Crash & Burn_A Crashing Series Standalone Read online

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  Once five A.M. rolled around, I decided to just get up and forget about trying to sleep any more. I made a fresh pot of coffee and turned on the TV in the day room, landing on a Dr. Phil rerun.

  He was lecturing a parent about being an absentee mother, basically roasting her for her daughter being a drug addict ass hat. There was something about his accent mixed with how passionate he got about being a jerk to this poor woman who was bawling her eyes out that made me laugh more than it probably should have.

  The daughter was a cute petite blonde with tattoos all over her arms. As soon as the camera panned to her, Bryn popped into my mind. The visual of her pressed against my wall was all I could think about.

  I pulled out my cell and without really thinking about it, I typed out a text.

  Me: How’s the arm feeling?

  It was six in the morning. I expected the message to go unanswered for hours, but my phone lit up within seconds.

  Bryn: A little sore but nothing too bad. How was your first shift?

  Me: Good to hear. Nothing too crazy, just drinking coffee waiting for seven to roll around so I can crawl into my own bed.

  Bryn: Yeah, your bed is way better than the ones at the station house.

  Me: I wouldn’t mind company.

  I shouldn’t have offered, but it was true, and I could not get the image of her out of my head. She was the first chick who had made my dick even twitch since Cali, and I wasn’t going to be able to give up that easily.

  Bryn: I thought we were just friends.

  Me: Isn’t that a friendly thing to do? Offer up a comfortable bed?

  I had no idea what I was saying, but it sounded decent at least.

  Bryn: Is that really a good idea? Before you were all about respect and not letting sex get in the way of the job.

  Me: You’re right.

  Bryn: Maybe just one last time?

  Her text caught me off guard, but I was not going to argue it. I wanted to be with her again even though it was a terrible idea.

  Me: Fuck it, why not?

  Chapter 7


  Me: Just message me when you get home?

  Mitch: I can do that.

  My hands were shaking as I lay in bed rereading the last messages Mitch and I had sent.

  “This isn’t going to end well,” I mumbled to myself, rolling off my mattress to head to my bathroom.

  “Morning!” Camden’s greeting made me jump out of my skin.

  I threw my hand to my chest, leaning against the hallway wall as I looked into the kitchen where he stood in only his boxers, holding a coffee mug and leaning over the sink.

  “What in the fuck are you doing up this early?” I asked, making my way into our tiny white and black kitchen.

  He shrugged. “Couldn’t sleep.”

  “It’s the baby, isn’t it?” On our last call the other night, we’d responded to an accident where a baby had been in the back seat. The car seat was not secured properly and the infant, along with the entire carrier, ended up crashing into the windshield.

  He nodded, staring off out the window.

  “The ones with kids are the worst,” he muttered, hanging his head. “I just wish we could have done something more for her.” His voice was low and his lips barely moved.

  “Cam, you did all you could have.” I tried to comfort him, but I knew it was futile.

  “What’re you doing up?” he asked.

  “A bath with extra bubbles is needed.” I smiled at him as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

  He kissed the top of my head. “Good idea, Bryn. You good?”

  I wrapped my arms around his middle, biting my lip as I fought back the excitement of seeing Mitch soon. I hated that I couldn’t tell Camden about it and knew I was going to have to figure out an excuse for me to be leaving shortly. At least I would have some alone time in the bath to come up with something.

  “Yeah, I’m good. Just another part of the job, right?”

  With a little squeeze, Cam pulled his arm away and agreed. “Unfortunately it is. I’m gonna try to get some more sleep.”

  “Good idea. Hope you sleep well.”

  I ducked into my bathroom as he made his way back to bed. I knew most people questioned my relationship with Camden. We were close, and he was like my brother, but most people assumed there was a whole lot more to it than that.

  The steaming bath filled with Dr Teal’s Restore & Replenish Pure Epsom Salt & Essential Oils Pink Himalayan Foaming Bath and the sweet fragrance took over the small space. I laughed as I read the name of the product out loud—how bougie.

  Sinking down into the scalding water with bubbles popping around me, I leaned back to relax before shaving my legs, arms, pits and bikini area. I felt silly getting ready to hang out with Mitch like that, but I didn’t want to be a prickly sasquatch either. I hated that I had to shave as often as I did—such a first-world girl problem. I had looked into laser hair removal a few times, but my hair was too light in contrast to my skin so I wasn’t a good candidate. Being a natural blonde had its perks and a lot of women would kill to have my hair, but everyone wants what they don’t have, right?

  My phone chimed on the bath mat next to the towel I’d laid out for myself. Leaning over the cold porcelain side, I read the notification banner from Mitch: Got home a few minutes ago. Head over whenever you want to. Right after, a location share popped up.

  I checked all my shaved spots to make sure I hadn’t missed anything then leaned down to drain the water. I hated getting out of the bath; it was always so nice and warm in the water and way too cold in the bathroom. Goose bumps covered my entire body as I wrapped the plush towel around myself as quickly as possible.

  Getting dressed, I didn’t want Mitch to think I had put too much thought into my appearance, but I totally fucking did.

  Do I wear jeans? Should I go with a yoga top? Should I attempt to put some makeup on? Will he notice if I wear a thong? Would that be too suggestive?

  Being a girl sucks monkey balls. Guys can just take a shower, comb their hair, throw jeans and a shirt on, and be out the door in seconds. Women have to shave, put makeup on, make sure their ass looks good in whatever they’re wearing, find jewelry—and that is just the tip of the damn iceberg.

  Me: About to leave my place.

  Mitch: See you soon, beautiful.

  The sweetness soaked into me as butterflies crashed into my stomach.

  Me: Laying it on thick, I see.

  Mitch: Nah, it’s just the truth.

  Chapter 8


  The ten minutes it took for Bryn to get to my apartment might as well have been freaking years.

  Bing bong. Bing bong.

  The doorbell made me jump a little in the middle of the living room where I had been sorting through junk in boxes to keep my hands busy while I waited.

  I could hear my heart in my ears and feel my pulse in my neck as I turned the doorknob.

  Her smile was electrifying as I opened the door for her. “Hey.”

  One word and I had chills.

  Get a damn grip.

  The calm, cool, collected me that had been at the station only a day and a half before flew out the window on the spot. There was something about Bryn. Maybe it wasn’t even her, maybe it was that she wasn’t Cali or that the night before had kind of rocked me—I really had no idea. All I knew was that I needed to feel her again.

  Without a word, I grabbed her sides, pulled her into the foyer, and had her pressed against the wall with my teeth sinking into her neck.

  Her breath hitched as her fingers gripped the waistband of my jeans. “I could get used to hellos like this.”

  “As could I.” I kissed her plump Cupid’s bow, lifting her into my arms. With my hands up her shorts, grasping her ass, I nipped at her shoulders. I loved listening to her moan in response as her head rolled back and rested on the wall behind her, lips parted, eyes softly shut.

  “Friends?” she questioned as a
giggle escaped. “Is that what they’re calling it these days?”

  “Guess so,” I responded, barely removing my mouth from her collarbone.

  She shimmied out of my arms, sliding down to her knees, taking my pants and boxers with her. With my pants around my ankles, she looked up at me with a devilish grin as she started to stroke and tease my hardening cock.

  “Fuck.” I rolled my fingers through her long hair, gripping it a bit.

  Her tongue gently glided over the head as she cupped my balls perfectly. I loved how she watched me, never looking away or closing her eyes as she played and sucked ever so subtly. Teasing was my favorite and without me even having to tell her, she somehow knew. The satisfaction that danced across her face was invigorating.

  After a few minutes of enjoying her, I growled while pulling her up to her feet.

  “You’re such a good little girl, you know that?” I asked, spinning her around and pressing her chest against the wall.

  “Mmmmmhhhmmmmm, yes. I try to be, at least.” She bit her lip as I undid her shorts, letting them fall to the floor, removing her panties next.

  Gliding my fingers over her soft wetness, I could feel her desire pooling. “Someone’s excited.”

  The blush that touched the tops of her cheeks and ears sent a chill down my arms. “You do something to me.” Her admission made my pulse quicken.

  “Fuck, the condoms are in the bedroom.” My head fell onto her shoulder as I damned myself for not grabbing one earlier.

  “It’s fine—I’m on the pill.”

  The green light was all I needed. Gripping her hip with one hand and pulling her hair with the other, I slammed into her hard and fast without warning. Her cry of pleasure followed by a gasp cheered me on as I pushed farther and harder into her dripping pussy.

  “Fucking dammit, you feel so good.” I growled into her ear as I yanked her head back sharply.

  “So do you, babe.” Her eyelashes fluttered as her hips bucked against me.

  Within seconds I was already losing control. “Come for me, Bryn,” I demanded.

  She shook her head. “Not without you.”

  “As you wish.” I pumped into her faster, forcing her tits and cheek to smash into the wall.

  Her pussy tightened and pulsed as we climaxed and rode out our orgasms together in heated passion.

  “Holy shit.” I pulled her back against my chest, wrapping my arms around her from behind. Kissing her neck, I felt her relax into me.

  “Best quickie I’ve ever had.” She sighed, letting her head roll back onto my shoulder.

  “So, now what?” I asked before kissing her cheek quickly.

  She pulled away from me, grabbing my hand to lead me to my bedroom. “We cuddle,” she answered.

  “I meant more in the grand scheme of all of this shit.” I helped her get under the covers, crawling in behind her after we took the rest of our clothes off.

  As she curled into my arms, she looked at me. “We keep doing this and keep it between us. No strings, just sex.”

  “Does that really work?” I had never had a successful fuck buddy before and every situation I had ever heard of involving them always seemed to have a crash-and-burn ending.

  “I’m willing to try if you are.” Bryn cuddled up more into my side, and I melted.

  “Fuck it—what’s the worst that can happen?”

  She shrugged. “We get fired.”

  I rubbed the side of my face where itchy stubbled had started to take over. “That would be worse case, I guess.”

  She giggled. “Right now, I am just sad that you had to shave that amazing beard of yours.”

  I smiled at her. “Had to make a good first impression and we’re not supposed to have facial hair.”

  “I know that rules, but still, I’m going to miss it.”

  Chapter 9


  Weeks went by as Mitch and I seamlessly kept our sex life and work life separate. No one was the wiser to our dirty little secret, and it fueled the passionate fire nicely. It was the closest thing I’d ever had to an affair, and it was thrilling, to say the least.

  Mitch: I cannot wait to spank that little ass of yours raw when I get off of this shift in the morning.

  Me: Only if you pull my hair while you’re doing it.

  Mitch: Is there any other way?

  Me: Fuck, I hope not.

  “What has you all smiley over there?” Camden teased as he walked into the living room, taking a seat next to me on the couch.

  “Just some stupid YouTube parody,” I lied before locking my phone and throwing it onto the coffee table.

  “Mind if I turn on the Cardinals game?” he asked, and I shook my head. “Sweet. How’d I get so lucky to have such an awesome chick for a roommate?”

  I shrugged my shoulders, putting my hands in the air. “Dunno. Just one of the few lucky ones, I guess.”

  “Are you going out for Goff’s birthday tomorrow?” Cam asked as he flipped through the sports channels to find the ball game.

  “I was planning on it.” I was nervous to go and not go all at the same time. Goff and Mitch had started to get pretty close while working together. It would be our first time being in public together since making our little arrangement, and I didn’t know how Mitch and I were going to handle it. My biggest fear would be that we ruined everything and blew our cover while things were so good.


  After getting out of the shower with Mitch, I started to towel off, staring at the fresh ink on his side. “I can’t believe you went and got that without me.”

  Mitch folded his towel, putting it back on the rack. “I made the appointment the night we met, how was I supposed to know that we’d hit it off or that it would be on a night that you were working.”

  The bright reds and orange of the phoenix were captivating, you could barely even tell that it was a cover up. I was so fucking thankful for his ex-girlfriend’s name to be covered up but I couldn’t admit that to Mitch. It was hard keeping the balance of just being friends with benefits when I had way more feelings for Mitch than that description implied. Yes, I had been the one to say that we could do this with no strings, but day by day I was learning that that was a complete crock of steaming horse shit.

  I was hoping that the small talk about Mitch’s tattoo would last longer, but I needed to bring up the birthday party. It was giving me way more anxiety than it should and talking to Mitch about it was step one in handling my apprehensions. “You’re going tonight, right?”

  He cocked his head to the side while getting the water out of his ears with a Q-tip. “For Lieutenant Goff’s birthday thing?”

  “Yeah,” I answered, sliding up onto the counter with only a towel wrapped around me.

  “He asked me to, and I want to. Will that be weird for you?” He leaned onto the stone counter with his hand on either side of my legs, pressing our foreheads together.

  I pursed my lips. “I honestly am not sure, but I think it would be weird if one of us didn’t show up. You two are friends, and Dave really is one of my favorite guys that we work with.”

  “Then we both go, we don’t make it weird, and we just have a good time with friends.” He flashed me a killer smile as he grabbed the tops of my thighs. “Besides, I’d love to see you in a miniskirt and heels again, maybe have a little quickie in the bathroom. Could be fun.”

  As he nipped at the nape of my neck, I relaxed into him. “Damn, keep in your pants,” I teased, “No quickies. No getting caught. We can’t be dumb about this.”

  “Aw, you’re no fun,” he subtly protested, still biting and kissing down my neck and shoulder.

  Pulling away from him, I put on as stern an expression as I could muster. “Seriously, Mitch, we have to be careful. I don’t want this to be ruined.”

  “Fine.” He threw his hands in the air. “I was just playing around. I know we have to be discrete and cautious. I remember the rules extremely well. Doesn’t mean I have to like them, thoug

  Chapter 10


  I purposely got to the bar well after I knew Bryn and Cam were already there. I knew I wouldn’t be able to hide my facial expression if she surprised me with a sexy entrance, or anything, for that matter. She could walk in wearing a paper bag and take my breath away.

  “Hey! Look who finally made it!” Lieutenant Goff called from the head of the table.

  With a wave, I greeted the large group. “Hey everyone. How’s it going?”

  Of course, the only open seat at the table was across from Bryn. Taking it, my heart broke when she refused to even make eye contact with me.

  Camden reached over the table to shake my hand. “Nice to see you, newbie. How’s B shift treating you?”

  “I’m enjoying it for the most part, though the Lieutenant can be kind of a prick from time to time, but I have tough skin.” I glanced over at Dave as he pointed his finger at me.

  Laughing, he responded, “Hey, watch it there, Katz. I’ll have you scrubbing toilets for the rest of your damn life if you keep that shit up.”

  “What the fuck else is new?” I threw a balled-up napkin at him. “Happy birthday, old man. What is this, eighty-seven?”

  “Fuck you!” He threw his head back laughing.

  Bryn crossed her arms over her chest, looking down at the table and smiling.

  Me: You can look at me, you know.

  Bryn grabbed her purse and read the message, shaking her head as red covered her cheeks, spread down her neck and up her ears.

  Bryn: Not while knowing your come is still dripping out of my pussy from a few hours ago, and not with how badly I want to show you the hickey you left on my ass cheek.

  My pants instantly got tighter. That was not the message I had expected—at all.

  “So, Bryn, heard you’ve been going to the gym a hell of a lot lately.” I smirked at her, calling her out on the cover story she’d been using on Camden for all the time she’d been spending at my apartment. It wasn’t a complete lie though, I did make her work out pretty hard when we were together.