The Shadow Minds Journal, #1 Read online

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  “Such a humble life you once lived,” he said on top of me. His breath flushed hot against my ear, which despite my anger for him only made me aroused. I cursed the primal hormones of what I was now. There was no thing as modesty or self-control. But I was so pissed at him.

  “Why don’t you eat your own fucking humble pie instead of trying to steal mine,” I said to him. Not even Haymen had dared speak to me about my previous life. That was one thing that would not be toyed as a game.

  “Maybe you should’ve better protected it.” A piece of golden hair was placed to my eye level and I knew by keen smell whose it was. My body went rigid. Lassie.

  “Here’s the thing, Lovely,” he purred into my ear again. “Today when I take you to the high court you are going to admit to killing Luke. That way I will have the right to publicly execute you, which I will take great pleasure in. If not... The choice is yours,” he said and got off me.

  “Do you really think I’m going to trade in my future for a dog?” I said to him with my back still facing him.

  “Oh, I’m counting on it,” he said. “Human emotion is a funny thing and I wonder if even a mighty demon warrior like you might still be sentimental for it.” The wind swept around me from the strong beat of his wings. The ceiling closed behind him and left me once again in the darkness. I was stuck within the cell staring at a picture which was taken a lifetime ago... literally. Suddenly I realized the weakness in angels all too clearly, or perhaps Mr. Angel Boy in particular. They were sentimental. I was born and trained not to be.

  Chapter Nine- Haymen

  I sat on my leather seat assessing the chest board in front of me with Destiny’s head bobbling on my cock. I pushed her further into it, lacing my hands around the curls of her blonde hair enjoying her soft tongue which was so delicately moist on me.

  A knock at the door. I growled in frustration and pushed Destiny’s head down further to indicate for her not to stop.

  “It better be good,” I growled wavering my hands to unlatch the privacy key I had put on my door. It was pitch black, how I preferred to be left. One of my scavengers walked in. Ugly bird like demons with black tattered wings from age. Their long beaks struggled to speak even their own demon language. The glow of its beady red eyes was all that I could see and I made sure I didn’t focus on its ugly form. That was sure to turn me off.

  “Master,” it said, its tongue slithering through the size of its beak. “Your Guardian, Vivian has been contained by an Angel.”

  “I see,” is all I said. “Do you know whose squad imposed on her?” I wondered which squad it was that had the balls to run in on my turf, let alone my property. Every high angel had their own military team. Which one was it that took sudden interest in my beautiful crimson haired girl? Knowing my sweet Vi, she certainly wouldn’t have gone willingly. How many angels did she kill in the cross fire of that.

  “Not squad sir. Only one. We believe it was Gabe Christain. Intel suggests that they fought at the Pier on 99.” His rascally voice sounded.

  My cock straightened further into Destiny’s throat making her choke. I soothed back her hair and pressed her again to continue.

  “Leave,” is all I said to him. With that he dismissed himself. Gabe Christain was the last angel I thought would involve himself with such a small matter. The results were even better than anticipated if he came personally. The players on the field began to move and whether they realized it or not, they would all start revolving around my dear Vi. It had been many years since I saw my old friend Gabe. I smiled allowing the bliss of Destiny’s lips to sweep over me again. If he caught her he had no intention of killing her. Yet. This should make the game more interesting.

  Chapter Ten- Vivian

  “I know this might surprise you but I actually have a job that I should be doing. You know, just like saving kittens out of trees and stuff,” I said antagonizing Angel Boy. He dragged me by the metal chain that was wrapped around my wrists. They didn’t go on willingly either. Just like my legs that suddenly wouldn’t walk behind him, and I dragged my body lethargically slumping. I smiled at the memory of his frustration. He blindfolded me for extra measure. My right hand was still healing but I kept that out of my mind. Instead, I made it my personal task to see how effectively I could irritate my captor.

  I had the feeling that we were still within Shabeah. This shabby city had a demonic vibe to it constantly. If I were in a city that was governed by an angel, I imagined I would of smell cups of lemongrass tea and flowers. . . assuming that’s what the fancy fuckers did with their time.

  His lack of response irritated me. Despite my floundering steps and walking into walls on purpose he now gave me no attention. I didn’t like that. I walked at his pace pointedly for a minute. He continued to ignore me only to try and walk ahead. We must’ve been power walking a moment later as he tried to outrun me. I listened to his steps aligning my own with his. Suddenly, I stepped my foot in front of him trying to trip him. He stopped before falling for the bait. I laughed at the growl that came through, deep and aggravated. Well there, now we have a little bit of attention.

  “It’s such a shame I can sense others around us. Because of the treaty you probably can’t hurt me unprovoked until this council says so, right?” I nudged my shoulder into his and I knew that he was fuming. My laugh echoed through the room which was intentional. The sound of my own voice bouncing of the walls indicated that we were in a large open room. Most probably a large hall room. He collected his pace walking in front of me again. “Should’ve killed me when you had the chance,” I murmured so only he could hear.

  Suddenly the room felt as if it sunk in. The moaning and rattle of the room, indication of the power that was to follow. I knew this darkness all too well and could almost smell the coal like flames of Haymen. I heard the click of fingers and suddenly I was beside Haymen, my chains removed and blindfold gone. A thin layer of darkness wrapped around me from Haymen’s quick teleportation.

  We were in a large marble hall. The ceilings high and trimmed in gold. There were white statues surrounding ornamentally but other than that, empty. Well, besides the twenty odd angel soldiers armed and surrounding Gabe as he stood there. His lack of motivation to retrieve me made me realize he had been waiting for Haymen. I was just the bait. I hadn’t been in this room before but wondered if someone had transported it here momentarily for the council. I couldn’t imagine Haymen to own something so... godly. No, he preferred darkness over the flashy marbled walls.

  The two stared at one another silently. I kept my gaze from Haymen unsure of how he would react to my capture. I had failed and possibly shamed him and I had seen his reaction to others before me when such a thing occurred. Instead I winked at one of the onlookers, making him shuffle uncomfortably. I charmed a smile.

  “Vi,” Haymen said pulling my attention to him. I looked into those killer blue eyes that missed nothing. His rough voice that echoed my name raised the hairs on my arms. The angel spoke out to Haymen but his attention was only on me. Not even I could understand what he was saying as I was sucked into Haymen’s power. He reached out and collected my broken hand. My heart raced at the possible outcomes–further twist it until it was unrepairable, amputate it, execute me here and now. His head which bowed to no one suddenly dipped and the cold touch of his lips pressed against my hand. My entire hand jarred awkwardly and healed. I flexed it back and forth, assured it was properly fixed. I gave nothing away but I was surprised by his... generosity.

  Weapons began to unsheathe within the room and I suddenly looked around and realized that twenty angel guards who were heavily armored with gold plating had their weapons pointed at Haymen and me. His gaze held onto mine a moment longer, lingering with what one might have thought to be assurance that I was alright.

  He was totally indifferent to the weapons that were pointed at him. Not one of them would come close to touching him. “You seemed to have taken my prized possession, my dear old friend, Gabe.” Haymen said as he finally
turned to the angel who was my captor. So, Gabe was his name. Haymen’s eyes were ice cold and death danced within them. The emerald green of Gabe’s was as sharp and cutting. These two had history. “And you even polluted her with your old tricks so she couldn’t summon her demons. How despicable.” Haymen brushed the back of his finger down my cheek and stroked down to my collar bone. It was the feeling of cold ice running down my neck. “She’s my favorite, did you know?” And that question was a lethal threat.

  Gabe didn’t flinch. The others surrounding him weren’t as certain. Even I didn’t want to stand amidst the tension between the two. The sensation of their two forces of power by look alone was enough to cut the air out of my breath.

  “She is to appear in front of the high court for murdering an angel. No matter the claim on your property, a treaty is a treaty unless you want to create war,” Gabe said stepping forward, almost hoping that was what Haymen would do. Haymen only stretched a sickening smile and began playing with the tips of my hair in distraction.

  “You know I do like a good war,” Haymen purred absentmindedly. He seemed infatuated with me even as he spoke to Gabe. He was looking at me as if I were his prized possession. I met his eyes once for a chance glimpse. My gaze dropped from his intensity. What was he doing?! I looked to Gabe instead who was furious by the contact. I wanted to say, ‘You and me both sister,’ but even I didn’t dare try when Haymen was next to speak.

  “As much as I want to entertain you, Gabe,” Haymen said dropping his hand from my hair and seriously looking at him. “I’ve come to represent my darling Vi in this trial you’ve orchestrated yourself. So as of now, you no longer speak or even directly look at her.”

  “Perhaps I’ve taken a shining to your new trophy wife,” Gabe antagonized. I tightened my jaw to not spill the filthy words from my mouth. The large white doors to our left opened. Both with serious expression Haymen and Gabe looked up the twenty steps that led to the inviting room.

  “Shall we?” Haymen adjusted his black suit and waved his hand towards the steps. Gabe straightened himself and walked ahead. I was surprised Haymen was even entertaining this. I really am going on some ridiculous trial.

  I began to walk after him but Haymen caught my wrist and grabbed my jaw. He angled my head to look up at him. The sheer force and power that swirled from him was both intoxicating and terrifying. “You belong to me,” he purred. His lips were close to mine as we shared breath. My body couldn’t help but react to his. It was savoring the coldness that pillowed off of him. He smiled and brushed his lips along my cheekbone and to my ear. My entire body straightened and my nipples ached to be touched. “I want you to find Alice Kendrid within Aztec and find out what you can about their Master.” I blinked once. My keen mind cut to the truth of this matter. Haymen was already using this incident to his advantage. He already planned to have me convicted and sent to Aztec prison.

  “I don’t have time for that. I have a lead on my case at the orphanage. I think-”

  “Then I will have Tahmeed watch over it until you return,” he sharply cut me off. His whisper in my ear was an order. I wasn’t to argue. Ever. His shallow breath was already against my neck and I found myself arching into him as he spoke. “I’ll give you two days.” His lips brushed up against my neck and along my jaw again as he pulled away. My hand had been pressed against his chest and I was on my tip toes breathing into him. I lacked all common sense until his cold smile broke the tension.

  I questioned as to how much of this might have been premeditated by Haymen or if it was simply chance that he jumped with opportunity. I was being convicted of murdering Luke, an angel, and a crime that I didn’t commit. I wanted to plea my case if not for my own pride but knew that was now out of the question. I didn’t let any emotion flicker on my face. We were his tool and had to act like it. At least I knew that he wasn’t so easily going to dispose of me and had no intention of allowing my public execution.

  Two days my ass, what if I was in there for longer? When would I have time to report about the orphanage that was showing traces of the very entities we were hunting? I had just started my case and one thing I hated was leaving a hunt without conclusion or death.

  He stepped around me and began to ascend the stairs with hands in pockets. Dick. He can hunt himself if he plans on sending me to prison. I bitterly began my walk up the stairs looking up as if to see the noose that would soon be the object of my hanging.


  I wasn’t surprised that majority of the jury were angels, ‘the warriors of justice’ I sarcastically sung in my head. Amongst the angels, there were few demons and humans who watched on with a skeptical eye. The angels looked at me with disgust and the humans seemed to be raising their nose further than was needed. It was entertaining to watch how humans acted in front of a room full of angels. The demons looked on with smug expression. I had no doubt they would’ve had the same face even if a fellow demon was killed. They just loved cases like this. They were secretly laughing at the fool who got caught killing someone that they shouldn’t have.

  I looked towards the podium in front where three angels sat in white... so cliché. Behind them was a golden scale that I imagined to represent justice. The podium oversaw everyone in the entire room. So many political and unequal rights came to mind. Why was it only angels? How was that fair in the grand scheme of things? I pondered whether I should begin spelling my rights and inequality just to annoy them. But I knew more than anyone how unfair this world was. How were the results ever going to be fair for a demon when the high court was only angels? I was going to be convicted of murder anyway so I might as well piss off as many people as I can on the way.

  A camera to my left sparked a flash. The lanky man behind it smiled at me. Great, this will be the scandal of the year. How beautifully organized this was and arranged so quickly. They even had time to involve the media which was hardly ever involved in internal matters. This was purposefully organized because Gabe wanted me to sink and drown. Hard.

  This would only end one in two ways. One, I would be killed like most demons who reached this panel. Or two, which was the way that this would go because Haymen wanted it, was that I would be imprisoned. It wasn’t unheard of but very rare and usually offered to those who the panel was scared to kill because of the backlash that might occur. That or they were being protected for special reasons. I heard of one case that they were the last of their species and so the 262 accounts of murder were pardoned and he was locked away instead of being killed. That was the written press version but those who had real connections knew that the backlash would be too great if he were killed. Some demons and angels had power, real power in the human world. And so to keep the treaty safe, that was accounted for. The words of war rattled many different worlds and it was one that wasn’t desired here.

  The male angel who sat in the middle was old in all accounts. His dark grey eyebrows twisted up in comparison to his long thin beard that hung down. The beautiful blonde to his left had her sharp eyebrows raised and soundlessly scoffed at me when I looked at her. She already wanted me dead. The older lady wore a scowl from age but her expression was unreadable. Perhaps she would hear out the case unbiased. I chuckled to myself. Yea, right.

  Gabe shot me a sharp stare. I only smiled at him before he looked back towards the podium with a clenched jaw. He stood to my right in front of the jury. There were no chairs or podiums for us, we stood out in the open being looked down upon the angels in front of us. I yawned as if bored, hoping to gain a reaction out of Angel Boy. He could blow his own case if he lost it in this court. Still yawning from the boredom, I turned around to the cameraman to smile over my shoulder provocatively. Snap! The photo was taken. The jury began whispering amongst themselves throughout the echoing hall. ‘How disrespectful’, ‘She has no remorse’, yada yada. Haymen’s smile stretched wide at my attitude. He pressed his hand on my lower back as if to look at the judges and cleared his throat.

  I looked over at Gabe whose eyes s
creamed ‘Death Penalty’. “I suppose you couldn’t run and fetch me a latte? I think I might be here a while,” I said with a cocky smile. His eyes remained on the front but the vein in his neck bulged. It was rather disappointing that he didn’t bite.

  “Miss Vivian Lair,” the older male said grabbing my attention. I hated when my last name was used. I buried that with my past the day I died. Those who knew my last name had done extensive research because I tried my hardest to destroy all connections to my previous life.

  “Present. With no choice in the matter,” I said. I would’ve raised my wrists in chains if Haymen hadn’t already removed them. The blonde woman scoffed at me.

  “Just call me Vi,” I added looking directly at the younger angel hoping to irk her further. The two older angel’s expressions didn’t change and they had no comments to make. The blonde one followed suit but I knew she was biting her tongue. So, I smirked at her with satisfaction wondering how long I could wind her up before she broke. Her stare only narrowed further on me.

  “You are here today within our Court, specified only to be the judgement panel of Angels under the impression and violation of the treaty. You are alleged for the murder of Luke Tailor, a soldier under Gabe Christain’s legion, how do you plea?” That I didn’t know. Gabe’s jaw was clenched and his fists curled to show white knuckles. So, Luke was under his lead huh? That’s why it was so personal for him. That kind of dedication appeared as a shock considering I was disposable to my own boss. Or maybe they just liked to make a fancy protest and look righteous.