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- Kia Carrington-Russell
The Shadow Minds Journal, #1 Page 6
The Shadow Minds Journal, #1 Read online
Page 6
Our gaze was broken as I was greeted again with brick wall and rounded the left corner of the hallway. On this side of the building there were square glass windows where the curtains were drawn back and peeled open. It overlooked the green grass and an attached building to the side.
“What is that building?” I asked. She looked down and gave a grim smile.
“That’s the pool. We like to teach the children to swim since Shabeah is surrounded by water. We closed it down three weeks ago after the first incident,” she said shamefully.
“Which was?” I pressed. I was only given the minor details. It wasn’t the mayor who had passed the message but a direct request from Haymen this morning.
Dorothy went to speak and then looked to the children who hid behind the corner staring at me with curious wonder. As soon as I looked towards them they hid again. She nodded her head to the side to say we would speak behind closed doors.
At the end of the hallway was an office with open doors. I didn’t have to read the signage to know whose office it was because it looked like it was set up as a principal’s office. A man in his forties looked up from the scribblings he was writing and smiled. He was seated behind a large wooden table with bad posture. The computer screen in front of him turned off as he was copying text from a book to his own note form. Behind him was blinding light from the windows very similar to the ones in the hall. The side of the office had numerous volumes of books and I couldn’t help but notice that a lot of them were notably credited to demons and their species. Before the wheezily man in front of me could introduce himself, I spoke.
“Demon books and descriptions seem to be an odd place in an orphanage. One would even consider it encourages contact with one,” I said arching an eyebrow. Although I knew the leather seat in front of the desk was positioned to be inviting I studied the room more carefully. Dorothy stood to the side quiet. No introductions needed to be made.
“It was a personal interest of mine since I was kid,” Mr. Greenhouse said. “But I’ve never encouraged it. This collection has increased since I’ve tried to find what demon has been taking our children.” A demon Mr. Greenhouse was not. But there was something about him that was dark and menacing. Something even cruel and I felt the presence of the exact demon of mine which wanted to come forth. Without warning, my tattoos glowed bright blue and I allowed her to come through, merging flawlessly with her. Bells rattled as my cat demon appeared. Perfectly black with green eyes that glowed in the dark. Her black coat delicately laced my skin to cover the nakedness. My claws were retracted in a non-threatening manner and the bell laced around my tail jingled as it twitched back and forth tentatively. “Hmmm,” I purred almost in ecstasy from the change and the sense of freedom. Mr. Greenhouse shot from his chair in shock.
“No need to worry Mr. Greenhouse,” I purred as I sassily walked over to the bookshelf brushing over the titles in curious wonder. “I’m here to help remember,” I purred raising an eyebrow. My tail flicked attentively to his every move. He wasn’t the demon here. I couldn’t sense a demon anywhere within the compound but darkness still swept throughout the entire building. And for some reason this room pricked my instincts most. “Did you know that a cat’s sixth sense is keener than any other animal’s? Or maybe I am just biased to that thought,” I all but laughed. Dorothy was pale in the corner. “Sometimes much like the gypsy’s, a cat’s eye can see things even us humans cannot.”
“But you’re not human,” Mr. Greenhouse stammered.
“No, I am not.” I was certain that my eyes glowed with that statement. He had a strong reaction to my demon form. Perhaps for all his study and research on demons he had never seen one himself. He finally collected himself and sat back down in his brown leather chair where I noticed very tiny scratch marks on. They were tiny, only the surface on the leather slightly disrupted but with my keen sight I noticed it. They looked to be the size of a small child’s nails. My gut told me I knew the reasoning but I had to confirm. I was certain that was why my cat demon came forth. There was no demon present now, and perhaps I would see something as soon as I made contact with the core of this place, but there was another darkness lurking here that I could easily remove.
“Do what you must. I want these demons gone and to leave my children alone,” Mr. Greenhouse said with concern that met his eyes. But not entirely to convince me. I charmed a smile that I knew rattled him. Whatever hopes Dorothy had put into me had vanished and she was now terrified. It seemed humans forgot we weren’t angels but those who could summon and took pleasure in our demons. And yes, we often looked terrifying.
I touched my hand to one of the books and allowed my sixth sense to open. I narrowed my vision to the core and roots of all that would lay open to me. I saw children playing. Children being bullied. Some even finding homes and the overwhelming sensation of finally being saved from this place. I scanned back through and everything became hazy as I swept through the main hall. My vision narrowed back and forth and I felt lethargic as I dug deeper. There was resistance so I had to push a little more and find the keyhole to open the images of the past. And then I heard the screams. Children being chased and tortured in the night. The darkness that enveloped me only enough to show its touch but protected to not let me see more. I knew this feeling and was certain that these were the same entities and presence I felt when I had my Shadow dreams. I could only brush past the memories not able to see anything clearly. They blocked me from encountering anything more, being careful to hide their tracks.
I could usually see and hear the footprints of demons, most aren’t able to hide from my cat’s eye. Like a vacuum I was sent back to the room I was in now. The entity’s not allowing me to see any further in the halls. I kept my cat eye open as I was now in a memory of the same room I stood in. And there was the evil that lay bare and probably drew darkness to this place.
“Please Mr. Greenhouse,” a little girl said backed into a corner by the human who held an evil within him that could not be seen by other adults, but the children who were his victims.
“Shhh, shhh,” he said leaning his weight over the little girl. “It’s just a little game and a secret between you and me. You can’t tell anyone okay. It’ll be fun. You be the robber and I will be the police officer.” The graphic images I had to watch afterward only validated my previous instincts and it was why my cat demon–although I usually used her for investigation–so quickly wanted to come to surface. I knew that the hair on my back rose and I was probably hissing at the image. Although a demon, my cat demon was most adept to children. Surprisingly she was the most maternal of all my demons and did try to protect their innocence.
I allowed myself to be sucked into another part of the property, the pool I had inquired about earlier. It was a large room with a lapping pool, few chairs around and ornamental plants. The shutters to the windows were closed dark in the night. No light came through but with my cat vision I didn’t need it. My eyes glowed green as I walked over to the eight-year-old girl whose mouth and eyes were open in horror. The paleness of her skin told me that she had been dead for hours. And yet she still floated on the top of the pool. I looked around but nothing remained. The damage had already been done and the murderer vanished. I was sucked into the back of the grassy establishment where a boy hung from a tree. My cat all but curled and snarled at the gruesome kill. I knew as I brushed past the remains of his mind that it wasn’t voluntary. Something had pushed him to do this. I was drawn to the local dumping ground where amongst the rubbish which had been splashed on top, another little boy had buried himself, with added help from the boy that had hung himself afterwards. I knew that no one has yet found his body.
I stepped out of my cat eye now and into the present moment. “The little girl was killed and found in the pool three weeks ago. That was the first incident,” I said to Dorothy.
She tried to speak but nothing came out. She then cleared her throat amazed that I knew and said, “Yes.”
“There was
a boy who hung himself on the back tree,” I added. She nodded as tears swept down her face. My hackles rose again as I knew this boy was also a victim of Mr. Greenhouse’s disgusting actions towards a child. “And you’re missing another boy?” I said. Her eyes lit up and she let out a sob.
“Timothy,” she said with hope.
“Is dead. Buried at the local dumping ground.” Tears swept down her face as she began to wallow. She genuinely cared for these children.
“And the demon?” Mr. Greenhouse said infuriated. “What type is it?” I sneered at him. Type? It’s almost as if he wanted to validate his knowledge in some sick manner.
“Dorothy I would like you to send me a file to my personal email on the other experiences and your findings,” I said bending over Mr. Greenhouse’s desk and writing down with pen and paper my email to her. I could tell he was confused as to why I hadn’t asked him.
“I need to investigate this further,” I said to both of them. “What I strongly suggest is that you evacuate your children from this property by tomorrow.”
“We have nowhere else to go,” Mr. Greenhouse said almost defiantly. “We needed you to come to get rid of the demon.”
My eyes glowered at him and my claws sheathed out. He jumped back still in his chair. “Mr. Greenhouse,” I purred with smug expression. “I plan on doing exactly that. Just know that I kill all evils that I see befit for the Underworld. My cat eye sees everything and even if my prey might run, I will find them at dark.” He paled understanding my threat, his eyes large and shocked as he realized I had seen everything.
“If you can kill the demon by tonight then do we truly need to evacuate?” Dorothy asked.
“Yes,” I said to her less bitter and changed back into my normal form. My leather dressing fitting my body tightly.
“The treaty,” Mr. Greenhouse began to stammer. “You can’t hurt anyone but demons,” he said almost in desperation. His rounded face wobbled from fear. I could sense that Dorothy was confused behind me as I began to walk out of the room.
“Have a good afternoon Mr. Greenhouse. My cat will definitely find a mouse tonight,” I said pissed that I couldn’t kill him right now.
Chapter Six- Vivian
I was laying on my stomach on the roofing opposed to Mr. Greenhouse’s apartment block watching him as he frantically packed his things. His paranoia got the better of him as he frantically looked out the window and closed the curtain. It was a rundown building fit for the scum that lived in there. And I could smell that there were plenty of menacing people inside but I wasn’t here for them tonight. Evil had a presence and darkness around it. Particularly because of my job I was sensitive to it. Humans pathetically and easily gave into it. Not for the purpose of even wanting to become a demon themselves but because humans enjoyed to test what they could do behind closed doors when others weren’t watching.
The overcast moon made it easy for me to hide in the shadows. I smiled flicking my tail back and forth listening to the jingle that followed. I didn’t necessarily need a demon to kill him but I called forth my cat demon because her primitive nature took delight in this justice. I purred with satisfaction as I was ready to taunt, play, and pounce, on my prey. So many ways I could kill him. I could easily kill him within his room. I could have already been done by now. But I wanted to wait until my mouse came out of his hole, squirming as to whether he would make his escape. The main exit was in the alleyway that I watched over. Hmmm yes, I think I would delight in that. He had no right to be killed in the comfort of his home. He knew he wasn’t safe. Just as those children felt. He deserved to be killed right beside the dumpster of trash just like what he was.
I began rubbing over my claws, polishing them as I waited oh so patiently. It was a dark alleyway and the street wasn’t far from his reach. But he would never make it. Not that he knew that yet. I didn’t have to wait too long until he came through the door, looking out skeptically before exiting with one small suitcase. As soon as he closed the door behind him, with sweat beading down his face I flicked my tail once. That one singular jingle made him erect in a posture his back might’ve known long ago. He began to run and I smiled as I leapt off the top of the building and landed in front of him softly without a sound. I was crouched over, my ass in the air as I flicked that one tantalizing jingle.
He screamed, rather girly actually, as he desperately ran back towards the door. I was careful to make sure that no one heard and there was no shuffle of curtains. No one would witness this extermination. I wanted him to feel that he was alone. Like how all those children felt.
“When you decide to become a monster, Mr. Greenhouse,” I purred. “Make sure you’re the biggest one out there.” He twisted to look behind him and I slashed at his face. He screamed a gurgling scream as an eyeball flew across the filth of the pavement.
“The treaty!” He screamed thinking that it held power against me.
“You know,” I purred again approaching him as he tried to get off the ground again and run further into the alleyway which was a dead end. “I was human once. And even if I still were. I dare say I might’ve done the same to you after knowing what you had done to those children.”
He scurried as if actually to climb the wall. He saw a piece of wood and collected it. My hackles rose and I suddenly realized that I wasn’t alone. Someone was close by and heading in this direction with exceptional speed. The joys of a cat’s sixth sense. I growled in anger not being able to play with my prey.
I hurdled for him, dodging the one pathetic swing he attempted and plunged my claws down to cut off his manhood. He screamed, horrifically. I punctured my claws into his neck, not wanting to taste him with my own fangs. I wasn’t leaving his bleeding out to chance. Sensing that my follower was close, I scaled up the walls quickly and ran across the rooftops. I couldn’t see them because of the overcast clouds but I knew they were flying in the sky. I lunged over masses of space from rooftop to rooftop trying to lose them with the skill of speed. When I realized it was pointless and they surprisingly kept up with my speed, I landed on the ground and reverted back to my usual self. No evidence of the demon with claws that just killed a human. I had now put enough distance between myself and the murder.
I ran amongst containers on the pier. There were a few lights remaining after the late workers had finished hours before, which is exactly why I led my pursuer in this direction. I skidded onto the pier and circled in my spot ready for my attacker. Let’s welcome this demon and I’ll decide how to kill them from there. I was close to the water in case I needed to call forth my water demon. I was on the wooden side of the structure opposed to the cemented cargos in front of me. I estimated that my opponent would land right there. My crimson hair wavered in the wind as I watched the clouds pillow away. Great white wings stretched out at lightning speed and when my opponent hit the cement, it shook the very wood I stood on. Cracks and holes were crated around his fists and knee. I widened my eyes at the sheer beauty and size of the white wings that glittered with golds and light reds tipping the wings. Black pictures and swirls of tattoo reined on every inch of the angel’s body. Unlike the one I saw last night, this one was older and had plenty of war stories to tell because they were ingrained on his skin.
His blonde hair didn’t move in the wind that pushed my own as he stood up. Emerald green eyes met mine and they were pissed! What was an angel doing searching for me?
“You can run can’t you cat?” He seethed. It seemed this man hated me. I smiled. So, he had seen me in my cat form. If he saw me do anything else then I might have to kill him. No witnesses to killing humans.
“I’d rather nap,” I charmed back. “Why is such a big old burley angel looking for little old me?” I asked surveying his chiseled stomach and arms. He had a strong jawline which I so wanted to pet. He wore black loosely fitted pants and I realized that maybe, those were his, “Pajamas?” I asked. “I get a visit from a beautiful mystified angel in the night in his pajamas. Haven’t I hit the jackpot ton
His hatred for me only thickened and death wandered into his eyes. I don’t know what I did to piss this angel off but whatever it was amplified his hatred for me even more.
“By order of my council. You, Vivian who is contracted to Haymen are coming back with me to face the courts for killing an angel.” He tried to restrain himself from coming at me straight away. I snorted thinking back to the guy I had just killed. Surely, he hadn’t meant him. Because he was far from an angel.
“Just call me Vi,” I taunted. “As much as I am enjoying being in your dazzling presence. You have the wrong girl, officer,” I said innocently.
“Do you know a Luke?” his words were barely audible but it carried on the wind to me. I left nothing to show on my face. I had slept with Luke last night. I didn’t say anything or ask any more questions. This guy was kidding. Which meant that Luke was dead. Yet again another victim who slept with me and died within three days.
“I know many Luke’s, but no I haven’t killed any recently,” I said.
“I’m done,” the angel said in a rough voice before lunging at me. Within that second my tattoos glowed blue and I shifted into my water demon and dove for the water. My skin stretched over my ribs and split to create gills. My ears elongated as I hit and went deep within the water. Gills formed under my arms and legs as I continued to go into the depths of the water. The moment he dove into the water, it ricocheted the depths of the sea. I could feel other demons and creatures scurry away and run for life. Instead, I smiled. Oooh, I do like these games.
I wondered for how long he could hold his breath and how far down could he go? After all, angels were meant to fly not swim. The laws of the treaty meant nothing right now. He attacked me first. It was game on and now I had the right to defend myself.