plan, even for the police chief.”
Just as I suspected, he’s adamant about not restraining a woman and bringing her back against her will. How could he be on board with such an awful thing after what the girl he’s head over heels for went through? She endured exactly the same thing and was raped by four sick bastards.
“Verek’s right. We don’t kidnap women,” Winston says, echoing the same sentiment.
Fuck. I knew they wouldn’t agree to this. Only a truly disturbed man would actually enjoy tying a woman up and having total control over her. No. It won’t come to that. There has to be another way.
“Maybe we could persuade her,” I offer. Then to add an extra benefit to going along with the fucked-up plan I say, “Think of all the leverage it would give us over the chief if we do this.”
“Fine. You can go if you want, but I won’t send anyone else who doesn’t want to go,” Winston replies.
“Okay, I’ll go,” I agree.
“Ha! Good luck,” Winston tells me before slamming the gavel down and declaring, “Meeting fucking adjourned.”
As soon as I push my chair back and stand up, I turn to my brother because I can always count on him to come through for me. “You coming with me?” I ask.
“Hell no. That’s all on you, bro,” Cannon chuckles before turning to Verek and diving into a conversation with him.
Fuck. If Cannon knew how important this stupid errand was, I know he would come along and help me. I fucking need him to be there to help me convince this girl to leave without resorting to bondage. There aren’t many men as charismatic as my brother. He has the power to make women fall down at his feet whenever he wants. But if I push him on this, he’ll use his twin intuition to figure out there’s more to the chief’s favor, so I slip out of the chapel, deciding to suck it up and handle this shit on my own.
Chapter Two
* * *
; Fuck. My. Life.
That’s usually the first thought I have when I wake up each morning in my dorm room.
Although, waking up and looking through the curtain of my blonde hair without a clue as to where the hell I am brings FML to a whole new level.
This wonderful morning, I come to facedown on a hardwood floor in a puddle of my own drool, my mouth so dry I can barely swallow and not a shred of clothing on my body. I could be anywhere for all I know. At least I’m not out on the streets. That’s happened just a handful of times, but I was only arrested once for being drunk and disorderly. Since I was still on probation for public intoxication and supposed to be going to AA meetings as part of my “rehabilitation,” my attorney was not a happy camper. I offered to blow him if he would stop yelling at me, and that just seemed to piss him off even more.
I will never understand them.
Most love sex and will do anything to get it, while others are sexually repressed prudes who love sex but have to pretend at least in public that it’s a horrible, awful sin.
My father is right. I’m a stupid little slut.
But when you’ve committed the ultimate sin, sleeping around doesn’t really have the same angst to it anymore. At least I’m safe now. My current boyfriend is so old he has three kids and had a vasectomy years ago before he and his ex-wife divorced, so I don’t have to worry about him knocking me up.