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Unwounded: An Unacceptables MC Standalone Romance
Unwounded: An Unacceptables MC Standalone Romance Read online
An Unacceptables MC Standalone
Kristen Hope Mazzola
Copyright © 2019 Kristen Hope Mazzola
Published by Kristen Hope Mazzola
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
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Published: Kristen Hope Mazzola 2019
Cover Design: Kristen Hope Mazzola
Formatting by: Kristen Hope Mazzola
Editing by:
C. Marie [email protected]
Created with Vellum
Unacceptables MC Logo
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
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About the Author
Also by Kristen Hope Mazzola
An outlaw’s code:
Never say die and never give up.
Whether in a fight, debate, or curve too tight,
No matter how bad it gets, an outlaw never shows weakness and never gives up.
The Unacceptables motto:
Fear none. Respect few.
Unacceptables MC Logo
To the Unacceptables. This has been one hell of a wild ride.
And to all of the readers who have loved these outlaws, this one is for you!
Chapter 1
“Open that throat,” I growled. A petite cut-slut was on her knees in the back office of my new bar, gagging on the shaft of my dick as the head slammed into the back of her throat. The cold tile was probably digging into her bare knees as her head bobbed up and down, but I didn’t give a flying fuck—it was her choice to get down there. With her white V-neck ripped down the middle and her tight jean shorts around her ankles, I watched her plump breasts popping out of her bra as spit ran from her hand at the base of my cock down her tattooed forearm. Tears started to form at the creases of her weathered eyes as she looked up at me, never breaking eye contact. The crow’s feet aged her ten years, at least. She was the definition of rode hard and put away wet, but fuck if I cared in the slightest. She had one purpose in that moment: to swallow my load as I pumped it deep into her gaping mouth.
Once we were done, the blonde hopped up to fix her clothes as best she could. “So, did I get the job?” Her red lipstick was smeared into the cracks around her Cupid’s bow as her lips twisted into a foolishly hopeful smile.
Leaning back against the worn desk behind me, I squinted at the handwritten application she’d handed to me minutes before our encounter. “Mia,” I choked out, thankful for the cheat sheet, “it was lovely for you to come in and apply. We have a lot of applicants to sift through, and my sister will call you in a few days to let you know if you got the job or not.”
Crossing her arms over her exposed chest, she tried to pout. “Come on, Jett. You know you want me to stick around here for more of this stuff.”
Her boney finger traced down my flannel-covered pec as she batted her fake lashes at me. I felt nothing. Not even one ping of guilt for everything that was happening. Try as she might, there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell I was going to hire her. Needless to say, I wasn’t a cruel man. I didn’t want to be impolite, but I also wanted her to get the fuck out of my sight so I could get back to work. I needed that quick release and I had it. Her presence was no longer required.
“I’m not the one who makes those decisions around here. Katherine will call you.” How many more ways was I going to have to explain this to her?
“Fine. See you around the club house.” She waggled her fingers and hips at me a little before finally leaving me to deal with the mountain of paperwork I had piling up.
Mia. I repeated it to myself a few times. I really need to remember that.
She was one of the typical hang-around wenches who didn’t take hints all too well. She had one role when it came to the company she kept: cum dumpster. I knew I was using her—everyone used her. We all used the girls that matched her description. It was wrong, but we were all consenting adults and the girls knew the game. She wasn’t one of the chicks who would eventually find a biker to make her an old lady; she had been around the club too long and gotten with too many of us for anyone in their right mind to put a ring on that wrinkled finger.
I chuckled to myself about the stupidity of her sad situation. Was it wrong for me to treat her like everyone else did? Probably. Did I care at all? Not even a little. It was just a fact of our lives. There was a hierarchy to the women we kept around. Some didn’t matter other than how well they performed in the bedroom, and then there were the ones who became our queens, ones we would put our lives on the line for, ones who meant everything to our organization. Mia was definitely in the first group. Women like my sister were in the second.
“Really?” Katherine barked at me as she flew into the office like a bat out of hell, hair flying behind her, eyes shooting daggers at me.
“What?” I glanced up at her from the beer order form in my hand. It should have been filled out and sent in already, but it was clutched in my grasp completely blank. “I’m working on it.”
“Do you really think this is about the order forms?” My sister popped out her hip as she groaned. “We’re never going to find good bartenders if you keep sticking your dick inside of them.”
Katherine sat on the edge of my desk with a thud, tapping her foot on the ground, awaiting my poor excuse of a reply.
I shrugged, throwing my pencil down to give her my undivided attention. “Not like she was a real candidate anyway. More than half of the guys have busted a load in or on her at some point. I don’t think that would bode well for business. She’d spend most of the night trying to suck a higher tip out of all our customers’ cocks.”
“You’re the one who wants to keep the applicants close to the club, and most of the girls around here match that fucking description.” Katherine jumped up to pace around the office a few times. “I have ten applicants for this place who I have to throw out now based solely on your ridiculous argument.”
My little sister had gone through hell and come out the other side to become a woman I respected and loved with all of my heart. She was an angel with charred wings and a battered halo, but it made her one badass bitch. I knew she was the perfect business partner for me because she would put me in my place—a task that fell to her more and more these days.
Taking a swig from my beer bottle, I loo
ked up into her raging eyes when she finally paused her pacing and stopped in front of me. “I promise to refrain from fucking applicants from now on. Is that better?”
Her shoulders softened as she ran her dainty fingers through her long locks. “I feel like this was a conversation we never should have needed to have…but yes, that is better.”
“Are you regretting buying the Red Crow with me?” I popped out my bottom lip a little as she melted some more.
“No,” she muttered. “I just didn’t realize your dick was going to be our biggest issue from day one.”
I threw my hands into the air. “I’m only human.”
“Just keep it in your pants for a while.” Shoving my shoulder, she peeked down at the incomplete forms. “These are way more important than you getting your rocks off.”
“Yes ma’am. You’re right.”
A familiar, nagging feeling settled in sharply as I watched Katherine close the door to the office. I had been grasping at straws for years, trying to find something—anything—to feel a sense of purpose in my life.
I had gone from being all I could be in the Army to fighting like hell to save my little sister, finally settling in one place when she was home and safe. I’d joined the Unacceptables MC, but what was left for me? My life had never truly been mine. Was I ever going to feel settled? Would there ever be a sense of home? People like me don’t deserve it, but I still craved it.
Chapter 2
“Get your fucking boots off of the damn table. Why is it so hard for you to remember that one rule?” I yelled at Wyatt, throwing my keys down on the kitchen table along with my leather jacket and purse.
With a forced eye roll, he did as I asked before craning his neck to look over at me.
“How was your shift, princess?” The question slivered out of my brother’s lips before he took another shot of whiskey.
“I quit.” I huffed down onto the couch next to him, tugging a blanket over my lap.
Wyatt’s eyes grew ten times as he realized what I had just admitted. “What in the fuck do you mean, you quit?”
Running my hand over my tired face, I sighed. “Luke was being his typical handsy self and I snapped. I elbowed him in the face for grabbing my ass behind the counter again while I was helping out a customer. I just can’t handle his bullshit.”
“I had to pull a shit-load of strings to land you that gig. What the fuck, Raven? You only worked there for a week!” he bellowed, anger starting to bubble up from deep in his gut.
“Don’t worry, I am sure your job is safe. I’ll find something else.” I leaned farther back onto the couch, grabbing my phone out of my pocket to start looking through job postings.
“You just made my life hell—you know that, right? Luke is going to be all over my ass first thing in the morning.”
“Cry me a fucking river, Wy. You should be fucking furious that he was groping your little sister, not mad at me for defending myself.”
Sucking in a forced breath, his hand landed on mine. “You’re right, but fuck you.”
“I love you too, big brother.” I playfully blew him a kiss with a little wink.
“Want me to beat his ass?”
I shook my head. “We need you to keep your job to pay the bills right now. Besides, the shiner I left him with is all the punishment that douche-nozzle needs.”
“I am proud of you, sis.”
“Thanks,” I mumbled, scrolling through the limited employment opportunities I was qualified for.
Bag boy—fuck no.
Day care worker—no.
Receptionist at a law office—nope.
“Fuck this small town. There’s nothing good out there.” I tossed my phone down onto the coffee table, grabbing the bottle of Wild Turkey out of Wyatt’s large tattooed hand. I let the harsh amber liquid slide down my throat while I thought about how far off course my life had gone.
Once upon a time, I was in nursing school online, engaged to a doctor, pregnant with our first child, ready to move out of this small town and make something of myself. Ditching my ex was something I didn’t regret in the slightest, but it’d definitely started me down the path I was on, and I felt like I was so far from where I had wanted to be.
“Seth?” I called into the house, dropping my bag of textbooks by the front door. I had been at the library studying for finals and was dead on my feet. My eyes burned from reading and making flashcards for hours on end.
“Oh God! Yes! Give me that cock!” I heard a woman’s voice squeal from my bedroom down the hall.
What in the fuck?
I flew to the room to find a perky blonde no more than nineteen years old bouncing on my fiancé’s dick. His eyes were squeezed shut as he moaned with pleasure while the chick rode him in our bed.
“What in the fuck is going on here?” I screamed, grabbing a fistful of the girl’s hair. I pulled her off of my man, flinging her onto the hardwood floor at my feet.
Seth’s eyes popped open instantly, finally realizing he’d been caught. “Raven, I-I can explain,” he stammered, frantically trying to tug his boxers on.
The girl was cowering in the corner, clutching clothes to her bare body.
“This is the time when you read the room and get the fuck out, sweetheart,” I seethed in her direction, steam billowing out of my ears.
“I’m sorry,” she cried. “I didn’t know.”
“You mean you didn’t see the pictures of him and me on the nightstand?” I pointed to the sterling silver frames that rested next to our bed dramatically. “You fucking slut! Get out!”
Seth tried to grab my arm as I started to throw some of my clothes into an overnight bag.
“Baby, please. Let’s talk about this,” he pathetically pleaded.
“The only time you are allowed to talk to me ever again is in regards to our baby.” I slid my engagement ring off my finger, tossed it on the dresser, and marched out the door that stupid bitch had left wide open.
I glanced down to look at the time. “I need to go pick up Emma from her dad’s,” I complained, leaning onto Wyatt’s shoulder. I looked up at him with puppy-dog eyes, and he knew exactly what I was asking without another word.
“I’ll get my coat, but I am not going up to the front door this time. Your ex makes me want to cut his balls off right when I see that smug face.”
“Fair is fair. I just hate going over there alone.” I tugged my long dark curls into a ponytail, needing to do something with my hands as they started to shake.
“I cannot believe he married that slut after all that bullshit.”
I rolled my eyes. “Fuck, I couldn’t agree with you more.”
It had been a little over five years since I’d walked out on my ex and decided to keep the baby anyway. She was the bright light in all of it. If I hadn’t met my douche of an ex, I wouldn’t have my precious baby girl. I couldn’t imagine my life without her and wouldn’t have changed that little miracle for the world.
Taking a long breath, I willed myself to ring the doorbell at my ex’s house.
To my dismay, I was greeted by the round, honey-colored eyes of his wife, Brigette—a name I had grown to loathe over the years. Every time I saw her perky face and stupid smile, bile creeped up in the back of my throat. The awfulness of that night all those years ago attacked my brain, making me see red all over again. Why’d he have to marry the chick he cheated on me with? Why did he insist on being a part of his daughter’s life? Why couldn’t he have just left us alone and stepped out of our lives?
I knew my feelings were purely selfish. I was happy Emma had her father. He was good to her and treated her like a princess, as she deserved. I was just bitter that he hadn’t been a better man for me.
“She’ll be right out,” Brigette spit out quickly as I looked at my feet. Even after all this time, I couldn’t bring myself to look her in the eye.
“Mommy!” Emma ran into my arms holding her favorite stuffe
d giraffe.
“Hey, sweetie. Are you ready to go? Tomorrow’s a big day!” I scooped up my kid, her fiery red hair dancing in the wind as waved goodbye to Brigette.
“Raven, hold on one second? There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”
“Go wait in the car with Uncle Wyatt, sweetie. I’ll only be a minute,” I cooed to my daughter, watching as she skipped along without question.
I crossed my arms over my chest, glaring past Brigette, waiting for her to get on with it.
She cleared her throat. “I know this is a lot to ask and I know we don’t particularly get along, but since tomorrow is Emma’s first day at school and everything, would it be all right if I came with y’all when you meet her teacher? It would mean the world to me, and I think it would mean a lot to Emma if she could see us being civil out in public.”
It took everything in my power to not tell her to go fuck herself. At the end of the day, she was Emma’s stepmother, and playing nice was in the best interest of my kid.
“I guess that would be all right. We’re getting there at seven thirty. I can text you the classroom information when we get home.” My entire mouth went dry instantly. I couldn’t believe I was agreeing to spend more than two minutes with the dreadful woman, but I would do anything to make my child happy.