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Secret Obsession Page 13
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Page 13
It was times such as these when Paige wondered if life was actually worth living and whether it would be easier to simply give up. But the only thing was, there was way too much passion in her to do something like that. Right now, she was extremely depressed, but she would never surrender to Camille. She would never allow her to keep Pierce without a fight. There was no denying that Pierce wholeheartedly thought Camille was the best woman for him, but just as soon as Paige pulled herself together and plotted a better plan to break them up, Pierce would turn to her again. He would come to her and promise to never leave her from then on. He would thank her for hanging in there for as long as she had and would shower her with all the gifts she could imagine. Instead of Camille, she would be the one who finally had everything.
Pierce would commit his life to Paige until death, and there wouldn’t be a single thing anyone could do about it.
Chapter 28
Only two days had passed since Pierce had told her not to call him again, but Paige had already come up with a brilliant new scheme.
“I’m so glad we were able to get out and do some shopping,” Paige said as Camille steered her SUV away from the mall and down the highway.
“Me too. We’ve both been through so much, and I’m glad things are finally getting back to normal.”
“I know. And Camille, I have to tell you, I couldn’t be happier about you and Pierce reconciling and fixing things between you.”
“Thank you for saying that, because it was certainly a close call. There were days when I thought our marriage was over for good.”
“I did, too, but now everything is fine, and we can thank God for the outcome.”
“Isn’t that the truth? But there is one thing that still bothers me,” Camille said.
“What’s that?”
“Those doggoned email messages. I mean, no matter how hard we try to figure out who sent them, we still haven’t been successful.”
“It’s definitely very odd, but if I were you, I wouldn’t worry about it. You and Pierce are happy again, and that’s all that matters. And hey, don’t forget to stop by the coffee shop so I can run in and get us a couple of Frappuccinos,” Paige said.
“Oh yeah, that’s right. Actually, I think the nearest one is just down the road.”
“Sounds good. I love, love, love those,” Paige said, and got a kick out of how naïve Camille was. The woman was having what she thought was the time of her life with her baby sister and had no idea Paige had slept with her husband just one week ago. She also had no clue that things were about to get worse.
They drove another mile or two, turned into the parking lot of a locally owned coffee establishment, and Camille’s cell rang. She pulled it out of her handbag, smiled at whomever was calling, and said, “Hey sweetheart.”
Paige knew immediately it was Pierce and wanted to snatch that phone out of her hand. Nonetheless, she smiled, too, pretending she was overjoyed.
“We’re getting some drinks, and then once I drop Paige off, I’ll be home,” Camille told him. Then she paused, obviously listening to what Pierce said next. “This sounds serious,” she commented, and then there was more silence. “I promise I’ll be there within the hour…I love you, too, baby.”
Camille set her phone down, and Paige said, “Wow. Sounds like somebody misses their wife and wants her home.”
“Yeah, but it sounds like something’s wrong.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know. All he said was that it was important and that he needed to speak to me face-to-face.”
Paige panicked, wondering if he was going to come clean about Vegas. If he was, she knew she had to get inside the coffee shop now. “Okay, so what kind of frappe do you want?”
“Mmm…I guess I’ll have my usual, mocha.”
“I think I will, too,” Paige said, opening the door and stepping out of the vehicle. “I’ll be back.”
Paige strolled inside, ordered two mocha Frappuccinos, paid the young blond, waited a few minutes, and then picked up their drinks from the other end of the counter. She moved farther around the corner, pretending to get napkins and straws, but quickly pulled three white pills from her purse and dropped them into one of the cups. She scanned the area, making sure no one had seen her, and went back out to the SUV. When she got in, she passed the tainted drink to Camille, and Camille took two long sips. Paige did the same, and Camille drove off. But as soon as they did, Paige set her drink into the cup holder.
“Hey sis,” she said. “I just thought about something. Do you mind stopping at Wal-Mart, so I can pick up some printer paper?”
“Of course. If you want, we can drive to one of the office stores.”
“No, that’s sort of out of the way, so Wal-Mart will be fine. Plus, I only need a small package to tide me over and then I can just get my regular supply from Office Depot later this week.”
When they arrived at the store ten minutes later, Camille pulled into a parking stall and leaned her head back.
“Are you okay?” Paige asked, smirking.
“I don’t know. For some reason, I feel dizzy and like I can barely keep my eyes open.”
“Really? Well, maybe I should drive,” Paige said, realizing those sleeping pills she’d drugged Camille with were quickly taking effect.
“Maybe you should,” she said, and Paige got out, went around to the driver’s side, helped her sister onto the pavement, and then led her around to the passenger seat. She helped her get comfortable, buckled her seatbelt, and then rushed back to the driver’s side and took off. Camille was fast asleep, and Paige sped toward their next destination and made a phone call. When the man answered, she looked over at her sister and said, “She’s out cold. See you in twenty minutes.”
Chapter 29
Paige drove across the gravel parking lot and stopped in front of the room she’d reserved early yesterday. This wasn’t the best motel she’d ever seen, and it certainly wasn’t located on the best side of town, but it was perfect for what she was conspiring. For two full days and two full nights, she’d seriously considered a few different ideas, so that she wouldn’t have to go this far, but she hadn’t seen where she had any other choice—not when she’d already endured a full-fledged beating from Derrick and then deceived Covington Park Police Department personnel regarding her rape. She’d gone to what she thought was the extreme, but it still hadn’t worked. She’d even caused a temporary separation between Camille and Pierce, flown nearly two thousand miles across the country, and slept with him, but her sister and brother-in-law had found their way back to each other like nothing had happened. So on this occasion, Paige decided it was time she gave Pierce the proof he needed, the kind he could see with his own eyes.
Paige stepped outside of the vehicle, closed the door, and walked around to where Camille was sitting.
“Hey sis,” she said, shaking her. “Wake up.”
But Camille didn’t move.
Now Paige wished she’d only given her two pills instead of three, because she seemed nearly unconscious. She shook her again with all her might, and when Camille moaned and slightly moved her head and body, Paige beckoned for the tall man to come and help her. Thankfully, it was dark outside and the room was on the far end toward the back, because she would never want anyone to see what she and her new friend, Leonard, were up to. That was the man’s name—the homeless man she’d found wandering about yesterday when she’d driven out here to case the place. He’d looked like a natural bum and like he hadn’t bathed in months, but Paige had struck up a conversation with him and asked if he wanted to make a hundred dollars. He’d hurried and said yes, so Paige had rented the room they were now escorting Camille into, so she could help clean him up. Then, when Paige had returned from the nearest Target, purchasing several kinds of toiletries, he’d showered, shaved, and eaten the food she’d brought him. Shortly after that, she’d run to Macy’s and charged a pair of black dress pants, a white- and black-striped button-down shirt, a
nd a package of Jockey underwear on her credit card. It had all been worth it, too, because the new Leonard looked like a million bucks and very much like the kind of man Camille would consort with—he looked like William, the fictitious man Pierce thought she’d had an affair with.
“Help me get her into bed,” Paige told him, and they gently laid her on her back. The print bedspread was already turned down, so Paige removed Camille’s shoes and jeans and pulled her thick off-white V-neck sweater over her head.
“Where am I?” she asked in a groggy tone.
“You’re home, sweetie,” Paige said.
“I’m…so…tired,” she said, dozing off again.
“So, who exactly is this nice lady?” Leonard wanted to know.
“No one important,” Paige said.
“Well, you must really hate her.”
“It’s a long story.”
“Okay, just so I’m sure,” he said, changing the subject. “All I have to do is sit here and wait for her husband to show up and then say, ‘I’m William’?”
“And then what?”
“Well, for one thing, her husband will be pretty upset to find her at a motel with another man, so that’s when you’ll tell him you’re sorry and that you think it’s best for you to leave. Oh, and when you let him in, I want you to have your shirt open.”
Leonard unbuttoned it right then. “This man isn’t going to be so angry that he’ll want to tear my head off, will he?”
“It’s possible, but all you have to do is run, and I’ll be waiting down the street for you.”
“Whoaaa, now wait. If I’m gonna have to get my tail kicked, then that’s gonna cost you another hundred.”
“Excuse me?”
“Another hundred or I walk.”
Paige laughed and grabbed her purse. “You drive a hard bargain, Leonard.”
“Hey, I just wanna be paid.”
“I hear you.”
Camille moved her head to the side and slightly turned her body but never woke up.
“Okay,” Paige said. “I’m out of here.”
“How long do you think it’ll be?”
“Less than an hour.”
“Also,” Leonard said when she opened the door, “what’s your name?”
“Oh. Well, nice doin’ business with you, Trish.”
“Same here, and I’ll see you in a little while.”
Paige walked a quarter of a mile from the motel, got into a rental car, and dialed Pierce. He answered in a huff.
“Paige, didn’t I ask you not to call me anymore?”
“I know, but this is important, and it’ll only take a few minutes.”
“What?” he yelled.
“It’s Camille.”
“What about Camille?”
“When she dropped me off at home, she went to meet that William guy.”
“Oh, Paige, please stop it.”
“I’m telling you the truth. I knew the only way you’d believe me was if I had proof, so I hired a private investigator to follow her. And he just called me.”
“I just spoke with Camille a little over an hour ago, so you’re lying.”
“Then why isn’t she home yet?”
“I don’t know.”
“Well, I do. She’s at a motel,” Paige said and gave him the address and room number.
“You’d better not be lying to me.”
“I’m not, and I’m only doing this because I love you, Pierce. I told you I would do anything for you, and I meant it.”
“Yeah, whatever,” he said.
Paige knew he’d hung up on her, but this time she didn’t care, because once he saw his perfect little wife shacked up in some shabby motel room with her lover, he’d practically come crawling to Paige, thanking her and begging her to forgive him. Camille was finally getting what she deserved, and Paige wanted to get out of the car and scream to the heavens—she wanted to thank God for all that was happening. He’d taken an excessively long time answering her prayers, but what mattered was that He had in fact come through for her. He’d finally given her what she’d asked for, and she was satisfied.
Chapter 30
As promised, Paige had waited for Leonard, and thankfully, all Pierce had done was punch him one good time and tell him to get out. Of course, Leonard hadn’t been happy about it, but when Paige had offered him another fifty dollars, he’d seemed content. She’d then asked him where he wanted to go, and he’d told her to drop him off at a well-known shelter. Paige had thanked him for all his help, and he’d wished her well. Now she was standing in front of the overnight box at the car rental company, preparing to deposit the key to the vehicle she’d rented. When she did, she walked over and sat inside Derrick’s brand-new two-seater, and he pulled off.
“I don’t have the slightest idea what you’re up to, but I’ve got some bad news,” he said.
“You know that day I called you? While you were at O’Hare, getting ready to fly to Vegas?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“Well, Andrea heard everything I said to you.”
Paige bugged her eyes. “She what? How?”
Derrick sighed and wouldn’t look at her. “Paige, I’m so sorry.”
“How did this happen, Derrick?” she ranted.
“Before I called you on my office phone, she’d called me on my cell, but I guess I didn’t end my call with her. I must’ve just set it on my desk, thinking she’d hung up.”
“Please tell me you’re joking.”
“I’m not…and she heard everything. About the rape we faked and how you’re trying to take your sister’s husband from her.”
“Oh my God,” Paige said, dropping her face into her hands.
“I messed up, Paige, and that’s not the worst of it.”
“She also heard me say how you’ve let me bring my women over to your condo, so she’s threatening to tell Camille as payback.”
“She doesn’t even know my sister, does she?”
“They go to the same hair salon, remember?”
This was bad. Especially since Andrea had never cared all that much for Paige.
“You have to stop her, Derrick.”
“How? Andrea is mad as hell, and she’s only two seconds from kicking me out of my own house and divorcing me. So there’s no reasoning with her.”
“How could you be so careless?” Paige demanded to know.
“I’m sorry.”
If he said he was sorry one more time, Paige wasn’t sure what she might do to him. “Do you realize what this might mean?”
Derrick drove through an intersection but didn’t respond.
“Do you? It’ll mean all my hard work was for nothing. If Andrea tells Camille anything, Pierce will never speak to me again. He’ll hate me from now on.”
“I wish there was something I could do.”
Paige wanted to slap Derrick silly, but she couldn’t focus on him right now. What she had to do was direct her attention toward the matter at hand—this disaster Derrick had so recklessly created and the nightmare that might result from it.
For the next twenty minutes of the drive to her home, they rode in total silence. No radio, CD, or anything. So she sort of jumped when her phone rang. She checked the screen and was surprised Owen hadn’t called her first thing this morning since it was Wednesday.
“Yes,” she said.
“Hey, I just called to tell you, I’m through.”
“I’m not sure I understand.”
“You’re free and clear.”
Paige was shocked. “You mean that?”
“Yep. You no longer owe me a single dime, and this is the last time you’ll hear from me.”
“Why’d you change your mind? Of course, I’m very grateful, but I just wondered.”
“You’re not worth it, Paige. You’re just not worth the trouble.”
Paige was spe
echless and, strangely enough, hurt.
“You have a nice life,” he said, and Paige was glad this whole blackmail drama was over with.
“Who was that?” Derrick asked.
“What did he want?”
“You know, while you were on the phone, something dawned on me,” he said. “Maybe you should tell your sister everything yourself.”
“Are you crazy?”
“I’m just trying to figure out how you can fix this.”
“Derrick, just shut up, okay?”
Paige never said another word to him for the rest of the ride. Instead, she hoped and prayed Andrea wouldn’t tell. She prayed for a complete miracle.
Chapter 31
Paige glanced at the clock for what seemed like the millionth time, wishing Pierce would call her. It was three in the afternoon, he wasn’t at work, and his cell had continually gone to voicemail. Had he and Camille somehow worked things out again? They couldn’t have. Not after last night. Not when Pierce had gone to that motel and witnessed everything. He’d caught her with another man, for God’s sake, and she couldn’t imagine any husband forgiving his wife for something so callous. Would he?
Paige took a drag of her cigarette, a habit she’d picked up only a couple of hours ago right after returning from the gas station, and wondered what she should do. Maybe she should try Pierce’s cell phone again, especially since she hadn’t done so for at least five minutes. Or maybe she should try calling Andrea. This morning she’d called Derrick, checking to see if he’d been able to talk some sense into her, but he hadn’t. He’d told her how Andrea was no longer speaking to him, and that she had indeed decided to divorce him. Last night, Derrick had said she’d only threatened him with divorce, but apparently things had changed rather quickly.