Virtual Reality Read online

Page 6

  Kate took it, but a long, manicured nail made her wait. With her mouth never slowing, Nancy grabbed a pad and scrawled a note, then turned it so Kate could see. Take that to Adam?

  Kate nodded, Nancy's smile acknowledging it, then she left. It wasn't a long walk around the atrium, maybe twenty yards, but the curving path made it feel farther. Just like hers, a glass desk stood in the large reception area before Mr. Degrass's office, a clean-cut young man sitting there as if on display.

  "Nancy wanted me to bring this over," Kate told him.

  He clicked something on the computer, then looked up. "Kate, right? New assistant to Nancy? I'm Mark." He pointed at the doors. "Just go in. The rule is that Nancy's office is always welcome, so that means you."

  "Guessing it goes both ways, huh?"

  He made a polite smile. "Yep, in theory. Mr. Degrass does most of his errands himself. I'm a glorified receptionist. Nice to meet you, though."

  Tapping the packet against her fingers, Kate walked in, reminding herself that she honestly belonged here. This was just a part of her job. Mr. Degrass was reclined as far as his chair would go, one arm over his eyes, murmuring into the phone. He heard the click as the door closed and looked up. His eyes raked across her like he was sizing her up, almost palpable in their intensity. Yet, there was a look in them, a gentle hunger that made her feel a bit delirious. Then his lips lifted slightly.

  "Robert, I'll call you back. Yeah. Thanks." He put the phone down and sat up.

  Kate held out the papers, doing her best to ignore how he incited her fantasies. "Nancy asked me to bring these over."

  When he took the packet, their fingers touched. It was light, just a gentle caress of skin, but she felt it run straight through her body. "Ready to quit, yet?" His voice was nearly a purr.

  She looked away. "No, sir."

  "Good. Does that mean you might even like the position?"

  Poor choice of words, she thought, licking her lips. She'd probably like any position he put her in, but then again, it had been a long time. She was just desperate.

  "Nancy is a wonderful woman to work for," she assured him, knowing that's what he meant.

  He actually laughed. "Now that is a first. In ten years, she's never been able to keep an admin for more than eleven months." His eyes moved across her again. "I hope you'll be the one that sets the new record."

  God, he took her breath away. Ignore it, she screamed at herself. Yes, he's sexy. Yes, he's rich. Yes, he's disgustingly powerful, but ignore it. You need to find a nice guy, not some seductive snake that's just going to make your life hell. You already tried that, remember?

  "I hope so, Mr. Degrass," she said, the words barely more than a whisper.

  "It's Adam."

  "Yes, sir."

  He heaved out a frustrated sigh. "Just try it, Kate? I promise I only bite if you ask."

  Her tiny intake of breath was loud in the office, and her eyes flew back to his. She would not let another man push her buttons just because he was beautiful. "I hope to work for Nancy for a long time, Adam, and I assure you, I will never ask for anything that would jeopardize that." She turned for the door.

  "Kate." His voice stopped her. "Ten years ago, I hired Nancy. Her contract includes a clause that says I can't fire her or her immediate employees. It takes two-thirds of all VIPs to terminate her employment with Degrass Industries or override any of her decisions. I have no say over her - or her staff."

  "Excuse me?" She turned back to look at him.

  He smiled. "I'm saying, relax. You can walk into this office and scream at me at the top of your lungs, and there's not a damned thing I can do. This is my side of the building; that is hers. You don't work for me."

  "Sir, you own the company."

  "Yeah. I own the hotels too. I probably own half the town." He leaned forward to rest his chin onto his steepled fingers, the look in his eyes daring her. "C'mon, Kate. Don't prove me wrong."

  If he thought she took this job to be his personal distraction, he was so wrong. "About?"

  "You. I think there's a lot more under that pretty ginger hair than a beautiful face."

  She didn't know whether to believe his words or the looks he kept throwing her way. The first said she was a capable employee, the second implied that all women here were available for his amusement, and she would be next. He was a very rich and powerful man, and probably a little high on his own self-importance, she reminded herself, but she wasn't that kind of woman, and certainly hadn't taken the job to sleep her way into money.

  "Is this the point where you tell me about the NDA and a contract I need to sign before I can see your secret dungeon?" She lifted her chin; somehow sure he'd get the reference.

  He grinned. "That's what I meant. Granted, I didn't see you as the type of woman to read that tripe."

  "Just referencing the trope, Mr. Degrass. I'm sure your copy of that book is hidden far away on your hard drive."

  "Adam," he corrected again. "Saw the movie. I also prefer vanilla."

  Her eyes widened, then she ducked her head. "I think I've been outplayed."

  "This time. I have a feeling you'll make up for it when you're a little more comfortable here. Thank you, Kate."

  "Thank you for this opportunity, Mr. Degrass."

  He cleared his throat. "Adam."

  She turned to the door. "Adam."

  As she stepped through, he was chuckling. "That'll do."

  Kate made it home from work and started her computer while she went through her evening routine. She logged in to find that the server was busy, nearly her entire outfit online at once but spread through different channels. Unfortunately, after her first full day of work, she was exhausted, so didn't really want to run through an intense operation.

  She was barely in the channel before she was moved to a smaller room near the bottom. Only Ice was there, waiting for her. "How was your first full day at work?" he asked.

  "I dunno," she mumbled, moving her character over to adjust her load outs.

  Ice sent her a group invite. "Hm, sounds less than amazing. What happened?"

  "My boss," she mumbled. "He kinda freaks me out sometimes."

  "Really?" His name lit up on her screen, showing he'd just spawned into the same area she was. "Thought you worked for a woman."

  "Yeah. I mean, that boss is nice. She's kinda amazing really. It's the one over her that's freaky."

  "Grab a repairman and come gun my bomber so you can tell me why."

  "Sure. You pull it, and I'll be there in a second. I don't have any setups for that yet." She wasn't lying. Every time she'd been in a plane was just to get dropped somewhere with the outfit.

  He obeyed, pulling out a fully modified attack bomber, landing it just beside her. "Well, since I'm a shit pilot, we might get you a few levels just keeping this thing in the air. So what happened that was so bad?"

  "Nothing really." She entered the plane and checked out the weapons. "He's just really intimidating. I mean, the guy is stupidly rich, and everyone jumps when he says, but when I try to be polite, I think I'm making him mad."

  "How so?"

  "He wants me to use his first name."

  Ice laughed. "Ok, and that's a bad thing?"

  "Yeah, you don't know him. Everyone speaks to him formally. Well, except my boss. Then, when I try, he looks at me like he just won some battle."

  "Lith, ever think he's just flirting?" Ice tilted the plane, changing directions to approach the battle from the undefended side. "There's something about hearing a woman say your name, ya know? Pretty hot. Especially from a redhead."

  "Fuck off," she laughed. "I'm not really interested in the kind of guys looking to add another trinket to their collection. I guess I'm a little tired of men who think we're just playthings."

  "What do you mean?" Something about the tone of his voice had changed.

  "Reaper, seven o'clock," she warned.

  "Nah, it's good, he doesn't see us. Seriously, Lith. What do you mean? Open up on t
he base below us as you talk."

  She did, the targets crowded so thick she couldn't help but get a few kills. Or a lot of them. "Holy shit, I think I just got two levels! Uh, that was awesome, can we do it again?"

  "Yes, ma'am," he agreed. "Making a circle. But if you don't start talking, I'm gonna drop you into the fray."

  Kate sighed. "I mean that rich and powerful men expect women to jump when they say jump, then start asking how high. I'm not some trained dog, you know?"

  "Yep, kinda get that. You're a fuckin' badass with a repair gun. Not too bad with an SMG either."

  And that was why she liked him. He had no problem handing out compliments. While he knew more than her, he always treated her like a partner, not a prize. He was also going out of his way to make sure her character got everything it needed, including the experience from all the kills.

  "What about you, Ice? Married? Dating?"

  "Single," he said. "Because of the exact same thing you're talking about. All the women I meet?" He groaned then mimicked a girl's voice. "Let's get married, I want a new car, sit and watch TV with me, why are you playing that damned game?"


  "Yep. I mean, I like to get laid as much as the next guy, but it'd be nice to find someone that can hold a conversation, you know? Otherwise, the morning after gets a bit awkward."

  Kate giggled, trying to imagine him playing the ideal man. It wasn't easy since she had no clue what he looked like. "Lemme guess, you do breakfast in bed, too, huh?"

  "Not unless she can tell me what class uses an assault rifle."

  She knew that. "Heavy."

  "So, when am I making you breakfast, darlin'?"

  "What happened to dinner?"

  He paused. "That's the night before. You know, kinda like please and thank you."

  "Oh, so you beg too?"

  He laughed. "Nah, I'm pretty shit at begging. I also noticed that you didn't say no. You know, I'm only like a half hour from you?"

  "Ice." She missed a shot that should have been easy, then sighed. "I'm still married."

  "Yeah, you told me. Also, that you're separated and almost done with the divorce. I'm not scared off, Lith."

  "I can't. Not until the divorce is final. He'd rake me over the coals."

  Ice didn't say anything for a moment. She wondered if she'd just pushed a little too far, or crossed that line between game and reality they all seemed to keep intact. She hoped not, and was just about to apologize when he spoke up sounding worried.

  "Is it really that bad?"

  "Has been. I just can't afford to make it a nasty court fight. I'm barely scraping by, and I lose my car at the end of the week." She missed another shot. Why was she telling him all of this? He'd think she was a serious loser. Talking to Ice was the one thing she looked forward to every day.

  Like he could read her mind, he turned the plane, heading for safer territory. "Lith, if I'm sticking my nose in too far, just tell me, but why the car?"

  Ok. Just the facts. "That's the deal. I stayed at home for five years of our marriage, so he bought it. He wants it back. To get him to take some of the debt, I had to give up a little."

  "How are you gonna get to work?"

  She chuckled once. "The bus. My new job pays pretty good, but with my credit - thanks to dickface - it's gonna be a bit before I get a new car."

  Thankfully, he lightened the subject. "Whatcha getting?"

  "Probably a beater."

  He made a gagging sound. "Ok, I get it, but what would you get? C'mon, darlin', I'm a car guy. What's your dream car?"

  And that was what made him amazing. He'd managed to take a sensitive subject and turn it into something that made her want to smile. "A little Mini Cooper." She giggled. "I have no idea why, but I think they're adorable."

  "You should get blue. Goes with the team."

  "Or yellow. You know, Psycho keeps trying to recruit me."

  "Fuck Psych. No! I mean don't!" He laughed. "Although a hot little redhead in a bright yellow car? Yeah. You'd need the racing stripes, though."

  "The ones that are offset."

  "Oh yeah," he agreed. "Still think you should get blue."

  Kate giggled. "Ok, hotshot. I win the lottery, I'll get a blue one, but the yellow would be super cute."

  "Four-door, or convertible?"

  She made a dismissive sound, proving how silly that question was. "Two-door hatchback."

  "Ok, total guy question," he warned her. "Standard or automatic?"

  "Oh, a standard. It's a Mini Cooper, Ice. Cute, sporty, but won't get stolen over here in the ghetto."

  "Fair enough. You ready to shoot some more shit?"

  "Yeah," she said. "Ice? Thanks. You always seem to know what to say."

  He swung the plane back toward the front line, dropping low to give her a good shot. "Just for you, darlin'. Most women say I'm an insensitive asshole."

  "I think you're sweet."

  He chuckled, but it sounded off. "Lith, when your divorce is final, I'm taking you to dinner. That night. I mean it."

  "Taking, not cooking?" she teased.

  She could hear him swallow over the voice chat. "Taking. Like all proper, you know? A real honest-to-god fancy date, ok? If we sit down face to face and you want it as just friends, I'm cool with that, but a nice date, someplace fancy, to celebrate your freedom."

  "Gotta be someplace the bus goes," she reminded him. "Not sure I'm quite ready to start handing out my address, you know?"

  "I know. Make you a deal. I'll pay for a cab. Like Swish said the other day, we take care of our own. I just think you deserve it."

  She was blushing. She wasn't even in the same room as him, but her face was burning. He could be a fat ugly dork for all she knew, but she actually liked him, and how he looked didn't seem all that important. Hell, not like she was some kind of knock out.

  "Ice, I'm not a supermodel. The sexiest thing about me is the color of my hair."

  "Nah, it's your mind. I'm not looking for a trophy, Lith, I swear. Just say yes? A casual date with a friend who happens to have a little crush on you. No strings attached."

  He'd lined her up perfectly for a bombing run, but she didn't even take a shot. Her hands were pressed to her mouth. "I think I'd like that."

  "Good. Stop flirting and start shooting, darlin'. You're too good to get distracted by some guy."

  Chapter 8

  The next morning, Kate wore her favorite suit. It was a slim, elegant, black and white affair that made her feel like an executive. Maybe it was talking to Ice, but for some reason, she didn't feel like the dandelion in the roses. There was a little extra spring in her step, and a lot more confidence knowing that somewhere out in the world was someone that liked her for just who she was. Even Nancy noticed, complimenting both Kate's wardrobe and her smile.

  She also was getting more duties every day. No longer was she just answering phones and setting appointments. Now, she was the lead coordinator for the companies that contracted with their larger hotel chains. In other words, she had to make sure the Clairmont didn't resell the rooms reserved for the professional gamers at the PLG tournament.

  Kate took a long drink of coffee then made the call. The manager had already tried to double book a few and was livid to learn she could block him out from the corporate office. He started ranting about refunding reservations and how it would affect his monthly reports. No matter how hard she tried to calm him down, he only pushed harder.

  "I'm sorry, Mr. Stephenson," she said for the millionth time, "your hotel is contractually bound to have those rooms available for the professional gamers. Degrass Industries signed an agreement."

  "They never use all of them," he snapped. "Every time they book us for this damned thing, half the suite reservations fall through. We're losing money on it."

  "That isn't my problem."

  "I'm telling you it's my problem, missy. You let me take care of my hotel, and I'll let you push papers up there at headquarters. Stay the fuck out of
my reservation lists until you've worked the damned floor!"

  "Let me make this real clear, Mr. Stephenson," Kate warned. "When the man who owns your hotel says he wants those rooms, you make them available. It will cost us twice as much if we end up in breach of contract. Stop yelling at me, and do your job, sir."

  "Look, you uppity bitch - "

  The phone was snatched from her hand. "This is Adam Degrass. Who am I talking to?" She hadn't even heard him walk up! He was just there, leaning over her shoulder, his face intent. She couldn't hear the response on the other end of the line, but Mr. Degrass did not seem pleased. "Jack Stephenson. Yeah. Now, what's the problem? Ok. Ok. Sure. You're fired. Don't ever talk to Kate like that again and have your office cleared by the start of business tomorrow. Have a nice day." He hung up the phone and smiled at her, close enough that she could smell his shampoo.

  "You just fired him, Mr. Degrass?" Her voice was a squeak.

  He nodded. "Yep. I'll fire you too if you don't start calling me Adam."

  "Adam," she said quickly.

  He smiled. "I can't fire you, Kate. Relax."

  "But you fired him!"

  "Kinda did, huh." He winked, grabbed her cup, and walked into Nancy's office, leaving her gaping after him.

  He was only in there a few minutes and returned with a full, fresh, hot coffee. He placed it on the corner of her desk then stepped around behind her to look at her monitor. The half-written blurb for another event was still on the screen, and his eyes dissected every word. He probably thought she was an incompetent idiot, especially after that phone call.

  "I like it. Keep the tone of the first paragraph, though. You start to get a bit distant as you write. We want to make the staff understand that this means them."

  She nodded quickly, glancing up at him. "Thanks, by the way."

  He gave her a confused look. "What for?"