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- Kristin D. Van Risseghem
Dragon Protectors Page 3
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Page 3
“If you’re not safe here, should you be announcing where the luggage should go?”
“You’re right. I should just leave everything and buy new.” Boroughs, why didn’t I think about that?
I snag my cell phone off the bed and text McQueen.
Me: You coming over in the morning? I think you should and take what I can’t fit in my car. Noelle says that no one from school will know where to find me.
If he brings his car, all my stuff should fit in both of our vehicles.
McQueen: Sure. Text me the time when you’ve figured that out. See you in the morning, Babe.
“Let’s do breakfast tomorrow, and then you can leave?” Noelle asks.
“Sure, it’s date.”
We hug for a long time. It’s not weird at all, and I mean it. Last year, this would have been awkward for me. I didn’t have any friends then, and to let myself feel vulnerable or emotional would never have happened. I’ll miss seeing Noelle every day, but like she said, she is only a phone call away. And I know McQueen lives someplace in the city, so we can always meet someplace, or she can come over.
This isn’t goodbye.
Noelle decides to leave. If tonight is my last night and my boys are staying here, then she knows they would like to spend the night with me. And she knows I want that, too. I’m not alone for long. Bronx swaggers back into my room as I ready for bed. My bags sit near the door, waiting to be brought up to the lobby in the morning. I left my satchel with my laptop and purse with my most treasured items on the built-in desk. Those are the only things I’ll be carrying with me when I leave.
I climb into bed, and Bronx sits next to me. The room is quiet, except for our breathing.
I remember that very first day when I met Manny, my personal tour guide at the Academy. He was so sweet, and I was a dork who stared at him. He never said anything about my awkwardness or being spacey because I was staring at his hot body.
Manny was my very first boyfriend. The first guy I kissed, and the first man I slept with. This school would hold great memories of him, of us, for me.
Then there is Bronx, the flirty guy who waltzed into my life shortly after Manny and I became a couple. He made me laugh with his corny one-liners. Still does.
Then there is the oldest and quietest one of the bunch, Staten. He, too, will have a special place in my memories of school. We didn’t start off the best. In fact, there are times he still gives me harsh looks or clipped words. But I understand him probably the best, even though we don’t talk or hang out as much as I do with his brothers. We get each other on a deeper level. It just took us longer to get where we are today.
And lastly there is McQueen. The naked boy I saw in the park while his brothers tried helping him with a stab wound. His swagger and confidence come off sometimes as dickish, but he knows who he is inside and out. He’s the most loyal of the four boys, the fiercest, and the most reckless one, too.
Yes, I will miss being here.
“What are you thinking about?” Bronx’s deep voice breaks the silence.
“You, actually.” I squeeze his hand.
“And what about me?”
“Your hot body.” He can’t see me smiling. “Your strong arms, broad chest ... the way you flirt with me.” I run a finger up his arm.
He shivers. “And what do you want to do about that?”
“Nothing.” I turn to face him, grinning. “You asked what I was thinking, and I told you. Actually, though, I was thinking of all your brothers, not just you.”
“I think I need a cold shower.”
I laugh. “Tonight is my last night here, and I was thinking how each of you came into my life. If I hadn’t been here, where would we be? Would we have still met? Now, I can’t imagine my life without any one of you. Each of you is dear to me.”
“You are to us, too.” He adjusts his body, leaning on his hand. “I don’t think I’ve ever told you this but before I met you, my life was empty. I sought companionship with lots of girls.”
“Yeah, I don’t think I need to hear about your sexual adventures with—”
He halts my words with a kiss. “That’s not where I was going. I spent time with a lot of girls, but they were never enough. I went through them almost weekly.”
“Not helping, Bronx.”
He grins. “Stop interrupting me. All those girls never filled the part of me that I didn’t realize was missing until I met you. Brooklyn, you fill that vacant piece to my soul. You make me whole. You make me a better man, the one I’m meant to be. Since you came into my life, there has been no other girl I’ve wanted to date, kiss, or be with more than you. You’ve captured my heart, body, and mind. I can only offer you this.” He places my hand over his beating heart. “I’ve told you that I love you, and I do, but I want to give you something more. Something that I’ve wanted you to have for a long time. I just didn’t know when the right time was, but I think it’s now.”
What more could he possibly give me?
The air shimmers, and Bronx calls forth his magic. A blue tint fills the room. My bright green flames greet his. It bends, swirling light on the bed covers. The magic dances, but it’s always separate, a thin line between them.
Rumbles emit from Bronx’s chest. The skin over his torso changes into green scales, and slowly his neck morphs into that of a dragon, then his nose elongates to form a snout. His teeth lower from the gum line as his mouth opens, and a fireball hovers in the air. His right hand, which did not turn into a claw, reaches up and grabs the spark. Everything that was part dragon is now fully human again. The reddish-orange flame hangs suspended above his palm. His blue magic retreats and absorbs into the fireball.
“What’s happening?” I ask.
“Just wait. It’s almost done. Once this is complete, I can’t offer this to anyone else. It’s permanent.”
Emerald green flashes, wrapping around the magic and then floats back to me. Tapping warm sparks along my entire body, the flame moves back to my chest and sinks into me. I can feel the heat around my heart, lungs, and then it zips into my bloodstream.
Fingers thread through mine. Lips press lightly on my forehead, cheeks, and finally my lips. His tongue coaxes my mouth open. I let him in.
“Yes, Bronx?”
“How do you feel?”
How do I feel? Not only do I feel warm and tingly, I feel him. Not only in my fingers and lips but everywhere. I peel away from him, opening my eyes. We are not touching except for our hands. “I can feel you as if you are actually touching my body.” I blink. “It’s like you’re in my head. Not only with your voice, but with something more. There’s an ache in my heart that I don’t think is mine. Is that coming from you?”
“Yes. Not only can you now hear me, but you can feel what I’m feeling and thinking. It’s stronger than the magic bond you have with Staten. What I shared with you is part of my dragon. You and your dragon have accepted me as yours. I told you I gave you my heart, and this is my dragon giving you his soul. Neither I nor my dragon can live without you. If you die, so do I.”
“I can’t—”
He presses a finger against my lips. “It’s not something I can take back. It’s yours now. I am yours, always and forever. You will know when I’m in distress, sleeping, and so much more. It’s the ultimate gift a dragon can give. I know I should have told you before I did it, but I didn’t want there to be a chance that you wouldn’t accept it. Besides, some part of you had to have known, otherwise it wouldn’t have worked. Your magic, dragon, or you wouldn’t have allowed the merge.”
“Bronx.” I place a gentle kiss on his lips. “Thank you.” He rises from the bed. “You’re not staying?”
“No. We’ve got too much stuff to do early in the morning. I wish I could, Sweetheart. God, do I want to stay and have you spend your last night in my arms. I don’t know when we’ll next have a chance.” He brushes another kiss on my lips, pulling away. I can see the tor
ment in his eyes. He doesn’t want to leave. I don’t want him to leave. “I need to go before I end up staying.” With another chaste kiss, he runs his fingers through his hair and departs.
I’m shrouded in darkness and silence. My body relaxes as I think about what just happened between Bronx and me. He gave me a part of his soul. Holy boroughs. I’ll forever have him with me. Do I want to hear all his thoughts? I definitely don’t need him hearing mine all the time. It’s bad enough having the Pride in my mind.
I guess we’ll see what happens and how it works exactly. My body knows he’s gone. There’s a dull ache in my chest. I felt it the minute he left. He’s not in my mind, or if he is, he’s quiet. Closing my eyes, I let out a deep breath. Do the others want to follow what Bronx did? I can’t be responsible for their lives. They are dragons, so in a way, I guess I am. But this is taking it well past the finishing line.
“Brooklyn?” Manny’s voice is in my mind. “Are you awake? Stop whatever it is you’re doing and get out. Leave, lock the door, and go. I know Bronx just left you. He’s on his way back, but we think it’s better if you do this before he gets there. Things could get messy and ...”
“What’s wrong?” I ask. “I don’t understand.” From his urgent voice, I know something is not right. Quickly dressing, I lace my sneakers and strap my purse and satchel across my body. “Manny?” I ask. “What are you not telling us?”
“You need to get to the garage and drive to McQueen’s place immediately.” I open the door, checking down the hall. I can barely get the door locked. “A mob is coming for you, Brooklyn,” Manny continues. “Someone overheard Allister talking about the meeting and what was agreed to. People don’t like it that the humans are standing down and not fighting back to avenge their fallen.”
That gets me going. I run out of the building. Digging into my purse, I fumble for my keys. There are angry shouts, and a large group of kids walk toward the girl’s dorm. When they spot me, they run.
I make it into the parking garage, my satchel bouncing against my side. The black convertible is where I left it. A beep alerts me that the doors are unlocked. I climb into the driver’s seat and strap myself in as the engine starts, peeling out of the parking spot.
The tires squeal, turning fast and leaving smoke in their wake. Glancing out of the passenger side window, there are about twenty staff members pouring into the garage entrance. I do not slow down. Everyone scatters, leaping out of the way as my vehicle heads right for them.
The only saving grace is that I managed to get away before anyone was physically hurt, but now they must know someone is helping me. They’ll know maybe it’s Manny or Bronx. I don’t think they’ll assume it was Staten.
It’s going to make my boys a target.
I cruise aimlessly around the city, doubling back and watching the rearview mirror. The streets bustle with cars and people, even at this time of night. New York is the city that never sleeps. I drive a couple of blocks from the Academy until I know there is no one following me, which isn’t likely since most students don’t have vehicles at the school.
Pulling over, I find a parking spot and calm my breathing. My white knuckles grip the steering wheel. I force myself to unclench them. Letting out a sigh, I dig into my purse for my phone. Pressing on the screen, I send a text to McQueen, hoping he’s up and that the boys have told him what happened.
Me: Are you awake?
My phone vibrates with an incoming text.
McQueen: What’s up, Babe?
Me: I’m on my way to your house right now.
McQueen: Why? What’s wrong?
Me: Send me your address, and we’ll talk when I arrive. Too much to text.
McQueen: 710 Point Crescent, Queens
I bring Google Maps up as I navigate to his house. Once I’m out of the city, I cruise along into the Soundview neighborhoods and then over the Whitestone Bridge into the Malba area of homes.
Finding the correct residence after Center Drive turns into Point Crescent, I see large single-family homes towering in the streetlights. Tall trees hide the driveway as I zoom past it and have to turn back around. A gate blocks the entrance. Creeping up to the black box, I press the button to announce my arrival.
“Hello?” I say. “I’m here to see McQueen.” It sounds corny, but I don’t know his first name. No one has ever told it to me and I never asked.
“Hi, Babe. Just drive up and leave your car near the fountain.” The gate swings open, allowing me to enter.
Yup, a few feet in front of me sits a ten-foot water fountain. Just past that is a staircase leading to the front door. Lights spill from the house, and I can see that it’s two stories with white trim and coral-colored stucco siding. Tan marble steps set off the residence. This is not the house I would’ve pictured McQueen living in. I leave my car where he suggested as I make my way up the stairs.
McQueen stands in the entrance, holding the door open. “Are you all right?” he asks.
“Yeah. I’m sorry it’s so late. I—”
He brings me into a tight hug. “Manny called me right after you texted and filled me in. They’ll try to grab your stuff and bring it here, but it might be a couple of days.”
“That’s okay. I can go home tomorrow for clothes if you think it’ll be safe.”
“Come on in, and let’s get you settled.” He flips off the exterior lights, motioning me to follow him.
As we move through the house, I get a glimpse of the rooms. Everything is white marble. It reminds me of the houses in Italy. We head to the lower level, and a lemongrass fragrance fills my nostrils. I know we’re close to his room.
I’m not staying in his bedroom this whole time, am I?
“Tomorrow, I’ll give you the grand tour. It’s probably not as posh as your pad, but it’s a roof over our heads.”
Actually, it is pretty swanky and in a nice neighborhood. If my parents wanted a house in the city, we’d probably live in something like this. But no one has the great views we have in our high rise.
“Since you had to leave so quickly, you can borrow a shirt of mine to sleep in.”
“Um, and where will that be exactly?” I look around his room. It’s large and messy, things just dropped on the floor or scattered across surfaces. My fingers itch to straighten the clothes peeking out from the dresser drawers that are left half open. “I don’t know how long I’ll be staying, and I don’t want to intrude any more than I have to, but I can’t stay in your room.”
“As much as I’d love for you to stay in here, I have made arrangements for your own space.” A smile stretches across his face. “You don’t have anything to unpack, so why be in there by yourself?” He yanks open the closet door and hands me a clean shirt.
I’m going to drown in it, but it’s better than nothing. “Thanks.” It smells like him: lemongrass.
He walks through a door and comes back out with a toothbrush, paste, and a little blue familiar box. “Here.” I take the newly wrapped brush and the trial size toothpaste. Holding them tight against my body, these are the only things I can call my own. For now. The box still lays in my hand. I stare at it.
“Oh, here.” He clears off a spot for me on his king-sized bed. “Sit if you’d like. I was told it was your birthday last week.”
I sit and glance around his room again. The cream-colored walls are plastered with posters and pictures of cars, trucks, and motorcycles. My purse and bag straps fall off my shoulders. I finally relax a bit. “Yeah, I turned eighteen.”
“I know.”
I glance back at the box. “What is it? You didn’t have to get me anything.”
“I know I didn’t, but I wanted to. Open it and find out.”
Slowly, I lift the lid. A dragon bracelet nestles in between the silk pillows. The emerald eyes sparkle at me while the diamonds around the spine accent nicely against the silver metal. It matches the rest of my jewelry.
“I love it, McQueen. Thank you.”
nbsp; “You’re welcome. You look exhausted, Babe. Do you want to go to sleep?”
“I am tired, but I can stay up for a while longer.”
“I’m not doing anything important. You’re going to fall over soon. Why don’t you go to bed, and we can chat in the morning?” He holds out his hand to me. “Come on. I’ll show you to your room.”
Standing, I grab my meager belongings and take McQueen’s warm hand. He leads us out of his bedroom and down a hall. Opening the door, he lets me pass and then flips on the light.
The room is identical to his but smaller. The same flooring, the same color on the walls, the same layout, but this space is neat and tidy.
I lay the shirt and toiletries on the dresser beside my purse and satchel.
McQueen brushes past me, opening another door. “Your private bathroom is here. I’ll, um, leave you to it then. Have a good night, Babe.” He walks to the door.
“Yeah?” He turns to face me. “Did you need something?”
“No. It’s just ... What’s your first name?”
“No one calls me it.”
“Oh.” I look at my shoes. I should’ve removed them when I entered the house.
He blows out a sigh. “Macklin.”
I tilt my head and walk toward him. “Really?” I ask softly as I lower his head down, so I can look into his jade eyes.
“Yep. Macklin Queen. It’s why everyone calls me McQueen.”
“So, Queen is your last name?”
“It is.”
“It’s nice. You’re first name, I mean.” Standing on my tiptoes, I kiss his cheek. “You should use it more. I like it.”
He shakes his head, leaving me for the night.
I wake after a short, restless slumber. My dreams were a tangled mess of dragons, kids chasing me, and blood. So much blood and death. I lean forward, bringing my knees to my chest. The room, although still bathed in darkness, is warm. Inhaling McQueen’s lemongrass scent from his shirt soothes my addled brain.