Valentine Read online

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  “Will you tell me how you got these scars?” I ask tracing over one that is right on the middle of his back. It is completely covered in different shapes and sizes of scars. Some more jagged looking than the others. It makes my heart hurt just thinking of him being in pain. A part of me doesn't know if I can actually handle him telling me about it because it must have been something awful. The thought of someone hurting him makes me feel physically ill. He takes a deep breath, so I take one as well.

  “Well you know how Watson and I were in the Army together?”

  “Yes. I’ve heard you guys talking about it and I have seen your photos in your uniform.” He nods then continues.

  “About ten years ago my unit and I were doing a routine sweep. We were told by an informant that a huge terrorist cell was going to target one of our bases. He had been our informant for a year, and he had never led us wrong so when he said that he knew where they were and he would take us to them, we jumped on the chance to save a lot of lives. When we got there, it was a cluster fuck. He had betrayed us. They knew we were coming, and my unit was captured. We were tortured for a month, but it felt like forever. They did awful things.” He tenses under my fingers again. I feel tears in my eyes, and I lean down kissing one of the marks then another.

  “We don't need to talk about it if you don't want, my love,” I whisper letting a tear fall free.

  “It's okay, little Dove. It's good to get it out, at least that's what my therapist says. I never really listen to him. I thought that he was a quack, but I want you to know because it makes me who I am today. Just keep doing that. It makes it easier to talk about it with your hands on me.”

  “Okay,” I say, kissing another scar while running my hands over his shoulders. He sighs.

  “They would starve us for days, use whips, hot pokers, car batteries, and more things than I can think of. When we would pass out from the pain, they would throw cold water on us then start all over again. Trying to get information about our troops but we never talked. They killed two of the best people I knew. When I had just about given up a delta team came and rescued us. We were medically discharged and sent on our way. I have been in and out of therapy ever since. The first three years were the hardest. Full of booze and bad decisions just trying to dull the pain. One night I about ended it all but deep in my soul I just knew I couldn't give up. I think that my soul was calling to yours. That it knew one day I would find the one person that would make everything I went through worth it. So I could love her just the way she deserved.” I sob quietly.

  “Thank you for holding on and coming back. I can’t imagine a life without you in it.” He rolls over faster than I expect and sits up holding me in his arms.

  “I love you so much my sweet, Valentine. You are the greatest gift I could have ever dreamed of getting.” I hold him tighter, burying my head into his shoulder.

  “I love you too, Justin. Make love to me, please. I need to know you here. That you are safe and with me, where you belong, I beg. Kissing his neck and face, willing my tears to dry. One of his hands goes into my hair where he makes a fist. The other on my hip, he pulls my head back and kisses me.

  “I’m right here, little Dove, I'm not going anywhere.” I feel his cock harden and I don't waste any time sitting up on my knees until I feel the head of his cock at my entrance. I slam myself down on his hard length. His hand on my hip tightens and he groans.


  “Please fuck me hard, Justin. I need you,” I whine. He groans and starts a punishing pace. Just what I need to feel alive. To know that he is here with me and won't ever leave. He pulls me down on every upward thrust. “Yes, harder,” I chant loving every minute of it. He flips us over, so I am on my back then he throws my legs over his shoulders and starts pounding into me so hard the bed starts to shake. He hits my clit just right and I scream as I come all over his cock. He groans and lets my legs drop. I wrap them around his waist my arms around his shoulders as his thrusts become more powerful. I feel him swell inside me right before he comes roaring my name. His release triggers another of my own and I moan his name as I feel rope after rope of his come fill my womb. He pushes my hair out of my face and kisses my neck, cheeks, forehead, then my lips.

  “I love you, little Dove. Now and forever.”

  “I love you too.” He pulls out of me then rolls us over, so I am on my side and he is spooning me. I vow to myself that I am going to spend the rest of my life showing him just how much I love him.



  Five Months Later

  I look over at my beautiful wife and thank God that she's mine. I refuse to imagine what life would be like without ever knowing her. She is my reward. After that bullshit that happened when I was in the Army, I rarely got excited about anything. I wasn’t really living before her; I know that now. They say you shouldn’t live your life for another, but I say fuck that. There is nothing more rewarding than love of a good woman. She is my reason for living, just the way that it was meant to be.

  North Carolina has no waiting period for a marriage license, so we got married the following Monday after the first time we were together. The first time that I claimed her. My little Dove wanted a small ceremony and a huge party to celebrate, so I gave her exactly what she wanted. My unit from the Army, those still with us, joined us at the party. My buddy Hunter told us he was about to fly out to Ireland for St. Patrick’s Day. He works as a hotel flipper and will also be touring several hotels with the intent of purchasing and renovating them. Ever since we got back from the POW camp, he doesn’t stay put in one place for to long. Not that I can blame him. We’ve all dealt with our captivity in different ways.

  Val is also four months pregnant, so I am giving her everything she asks for. When we first began, we had a frank discussion about how many children we want. She wants six and I want as many as we can possibly made. Breeding her was easy. After coming home from work, I take my boots off at the door. I walk around the corner and find her sitting naked on the couch eating a bowl of strawberries. Her little baby bump seemingly popped out overnight.

  “How was your day?” I ask, grinning at her.

  “I am so glad you are home,” she says, setting the bowl on the coffee table. She stands up and jumps into my arms.

  “I’m all sweaty,” I say even as my arms go under her ass.

  “Don’t care. I need you,” she says. “I tried to take care of it all day, all by myself, but it wasn’t the same.” Her pouting face makes me take pity on her.

  “All day?” I ask, sounding shocked.

  “Uh-huh,” she says her lip sticking out. Kissing her, I bite it.

  “I bet you are all achy and needy, aren’t you?” I question. My cock hardens at the mere thought of her trying to please herself all day.

  “Yes,” she says. “It didn’t work, not one time. I even tried porn.”

  “Breaking out the big guns,” I say as I carry her to our bed.

  “Well, I tried to. It didn’t work.”

  “My poor girl,” I murmur as I lay her down on her back. Her boobs have gotten bigger and her hips are widening, but she’ll always be the most beautiful woman in the world. She is glowing too. Her skin is soft as I run my fingers up her shin and back down to circle her ankles.

  “Don’t tease me,” she replies lustily rubbing her thighs together. Gripping them, I pull them open roughly. She is already wet and swollen for me.

  “You weren’t kidding, were you?” I ask, jokingly.

  “I’d never kid about my pussy or the fact that it needs you. Only you.”

  Leaning down, I bury my face in her cunt and lick her lips. She is so wet. The sound is obscene as I run my tongue through her folds.

  “You taste so amazing.” I could fucking live off of her and her alone.

  “It feels amazing, but it’s not what I need right now,” she says matter of factly.

  “And what is it that you need?” I ask already knowing the answer. I always
know what she needs, but I want to hear her say the words. When she talks dirty to me, I lose all control.

  “Your cock. I need your cock. I need so deep inside of me, filling me with your come. I don’t wanna know where you end, and I begin. I want it all.”

  “Good girl,” I say standing back up. “Very good girl. You know I love it when you talk dirty to me,” I groan kicking my shoes off. Then I begin to strip off my work stained, sweaty clothes tossing them in a pile at my feet.

  “Yep. That's what I need,” she breathes as I begin to stroke my cock. I am always hard for her, but since she got pregnant, she has been needing me often and I have been happy to oblige. I watch as she begins to run her fingers through her pussy.

  “I thought that wasn’t working for you,” I say, still stroking my dick. Precum beads at the head and I use it as I move my hand faster and faster.

  “It’s really not, but I thought you might get jealous and come help me,” she says, her eyes glaring at me. Fuck, I hate it when she’s right. I don’t want her to have to please herself. That’s what I am here for.

  “Fuck it,” I say crawling on the between her legs. I grip her wrist and pull her hand away from her pussy.

  “That’s exactly what I want,” she says as I move her up onto all fours, her ass in the air. I run my hands over her in reverence. She moans when I dip a finger into her pussy. Looking at me over her shoulder, she grins. I slide my cock into her tight heat. Her moan and my groan fill the room. With my hands on her hips, I pound in and out of her. Over and over, I slam into her. Her ass hits my abs with thrust and I do love to watch it shake as it does. I feel her pussy clenching my dick as she comes. “Fuck. Finally. Yes. Justin,” she screams. Her intense orgasm triggers my own and I fill her. Pulling out of her, she groans as she lies down on her side. I follow behind her. She yawns and snuggles into me. I kiss her lips again before she falls asleep. I watch her sleep before I fall over the edge as well.

  With everything I am, I will love this woman and all that we have and all that will create for the rest of my life.

  Always and forever, my sexy Valentine has my heart and anything else desires.



  Eight Years Later

  “Justin Turner Glass, this is our last baby, do you hear me!” I scream out grabbing ahold of his arm and the oh shit handle when another contraction hits. He is currently speeding down the road toward the hospital.

  “Breathe, little Dove.”

  “Don't you tell me to breathe. I'll breathe when I want to,” I groan, taking a deep breath like he said to do.

  “You're doing so good baby. We are almost there,” he says in a soothing voice while running his hand over my stomach.

  “You better hurry. We are not going to have a car baby,” I screech as another contraction wrecks my body. Fuck, this is our sixth baby and it seems like they each try to beat the time that I am in labor.

  With our first it was twelve hours and the last was only two. This one is determined to get here a hell of a lot faster than the others. We left the house when my contractions were ten minutes apart. It only takes us twenty minutes to get there so it should have been fine. At least that's what I thought up until five minutes ago.

  “It’s going to be fine, Dove,” he says.

  “Oh God, we are going to need a new car,” I gasp as my water breaks. Thank fuck we put down a towel, but I don’t think that’s going to help any. “Justin. Hurry,” I groan as I put the seat back a little trying to get some room.

  “I'm hurrying, baby.” Justin pushes on the gas a little harder. We are now flying down the road.

  “Oh God, Justin! We aren't going to make it,” I cry. My contractions are only one minute apart, and I am already feeling the need to push.

  “We only have ten minutes more, little Dove.”

  “WE. ARE. NOT. GOING. TO. MAKE. IT,” I scream through another contraction. “He’s coming, Justin.” I'm starting to panic a little. We can’t have this baby in a car. So many things could go wrong.

  “Fuck. Baby, don’t push yet.”

  “I think I feel him crowning,” I whimper.

  “Fuck. Fuck… Okay. Take off your panties and check. I'm hurrying, Val. I promise.” His voice calms something in me when he takes charge. I pull my night dress up then slide my panties down to my knees. I look down and gasp when I see his hair.

  “Justin, he's coming!” I shout through clenched teeth. “Ahhhh.” I feel my body start to do what it’s supposed to do, and I tense pushing. I put my hands between my thighs and my hips are tilted up as much as they can. “Oh my God. I feel his head.”

  “Five minutes, baby, just five more minutes.” I don't know if Justin is talking to me or the baby. Another contraction hits and I cry out. “Valentine, baby don’t push yet.” Justin almost pleads with me when he feels my stomach contract again. I cry out again.

  “He's coming now,” I sob.

  “Fuck, ok. Okay, baby, you're doing so well. I'm so proud of you,” he says running his hand over my stomach and thigh trying to comfort me the best way he can while driving sixty miles an hour. “Listen to your body, baby. If you feel like you need to push, do it.”

  “I need to push.” There is no stopping him. This baby is coming now.

  “Okay, you've got this. Push for me, little Dove,” I scream, pushing as hard as I can, my hands down between my thighs ready to catch him. Suddenly, Baby Henry enters the world screaming. I start sobbing, pulling him close to my chest. “You did so good, momma. We are almost there,” Justin says one hand in gripping the steering wheel so hard his hand turns white and the other lightly runs along my damp hair and cheek. Henry stops crying the minute I pull him to my chest.

  Luckily, we have our go bag in the backseat and I can reach it. I hold him tight then rummage inside of it until I grab one of the blankets to cover him up.

  “Oh my God, we just… had our baby in a car,” I breathe out in shock. How fucking crazy is that? Justin slows down so he is going the speed limit and puts his hand protectively over our sons back.

  “You did so good, little Dove. I am so fucking proud of you,” he tells me, the amazement evident in his voice. I look down at our son and start to cry.

  “He is so beautiful. He even has blond hair, Justin.”

  “He's perfect, baby. Just like you.”

  It takes us five more minutes before we get there. When we do, Justin runs inside. I don't know what he says to them in there, but four nurses and two doctors come out of the building, running to the car. Everything is chaotic and it happens so fast, I am in a hospital room before I know it. They just took Henry to do some tests and make sure he is okay before they worry about me. Justin is fussing over me. He has fluffed my pillow and tucked me into the bed.

  “You are so amazing, wife,” he says, kissing my head.

  “I'm sorry I yelled at you,” I whisper he chuckles.

  “Baby, you just pushed an eight-pound baby out of you. You can yell at me all you like.” I laugh a little then wince. Justin sees and runs his hands over my hair and kisses my forehead. “I love you so much, Valentine.” I reach up and cup his cheek.

  “I love you too, Justin.''

  A few hours later my mom and Watson bring the kids in to see their new baby brother. They think it’s the coolest thing ever to have a brother that was born in a car. They can’t wait to tell everyone at school about it.

  Our life is chaotic and messy but totally perfect. It's the excited life I always wished I would have and thanks to Justin loving me, it became so much more than I ever hoped it would be.


  Thank you to my husband, Seth. You have always been my # 1 fan. Thank you for supporting my dreams.

  MK Moore, my partner in crime. Thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone. Thank you for dealing with my crazy ass when I am on a deadline. Thank you for being a kick-ass best friend. I love your face .6 times…

  And to my readers. Thank
you for sticking with me this far! I hope you love Justin & Valentine’s love story as much as I do!



  About the Author

  KL is a twenty-six-year-old doing what she loves. Making her dreams come true one book at a time. She is the wife of a chef and the mother of an amazing son. She is a full-time author who does a little housework on the side. She can be found perusing social media when she should be writing. If you like Hot AF Alphas and sassy Heroines with steamy yumminess and sweet Happily Ever After’s than her books are right up your alley.






  Email: [email protected]

  Other Books By KL Fast

  -Needing Forever

  -International Love (A Forever Safe Romance)

  Kissing Junction, TX series written with MK Moore

  -Candy Corn Kisses

  -Thankful Kisses

  -Candy Cane Kisses

  -Champagne Kisses

  -Chocolate Kisses

  -Midnight Kisses

  -Shamrock Kisses

  -Summer Kisses

  -Cowboy Kisses

  -Justified Kisses

  The Gallucci’s written with MK Moore