Kinard Mythology Anthology Read online

Page 5

  The Story Behind the Stars

  By Maxine

  Their words traveling through time and space, Artemis and Apollo fought. They bickered day and night. They had recently been arguing about adding stars to the night. The wild winds from the human town below them was causing them to yell. The winds blew through Artemis’ hair. It was once littered with twigs and tied back in all of its curly mess into a bun but was now blown almost entirely straight, and the angry Apollo’s sky blue eyes glittered in the reflection of the beautiful town beneath them, glittering with lights.

  “I think that you’re underestimating the power of the night!” Artemis was practically forced to scream.

  “I’m actually not. There is no particular reason for the night. The mortals would be fine without it.” Shouted an angry Apollo.

  “The earth is too cold at night! There should be another source of light, and if anyone can control it, it should be me!” Now a screaming Artemis spit at Apollo. Apollo, however, thought that the moon and the hunt should be enough for the goddess, and that she needed not control more.

  Of course, this constant arguing began to bother all of the gods, and they began to become worried that it would cause troubles in the future, with their voices echoing through time. So, Zeus came down to the black hole, causing the wind to roar even louder, and Apollo and Artemis to get blown even closer to the roaring black hole.

  “It is time for this to stop,” Boomed Zeus’ voice, “The gods are sick of all of this arguing. So either stop it or there will be consequences.”

  “Possibly Zeus will agree with me.” Said a now sweet sounding Artemis.

  “Actually, I have heard the argument since it started, and I am not interested in adding anything new to the night. The mortals are fine, and with adding something new, comes the risk of upsetting the natural balance,” Zeus said angrily. Having heard this, Artemis stormed off, angry that she had not gotten her way. Apollo left too, but happy that he had gotten his way, having no idea of the disastrous chain of events to follow.

  Later that night, Artemis found her way around mount Olympus, smelling the sweet rain as it fell all around her, and hearing it fall hard upon her head and shoulders. She walked the streets, until she came to Apollo’s house in all of its glory. The rain coated the sun colored house. It was much too large for one person to inhabit, but the god seemed to manage. By the time Artemis had scoured the grounds looking for a window that would suit her needs, her knee length, ripped, worn, and tattered dress was soaked to the bone. Her brown, leather, ribbed shoes were no use to her anymore, they were just squeaking, and causing too much noise for her needs. She stripped them off and found a large bush only feet to her left that she hid them in. Stepping back to the window, Artemis returned to her task. The goddess opened the gold painted window, threw her bow and arrows in, and swung in her left leg first.

  She climbed into the house, and stepped onto the dry hard wood. Her wet feet squeaked on the dry wood as she moved, and the water from her now ever so curly brown hair and her dress dripped everywhere. She climbed the steps that led directly from the room that appeared not to be inhabited. There wasn't a piece of furniture in the entire room, only the small window, although the shiny wood was covered in scratches and dents.

  Once she had reached the room upstairs, she walked in, and pulled out a small bag that she had tied to her hip with a piece of thick yellowing yarn that she had wrapped around her many times. She stepped forward to the four poster bed that a snoring Apollo was laying in. His blonde hair was tousled and rough. She stepped even closer to the bed, so that her feet were under the bed, and pulled out a small vial containing a purple liquid. She opened Apollo’s mouth and poured the foul smelling liquid down his throat. She then ran to the window only a few feet to her right, pulled her bow and strung an arrow. She ripped the string from her waist that had been holding the liquid to her. She tied the thick, yellowing string to the nearest bedpost and to the arrow. Thankfully she had wrapped it around her waist many times, and there would be enough for her plans. As she peeked out into the sky, she saw that the curse had worked. She had created the stars by using the potion to break the sun into a million tiny pieces.

  The moon, and all of the sky that she could see was sparkling in little pieces of the sun. They were so beautiful, but Artemis had to tear her eyes from the sky, because Apollo was groaning in pain. Quickly she strung her arrow and shot it into the nearest tree. She then un- strung her bow. The thick, leather string was falling apart anyway, so it wouldn’t matter if it was ruined. She strung it again onto the rope, and ever so silently, she climbed out the window, holding on firmly to the bow, she gracefully leaped out of the window sill. Quietly, the small frame of the god flew off towards the tree that the arrow was shot into.  Underneath the new creation, that would occur every night, and would be the result of Apollo underestimating the need of the night. Artemis reached the ground howling in joy, and ran off down the street. That is the story of how the stars were created.  

  God of Toilets, vs Goddess of Hatred and Death

  By Jay H.

  Once upon a time, this all happened in a castle, in an evil castle there lived a goddess. Not a good goddess, an evil goddess. She had green eyes, green hair, and was fun sized. Her name was, Micthena, she was the goddess of hatred and death. She was once friends with a good god named Jayus. He had blue eyes, green/orange hair, and was very tall. They were the best of friends.

  One day, the goddess, Micthena decided to do something very unacceptable, she decided to obtain power by taking over the world.

  ” I will take over this world and become its new ruler, and there’s no one who can stop me, “Micthena said.

  “Not so fast, “Jayus said, coming out of a corner.” I will defeat you and let all the people enjoy their freedom. “Jayus got all the water from the toilets and created a huge wave. But Micthena used her powers to turn the wave into snakes. She ordered the snakes to attack, they all tried to bite Jayus but he turned himself into toilet water and drowned all the snakes. While Jayus was drowning the snakes, Micthena came up behind him and hit him in the back with her magic staff. He passed out and fainted. He had failed to stop her. She gained control of the world. Gaining more and more power, she had a castle built in Washington D.C.

  Happily, she captured Jayus and locked him in a dungeon. He was locked up for a long time. He thought of a plan to get out, and stop the cruel women, Micthena once and for all. After a few weeks in the dungeon, he had a plan.

  “I will make a giant toilet and flush my-self through the pipes to her layer, “Jayus said. He used his toilet powers to create a giant toilet to her layer. He got inside the toilet and flushed himself to Micthena’s layer.

  Awesome Jayus popped out the other end and Micthena got splashed in the face with toilet water, falling over.

  Jayus looked at Micthena and said, “We used to be the best of friends, then you wanted power, you wanted to take over the world, and you finally did it, but now it’s time to end this once and for all!” Micthena tried to use her powers to take Jayus down, but Jayus used his powers to create a big ball of toilet water and trap her in a big water container. With only a little bit of air left in her tiny lungs, Micthena accidentally let the last bit of air out. Before she drowned, Jayus saw her say something, but he couldn’t figure out what she was saying. Jayus had won the battle.

  After the battle, the people gave Jayus an anti- bacterial suit, and he used his toilet powers to fight evil gods or goddesses. He lived for several years, fighting. Jayus finally locked all the evil gods and goddesses up in a special jail on Mt. Olympus for good, and lived the rest of his life resting in peace, and hanging out with all the good gods, and goddesses, on Mt. Olympus.  

  Treacherous Myth

  By Dakota Lavigne

  “Come on Echo hurry!” said a nymph.

  “Hurry” Echo replied. The two nymphs were running through the forest as quickly as their feet could t
ake them, suddenly there was a roar and a blast of fire and the nymph screamed as she clasped on the cold, hard ground. Echo terrified, as a little kid in the dark with no light fled but the other nymph did not follow her. The nymph was never seen again, all that the nymphs have for clues on what happened were the footprints of a monster.

  A long time ago, before there were humans on the earth nymphs frolicked around in forest playing and enjoying among themselves. The gods and goddesses had nothing to worry about, only the nymphs. However that was all going to change. In the deepest parts of Tartarus, a new monster, who had the power to destroy the Earth, had been born, Chimera. This monster was a lions body and head and three poisonous snakes as a tail. When it was unleashed up the Earth’s surface Chimera did exactly what it was created they do, destroy all nymphs and wipe the species off the face of the Earth.

  Chimera went around the forest of Greece distorting any innocent nymphs in its path. For a while, the gods paid no attention to Chimera until there was only about half the population of nymphs left.

  “All of those poor nymphs” Athena sighed. Athena, a beautiful goddess with eyes as gray as the fog on a misty morning, happens to be very fond of woodland nymphs. Hera the queen of gods and goddesses glared at the nymphs with discuss, she had some trouble with nymphs in her time. “We have to do something,” Athena groaned.

  “No way you can forget the idea,” Hera growled, glaring hatred looks at Athena.

  “I agree with Athena we can't let them all die” said Zeus “Anyway how hard can it be were gods.”

  “And goddesses,” Persephone piped in, her voice as sweet as the summer breeze.

  “Yes that to, all in favor raise your hand” shouted Zeus so loud that the whole universe could hear him.

  “Don’t listen to him there just nymphs, who cares!” shouted Hera crossly. But by that time Hera was outnumbered. It was official, the gods and goddesses were helping the nymphs.

  “Let’s come up with some good ideas. Anybody have any no ok well I do I will hurl a bolt of lightning at Chimera and it will die ok let’s do it.” Zeus said as quickly as a cheetah running after pray and before the other gods or goddesses could say anything, Zeus grabbed a lightning bolt and through it with great force at Chimera. Down below, the nymphs saw the bolt traveling at amazing speed and going straight for Chimera the nymphs thought there trouble was over until Chimera sprang out of the way. The bolt smashed into the ground with great force and flames rose from the ground in a terrifying fire. “Ok, so that didn't work. Who has a better idea that, you know, doesn't end in disaster?” asked Zeus turning red with embarrassment.

  “How about this, I will make a huge wave and drowned Chimera” Poseidon said with enthusiasm.

  “Sounds good, let’s do it...” Zeus said. Poseidon went to the ocean and formed a huge wave and aimed it straight at Chimera. The wave crashed down and headed straight for Chimera, but chimera was smarter and throughout a huge ball of fire from its mouth evaporating the water and sent the remaining amount of water showing at the nymphs. “What part of not ending in disaster do you not understand?!” shouted Zeus.

  “I said this was a bad idea, but you had to have it your way.” scowled Hera under her breath.

  “Zeus, I have the best idea ever” Demeter shouted.

  “O, yay does it end in disaster.”

  “No it shouldn’t.”

  “Will it harm the nymphs?”

  “Maybe a little, but not much.”

  “Sounds like a good idea. Well, what are you waiting for? Go, go, go!” Demeter went down and halted every fruit, nut, fish, and animal from getting eaten or being grown.

  “Ok, done. When Chimera as no food to eat, he will die and then the problem will be over!” Exclaimed Demeter. Well, a couple of weeks went by and there was no sign of Chimera.

  “I think it worked. Chimera must have died of hunger, and” Hades cut him off.

  “You can forget that happy little thought bro, look.” said Hades. Zeus looked below and scowled Chimera was back with half a gazelle in his mouth feasting on it hungrily.

  “What, how, did he, huh?” Zeus said shaking his fist and the monster that claimed the lives of many nymphs.

  “So, what do we do now?” Persephone asked timidly, looking at the once full gazelle with her huge blue eyes full of sadness.

  “Who cares? The nymphs deserve it.” Hera said impatiently. Zeus threw her a dirty look.

  “I’m going to try one more thing that might work,” said Zeus.

  “Yay, and how much has that worked for you, smart guy?” said Hera

  “Be quiet will ya!” Zeus said. The goddesses and gods looked at him weird. “Sorry, got a little carried away.”

  “So, what’s your idea?” asked Hades.

  “Wait for it, waaaait, keep waiting, ah here he comes right now. Hephaestus my man good to see ya good to see ya, now I just need a little favor.”

  “Ya what is it.”

  “Could make me the strongest lightning bolt ever that could take the top of a mountain.”

  “Ya no problem.” so Hephaestus got to work and an hour later, Hephaestus had created the most powerful weapon in existence.

  “That is by far, the best lightning bolt, I have ever seen.” Zeus exclaimed staring in awe.

  “Use it carefully remember last time.”

  “Hay, there is no need to bring that up.”

  “That was pretty funny, no I take that back, it was hilarious!” Said Hades who was exploding with laughter.

  “Just give it to me,” said Zeus. Zeus took the lightning bolt and hurled it at a nearby mountain taking off the top of it. Little did he know, the mountain was a bomb just waiting to escape.

  “Bro, I thought you were joking,” said Hades staring in disbelief.

  “No, I was very serious when I said it could take off the top of a mountain. Now, I just go down there get Chimera to follow me, and bam he gets stuck in the mountain and our problem is over.”

  “Well, what are you waiting for? Go, go, go.” said Hephaestus.

  “Good grief,” said Hera. Zeus went down and got Chimera’s attention and basically hypnotized him into following him into the mountain, put the top of the mountain back on, and Chimera was trapped.

  “You make it look easy,” said Persephone. Years went by, and nothing happened until the earth trembled.

  “That’s not supposed to happen.” said Zeus. Suddenly the mountain exploded with force and magma bubbled out of the top of the mountain sending ash hundreds of feet in the air.

  “Well, look at that nice volcano you made,” snorted Hera. In the struggle of getting rid of Chimera, the Gods and Goddesses had created natural disasters.