Secret Obsession Read online

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  “I just don’t know what to say,” Paige said.

  “I don’t either, and I’m so worried about Crystal and PJ and how they’re going to react to our splitting up.”

  “Well, you know I’ll be there for all three of you as soon as I get back.”

  “I know, and I’m depending on that, Paige.”

  “You have my word.”

  They chatted for a few minutes longer, and while Paige wished she could care about her sister’s sorrow, she thought more about Pierce and the fabulous time they would have out West. She even thought about those amazing pieces she’d ordered from Victoria’s Secret and how they’d been delivered yesterday right on schedule. Pierce would be in complete awe, and they would make love like it was their only opportunity.

  They would have the time of their lives and would start preparing for their wonderful new beginning.

  Chapter 20

  Right after Paige hung up with Karla, making sure she understood how busy Paige was going to be on her business trip—and that she wouldn’t be able to talk to her very much at all this week—Paige parked inside O’Hare’s multilevel ramp. Then she got out of her car, removed her luggage, and headed toward the elevator. Once she stepped inside of it and pressed the terminal button, the door closed and she realized she was that much closer to Las Vegas. When she arrived upstairs at the check-in terminals, she swiped her credit card, waited for her reservation information to display, and followed the instructions. To her surprise, a first-class upgrade offer appeared on the screen, and she quickly accepted it. The cost was only one hundred fifty dollars, and she was ecstatic over it. Camille and Pierce flew first-class regularly and loved it, so she always tried upgrading as often as she could, too.

  After she received her boarding pass and made it through security, preparing to walk to her departing gate, her phone rang. It was Derrick, calling from his office.

  “Hey, D,” she said in a chipper tone.

  “Hey, how’s it goin’?”

  “Great. On my way to sunny Las Vegas.”

  “Really? For what?”

  “To be with Pierce, of course.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “He’s there on business this week.”

  “And he invited you to come stay with him?”

  “Not exactly. But when I told him I was going to be there with one of my clients for a few days, anyway, he said we should try to have dinner or drinks.”

  Derrick cracked up. “Okay, but let me guess. There’s no client anywhere near Vegas, right?”

  “Of course there isn’t. But Pierce doesn’t know that.”

  “You’re too much,” Derrick said, laughing more intensely. “First you fake being raped so you could move in with them, and now this.”

  Paige didn’t see anything funny.

  “So, you’re actually going to try to lure this man into bed, aren’t you?”

  “You make it sound so pathetic.”

  “Well, it kind of is.”

  “I thought you were my friend, Derrick.”

  “I am, and that’s why I’m so concerned and wish you wouldn’t do this.”

  “Then why did you help me that night? Because you knew full well that the only reason I had to resort to something so outrageous was because I couldn’t find any other way to ruin Camille and Pierce’s marriage.”

  “I helped you because you threatened to tell Andrea about all of my affairs, remember? Not to mention, I felt like I owed you for all those times you let me bring certain women to your condo. But now that I see how obsessed you are with taking your sister’s husband, I regret everything I did.”

  “Obsessed?” Paige said a little too loudly, and the woman walking in front of her turned around and looked at her. “Who’s obsessed?”

  “You are, Paige. You’re taking this thing way too far, and as God is my witness, no good is going to come from it.”

  “I disagree, and that’s why I’m going to do everything in my power to be with the man I love.”

  “I wish you’d reconsider.”

  “Not gonna happen.”

  “I hate to hear that.”

  Paige sighed. “Look, Derrick, I know you’re worried, but I promise you, everything is going to be fine. So why can’t you just be happy for me?”

  “Because I know a disaster waiting to happen when I see one.”

  “I’m sorry you feel that way.”

  “I’m sorry you won’t listen to me.”

  “Hey, all I’m doing is living out my destiny. I’m doing what everyone in the world should do before it’s too late.”

  Derrick didn’t say anything, so she said, “I think I’m gonna grab a latte, so I’d better go now.”

  “Take care of yourself, Paige.”

  “Count on it.”

  * * *

  Paige stored her laptop bag in the overhead bin and sat in the third row next to the window. She knew it would be a while before those seated in coach finished loading, so she decided this would be a good time to call Camille. It was the perfect time to talk about her fabricated trip to New York and how excited she was to be going there.

  “Hey, honey,” Camille said when she answered.

  “Hey, how are you?”

  “Okay, I guess. Are you on your way to New York?”

  “On the plane now. I’m so looking forward to it and wish you were going, so we could spend some time on Fifth Avenue together.”

  “I do, too, but I know you’ll have a wonderful time.”

  “I know I will. And how are the children?”

  “Not great. We told them about the separation, and it didn’t go over too well.”

  “I’m sure the news must have been very shocking and painful for them, but the good thing is that children are very resilient. More so than adults even.”

  “I hope that’s true, and interestingly enough, PJ is the one who is taking this the hardest, even though he’s the oldest.”

  “Yeah, but that’s sort of understandable because he’s always been a Daddy’s boy.”

  “He has, and I’m sure that’s why he’s so upset. He cried most of Saturday.”

  Paige casually flipped through the airline magazine she’d just pulled from the seat pocket in front of her. “You know, as much as I hate saying this, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to look at Pierce the same, because what man leaves his wife and children over a few petty email messages and a flower delivery?”

  “He left because he says he has proof,” Camille said in a disheartened tone. “He was already upset and believing I was having an affair, but when he received whatever proof he’s talking about, that’s when he turned completely cold toward me. That’s when he completely shut down and decided he wasn’t coming home.”

  Paige looked up when she saw a flight attendant approaching her and was glad she had an excuse to end this depressing phone call.

  “Hey, sis, I hate to cut this short, but I have to go now. I’ll call you this evening, though.”

  “Okay. You have a safe flight.”

  “Thanks, I will. Love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Paige set her phone on her lap.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” the flight attendant asked.

  “Just ice water, please.”

  “No problem.”

  Paige leaned back in the spacious leather seat and relaxed. There was nothing like flying first-class or being treated like a first-class person. Life just didn’t get any better than this, and once she married Pierce, she’d fly this way from here on out. Not as a result of some random last-minute upgrade offer. She would do so because Pierce could afford it.

  Paige exhaled with the utmost relief—until her phone rang and Owen’s name displayed on her screen. He was the last person she wanted to speak to, but she also didn’t think it was in her best interest to ignore him.


  “You got my money yet?”


, I suggest you get it, because if you don’t, I’ll have to tell your sister about that photo you’re carrying around and drooling over.”

  “Tell her what you want,” Paige said, knowing she didn’t mean that.

  “Fine with me. Talk to you later.”

  “No, wait,” she hurried and said.

  “Yes?” he sneered.

  “I’ll get you your money when I’m back in town.”

  “From where? And when?”

  “Where is none of your business, but I’ll be back this weekend.”

  “I’ll call you on Saturday,” he said and hung up.

  This thing with Owen wasn’t good, and while she didn’t have the kind of cash he’d spent on her, she knew she had to figure out a way to pay him. She had to fix this before Owen did something stupid and ruined everything.

  Chapter 21

  After landing at McCarran International Airport and passing one slot machine after another, Paige picked up her luggage, lined up for a taxi, and was on her way to the hotel. She was stunned by the number of people who loved, loved, loved gambling and would sell their souls to the devil if they thought it would help them strike it rich, and she was glad she didn’t fall into that category. She was glad she didn’t have an addictive or obsessive bone in her body.

  When the driver pulled up to The Palazzo, she paid him, told the bellman she was fine handling her own garment bag on wheels, and then went inside the alluring, artistically designed lobby. The Palazzo was all she’d hoped it would be, and she felt right at home already.

  She walked up to the registration desk, waited a couple of minutes for her room assignment, thanked the guest services representative for placing her on one of the highest floors, and went on her way. During her trip to the elevators, however, she’d strolled through a massive casino, looking at hundreds of colorful machines and a few blackjack tables, and then saw a security guard sitting just in front of the elevator hallway. She wondered why he was there, but then she saw others flashing their room keys, proving that they were in fact Palazzo guests. She did the same, the handsome guard nodded with approval, and she smiled and proceeded up to her suite.

  As soon as she arrived, she walked in and toured the place she would call home until Friday. The marble vanity and polished floors in the bathroom were unbelievable, as were the exquisite bedding and draperies, and she loved the sitting-area furniture, which was more appealing than what she’d decorated her condo with. Everything about this space was mesmerizing, and she wished she could stay here for weeks. But truth was, all she needed was a day or so to seduce Pierce.

  Paige unpacked her clothing, hung it up, spread out her toiletries in the bathroom, and called her brother-in-law. His phone rang four times and went into voicemail, but before she could leave a message, she heard her call waiting signal. It was Pierce calling back.

  “So, are you here?” he asked.

  “Yep. I just checked in.”

  “Did you have a good flight?”

  “I did. No delays and no turbulence.”

  “Good. Well, if you’re not too tired, maybe we could have dinner tonight? Or we could try tomorrow night as well.”

  “Tonight is fine.”

  “Okay, then why don’t you meet me at SushiSamba. It’s a fabulous Japanese restaurant I enjoy.”

  “I love Japanese.”

  “Is seven okay?”

  “That’s perfect.”

  “I’ll see you then.”

  Paige ended the call, went straight to the closet, and pulled out her favorite dress. She held it against her body, admiring herself in the full-length mirror, and had no doubt Pierce would be pleased. He would take a second, third, and maybe even a fourth look before gathering his composure, and he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from lusting over her. He’d be tempted to skip dinner and take her back to his suite as fast as he could, but she wouldn’t let him. No, what she would do was listen to whatever he had to say with maximum interest—she would bond with him the way any two people should whenever they were officially trying to get to know each other. After that, though, she’d become more flirtatious and attentive without him realizing it, and soon they’d be on their way out of the restaurant. In minutes, they’d be in his room and in his bed making love like wild animals, and there would be no turning back. They would be connected from this day forward the way Paige had planned.

  Chapter 22

  Paige entered The Palazzo Shoppes area where the restaurant was located and wished she could buy a few items from Barneys New York. She also passed by MaxMara, Charriol, and a men’s store called Billionaire Italian Couture and decided right then that the next time she and Pierce came to Las Vegas, she would buy him multiple gifts from there.

  As she walked farther along, she saw Pierce standing and waiting for her. Gosh, did this man look good, all dressed in a navy blue suit and a snow white French-cuffed shirt. He must have removed his tie for the evening, and Paige liked the semicasual yet still very classy appearance it gave him. But then she looked pretty good herself, so they were even. Paige wore a tailor-fitted red sheath dress with diamond earrings and a diamond bracelet, both of which she was still paying for, and her hair was twisted upward in an elegant knot. To complete her outfit, she wore the most beautiful four-inch black, pointed-toe pumps she’d seen in a while and was glad she’d purchased them a couple of hours ago. When she’d gone down to the Forum Shops at Caesars Palace, she hadn’t planned on buying anything, but as soon as she’d spotted these particular shoes, she’d known they’d be ideal for tonight and that she had to have them.

  “Hey, sister-in-law,” Pierce said, eyeing her from head to toe and hugging her.


  “Our table is ready, but I figured I’d wait for you out here,” he said, moving closer to the entrance.

  “Are you all set, Mr. Montgomery?” a young woman asked.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Pierce held out his hand, allowing Paige to walk in front of him, and when they sat down at their candlelit table, the hostess placed menus in front of them. Paige thanked her and glanced around the place. The main lighting source was dim, which suited Paige just fine, and the overall ambiance was simply romantic. It was the ultimate setting for two people who would be making love for the very first time.

  “So, how was your first day at the conference?” she asked.

  “Long, but very productive.”

  “I’m glad, because sometimes these things can be pretty boring.”

  “Don’t I know it. But this one is well worth everyone’s time. And what about you? Do you have a pretty busy media schedule tomorrow with your client?”

  “I do,” she said. “He has a noon news TV interview and a couple of radio interviews in the afternoon.”

  “Well, at least you don’t have to get up bright and early.”

  “No, but I do want to meet him over at the station about an hour or so before.”

  Just then, their waiter walked up and recited the night’s specials. They both ordered mojitos made of Cruzan rum, mint, lime, and fresh fruit, and Pierce also ordered a couple of pieces of yellowtail sushi, but Paige passed. When the man left, there was a noticeable and awkward silence between them and all that could be heard was the instrumental music playing in the background. So Paige said, “This really is a nice place.”

  “Yeah, I love it. Come at least a couple of times whenever I’m in Vegas.”

  “I can see why.”

  “And how’s your room over at The Venetian?”

  Paige had hoped the subject of where she was staying wouldn’t come up, but since it had, she said, “Well, actually, I’m staying here.”

  “Oh, okay,” he said, clearly looking surprised.

  “Yeah…after you mentioned The Palazzo to me the other day, I went and checked out their website. Then, after I saw how beautiful the suites were, I couldn’t help booking one of them.”

  “I don’t blame you, because it really is a great hotel.”r />
  “I’m definitely glad I made the switch.”

  “So, did you speak to your sister today?” he asked, suddenly changing the subject, and Paige wished he’d forget about Camille.

  “I did. Right before my plane took off. Did you?”

  “No. I spoke to PJ and Crystal, though, before they went to school.”

  “Camille told me PJ is really upset.”

  “He is. He’s hurt, angry, and doesn’t understand why his mom and I have separated.”

  “I’m sure, and I’ll be honest with you, Pierce. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to look at Camille the same after what she’s done,” she commented, knowing she’d told Camille the same thing about Pierce a few hours ago. “I mean, she’s my sister, and yes, I still love her, but she’s so wrong for this.”

  There was more silence between them, so Pierce browsed through the menu. Paige did the same and was happy when the waiter brought their drinks.

  “Are you ready to order?” he asked.

  “Paige?” Pierce said.

  “Um…I think I’ll have the causa de langosta,” she said, referring to their main lobster entrée, which was poached in a pisco rocoto butter sauce.

  “And you, sir?”

  “I’ll have the twenty-ounce bone-in ribeye.”

  “Excellent choice. Very tasty.”

  “Also, what do you have with vodka in it?” Pierce continued, and Paige was a little surprised, because in the past whenever she’d gone out to nice restaurants with him and Camille, she’d never seen either of them order more than one drink, and usually that was only a glass of wine.

  “Hmmm,” the waiter said, thinking for a second. “I’d recommend our niña fresa.”

  Pierce closed his menu. “Sounds good to me,” he said, but when the waiter left he looked at Paige. “Sure you don’t want anything else to drink?”

  “Positive. And if you don’t mind my saying so, I’m a bit shocked to see you ordering another one.”