The Red Shoes Read online

Page 7

  “Don’t move, now,” I threaten as she closes her eyes and enjoys the love. “Such a good girl for me.”

  “But it’s so good... I need to come.”

  “Trust me, baby.” I lower to take her nipple in my mouth, suckling on it until I have no doubt she’s soaked around Deacon’s cock. “You’re so beautiful. You’re so perfect. Let our love be yours.”

  The journey is the majority of the fun. I revel in the build-up. I kiss her passionately as my fingers strum at her clit, faster and faster. I know she wants the orgasm. That much is a given. He does, too, but he’s far less likely to voice his complaint in the matter.

  I break apart from her lips to lick his chest, and my mouth wanders to his as we embark on taunting her with our expert liplocks. Her eyes open wide as she blatantly stares and takes in the sight of two guys making out. We are conditioned to society, but I like to fuck with the norms and question the doctrine.

  My pledge comes loud and clear from her lungs, “I love you two together.”

  There is never jealousy from Iris.

  However, there are times when Deacon is a green monster, full of envy. They arrive without warning as his resentment and spite for wanting another man (in general) infiltrate his mental state. He wants to hog my mind, heart, and hard-on all to himself until we hit the momentum, and any fears he has are instantly obliterated. If I lure his trust past the edge, then I eliminate the debilitating insecurities from his psyche.

  I whisper against his lip, “Fuck that pussy, boy. Show me what you got.”

  He thrusts up from below, taking her on a ride that would rival the adrenaline rush of any roller coaster. I ease in behind her, gripping her ass cheeks in either hand and ask, “You want me?”

  “Yes, claim me, Sal. Make me yours.”

  I drop the zipper and guide my dick to her tight asshole. It will take some maneuvering and spit to seat myself in. I cannot hurt her the way I let him hurt me. I need the punishment to guide along the rails; she wants the discipline of love.

  “Get the lube. It’s in my cut.”

  I take Deacon up on the suggestion, coating myself, her, and him.

  We rock in unison, sliding, and gliding and discovering so much about ourselves and the depth of love. Deacon’s erection presses on the other side of the thin flesh, and it turns me on even more as I feel his thrusts against me. He is fucking her and me.

  Iris is the doll I share. She belongs to me. And when our time here in the castle is over, she’ll go home with me. We’ll bask in the sun until our playmate comes over, and we’ll share him.

  We transition, shift, and change flowing with the current and bumping off the rough, rock walls. We’ve been allowed this gift of one another. We don’t take advantage of the blessing; we can’t—luck like this is only bestowed once a lifetime.

  “Why do you love me like this?” Iris asks, leaning back into my chest. I wrap one thick forearm around her and place the other one onto Deacon’s belly. We lock fingers, and Iris seals it with the grace of her palm.

  “I only know how to love you one way—with all of me,” I confess, stilling within her warmth. My love springs forth with clarity. “With you, I have never been able to hide. You force my hand, and I give you my all.”

  “And what happens when this isn’t enough?”

  “This is my forever.”

  Deacon smiles. “And my always. You will always be enough.”

  I’m not sure if he is talking to Iris or me. Deep down, I know, and the thought scares me. I want Deacon to feel enough to find someone. I understand why he is broken and when it occurred, but I need him to move forward. He eventually must heal. I have to believe he can because the alternative means I am the crush for which he won’t recover.

  “Let’s come and go again,” I command.

  And we do.

  Staring out the window, I spot the Kinky Kingdom in the distance. The light on either side of the dark forest provokes a more important question. “Why are you here?”

  From the middle of the bed, Iris answers, “Where else would I be?”

  “Over there,” I mutter, tapping my finger on the glass. I take a few steps and lower onto the plush, soft bed. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I cannot leave the castle,” she wearily admits. “I am stuck here.”

  Deacon rubs her thigh. “Why?”

  “An evil spell was cast upon me,” Iris whispers, shrugging her shoulders with hopelessness. “I am bound here and unable to leave.”

  Her words ignite the fire in my veins as I hiss, “You’re serious?”

  “Very.” Her sharp teeth puncture the peach Deacon saved in his cut. A pleasurable moan rumbles from her throat as she savors each delectable drop. “If I try and leave, the winged beasts bring me back. I end up bruised for weeks. Eventually, I grew tired of trying to run away.”

  How would I feel if I couldn’t run?

  Tied down and contained?

  “Did Amber put a spell on you?”

  Sucking on the sweet, ripe fruit, she nods. “Many moons ago. At least, I assume it was Witchy Bitchy Woe is me.”

  “It isn’t fair,” Deacon adds as his nostrils flare. He’s pissed when he gets up from the bed. “And it won’t continue.”

  “Where are you going, Cruz?”

  “To end this for once and for all,” he angrily mumbles, pulling on his shorts. “We cannot keep letting other people control the outcome. We won’t survive much longer.”

  Reading my thoughts, Iris blinks to me. “You have to go.”

  “Ya, I do,” I agree, acknowledging there is no way I will let Deacon tango with Amber alone. She is dangerous. Persuasive. And deadly. She grips my hand as fear takes hold. “I promise I will be back soon, baby.”

  “You need to be careful,” Iris urges, getting up from the bed. “Both of you. You don’t know the power she holds or the influence she has on all of the Kinky Kingdom.”

  I fasten my jeans and reply, “No, I may not, but what I do understand is that there are a whole lot of people who cannot release.”

  With the peach secured between her fingers, she pauses, “… They cannot come?”

  “No, they can’t,” Deacon snaps, edging closer to a place where violence becomes his only language. I have seen it several times. I don’t want to witness it again today. “None of them. And the curse needs to be broken.”

  “We’ll be back,” I vow, kissing her lips. Her sugared lips send a shiver down my spine. “I love you so much, Angel.”

  “And I love you, Raniero.” She glances at Deacon and runs to embrace him. He’s distant and closed off, a lost soul without feeling. He cuts her out far too quickly, and I don’t like it. I want him to feel—all of it. “And I love you, too, Cruz. Be careful out there.” She pecks his cheeks, but he doesn’t reciprocate. This infuriates me how someone could leave him so broken that he shuts down from all the goodness in the world. He claims to love—and I am sure he does—but not like he could. “Be good, boys.”

  “Stay in your boudoir and do not leave.” I snag one more kiss before we depart. “And lock the damn door.”

  Putting on my shoes, I hear the mechanics click over. We jog down the staircase as Dom and Nico head up. “Did you find the High Monarch?”

  “Iris is safe in her bedroom,” I inform, easing past them. “Where is Daisicle?”

  “You don’t want to know,” Dom remorsefully replies. “She must have been snatched along the way.”

  I crack my knuckles and make a mad dash for the door.

  Chasing after Deacon and I, Nico asks, “Where are you going?”

  “To kill Amber.”

  They follow our lead outside the castle, where the gargoyles repeat the process of letting the bridge down. “How are we going to find her?” Dom inquires. “It’s not like you can just call up a Wicked Bitch of Woe.”

  “No,” Deacon says, popping his jaw. “We can’t, but I am certain Nico has an idea of her whereabouts.”

  We turn to Nic
o, put on the spot by Deacon’s (almost) accusation, and wait for a response. “She’s in the dark woods. You’ll never make it out alive. She wants Cas released though, and she may come out to play if I offer her up in trade for the dog.”

  “That’s not just a dog,” I vehemently hiss. “That is my Dais.”

  “Let’s go back to the crypt,” Dom suggests.

  “How are we going to get through the lotus flowers?”

  “Them,” Deacon answers, pointing to the gargoyles. “That’s how.”

  With his persuasive tongue, he convinces the two of the flanking gargoyles to provide transport. Deacon and I are riding on the back of one; Dom and Nico are on another. “How many times have you done this?”

  “Flown via gargoyle?”

  “Ya,” I say just after leaving the castle.

  “I had a turbulent flight to New York once.” He grins and winks. “Sometimes, you just need to ask for what you want.”

  We rise higher and higher until we encounter a flock of flying monkeys. “Holy fuck…”

  “Yeah, this is not good.”

  I am not sure I would describe dozens of these ugly critters flapping towards our two gargoyles at a pedal to the metal rate of speed—not good—it’s downright bad, real bad. Deacon pulls on the reigns. “Nicky, dive now!”

  “Oh, shit!” I clutch to Deacon as we take a nosedive towards the dark forest. We fly low, under the canopy of the trees, swooping and turning, as a few of the flying minions splat one by one into the trunks behind us. “They’re still coming!”

  “Hold on,” he yells as we soar straight up. From this height, I can see not only the Kinky Kingdom but the Castle of Cum. “Here we go!”

  We’re headed straight down towards the crypt. Dom and Nico have already landed as their gargoyle waits in an old cemetery. I spot Nico, holding tight to Cas, as Dom aims with what looks to be a high powered water gun. He’s blasting the monkeys in their giant, crazed eyes and blinding them one by one.

  “Go, Dom!”

  Cas peers up as we come in for a landing. I overhear her scream, “Is that Raniero? I’m going to tell him you killed his love!”

  We land on the roof, and I jump to the ground below as Deacon booms, “How the fuck?”

  “Sometimes, you just know.” I wink.

  “Sally!” Cas shouts, frantic from being held. “Nico killed her!”

  “No, he didn’t,” I correct as Deacon climbs down the ladder. “She was long gone before any of this. And you just were too fucked up to know.”

  “Pot call Ket…”

  Quickly, I wrap my hand over her mouth and issue my final threat, “If you say those words, it will be the very last thing you ever say.”



  The Steel Balls of Surefire

  With Cas securely bound and gagged, we wait with bated breath for the Wicked Bitch of Woe to surface. Dom and Deacon are tying the monkeys to the trees in pairs. Nico rambles at Cas about all the things he yearns to do to her flesh.

  I smoke a cigarette, considering how either side of the dark forest is filled with goodness. All the nastiness is sandwiched between joy. “This place is wretched. How vile could exist in the middle of someplace so beautiful is beyond me…”

  Cas gives me the evil eye, and I flip her off as the crimson vortex appears from out of nowhere. I drop the smoke and stomp it out as I shout, “Amber!”

  With two flying monkeys flanking her sides, she steps forward, and Daisicle reveals herself, harnessed and leashed to the bitch. “What do you want, Raniero?”

  “What do I want?” Easing closer, I growl, “I want the spell broke on Iris, the curse eliminated from the kingdom, and I want my fucking bitch back.”

  She laughs maniacally. “There is no possible way I will trade you any of those things for Cas. She isn’t worth it! Think again!”

  Frustrated by her antics, I sigh. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Easy,” she says, clasping her hands together. “It’s called you broke off our affair, and this is revenge.”

  “Revenge?” I shake my head. “This isn’t just revenge. This is diabolically mean and inhumane.”

  “What about me?” Glowing with a transparent prismatic aura, the shimmering Pixie appears out of the forest. She snaps her fingers, and candy rains like hail, pelting from the sky.

  Lollipops. Butterscotch. Peppermints. Bubblegum. And loads of colorful taffy.

  “Shit…” I mutter, flabbergasted, catching a cherry red lolly in my fingers. The black Juliet ball cap is twisted off to the side of her head, giving off the distinct appearance of a thug. “Kaci.”

  Beneath Amber’s feet, I notice her six-inch red stilettos glued to a sticky substance as Kaci sarcastically teases, “Certainly, I must be worth something.” My eyes grow wide at the sight of my pink-haired wife dressed in a bulky, pure snow-white loungewear with rainbow platforms. Tossing the ball cap to me, she pivots back with a gleam in her eye as she advises, “If you dare call him your Pretty Boy again, I will seal your mouth shut for a thousand years!”

  “Well, if it isn’t the dead girl and her little slut…”

  Feeling a bit awkward in Kaci’s presence, I place the Juliet ball cap on backward and glance around to see Nico chowing through every colorful piece of taffy he can find. Under my breath, I chuckle and briefly relax as she sashays up beside me. “Is that how you subdue him?”

  “But of course,” Kaci beams a wide grin, laying her hand on my chest and kissing my cheek. My name cascades from her lips with the purest of intent. “Salvatore… You always wore that sexy mug like it was the only thing you had on.”

  “Can you help me?” Trying not to blush, I hasten with a desperate plea, “I must rescue Iris from the castle!”

  “Then you need this bitch gone,” she replies, smacking on her gum. Removing the gum from her mouth, she extends the tacky goo between her fingers and sticks it in Amber’s teased mess of a mop. “Soon!”

  I point to the puddle beneath Amber’s feet. “What is that?”

  Her cheeks bounce with delight as she unwraps another piece of gum. “Years of cum from the kinksters, baby.”

  “You whore!” Amber hisses, struggling in the jiz. “You’ve ruined my shoes! How dare you!”

  “How dare I?” Kaci rebukes with an intense, fiery passion. “You are the one violating and contaminating his space, not me. This is not your place or right. His dreams are a prized possession, and you are the one invading. You are a trespasser. You are not worthy of gracing his brilliant mind. You do not have his consent to be here. Stop fucking with my husband’s head! Get the fuck out, cunt!”

  Stroking my chin, I watch the transgression between my former Mistress and my beloved wife. She still refers to me as her husband, and it hits the deepest part of my heart because I will be another woman’s husband soon. Kaci won’t always be my wife, but I will eternally be her husband.

  “Where have you been?” I query, adjusting the hat. “Are you not the Bitch of the Below?”

  “Hell, no!” Kaci contends, blowing a giant pink bubble. In the swirling orb, the images of the demise of the Bitch of the Below play out before my eyes, and I understand how wrong I was ever to assume it was Kaci.

  “… Iris’ mom? Lydia Kettles?”

  Walking towards the crypt, Kaci says, “Yeah. You ought to know I would never do you any harm. It isn’t in my nature. Manipulative and calculating. Maybe even Machiavellian or narcissistic. But downright evil?” She swings open the door and takes a step down. “Nah, wrong girl. I am all about love, baby. Love frequently. Love often.” She sweeps her hand through the air, letting my eyes chase her rainbow. “Love in color!”

  “Don’t,” I warn, praying she turns back for just a few more minutes. “I can’t go into hell again. It scared the piss out of me last time.”

  “You were never meant to go to hell,” Kaci whispers, stepping back up towards me. “Go get Daisicle. Get your boys on the gargoyles. And do what only you ca
n do.”

  “… And if I fail?”

  “Then you try again,” she points out. “And again. But you must not give up fighting the demons of the past. You need to make your peace and forgive yourself.”

  I sulk in my shortcomings, believing I should be past all of this by now. “… What about you?”

  “I’ll be safe in the tomb, Raniero,” she vows, grabbing my hand. “I always am. You won’t ever be rid of me, even if you do stop talking to me.”


  “The spell on Iris will break, and the Kinky Kingdom will once again cum if you do what you are meant to do,” she whispers, running her fingers over mine. God, I miss her voice. Her energy. Her presence. Her zest. She is the source, the core, and the key for the darkest and most dismal parts of me. “Do what you were meant to do, but you need to go now—ala.” She drops her gaze only to undress me with her eyes. “God, I miss your dick!”

  “… Are you sure?”

  “About missing your dick, I am!” she professes, managing to twist my words just enough to get a priceless grin out of me. Knowing she got me to break with a slight miscommunication, she laughs. “But yes, I am sure if you do what you need to do, everything will be utterly fabulous! Now, go! Do more! Be better!” She winks. “You got this, baby boy. Take it home for the team.”

  With a smirk on my lips, I let the tears drip from my eyes as I reply, “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “And don’t forget I love you more than anything, Pretty Boy.”

  “Never,” I mutter, unable to avert my eyes from her eccentric splendor. She knows my programming better than anyone because she helped construct me. “What about Cas?”

  “Do you even have to ask?” Her light giggle fills the air as she swishes her ass and hops down the stairs. “Be good, Sally. Go love and laugh and live, dammit! Soak it all up! And don’t ever quit being you!”