Winds of Change Read online

Page 7

  There was very little coaxing to be done. Lee shoved her, pushed her after he turned her around until she was facing the wall and pressed against the water slick tiles of the shower. With one hand on her hips, Lee eagerly gripped the head of his cock and slid into her aching slit, pressing against her until his belly met her ass. Lee had never felt so forceful before, never had the need to utterly dominate her but he growled with purpose as he fucked her roughly.

  In his head, despite being fogged by pleasure, Lee felt the alarm bells going off. He wasn’t supposed to be doing this, it wasn’t in an omega’s nature to push their mate against the wall and literally fuck them into submission. Yet, here he was balls deep without a second glance.

  He saw the mark on her shoulder, blood still speckled her shoulder even if it was slowly washing away, and that awoke a need he couldn’t explain. Without warning or prompting, Lee thrust into her as hard as he could to his hilt, pulling her body toward him as he sank his teeth into the tender flesh just below Finn’s mark.

  Skye’s shriek was mingled pain and pleasure but there was no mistaking the spike in her arousal or the way her body clamped down on his at the sting in her flesh. Skye’s satisfaction at being fully claimed was visceral and undeniable. Finally, she had all of their marks in her flesh and her wolf was satisfied if not yet fully sated.

  Her back bowed, her palms flat against the wall as she arched into his thrusts.

  “Yes,” Skye hissed the word through her teeth, her approval palpable as she submitted without question or hesitation to the claim that Lee staked. Pressing her palms against the shower, she pressed her hips against him in blatant encouragement.

  Lee fucked her, tasting her blood on on his teeth was alarming enough that he almost pulled free. It was her encouragement that kept him there, thrusting hard against her ass until he felt himself releasing within her. He filled her, a low moan leaving his throat before he was all apologies. “Oh my god! Oh my god Skye… I didn’t mean to! I mean, I don’t know but I didn’t mean to..”

  Skye turned towards him, catching his wrists and pinning him against the wall. Normally, she’d have stopped at his distress to try and talk him through whatever emotions were rocketing through Lee’s skull but she didn’t have that much control.

  No, she was in the grip of her first fertile cycle and that need rode her relentlessly, even if she didn’t fully understand the nature of it. So, while she was entirely reassuring, it carried a blatant sexual edge that she couldn’t help as she trapped Lee against the wall, her hands lightly encircling his wrists.

  “I like it,” Skye said simply, nuzzling the column of his throat. Her tongue traced delicate patterns, licking the droplets of water from his smooth skin until she found the matching mark that she’d left on his shoulder months ago.

  Her tongue teased the grooves of that scar tissue, pressing a kiss to his flesh as she added throatily, “Now we match. It’s better.”

  She tipped her head back, her eyes heavy lidded as her gaze dropped to his mouth. Lee was a beautiful man and she leaned in to steal a kiss, tasting her own blood on his lips. Her hips rocked, trapping his still hard cock between their wet bodies in blatant invitation. “Again, Clarence Lee? Please?”

  Lee had never refused her requests and he wasn’t about to start now.

  By the time they both were able to stand the shower water was ice cold.

  “Okay… I’m all for fun times…” Lee said, shivering and swatting her hand away from his groin, “...but if we don’t get food in you, and some water, you’re gonna pass out. Also my knees are wobbly and I’m cold.”

  Skye blinked as if she’d only just realized how cold the water had grown. She wrapped her arm around Lee and together they stumbled out of the bathroom and dried off for breakfast. Skye padded into the room she shared with three of her mates and pulled out clothes, dressing quickly, and impatiently, before she wandered out in search of breakfast.

  Dinner was the meal that the pack tended to share as a group but in the morning, people trickled in and out, buffet style. Chance had already grabbed his food and headed off to the office to get some work done by the time Lee and Skye reached the breakfast table. While Lee went to fill up plates, Skye was distracted by Rory’s presence.

  Rather than take her own chair, she dropped into his lap and twined her arms around his broad shoulders. She nuzzled her nose against his jaw, inhaling his scent in between soft kisses that she left on his flesh.

  “You smell so good today,” Skye told Rory, her voice low and husky. She threaded her fingers through his hair and tipped his head back so she could steal a kiss or two from him.

  Rory had called in sick, leaving the office in Dave’s hands. It was really none of the boar’s business that he was sticking close to his female because… Because she needed him! It wasn’t any of Dave’s damned business. At least that’s what Rory told himself, despite the slight guilt he felt leaving Dave high and dry.

  The moment she dropped into his lap and started petting him, Rory was instantly hard and all thoughts of work vanished from his mind for the moment.

  “Food!” He said loudly, turning Skye toward the table but not moving her from his lap. She gave a little wiggle of complaint, rubbing her ass against his groin while Lee set down a plate of eggs and ham, toast on the side, and large glasses of orange juice and water.

  “On it!” Lee said. Skye twisted in Rory’s lap, far more interested in coaxing Rory to attention than anything set in front of her.

  “Down, girl, eat this…” Lee told her firmly, as he spooned a forkful of eggs and started feeding her himself.

  Skye frowned but dutifully let Lee feed her, though she made no motion to get out of Rory’s lap. Instead she wiggled closer to him and ate quickly though not as much as Lee would have liked before she pushed her plate away. Poor Skye, if she’d had a normal shifter upbringing, she would have eased into this naturally with the guidance of a parent who knew what to tell a growing shifter. Instead, she just had to jump into the deep end.

  Once she had finished, Skye pushed her glass away and twisted toward Rory until she was straddling his lap. Her fingers sank into his thick hair and she watched him with eyes gone slitted and glowing with her wolf. Without saying a word, she nipped the column of his throat in blatant demand. Thankfully, Rory’s wolf was dominant enough that he had the control to scoop her up and carry her off to the bedroom. Chance wouldn’t have been able to hold out long enough, nor Lee. When Skye came to her senses, she’d be horribly embarrassed if she had noisy sex on the breakfast table with who knows how many pack members able to see what was going on. She was raised too human for that.

  Finn was the only one of their pack who’d had any experience with fertile females before. There were two members of the pack who were female though, and Betty just snorted at Rory as he stood with Skye wrapped around him as she started to shred through his clothes.

  “I’ll make extra snacks, iced tea too. You better strap in big guy, it’s gonna be a wild ride!” There was a peal of laughter from the few gathered in the kitchen as Rory carried Skye anywhere but the common space. She was undressing him as they walked, Lee walked behind picking up laundry as it was thrown.

  Some hours later Rory re-emerged from the bedroom disheveled, looking thoroughly dehydrated. Finn was standing at the counter eating a sandwich when his nude pack leader flung the fridge door open and began drinking iced tea straight from the pitcher.

  “Tap in!” Rory said to Finn, all thoughts of jealousy vanished in the wake of trying to keep up with the alpha female in the throes of her mating cycle.

  “No way, dude, my hips feel like a freight train just ran through them. Get someone else to tap in.” Finn didn’t even look up from his sandwich.

  Lee stuck his head out from the laundry room. “Not it!”

  Betty laughed so hard at the dominant men that she almost dropped the dough she was working on. The annoyed looks directed at her hysterics only made the woman laugh harder. Re
ally, it was such a good sign that the pack was settling in well. There was no fear or cowering from the omega female, just good humor at their plight.

  Later, they’d probably be pleased by the development but at the moment the males could only look out put out at her humor, especially as she added through her chuckling, “That little lady has run you all ragged.”

  Skye had stepped back into the shower while Rory went out to ‘get lunch’, letting the water sluice over her too warm skin. She tilted her face up into the spray, letting it cool her. By the time she stepped out, she felt a little more in control of herself but, really, that was due to the absence of any of her mates in the bedroom. Skye didn’t bother with clothes, snagging her robe to pull on as she padded out to see where everyone had gotten to. Chance’s scent, however, pulled her to the office where she let herself in, shutting the door behind her.

  Chance sat on the edge of the desk, arguing with someone on the other end of the phone. He glanced up briefly as the door opened and gave Skye a tight smile and a gesture of ‘one minute’ as he continued to bicker with whoever he was talking to. Something about royalties and rights and liquidating but Skye wasn’t interested in listening in today.

  Instead, she stalked the beta while he was distracted and then dropped to her knees in front of him. Before Chance realized what she was doing, she had him out and in her hands, sucking the rapidly hardening head of his cock right into her mouth. The cellphone splintered in his hands when he crushed it and Chance quickly dropped it to thread his fingers through Skye’s pale blonde hair.

  “Holy shit!” Everyone heard Chance’s startled exclamation followed by a guttural growl and the crash as he picked her up and tossed her right on top of that desk, sending books, papers and his laptop crashing to the floor.

  The entire kitchen erupted into laughter. Even the alphas thought that was funny. The sounds of pleasure that came from the office after a few minutes, however, made everyone decide to stop laughing to start moving about their business again. Micah stood in the front room, staring at the closed office door with wide eyes, Skye’s cries echoed loudly off the walls. Finn snagged him by the collar as he walked by. “Nothing to see here, boy, why don’t you go outside with Caleb and Liam and head to Costco for… things.”

  Micah blinked at Finn as his coat was thrust into his arms, and he was nudged towards the door.

  “Skye loves Costco!” Micah protested, a bit of anxiety that his security blanket was otherwise occupied.

  “Not today she doesn’t. But you go ahead and bring her back a big old hot dog…”

  “Pretty sure you’ve got that covered!” Liam said, drawing a bark of laughter from Caleb as the three of them piled into the SUV recently purchased by the pack. Finn smiled, walking back to grab Lee who had been in the process of trying to sneak into the office, his eyes wolfishly bright from the pheromones.

  “You had your shot, buddy, it’s his turn.” Finn said as he drug Lee away from the door by the arm.

  Chance’s glasses, laptop and cellphone were the casualties of the office tryst, and Skye would blush every time she saw the deep furrows she’d left on the big wooden desk. It was a good thing that Finn had shooed their pack mates out as a very naked Chance emerged with an equally naked Skye thrown over one broad shoulder as he carried her from the office to the bedroom, slamming the door behind them.

  Hours later, he emerged, wearing just a pair of pajama pants and sporting some bright red trails from Skye’s nails along his back and shoulders. He said nothing, just headed for the lemonade that Betty had laid out on the side board.

  “What the fuck?” Chance finally questioned the other men gathered around the table, making a vague gesture towards where he’d left Skye curled up in bed, “She’s sleeping now. But… what the fuck?”

  Finn, too, had stayed close to the house because of Skye. Not because he’d needed another ‘round’, but because he’d figure soon enough she was either going to be very distressed or would have literally fucked herself sick.

  “She’s in heat.” Finn explained again from his place on the kitchen stool, his prosthesis taken off and resting next to him while he looked over the files that he and Skye had made no progress on last night. Lee and Rory were also at the table, both looking like they had taken an absolute beating earlier. Rough sex was certainly the norm in their culture but an alpha female in heat brought that to a whole new level. It brought their wolves close to the surface and their bodies paid the price for the beast’s lack of inhibition. The wolf never cared how much rug burn might chafe later.

  Finn looked between Skye’s other mates and snorted. He put the paper down and then began re-strapping his prosthetic.

  “Rookies.” Finn grumbled, sounding old and crotchety as he stepped past them to the hallway. His tone prompted Chance to give him the middle finger as he left, without even pausing in drinking his lemonade. Finn walked to the bedroom where Skye was curled up, finally out like a light. She was covered in bruises and scratches too and would likely feel it once she woke up. Finn scooped her up, her head resting gently against his shoulder as he began to carry her back to his place.

  “Get a handle on your wolves. You can tell her no, you know.” Finn chided. The other three men voiced their protests, though quietly as none of them wanted to disturb their sleeping mate. Finn didn’t listen or acknowledge them; he simply walked her over to his little home and slammed the door behind.

  Skye slept for nearly twenty four hours, Finn worked around her, calling old patients to set up appointments. At one point he started an IV drip to make sure she wasn’t so dehydrated she woke up sick. It was him removing the IV line that started her stirring. At least, Finn had some idea what to expect. Much like a shift or other situations where one of the wolves drew on their supernatural abilities for a prolonged period of time, they needed to rest afterwards. Magic took energy and while the body would absolutely cannibalize its resources in the short term, it needed to be replenished eventually.

  Skye woke slowly, a murmur of complaint as the IV was removed. Her eyes fluttered open as she felt fuzzy headed and sated. The restless unease that plagued her had finally abated and she gave Finn a sleepy smile filled with affection. It was only when she went to stretch that her body made its many complaints known.

  Twisting her hands up and then pulling the covers back, Skye took in the many small abrasions and bruises as memories of the last day or two’s activities came flooding back. Color rushed to her features before draining away to leave her white with shame.

  “Chill,” Finn instructed firmly as he replaced the covers she’d pulled away from her body. His tone brooked no argument. “It was the first one, it won’t be like that next time. At least… it might not be.”

  He had a feeling her growing connection to himself and her other mates had triggered it. Skye looked at him with questions in her big, blue eyes which made Finn smile. “You’re ovulating, sweetpea.”

  “Oh my god,” Skye said, her voice strangled and she burrowed back into the covers, radiating abject embarrassment. She blinked at him, her cheeks flaming, “Can everyone tell? Wolf noses suck. Some things should be private!”

  Yes, well, everyone could tell, not from the scent but the tell tale behavior of the marathon sex until her many strapping and strong mates had tapped out one by one. Skye groaned as she sank deeper into the blankets.

  “I’m never coming out again,” she muttered even as her stomach growled with hunger.

  Finn had to bite back a chuckle, he sent a text over to Betty to bring food to Skye and a change of clothes, before he turned back to her. He’d never say it aloud but she was adorable like this, disgruntled and pink with frustration. Her blonde hair tangled around her pale shoulders and his gaze dropped to the mark he’d left on her flesh. That filled him with pure masculine satisfaction She even smelled like him. Finn had slid into bed beside her when she was sleeping and curled his big body around hers. He liked leaving his scent on a mate.

; “Sweetpea, there are very few bodily things that happen without attracting a shifter’s nose. Nothing to be ashamed of there… Nothing to be ashamed of with having ridden each of your mates until they physically couldn’t keep going either, though I am a little worried you might have pulled something with Chance. Not on you; Chance was limping last I saw him.” Skye’s horrified look made him laugh again. “Don’t work yourself up, love, this is the way we all are. It’s nature. We survived your first ovulation and we’ll survive the next. At least we know there’s a possibility of fertility there. Feel lucky.”

  Skye had no idea what to say to that but fortunately for her, Betty arrived just in the ebbs of Finn’s statements with a bowl of steaming hot chili and an outfit tucked under one arm.

  “Oh! You’re awake!” She said sitting next to Skye in the bed. “Good job, I’ve never seem a more confused bunch of males in my life.”

  “I didn’t do it on purpose!” Skye protested although she gave the older female a look of gratitude. Betty’s bemusement and gentle teasing gave the oddity of this experience a degree of normalcy that Skye desperately needed.

  The omega female helped Skye to sit up and then thrust the bowl into Skye’s hands, chiding her to eat. Betty kept snickering as she walked off, Finn smiling at her.

  “Guess it’s a good thing you decided on three mates. Pretty sure you’d have killed a solitary male.”

  “Four,” Skye pointed out with some concern, her brows drawing together as she looked up from her chili. Concern turned to consternation as she added, “Unless you’ve changed your mind but I don’t know how to undo whatever magic ties us together.”

  Finn didn’t respond, offering her merely a small smile and a shake of his head that told Skye nothing as he gestured for her to continue eating. Frowning, Skye uncurled from her blankets to reach out a hand and traced her fingertips over where she had left her mark on his skin. It was already mostly healed, a faint pink that would fade to the odd silvering that their scars took on. Her fingers traced the ridges of the lines that marked her claim. “I don’t understand the way it works entirely. Lee was able to find me through the mark I left on his skin when we were in the basement. I wish there was a way to get the tomes that belonged to my parents. It has to be something that my pack did, don’t you think?”