A Changeling For All Seasons 5 (Box Set) Read online

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  She bucked and thrashed over him, clinging to the rope, her head thrown back and her lungs screaming as she went over the edge.

  Again, she’d hardly finished her orgasm when the tension in the rope lifted her up, this time until she stood on tiptoe and straddled the Elf below her.

  Her satin sheets were stained dark from all the melted ice, and his face and chest were covered in water and glistened from her own release.

  He ran his hands up her legs and teased her soft inner lips with his fingertips. “Ready for me, Emmy?”

  “Please,” she begged.

  Suspended, Emmy watched Trey as he shifted up on her bed to where her toes danced on either side of his thighs. She especially enjoyed the view of his massive cock coming into view. It lay hard and thick against his stomach, reaching past his belly button. Oh, she’d hurt tomorrow, but for today, it was all about the pleasure.

  Taking her eyes off the imminent prize, she took in his whole body with a sigh. Trey’s shadowy skin looked right on her bed. She couldn’t have had better fantasies. Okay, he was too big for her bed, but everything about him clicked for her. Meeting his piercing gaze, she wanted to say something momentous, but no words formed. Whether he knew what was going through her mind or not, his lips tilted up a fraction and he shook his head slightly, confirming her thoughts. No words.

  Keeping his hands on her legs, he spoke his spell. As she lowered, he guided her to her knees then lined her up with his cock. Her eyes wide, she watched him wrap a hand around his solid shaft and angle it up to tease her nether lips. He took his time, saying the words of his spells that controlled the rope, and moved her hips until the head of his cock speared her labia and pushed at her entrance.

  She closed her eyes to savor this moment. She soaked up his heat, the strong beat of his heart that pumped through his cock and vibrated against her opening.

  A few more soft words from him, and the tension in the rope slackened so much it took her by surprise as her body weight sank down over him. But he was so big she couldn’t slide down on him completely. He held her hips, and with her help, raised and lowered her inch by inch until she was seated completely.

  “Trey. You are so huge. I’ve never felt anything like this,” she moaned. “Let me loose. Let me touch you.”

  “You will soon enough. Enjoy this, baby.”

  He thrust himself into her a fraction deeper and ground the two of them together. She tried to lift up for a rhythm and found that the rope helped, as if it knew what she wanted. Since she couldn’t leverage her hands against his chest, the rope worked with her wants, pulling taut to raise her up when she wanted and going slack when she needed down again. She paced herself, groaning at how wonderfully he filled her.

  As their movements increased, the bindings at her wrists slithered away, and she fell forward, catching herself with her hands on his chest. He lifted his head and met her mouth hungrily, one hand holding her ass tight as he thrust up into her faster and faster.

  She clung to him, ran her hands through his hair and returned the gentle touches behind his ears.

  “C’mon, baby,” he urged her. “God, you are so tight. You are better than anyone I’ve had before. Come with me, Emmy. Come with me.”

  His words, spoken with ragged breath, sang through her, and she responded with a strong orgasm, her body moving hard and fast against his. When he came, the pulse of his release pushed against the inner walls of her pussy, sending shock waves through her.

  Exhausted, spent, she laid her head over his heart and closed her eyes. A huge smile blossomed on her face.

  “Damn, it got quiet in here,” he said in harsh pants, untying the overused bell before settling his palm on her ass.

  * * *

  Emmy had no idea how long they lay entwined. She must have fallen asleep, because the next she knew, full sun streamed through her high windows, bouncing around the many tiny crystals she had threaded through the evergreen boughs strung around the top of her walls. She lay still against Trey’s side and watched the kaleidoscope of colors dance around her room.

  “You live with so much color,” Trey murmured.

  She turned her head and smiled. “You’re still here.”

  He caressed her face. “Yes, I like being here with you.” His gaze traveled back up her walls. “I’m used to being surrounded by white and glimpses of blue and shadows. I love my work, don’t get me wrong, but the most color I see might be from the Northern Lights. Here, you surround yourself with color.”

  She nestled her head against his chest again. She wanted to say she’d miss him when he left, but she’d only asked for one day. Fear of where her thoughts had turned had her sitting up. “Are you hungry? I don’t think we’ve eaten all day.”

  * * *

  After a delicious lunch, shared conversation of likes and dislikes and even a fun frolic with the whipped cream topping on the strawberry dessert, Emmy was ready to tell Trey she could fall in love with him in a heartbeat, and he wouldn’t have to leave when the day ended. She’d never had such an intimate -- both in and out of bed -- and exciting day. They’d even dressed for a short while and played outside, making Elven snowmen. Then with his magic, he’d made a warm cleft on a snowy hill behind her house and proceeded to love her body on soft moss, with snowflakes falling over them, melting as they touched their skin. Her world had changed this day, and now she didn’t want to think of tomorrow. Everything else would return to normal, but she wouldn’t have the same life in her anymore.

  * * *

  As day grew into night, they settled back on her couch and he blew up a nice, crackling fire in the fireplace.

  “You use your magic a lot,” she commented easily.

  He snuggled her against his side. “You don’t?”

  She shook her head. “Mine isn’t the same as yours. I can do simple things like stir spoons in pots and write without holding a pen. Things I’ve seen you do far outdistance my own abilities.”

  “I know my magic is geared to survival. I’ve used it today for play, but its purpose is to save lives.”

  “That makes sense. I wonder…” She stopped. She wanted to ask if she held that magic in her and if he could teach her, but realized that meant a tomorrow. He’d not once said anything about them beyond this day. Bracing herself against the hurt she’d not expected to feel, she swallowed and shoved it down. They only had a few hours left, and she wanted them filled with as many happy memories as possible. She would cherish this day for the rest of her life.

  “Emmy,” he said suddenly, holding out his hand. “Come with me.”

  She laid her hand in his, loving how it disappeared in his grasp. She followed him into her bedroom, excited yet curious as to why he seemed so pensive all of a sudden. He turned, held her face in his hands and kissed her forehead before laying his head against hers.

  Chapter Three

  “Today has been a beautiful day, Emmy. One I will forever treasure. You are a precious jewel and… Hey, don’t cry, baby.” Trey wiped at a few tears that leaked from her eyes. “Let me love you again, Emmy. Let me give you an experience to hold you a lifetime.”

  He waited for her to open her warm, chocolate eyes. He needed to see if she would want him after today, but instead of meeting his gaze, she nodded and kissed his palm. He allowed her this concession and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  Needing to touch her, he slid her robe off and shimmered out of his own. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he tugged her hand until she straddled his waist. He pulled her forward, until she nestled close, his erection a hard insistence against her soft belly. His arms wrapped around her, and he smiled at how tiny she fit against him, over him. She was unbelievably small to his six-foot-plus frame, but he wouldn’t have her any other way. She still wouldn’t look at him, so he lowered his head and set his lips against hers. He kissed her with everything that was in him, easing into it as if this were the last kiss they’d ever share.

  He nibbled at her lips, licked the seam a
nd slowly drew himself into her mouth and she into his. Their tongues danced at first, the pacing easy and soft, then in steady increments. The kiss grew hotter, deeper and more ferocious as they clung to each other.

  His hands roamed over her delectable body, tweaking her pale nipples, running his fingers down her cleft; he couldn’t touch her enough.

  “Make love to me, Trey. Now. Our last time, please.”

  He wrapped her legs around his waist, stood up, turned and laid them both across her bed. On a future note, he thought as his shins hit the edge of the mattress, if they could become permanent lovers, he’d have to get her bigger furniture. He didn’t think he fit comfortably in anything in her house. Unless he was inside her.

  He kissed her everywhere, loving her tiny breasts and sucking strong on her nipples. She moaned and scraped her nails lightly over the backs of his ears, and damn if his eyes didn’t cross.

  He continued down her body, kneeling on the floor now, and immersed himself in the sweet taste of her pussy. He bathed his face with her essence, rubbing and licking at her until she cried out so loud he swore the rafters shook. That thought had him glancing up to see his rope still wrapped around one of the cross beams. He’d let that stay. If they remained together, he’d use it again. If not, he hoped it’d be a heady memory for her.

  He pushed her up on the bed and crammed himself up there with her. Tucking his knees under her thighs, he pushed her folded legs toward her chest and sighed at the pretty sight below. Her sex, swollen and red from all their fucking, glistened as if begging for more. He hadn’t been with anyone sexually in too long to remember. He hadn’t felt an urge to be with anyone for the longest time. Until today, and Emmy.

  He stroked his fingers through her wet folds and slipped a finger into her pussy, still quaking from her orgasm. He added a second finger, intent on making his digits as wet as she was inside. He removed his fingers but ran them lower, trailing moisture up and down the crack of her ass.

  “Like what you see?” she asked on a breathy sigh.

  “Oh, yeah.” He rubbed the puckered rim of her ass, prodding the entrance. He’d had his finger in this sweet, tight hole a few times today, but now it was time for more. “Emmy, I’m going to give you the best memory of all.” He looked up into her widening eyes as he continued to play with her ass. Lowering his voice, he let her know this was no longer just fun and games. “I’m going to push myself in here. I’m going to fuck you so thoroughly you’ll forget your name.” He worked his finger into her to the first knuckle, and he made sure to keep his finger straight, not curved, as he drilled gently through her channel.

  Her eyes, already large, were glued to his face. She panted hard, and her hands gripped fistfuls of the satin sheets, but she didn’t deny him. He continued pumping his finger into her, slowly working it all the way inside. Her ass clamped down so tight he could barely move, and his cock jumped hard when he imagined how great she was going to feel wrapped around him. With his left hand, he rubbed her clit, dipping a finger into her pussy periodically to keep moisture on the extended nub.

  “If --” He stopped, hesitated, then decided what the fuck, he’d say what he wanted. “If you and I were to continue to be together, I’d work up to this point slowly. No magic. Every time we would be together, I’d prime your ass a little more, all to get you ready to take me. Yes, I am big, and you would feel pain if you weren’t prepared. If I were human, I wouldn’t even approach this today, our only having today, right? But I’m going to make this good for you. I will give you some magic to ease the pain, just enough so you can have this experience with me.”

  “Would it hurt badly if you didn’t use magic?”

  He chuckled. “Emmy, you’d kill me if I tried to fuck your ass without it. Tell me, how does my finger feel inside you?”

  “Big.” She blew out a breath. “It’s tight. Stretched. It hurts a little, but not in a bad way. I’m also used to it since you’ve done this a lot today.”

  “Right. Because from the moment I saw your ass in the air, I knew I had to be inside it.” Settling his finger in deep, he looked down at the sexy sight and cleared his mind. “Let me know how this feels,” he murmured.

  Trey focused his energy on the finger he had in her ass. He pushed his magic out and into her body, numbing the tissue, just enough. Not too much so she wouldn’t feel anything. It’d sting a little, he was sure, but the magic would take away the discomfort she’d normally experience the first time, which would allow her to lose herself in the pleasure.

  “Oh, that feels good,” she murmured.

  Testing his magic, he worked a second finger into her ass. She caught her breath on short gasps.

  “Relax, Emmy,” he instructed. “Try to push against my hand.”

  He continued to stroke her pussy, knowing the additional sensations would ease the other muscles. It worked, and shortly her hole relaxed enough for him to scissor both fingers inside.

  When she began writhing on the bed and moaning, he knew it was time. Removing his fingers slowly, he grabbed the base of his erection and settled in close. First, he slid his cock into her tiny pussy, closing his eyes at the firm squeeze and letting her juices coat and prepare his shaft.

  She grabbed his knees, about the only part of him within her reach, and her short nails scraped his skin. Her eyes were still open. He smiled tightly down at her and whispered words of reassurance until she smiled back and nodded. God, he loved everything about this woman.

  He pulled out of her heat against her protests and rubbed the head of his dick over her puckered back entrance. Straightening up to his knees, he positioned himself at a more downward angle and worked the tip into the closed passageway. Sweat dotted his forehead in his strenuous effort and excitement. He had to take care, but going into an ass was always work. Go too slow and you’d never get in. Too fast, and she’d want to kill you from the pain. She’d feel discomfort, he knew, as he hadn’t numbed her completely, but it’d be tolerable and would only help add to her pleasure in the long run.

  It was steady, slow going, but once the head of his cock popped past the rim of her anus, he knew he was good to go. She made a delightful little “Ah-ha” noise after he’d worked the head in, and now that he was in, he could focus on the rest of her.

  Letting go of his cock, he leaned forward, just inches, and told her to look at him. “You doing all right, Emmy?”

  “Oh,” she breathed heavily. “I don’t know. I think so?” She grinned then, and his heart nearly burst. He didn’t care if she slammed the door in his face once this was over, but he was going to pursue her. He didn’t want to imagine going day to day without knowing she was his.

  “I’m going to work it in a little further. God, Emmy, you feel like heaven. You are so tight.”

  “Yeah, well, if you weren’t so huge it wouldn’t feel so tight.”

  “Then I wouldn’t be here, would I?”

  She laughed, and the contractions helped him slide in another inch. “Oh!” She stiffened.

  He couldn’t lean over completely yet -- it’d screw up his progress -- so he worked his hands over her body instead. He plucked at her nipples, loving how the color went from pale to sunset red. Entranced, he promised himself that later he’d go to sleep sucking on those tips.

  As he slowly shifted his hips, putting constant and steady pressure on easing his shaft into her hole, his hands roved to her pussy. He rubbed her clit with one hand and, with the other, worked a finger into her now tight cunt. He played with her lazily, in contrast to the serious tension going on in her backside.

  Longer than he’d thought it’d take, he made it all the way inside. He could go deeper by a couple of inches, but he’d let that be her decision. Now that he was lodged firmly up her ass, he lowered himself over her.

  “Relax, honey. You’re doing great.” He stroked her dark hair and peppered kisses over her face, praising and complimenting her on how great she felt and how well she took him. There it is -- the ripple alon
g his shaft. Her muscles were easing around his intrusion. He took this opportunity to move, to pull back slightly and slide back in. Just a little stroke.

  He hissed at how tightly she clamped around him. He’d never been in anyone who felt as fine as Emmy. She made him see stars -- and he hadn’t even come yet.

  Rocking them into a slow, steady rhythm, he persuaded her to push back. Her ankles locked down tight at the back of his waist, and her tiny hands scraped his shoulders, but he knew it was good for her. He could tell by the way she panted softly against his neck and by the way she cried out, calling his name and sighing between her moans.

  “I love your ass, Emmy. You grip me so damn tight I never want to leave. I’m going to pick up the pace -- let me know if it’s too much.” With this warning, he tilted his hips and groaned as her body opened up to accept the last couple inches of his cock. His balls mashed against the crack of her ass, and his pubic bone rode her swollen lips. Gathering her close, he wrapped his arms around her back and up under her shoulders before he set his mouth to hers in a ferocious, open-mouthed kiss. He forced her mouth wide and dove his tongue inside, dueling harshly with hers, pressing against her everywhere and not letting her ease away. At the same time, he quickened his thrusts and concentrated on pulling out farther and shoving himself in deeper. Her body became an even tighter vise around him, inside and out, and soon she thrashed under him so violently he was thankful for their tight hold.

  The electrified sensations in his cock intensified and traveled through his balls, up his spine and shot straight to his head. He pumped furiously, getting lost in the addictive sensations as her hips rose rapidly in time to his thrusts. Too soon, her body locked down, and he felt the telltale rippling of her impending climax seconds before her keening wails reverberated around the room. She came so damn hard he had to shove himself against her to keep his dick buried in her ass. Her body contracted severely around him, painful almost, and he didn’t have to worry about pumping anymore because the intense waves massaging his cock had his orgasm ricocheting through every nerve in his body. He growled and cried out her name.