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- Karen Elizabeth Russell
All The Little Foxes Page 2
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Miss Tramatonna made everyone who truly did their best feel special – rewarding the students with gold stars, chocolate coins, and many other fabulous faires. It had become a competition for the students to see who was going to be the recipient of the weekly prize. To date, there was not one kit or cub who had not been rewarded.
Yes, all was going right in this world of learning, and not long after the year had begun with this fabulous start, a new bit of elation and contrivance was unleashed on the class. Word came about that a brand new addition would be joining this grade five session. This was an announcement that brought on a bit of elated hysteria for all involved, as there had never been a brand new addition to any classroom in Fox Township.
It seemed everyone had known everyone, who had known everyone else, and that is how it had always been. The students could not wait to meet this new mystery and learn all about from where they came. It was agreed – by most of the girls in class anyway, that this new addition could perhaps be royalty sent down from a castle far away, exiled to a new country while upheaval and uprising was being worked out back home.
The boys all seemed to agree it was much more likely that this new arrival was from a family that had been rescued after fighting off pirates from a ship wrecked voyage that started halfway across the globe. The possibilities seemed endless, and the theories were split, but there was one thing for certain, no two classmates were more eager to have this fox unknown join this fifth grade sub-division than Edgar and Jules.
The two cubs had already sort of adopted the new mystery as their new best friend. The three it had been decided, would be brothers in arms. Edgar and Jules were very much looking forward to showing this new arrival all the ins and outs of Fox Township. Yes, they called ‘dibs’ on the new kid, and were looking forward to all the new and foreign adventures the trio would soon share.
Edgar and Jules had spent many an afternoon deep in the imaginative banter of how great it was going to be having a ‘new kid on the block.’ This was an opportunity to have someone who could level out the playing field – and bring the number of boy cubs in class full circle. The fellas felt they had been out-numbered by the vixens for far too long. There was even talk that if he played his cards right, this new mystery would become the third member of the secret hide-a-way club. It was going to be a big help having a third little fox around the club-house during their most top secret meetings. Someone who would be an honorary ‘keeper of the flame.’ This of course would be after this new addition passed many codes of trust.
There are many twists and turns that pave the road to the ultimate horizon however, and there was soon to be a turn of events concerning Edgar, Jules, and their new best buddy.
The fellas were about to witness a dawning – for the thing of it was, you see, all of their hopes and dreams and plans were never destined to come to fruition. Edgar and Jules were about to discover that the new kid was never destined to be a brother in arms – or a brother in any form at all. This new addition that was about to enter Miss Tramatonna’s grade five class was in fact – a she. A she that came in the form of a cute little brown-eyed fox named Fifi, who was in fact from a land that was distant, but not all that far away from the lush evergreen wood of Fox Township.
Both Edgar and Jules held the look of utter disappointment on that fateful day when Miss Tramatonna introduced Fifi to the class. ‘Class-class-I would like you to welcome Fifi – she will be joining us this year.’ The teacher cheerfully announced.
‘Welcome Fifi!’ The class replied in unison, of course with the obligatory eye-rolls and subtle hidden sneers from Edgar, Jules and just about every other boy cub in the room, none of whom saw this turn of events coming.
‘BLAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! ITS ONLY A GIRL!’ Edgar exclaimed in an exaggerated whisper to Jules, who agreed in complete camaraderie. ‘Oh well-at least it’s only about a hundred-some-odd-days till summer vacation!’ Jules chimed in.
So it is not unfair to say that the arrival of this new classmate turned out to be a bit lack-luster for our two friends.
After all of the official and formal introductions, Miss Tramatonna gave Fifi her seat assignment, which happened to be exactly three seats behind Jules. As anyone coming to a new town and a new school knows, there is naturally that feeling of being a bit out of place, especially when you are the one lone new-comer standing with all eyes cast upon you. Fifi could feel the stares of wonder and curiosity, which made her feel like a bit of a spectacle.
As she made her way across the room, feeling the eyes of her new classmates trying to study her with every step, Fifi’s trek to her desk seemed like miles, rather than just a few short feet.
Being the shy fox that she was, Fifi felt very awkward and very much intimidated as she made the journey to her new seat assignment. Fox Township’s newest vixen had her mind focused on trying not to make eye contact with anyone she passed by – not out of rudeness, she was just plain scared! It was only by sheer coincidence that she briefly locked eyes with Jules, who just happened to be glancing her way as she passed by.
There was no wayward, unwelcoming stare for this vixen – the natural enemy of Jules, but rather quite the opposite, as the little cub unleashed a quick, shy, welcoming smile toward Fifi. This was not planned, it was simply the natural reflex from a sweet young cub, he could not help it – this is simply how Jules was. Fifi could feel herself getting red in the cheeks as she reciprocated Jules’ kind gesture, then at last-
SALVATION! Fifi reached the sanctuary of her desk, where she felt she could finally just blend in with everyone else and go unnoticed.
Fox Township’s newest student may have wanted to stay under the radar, but that brief encounter with Jules had been very much witnessed, by of all the little foxes – Edgar! It was fortunate for Jules that his pal had missed his welcoming smile towards the vixen – but Fifi had not been so lucky.
‘EEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW! SHE LOOKED AT YOU!’ Edgar taunted. ‘SHE NOT ONLY LOOKED AT YOU – SHE SMILED AT YOU!!!..YOU ARE NOW FOREVER DOOMED TO THE LAND OF COOTIES!’ Edgar’s dramatics naturally made Jules erupt in a fit of laughter. Try as he might to suppress it. In a whispered tone, Jules rallied a dramatic ‘UGGGGHHHH!’ back along with Edgar.
Now Fifi may have been too rattled by first day nerves to take notice of the cub’s rowdy antics, but they certainly did not sneak past the teacher, who quickly regained decorum in the room. ‘Okay class, back to business – lets open our history books to chapter three.’
As the year progressed, Fifi began making friends with many of the students, becoming especially good pals with Anya, who was grade five’s most social of butterflies. It seemed Anya got on well with just about everyone in class, and she was the first student from day one to extend the olive branch to Fifi, effortlessly making her feel welcomed in this fifth grade gathering.
Actually, Fifi only made friends with the vixens, as the cubs were more or less stand-offish towards the girls. In Fifi’s ideal world, she would have liked to be friends with everyone in class, both kit and cub alike – especially that one little cub who flashed her a welcoming smile on that very first day.
Fifi thought she had seen something ‘nice’ in Jules. Boys will be boys however, and when it comes to boys in grade five, they neither like, nor have time for their girly counterparts. The cubs never made an effort to be friendly or even civil with Fifi or any of the other girls. Truth be known, there seemed to be a much greater effort to be down right not so nice to the vixens.
Numerous cubs from time to time would be sent to Principal Hertfordshire’s office, because they taunted a vixen as she stood in front of the class trying to read a report. And there was more than one occasion on record where a cub was sent home on suspension because he thought it would be a good idea to whip a super-fast curve ball at a little kit’s head, if she dared venture too close to the field during a recess game of soft-ball.
Jules however, may have been a bit more welcoming of the new vixen
in town. He very early on made a mistake which would surely come back to haunt him, when he confided to Edgar that ‘The new girl seemed nice.’ Edgar in all of his natural form, declined to agree. It was all Edgar could do to keep his cool when on more than one occasion he fell witness to his little pal’s niceties towards Fifi. Like the time there was only one crab-apple danish left in the canteen – which he insisted Fifi should have, rather than grabbing it for himself.
Then there was the time Fox Township’s newest little vixen was hung up on a fractioning problem. Jules was the one who rallied to her rescue and talked her through it, really saving the day. So after all was said and done, it was only fitting that Jules found himself on the receiving end of Edgar’s accusations when Miss Tramatonna enlisted the help of our little friend one afternoon during class.
You see, aside from the little bumps and bruises along the way, things were coming along at a nice clip. The year had been more promising than ever imagined possible, and it did not take long for the students to grow a great fondness for Miss Tramatonna. Normally in the academic year – from time to time, a run of students would fall ‘ill,’-’weak...bed ridden’ right up until the very second after the last bell of the morning had rung, only to have a miraculous full recovery not long after.
These particular students found themselves, much to their assumed dismay, having to stay home and miss class for the rest of the day. This did not yet happen in grade five. It was almost one entire month before a student genuinely became ill and had to miss an entire week of studies – with that student being Fifi.
Naturally, this brought on another bout of wonder and assumption as to what was troubling Fox Township’s newest addition. ‘Probably sarcoptic mange, brought on by girl cooties.’ The boys all guessed. The girls believed Fifi’s ailment may have been the ever so slightest case of mono, which could have been brought on when Fifi ventured alone under the brush with a royal cutie visiting from the homeland.
Of course this was all simply another case of imaginations running off into the wild. Miss Tramatonna made the announcement in class one Tuesday afternoon, letting everyone know Fifi had taken ill with the distemper virus, which caused a terrible cough and fever, leaving her very weak and unable to get out of bed, let alone make her way to class. The teacher also stressed to the students that Fifi would certainly be all right, and would be back to join the session before long.
‘Jules,’ Miss Tramatonna inquired, bringing the classroom’s focus on our young friend. ‘I believe you live just down the lane from Fifi’s den, don’t you?-could you please drop off these assignments on your way home, we don’t want Fifi falling behind in her studies.’
Now Jules felt bewildered, and Edgar’s snickering did not help matters much, but a reluctant Jules agreed – what else could he do? ‘You’re gonna get girl cooties!’ Edgar teased in an annoying sing-song whisper that did not go unnoticed by the
teacher, causing this grade five comedian to slink down into his chair, knowing he had been caught.
This seemed to be Edgar’s day however, as he was soon saved by the bell. ‘Don’t forget your homework assignments, and tomorrow is the last day for the field trip permission slips to be turned in.’ Miss Tramatonna advised to the room, though with the end of the day hustle and bustle, it was unclear if anyone was really listening at all.
After collecting his own books as well as Fifi’s lessons, Jules made his way out of the room and met up with Edgar, who had been waiting just down the hall. ‘You’re going to see your girlfriend – you’re going to see your girlfriend!’ teased Edgar. Jules just kept walking without any response to his pal.
‘You better not kiss her, or you’ll get distemper!’ Edgar advised to his not so amused buddy. ‘Figures she has distemper – girls are always in a bad mood!’ Edgar pushed, finally making Jules break his silence.
‘You’re coming with me – right?’ Jules queried. It did not take long to get an answer from his pal, who ran down the corridor and out of the building, while shouting a negative ‘AAAAAARRRRRGGG!’
all the way down the hall. ‘Thanks buddy.’ Jules mumbled, as he continued on his journey home. While making his way through the valley, Jules had resolved in his mind he was not doing anything other than a favor for his teacher – it was really no big deal. He was simply dropping off a new book and some assignments and then would be on his way.
The little fox felt nervous however. The venture home, which normally took all of ten minutes, seemed more like ten hours. No matter how much Jules tried to reason with himself, he could not help but feel he was somehow doing something completely out of the ordinary, and something his pal Edgar was surely going to razz him about for many days to come.
For a moment or two, Jules considered not going to Fifi’s house – for the mere fact he just did not want to hear anything Edgar would have to say about the situation. The conflicted cub thought perhaps Edgar would see him as a ‘hero,’ if he did not complete this task. As Jules pondered his predicament along the way, the thought crossed his mind he could just ‘lose’ Fifi’s assignments-and all of his troubles would be over.
These thoughts were in his mind, in reality however, he rounded the bend, and his destination was in full view. Jules had never been to Fifi’s home before, though he did pass by it every day, he never really stopped to take notice. As he made his way up the front walk, which was laid out in cobblestone, it struck Jules that the house was like something straight out of a fairy-tale.
Quaint and small, Fifi’s home looked very much like it could have been made out of gingerbread, though Jules knew that was in no way possible – not in this hearty, lush wood! Jules was soon startled into a quiet shyness when he was greeted at the door by Fifi’s grandmother, who was more than a little impressed with the little cub. Madame Faversham could not help but smile when she opened the door and saw Jules standing there all cute and fuzzy, with big blue eyes.
‘Yes young man, may I help you?’ The grandmother inquired. ‘I-I am in Fifi’s class, and I brought her homework.’ Jules replied, as he readied himself to turn and run, after attempting to hand the assignments to Madame Faversham. ‘Oh how very sweet of you dear boy, why don’t you take them up to Fifi so you can say hi – she could do with some cheering up, and I’m sure she would like to see her little friend.’
Reluctant, but not wanting to be rude, Jules obliged. Making his way up the stairs to Fifi’s room, he stood awkwardly just outside the partially opened door, not really knowing what to say, and feeling very much out of sorts with the whole situation. In the Fox Township classroom, Jules had many conversations with Fifi, but this was a whole new ball-game. He was on different turf now, standing there in Fifi’s domain, and Jules did not quite know what to make of the whole thing.
‘M-Miss Tramatonna wanted me to bring your assignments so you won’t fall behind.’ Jules finally managed to stammer in one rushed and hurried breath – while still standing just outside the doorway.
‘Thank you.’ Fifi sheepishly acknowledged, motioning Jules to enter the room. Jules and Fifi soon found themselves momentarily at an awkward loss for words, not really knowing what to say to one another.
‘Thank you for coming by.’ Fifi encouraged, hoping to get a bit of conversation going. This little vixen had never known Jules to be this quiet. ‘No problem.’ Jules artlessly replied. This situation was getting unbearable for grade five’s trusted altruist – he could not wait to be released from this nightmare! And then just when Jules thought it was not possible, the circumstances took a turn for the worst.
You see, this was just meant to be a ‘drop and run.’ Jules would drop off the work and be on his way – and holding true to his plan, Jules attempted to do just that. ‘I-I gotta go.’ The little cub announced, as he turned to make a bolt for the door. Then it happened – in his quick attempt to flee, one foot became caught up with the other, and before he knew what was happening, the disoriented cub fell flat to the floor.
Fifi could no
t help but giggle at her little pal’s folly, though she did try her best to hide her levity. Always the quick thinker, Jules steadied himself up off the floor, making an endearing comment to try and break this most embarrassing moment. ‘It’s a good thing Edgar isn’t here – he would say I’m falling for you!’ Jules quipped. And with those few words, there was no more holding back on Fifi’s part. She broke into a tremendous fit of laughter, which brought a smile to Jules’ face. That awkward left-foot feeling he had been wearing from the moment he had arrived had disappeared.
Forgetting for one meteoric moment that he did not want to fall from the graces of the ‘He-Man Woman Hater’s Club,’ which Jules and Edgar had been charter members of for all of their natural born days, and forgetting that he was in an all-fired up hurry to drop off the lessons and leave, Jules found himself thoroughly enjoying the moment and the laugh he was sharing with Fifi. Everything became relaxed and familiar as the two little foxes began exchanging small talk and witty banter with one another. The more Jules made light of his quagmire, the more Fifi giggled with acceleration. She simply could not help it, which put Jules in a blithe state of mind. The little cub no longer felt ill at ease.
What started out to be a quick stop on his way home had turned into an hour and a half of bonding, laughter, and fun. ‘I guess I should go – my mom will wonder where I am.’ Jules announced, as he took notice of the bit of dark sky falling across the horizon. ‘Watch your step there !’ Fifi teased. Jules feigned embarrassment as he turned for the door, quickly changing over to a more serious mode when he saw something on the wall – a poster, that really caught his eye.
‘WHOA! MINOR SKIRMISH?-YOU LIKE THEM?! WHERE DID YOU GET THIS?!’ an enthusiastic Jules questioned, never taking his eyes off the poster. ‘I got it at their concert last year. My dad brought me to see them.’ ‘COOL!-you are so lucky-I have always wanted to see them in person!’ Jules envied. ‘They will be here in a few weeks, my grandma already bought me tickets. You can have one, if you like. I mean – I was going with Anya, but she has a birthday party to go to that night.’ Fifi replied, going on to say ‘They are pretty good seats, fourth row center.’ Almost before Fifi could get the words completely out of her mouth, Jules was right there at the ready with a quick ‘I’m there!’ And with that, he made his way back home. Jules left with a smile and a feeling of lightness in his heart.