The Undocumented Americans Read online

Page 18

  “So lukewarm and cold-water showers”: United States Environmental Protection Agency, “Basic Information About Lead in Drinking Water,”, accessed August 2, 2018,​ground-water-and-drinking-water/​basic-information-about-lead-drinking-water.

  I come back to Flint almost a year later: Jacey Fortin, “Michigan Will No Longer Provide Free Bottled Water to Flint,” The New York Times, April 8, 2018,​2018/​04/​08/​us/​flint-water-bottles.html.

  even though they’ve replaced only sixty-two hundred pipes: Adrienne Mahsa Varkiani, “Michigan Won’t Give Flint Free Bottled Water, Even Though Lead Pipes Are Still in Use,” Think Progress, April 8, 2018,​michigan-wont-give-flint-free-bottled-water-d959e535b79b/.

  shoot and shoot and shoot shoot and shoot: Michael Cooper, “Officers in Bronx Fire 41 Shots, and an Unarmed Man Is Killed,” The New York Times, February 5, 1999,​1999/​02/​05/​nyregion/​officers-in-bronx-fire-41-shots-and-an-unarmed-man-is-killed.html.

  CHAPTER 5: Cleveland

  A Vietnam War vet threw a tantrum: Daniel L. Young, “We Were Never Welcomed Home in Willard,” Norwalk Reflector, March 22, 2017,​Letter-to-the-Editor/​2017/​03/​22/​Forum-Young [inactive].

  At a city meeting dedicated to planning the party: Miriam Jordan, “One Ohio Town’s Immigration Clash, Down in the Actual Muck,” The New York Times, June 18, 2017,​2017/​06/​18/​us/​willard-ohio-migrant-workers.html.

  The city has a population of approximately: United States Census Bureau, “Quick Facts: Willard city, Ohio, V2017,”​quickfacts/​fact/​table/​willardcityohio/​PST045217.

  One study found that family income: Migration Policy Institute, “Deportation of a Parent Can Have Significant and Long-Lasting Harmful Effects on Child Well-Being, as a Pair of Reports from MPI and the Urban Institute Detail,” Migration Policy Institute, September 21, 2015,​news/​deportation-parent-can-have-significant-and-long-lasting-harmful-effects-child-well-being-pair.

  Another study found that American-citizen children: Lisseth Rojas-Flores, Mari L. Clements, Josephine Hwang Koo, and Judy London, “Trauma and Psychological Distress in Latino Citizen Children Following Parental Detention and Deportation,” Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 9, no. 3 (May 2017): 352–61.

  There are no clowns in fields: Nina Shapiro, “A Washington County That Went for Trump Is Shaken as Immigrant Neighbors Start Disappearing,” The Seattle Times, November 9, 2017, updated November 15, 2017,​seattle-news/​northwest/​fear-regrets-as-pacific-county-residents-go-missing-amid-immigration-crackdown-police-chief-neighbors-kind-of-in-shock-after-immigration-arrests-in-pacific-county-immigration-crack/.

  They’re wearing ankle monitors given to them: Colleen Long, Frank Bajak, and Will Weissert, “ICE Issuing More Immigrant Ankle Monitors. But Do They Work?” Associated Press, August 25, 2018,​dfcdc6302e154753a526c04706df45d6.

  There was an ancient Greek belief: Benjamin Woodring, “Liberty to Misread: Sanctuary and Possibility in The Comedy of Errors,” Yale Journal of Law and the Humanities 28, no. 2 (2016).

  A few months later, Carter: Bill Keller, “Kevin Carter, a Pulitzer Winner for Sudan Photo, Is Dead at 33,” The New York Times, July 29, 1994.

  In 1996, the IRS even made a special provision:​research/​facts-about-individual-tax-identification-number-itin.

  CHAPTER 6: New Haven

  Even though half of undocumented people: Alexia Fernández Campbell, “Trump Says Undocumented Immigrants Are an Economic Burden. They Pay Billions in Taxes,” Vox, updated October 25, 2018,​2018/​4/13/​17229018/​undocumented-immigrants-pay-taxes.

  According to the Migration Policy Institute: Migration Policy Institute, “Profile of the Unauthorized Population: United States,” https://www.migrationpolicy.orgzdata/​unauthorized-immigrant-population/​state/​US [inactive].

  he found his subjects suffered: Karla Cornejo Villavicencio, “The Psychic Toll of Trump’s DACA Decision,” The New York Times, September 8, 2017,​2017/​09/​08/​opinion/​sunday/​mental-health-daca.html.

  people forming human chains to block ICE officers: Elisha Fieldstadt, “ICE Came for Their Neighbor, so These Tennesseans Formed a Human Chain to Protect Him,” NBC News, July 23, 2019,​news/​us-news/​ice-tries-detain-man-tennessee-home-neighbors-form-human-chain-n1032791?fbclid=IwAR3PPeOXZY6fZ1QqQI1Ylnk4uXDGsLQWECR9vKIw7MVaqRa0QQNooWX0788.

  This all changed recently, when reports: Viviana Andazola Marquez, “I Accidentally Turned My Dad In to Immigration Services,” The New York Times, October 24, 2017,​2017/​10/​24/​opinion/​ice-detained-father-yale.html; Noah Lanard, “Married Immigrants Seeking Green Cards Are Now Targets for Deportation,” Mother Jones, April 20, 2018,​politics/​2018/​04/​married-immigrants-seeking-green-cards-are-now-targets-for-deportation/.


  KARLA CORNEJO VILLAVICENCIO has written about immigration, music, beauty, and mental illness for The New York Times, The Atlantic, The New Republic, Glamour, Elle, Vogue, n+1, and The New Inquiry, among others. She is a doctoral candidate at Yale and lives in New Haven with her partner and dog.

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