Stealing Shiloh Read online

Page 23

  I need her too much.

  “Don’t move,” I demand, “or I won’t let you come.”

  She whimpers but sits still as I run my finger down her wet slit, gathering her wetness on my fingertip as I drive it into her tight hole. She cries out and pushes back slightly. “Mate,” I warn.

  Pulling my finger away, I rub at her swollen clit before pushing my digit inside of her again and again. I add a second finger, stretching her, then vekk her with them as I watch. My cock jerks, begging to be buried there, to watch her come apart around me. She is shaking with the need to move, so I slap her pretty little ass, making her cry out again as it tinges red with my handprint. Fierce pride shoots through me at the sight.

  So I do it again and again, ensuring to catch her wet pussy. She moans my name as her hips undulate. “I warned you.”

  I was going to make her come, but only good girls get rewarded, so instead, I pull my fingers away and circle my cock with the wetness, stroking it as I watch her throbbing hole.

  “Trov, please, I’ll be good. Fuck me,” she begs, pushing back, rubbing her wet pussy along my knuckles. Dirty little thing.

  “Will you be a good girl?” I growl.

  She whimpers again. “Yes, yes. Anything, just fuck me. Fingers, mouth, cock, I don’t care. Please!” she shouts. Laughing, I rub the head of my cock along her pussy, teasing her. “Fuck you, Trov! You massive, red, teasing bastard! You—”

  I impale her on my cock, yanking her hips back as I bury myself in her. Her words cut off into a moan, her hot cunt clenching around me, clinging to me as I force her to accept me.

  Grabbing her hair, I tug her towards me, forcing her back to my chest as I drive up into her. Hard and fast, I bounce her on my lap, not giving her a chance to grow accustomed to my size. “You wanted to be vekked? To be filled, little mate? Wanted my cock spearing this perfect little pink pussy?”

  “Yes, yes, yes!” she chants as she grabs the chair arms, using them to lift and drop herself on my dick, bobbing with my thrusts. Vekk, I wish I could see her tits right now.

  Vekk it.

  Lifting her, I pull her off my dick and drop her to the ground. She stumbles to her knees, spinning to see me. Her eyes are alight with anger, her chest heaving and covered in a beautiful red flush, her hair tangled and wild. She has never been more beautiful, my little mate.

  “What the fuck do you—”

  I grab her and jerk her to me again. She fights me, her small fists hammering into my chest. Growling, I grab them in one hand and lift them above her head, forcing her body upwards as I grab my cock and notch it at her pussy and slip back inside. Her wetness coats my legs. She’s enjoying this so much, she is dripping.

  Tightening my grip on her wrists, I feel her dainty, fragile bones and know how easy I could hurt her. Not that I ever would, but I let her feel it, her pupils blown wide as she moans, her lips pink and swollen as I drive up into her from below, again and again, watching those luscious tits bounce with the movements.

  Groaning, I lean forward and suck a pink nipple into my mouth. She whimpers, her pussy clenching around me. “Trov, I’m so close—”

  Tightening the hold on her hands, I pull her higher as I fuck her harder. Leaning back, I watch my cock fuck her tight little hole, her wetness clinging to my cock. With my free hand, I play with her clit, driving her closer and closer, watching her face as it tenses up, her whole body quaking.

  “Trov—I—please—God!” She screams as her orgasm rips through her, her head falling back, pussy clamping down and covering me with her cum. With a roar, I drive into her again and again, my own release rolling through me, tightening my balls until I explode, filling her with my cum.

  She slumps against me, but a pinging on my tablet has me coming back down to myself swiftly. For it to go off at this time means something’s wrong. Lifting her onto shaky legs, I ensure she is able to stand as I shove my cock back in my trousers and grab the device.

  “What’s that?” Shiloh queries, stumbling away from the chair in panic and righting her nightgown. I’m busy typing on the tablet when suddenly, a blaren sounds through the whole ship.

  “A warning, we are under attack,” I snarl, and look up at my mate. First Ryx was taken, now we’re being attacked? This isn’t a coincidence, and we aren’t safe. I turn to look at my mate—freshly vekked hair, and cheeks still flushed from her climax. She is my first priority. Worry fills me, even though I know our Klan is awake and heading this way. We are ready to take on whatever is waiting for us, whatever ship tripped the security systems. We have done this before, we can do it again. But now the stakes are higher than ever.

  I look up at her, my eyes determined and face hard, the change from the softness a minute ago making her gasp. “Sit down now, we are about to go into battle.”



  The blarens wake me, and I am up in an instant. It sounds again, ringing in my ears. Panic shoots through me. The specific blaren blasting through the ship can only mean one thing…we are under attack, so…where is she?

  As I race to the morfka, I yank on my trousers. I arrive at the bridge to utter chaos, but deflate in relief when I spot Shiloh strapped into the second mate’s chair in front of Trov, who is barking orders. Cryk is already in his seat, tapping furiously on his tablet. I switch to attack mode instantly, my brain whirring as I race to my table. Joss arrives a moment later and rushes over to the comms desk. We all know our places, we have all lived through this almost daily, but Shiloh hasn’t. Her face is pale, her hands shaking as she looks around in fear.

  I take a moment to smile at her, to set her at ease. She relaxes slightly, giving me a forced smile before I turn away to concentrate on the numbers scrolling across my screen.

  “One goulyg, approaching fast,” I inform them.

  “Shields up,” Trov orders, so I do just that.

  “Weapons are ready,” Joss adds.

  “Coming onto screen…now. They are two clicks out, but gaining speed. Heading straight for us,” Cryk states routinely.

  “Okay, that gives us time. Load up—”

  “They vekking leaped!” Cryk suddenly hollers, and we all jerk around to stare out into space where the Yarek ship suddenly appears before us.

  How the vekk—

  “Shields up! Fire now!” Trov orders.

  We all brace as we shoot at the rapidly approaching ship. Unlike most of the other Yarek ships, this one is big. The goulyg is sleek-looking with only a few sheets of metal welded on the front—right where leap technology would need to be installed.


  “Seventy percent chance of failure,” I announce, making Trov swear.

  “Find us a plan with a hundred percent!” he demands.

  My eyes catch on a scared-looking Shiloh. She stares at me with complete trust in her eyes, believing I will find us a way out of this. A way to win. Vekk, I have to, for her.

  If my gift, my abnormality, was ever needed, now is the time. Turning back, I stare at the map before us, spinning it in my hands. Plans whizz through my head, I discard more and more.

  Thirty percent.

  Sixty-five percent.

  Twenty percent.


  But, what if…

  I turn back to Trov, who is firing at the Yarek ship. The goulyg keeps leaping out of the way. We manage a few hits, anticipating their movement patterns, but it’s not enough. The weapons discharged against us indicate they want to shoot us down, so what if we lead them right into the net, right into Oxious? But then I remember the net isn’t up, the kings didn’t approve the order. Vekk. We could lose them in the Lomons, as the natural stone mountains are too dense to leap through. It’s our only shot.

  Ninety-five percent.

  “Nul!” Cryk yells.

  “Come on!” Joss urges.

  Turning, I lock eyes with Trov, now is not the time to be shy or scared. I have to trust in myself. This will work. “Lead them to Oxious, to Lomons.
Lose them in the mountains where they can’t leap, surprise attack them.”

  “Will it work?” Trov inquires, trusting me.

  Our ship rocks as we are fired upon, the shields won’t hold forever. “It will work, ninety-five percent,” I yell, the numbers flashing in green next to me.

  “Good enough for me!” He looks over at Cryk. “Steer us down, evasive manoeuvres, don’t lose them until the Lomons.”

  “Hold on,” I tell Shiloh, as our engines abruptly stop. For a moment, we are suspended in space above Oxious, and then we drop.

  Shiloh screams as we fall through orbit, and Cryk whoops as Trov grins. He spins us mid-air and starts our engines again as we free fall, and we all watch as the ground rapidly approaches.

  “Cryk,” Trov warns.

  Grinning to himself, Cryk watches the ground approaching until we are inches away, then he pulls ups. Shiloh lets out another shriek as we speed towards Lomons, the mountains towering in the distance. The Yarek ship is following us. Good. Until it suddenly leaps. Vekk.

  It doesn’t leap in front of us though, no, it leaps to the side, cutting off our other path. Frowning, I watch them, wondering what they are doing. Why are they just idling there? The others don’t seem to notice, they are excited that we are leading the goulyg into a trap…but something is wrong.

  A red fifteen percent flashes before me. Vekk. “Cryk, turn around,” I order, knowing I’m right.

  “What? We are almost there!” he protests.

  “Now!” I yell, but it’s too late.

  A second Yarek ship appears right before us, just in the shadows of the mountains. Only a moment ago, it wasn’t there, then it ghosted into existence. Impossible, unless…they have stealth tech in addition to leap tech.

  “Vekk!” Trov bellows, as Cryk tries to dodge them, then we hear the warning blarens ringing loudly as they lock onto our signature and fire.

  “Fire at will,” Trov shouts, as we try to evade the Yarek, but we’re too late.

  We didn’t lead them into a trap.

  They led us.

  Checking the map, I see the other ship is now behind us and also firing. I jerk my head up to stare at Trov, we both know what this means. In all our years we have never failed, never lost, and now when it matters most, we have.

  He looks at Shiloh, his face stricken before it hardens, and he focuses on me. “Protect her!” he orders.

  The beams approach, and time seems to slow down as I free myself from the table and leap towards Shiloh, my arm outstretched to try and absorb the impact and keep her safe.

  Then they hit.

  The next few moments are chaos. J-Lo starts to explode around us, the impact bringing down the shields. The engines stop, and we crash into the dirt. Skidding along the rocky ground, we are thrown around the bridge like confetti.

  I groan in pain as agony rocks through me, sudden and sharp. We tumble around as fires start everywhere, glass shatters, blarens sound, and red lights blink around us, indicating that every inch of the ship is damaged.

  Then we stop, but I am on the ceiling. Moaning, I fall to the floor, smacking my head hard, and everything goes dark.

  Something is dripping on me. I groan, turning my head away, trying to ignore it, clinging to the warm darkness surrounding me. But it won’t let me fade again. Another noise sounds, a metallic squeal, then a whoosh. What the vekk?

  I force my heavy eyes open, blinking when they won’t focus. Lifting my hand in front of my face, I touch my head where it hurts and pull it away to see red blood covering my fingers. What happened?

  Then it comes back to me.

  The attack.

  The trap.

  The crash.


  I jerk my head up, gasping at the ruin that was the bridge, but I can’t focus on the blackened metal, overturned tables, or broken glass. I have to get to my mate.

  I spot her slumped in her chair and try to get to my feet. But I can’t, my body won’t work.

  Vekk, why did this happen?

  It was ninety-five percent, it was supposed to work! It wasn’t supposed to end like this…I worked it all out, all the statistics, all the issues…everything that could happen.

  So how—

  Someone betrayed us, that much is clear. I couldn’t see it coming, but I should have. I’m kicking myself for not perceiving what was so blatantly obvious. But none of that matters now. We know the Yarek have stealth and leap technology, and with a broken ship, we are sitting ducks.


  She’s is all that matters, and right now, she’s unprotected and hurt. Everything else can wait. We will deal with the traitors and the broken ship, but first I have an order to carry out.

  Protect her.

  I drag myself over the broken glass, reaching for Shiloh’s hunched form. Blood drips from her head, her eyes closed and body limp. Panic surges through me, as does terror, but then her chest lifts and drops.

  She’s alive.

  I have to get us out of here.

  But my body is failing. Looking back, I see a splinter of metal protruding from my left leg. I’m losing too much blood.

  Forty percent chance of passing out within ten minutes.

  Ninety percent within fifteen.

  I have to reach her and get her out. Gazing around, I see Trov thrown over the captain’s chair, also knocked out. Joss is sprawled on the floor, his arms and legs bent at strange angles. Cryk is sticking through the glass shielding, his head hanging down.

  I hope they are just unconscious and not dead, but right now, I don’t have the time or energy to check on them. Our first order was to protect Shiloh. It’s up to me now. I have to save my mate. The blarens are still wailing, the hiss of the computers and wires filling the bridge, and the usual hum of the engines is now silent. We are a wreck.

  It’s slow going across the floor, as broken shards of glass rip into my skin while I drag myself along. I can hear the Yarek getting closer, cutting through the hull of the ship. Ninety-five percent chance they will enter within three minutes. It’s obvious now what they want.


  I must have dislodged the piece of glass when I moved, because blood is pooling beneath me and trailing across the floor, too much blood. It’s taking too long to get to her, or I have slowed…My head is becoming dizzy, my ears ringing and body failing.

  With everything I have left, I reach my hand towards Shiloh, barely brushing her pale, soft arm before the darkness overtakes me. My last thought is of her, my mate.

  Zero percent, I failed.



  Everything hurts.

  Why does it hurt?

  Groaning, I force my eyes open, whimpering when they don’t want to comply. A sudden wave of agony rocks through me, hammering in my head until I feel like it might explode. I bring my hands to my head, trying to stifle the pounding. I finally get my eyes open and look around in confusion, where am I? Broken glass covers the metal floor, a familiar metal floor.

  I’m in the bridge—the attack!

  Jerking my head up, I scream in anguish as another wave of pain courses through me. My vision goes white, but I suck in desperate breaths and push it away. When my eyes finally focus, I look around for my mates, terror blooming in my chest. We crashed, they ambushed us. God, please let them be okay. They are all that matters.

  I remember Nul leaping for me. Searching to my right, I see him sprawled on the floor, face down, his hand reaching towards me, blood puddling around his unmoving body.

  “Nul?” I whisper, my voice cracking as tears sting my eyes.

  He doesn’t respond or even move, and my heart slams in my chest. He has to be okay. He has to be. My head whips around as I frantically gaze about, trying to find the others. The movement pulls a whimper from my lips, my head throbbing in response. Cryk is next to me on the left, his body tossed over his unit like a ragdoll, his head crashed through the bridge window. His hair obscures his face, but his
arm dangles towards the floor as blood drips down, pooling below him.

  Joss is behind him and no better. He looks like a broken toy, all his legs and arms bent at odd angles, his wings bunched underneath him, his head turned away from me. I try to see Trov, but the straps on my chair stop me.

  Grunting, I glance down and fumble with shaking fingers to try and undo the belts binding me. The world blurs, and I will myself not to pass out, to stay awake and help my mates. I persevere and finally unlock them with an audible click. I tumble forward with a cry, smacking into the floor. Breathing heavily, I brace myself as the world spins and bile rises in my throat. But I need to see, I need to find them to save them.

  I raise my head, my tangled red hair falling in my face as I peer through it to my gentle giant. A sob lodges in my throat when I see him. His eyes are closed and blood covers half of his face, his body is slumped at an unnatural angle in his chair.

  They are all hurt, badly, I need to get help.

  I try to get to my feet but fall, landing on all fours.

  You can fucking do this, Shiloh, they need you.

  Fucking get up.

  Get moving!

  With a scream, I push myself to my feet and stumble forward, catching myself on my chair as I tumble. My vision threatens to blacken, but I swallow down the exhaustion and try to calm my racing heart. Okay, okay, first thing. Let’s check them, I-I need to see if they’re alive.

  My mind stutters at the idea they might not be, but I ignore it. Plan, I need a plan. Yes.

  I hear it then, booted feet heading my way. A sound of chittering comes, getting louder…like a scream of a hyena. It’s horrible and cuts through my head, sending piercing waves into it. Whimpering, I crouch at the chair base. Think, Shiloh.