#0 Alba- Beauty of the Beast The Mystic Rose Prequel Read online

#0 Alba

  Beauty of the Beast

  The Mystic Rose

  Teaser Prequel

  Text copyright © 2014 by Kristie Lynn Higgins

  Cover art copyright © 2014


  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

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  The Fairy Tales You Know With A Wicked Twist.

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  #0 Alba

  Beauty of the Beast

  The Mystic Rose

  Teaser Prequel

  “Girl, we shall be at the castle before the sun sets,” Sister Nyrs said.

  “Can you tell me again why I must leave you and the other sisters?”

  Sister Nyrs replied, “Prince Edward of the Fletching Kingdom needs a playmate. You have been selected from all the children of the kingdom. You shall not be leaving all the sisters.”

  “You will be staying with me?” the girl questioned.

  “Yes, child. I shall be your nurse while you are still young.”

  The six-seasons-old girl glanced out the window at the countryside and peered a the blue-gray hills that surrounded them. Knee high blades swayed in a gentle breeze. She noticed a forest in the distance and thought of fairies and other mythical creatures.

  “Sister, can you tell me a story?” the girl asked.

  “What kind of story would you like me to tell you?”

  “Tell me one with a prince in it.”

  Sister Nyrs thought about it as she muttered, “One with a prince... Let me see... Ah... I know one.”

  “Once upon a time, there was a prince of the land who was cursed by witch and he turned into a horrible beast. The prince...”

  The girl asked, “Did he look like a Necrom?”

  “Heavens no!” Sister Nyrs exclaimed. “He wasn't turned into something so hideous. If he had, the prince would have been stoned on site!” She composed herself and then continued her tale, “The witch told the prince the curse could only be broken by the kiss of his true love. The prince was very sad for who could love a beast?”

  “I would if he was kind,” the girl stated.

  “That is nice, but not everyone is as tender-hearted as you,” Sister Nyrs spoke then she continued the tale, “The prince hid himself in an old abandoned castle. Seasons went by and the prince grew lonely and miserable. One sun's cycle, a young woman and her father happened upon the castle after a terrible storm spooked their horse and it ran away. The father knocked at the door, seeking shelter from the rain and a cloaked figure let them in. The prince provided dry clothes and food for the travelers. The prince also gave the travelers food for the morning and a horse for their cart. On the way out, the father noticed roses growing in the garden.”

  “That's what my name means. Alba is a rose.”

  Sister Nyrs peered at the child, feeling sorry for her as she stated, “The name Alba has been taken away from you. You must remember that. You shall be called girl until someone in the court gives you a name. You must never utter the name Alba again for she does not exist anymore.”

  “I don't understand,” the girl said. “But I will obey you.”

  The other sisters had grown fond of Alba, but when they learned she had been selected as the prince's playmate, they all mourned for her as if she had died. Sister Nyrs had been selected to journey with Alba for she was new to their order and had no attachments to the child.

  Sister Nyrs spoke, “As I was saying, the father picked one of the roses and gave it to his daughter on the way out. This angered the prince who saw the father steal one of his precious flowers. The prince rushed out of the castle, seized the man, and started to take him to his dungeon. The daughter cried after the prince to have mercy on her father. The prince refused. She begged him again and offered to take her father's place. Remembering the curse upon himself and noticing how lovely she was, the Prince accepted her offer and freed her father and made him leave right away. The prince...”

  The girl interrupted by asking, “So the daughter was like me?”

  “No, child. I said she was beautiful,” Sister Nyrs replied and then she continued, “The prince made the young woman eat dinner with him every night. At first she would cry, but as time passed, she accepted her life as it was.” Sister Nyrs paused from the story, pointed her finger up so the girl would pay attention to her, and then she said, “This is a lesson for you. You should also accept your life as it is.”

  The girl tilted her head at the statement, not really understanding, but she nodded her head anyway.

  Sister Nyrs continued, “Half a season went by, and the prince grew fond of the young woman. One sun's cycle, a note arrived, telling the young woman her father had fallen ill. She pleaded with the prince to let her go to her father's side and she promised to return. The prince refused her for six sun's cycles and then on the seventh, he gave into her weeping and she went to see her father. The prince was miserable while she was gone for he had fallen in love with the beautiful woman. A few sun's cycles turned into twenty, and the young woman still hadn't returned. The prince started to grow sick with grief. The young woman had returned to her father and stayed with him until he was better. The young woman returned to the prince as she promised, but she found him close to death. She ran over to him as he lay on the floor and knelt beside him.

  He looked up at her and asked her, “Why are you crying?”

  She told him, “Because I have found you in this state. What can I do to help you?”

  “Leave me,” he told her. “I release you. You may return home. It was cruel of me to hold you prisoner here.”

  “No, I shall not leave you,” she told him and then she declared, “I love you.”

  She bent and kissed him on the lips, and he returned to his human form. The curse was broken, they were married, and they live happily ever after.”

  The girl asked, “Their love for each other is what broke the curse?”


  “Do you think Prince Edward will love me like that?”

  “Of course not, child,” Sister Nyrs replied. “You are a commoner, and Edward shall be the next king of Fletching. You s
hall be his playmate. You shall belong to him. Do as he tells you.”

  “Yes, Sister,” the girl replied.

  The carriage continued on and the castle appeared in the distance.

  “Sister, is it okay if I love Edward,” the girl questioned.

  “Yes, of course child. Remember your place though. You shall lose your name for who you were shall be no more. You shall belong to Prince Edward. You shall go to school together, and you shall play together. The purpose of your existence is to enhance his.”

  “So I am to love him,” the girl stated and then she asked, “What kind of boy is he?”

  “I do not know, but with his teacher's guidance, he shall become a great king, and you shall do your part to help him grow in all things. Edward has a great destiny before him.”

  “And I'll be a part of it?”

  “Yes, child.”

  “I will love Edward and make sure he becomes a great king.”

  Sister Nrys told her, “You shall need to do more than that. You must also make sure the prince stays safe.”

  “I will, I promise,” the girl replied and then she admitted, “I'm so excited to meet Edward.”

  The girl leaned back and stared out the window. She gazed at the forest that lay beyond the hills and seemed to be drawn to it.

  “What place is that in the distance?” the girl questioned.

  Sister Nyrs turned her head, looked out the window, saw the forest, and then she replied, “It has no name that I know of. Necroms probably live within. You should be wary and not venture into any woods alone.”

  The girl continued to stare at the forest as if drawn to it and then she heard the distant roar of the mythical Fire Lion. Her heart shook as she heard the large cat cry out as if calling her to it. The girl wrapped her little arms around herself, trying to fend off the unsettling feelings as she look again to the castle they headed towards. She wondered why the dark and scary forest in the distance seemed more of a home to her than the large building looming ahead of them. She didn't know it at the time, but this moment of prophetic clarity was a harbinger of things to come. Her life would be turned upside down by one simple act of love and one devastating betrayal of love.

  The End-Click here to also try the series

  Beauty of the Beast #1 The Mystic Rose

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  Click here for more stories from Kristie Lynn Higgins

  or go to www.kristielynnhiggins.com/page2.html

  Shades of Gray- science fiction mystery thriller series

  AaBack's Grimm Dark Fantasy Fairy Tale series

  AabiLynn's Dragon Rite Series

  Ayann #1- A Fantasy Action Adventure series

  Beauty of the Beast #1 the Mystic Rose series


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  Shunned #1 The Metal Veil and the Weeping Sword Named Tear

  Shunned #2 Band Of Dragons

  Rex of the Dead- A Dog's View Of The Zombie Apocalypse

  Road Rage



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