Stealing Shiloh Read online

Page 20

  Starting my ten-minute countdown, I ride the morfka back to my suite. I take a quick shower and clean my mouth. Then I grab a tank top and loose shorts and run my fingers through my hair. Nothing too fancy, considering the comfy clothes my mate was wearing.

  My mate.

  I’ve yet to fully come to terms with the words forever and Shiloh. To think that perfect creature in the room just beyond the secret door is mine eternally tightens something in my chest. She is everything I could have hoped for in a mate and more. She’s witty, funny, and supportive. When she smiles, the whole room brightens up, and her laughter brings a grin to anyone’s face who can hear.

  With eleven seconds to spare, I leave my room and head to her door. After I count the last second, I knock four times and wait. Shiloh’s soft steps rush to the door. “Right on time,” she chirps, before pulling me down for a quick kiss.

  Finally, someone else who can appreciate punctuality.

  “Shall we?” I offer her my arm, and she takes it. She’s wearing the same outfit as before, only she’s braided her hair and put on a pair of shoes. She links her arm through mine, and I see she’s carrying a basket in the other.

  I wonder what surprises she has inside.

  We enter the loading dock and climb inside an okkren. After the blarens sound, indicating the launch bay door is opening, we depart. I plug in the coordinates to the same waterfall as last time, and the okkren takes off. Shiloh snuggles in close to my side, and I wrap my arm around her.

  “Thanks for bringing me back,” she says, looking up at me with those huge green eyes.

  “You can thank me when we get there, we’re still in transit so technically you can’t thank me yet, because I haven’t done anything.”

  “Will you stop it with all that shit?” she chides, slapping my chest.

  My eyebrows shoot up. “What shit?”

  She narrows her gaze, her cute nose scrunched up like she’s pouting. “That shit you always pull to downplay how amazing you are. It’s always technically this, or actually that. You always overthink things instead of just living in the present. Today, I want you to live in the moment. React how you want to in that exact second, not after thinking things through. Can you do that?”

  Can I?

  “For you, I’ll do anything,” I tell her honestly. It’s the truth, there’s nothing I won’t try or work harder for. Shiloh is my world now, and if she asks me to make an effort at something, I’ll do my best to appease her. I want to be the mate she needs me to be.

  Shiloh’s smile oozes satisfaction. “Good. Now let’s go have some fun!”

  The okkren lands, and I help her down onto the soft grass in the same place we were only a few days ago. Having not formulated a plan for this trip myself, since she only gave me six hundred seconds to prepare, I stand there awkwardly and wait to see what she has in store.

  Shiloh spreads out a pink, sparkly blanket she must have taken from her room, then sits down on it. “Well, aren’t you going to join me?” she queries, patting the vacant spot next to her. “I promise I won’t bite unless you ask me to.”

  Now it’s my turn to blush—thank vekk I’m red already.

  Shiloh tells me how Nul fixed the replicators for her as she pulls out a bottle of wine and two crystal glasses. Like an expert, she pops the cork and pours us each a generous serving. We cheers and take a sip. This is the first time I’ve had human wine, and I have to say it’s damn good.

  “Here, try one of these,” she says, handing me a brown square. “It’s a dessert called a brownie.”

  Giving her the side-eye, I take a bite and immediately, I’m happy with my decision. The brownie is gooey and warm and moist. My mouth waters in happiness. Shiloh looks at me with a smirk on her face, I just knew she was up to something.

  “What did you do, Shiloh?”

  She takes a bite of her own brownie. “Oh, nothing much. Just a little something to loosen you up.”

  I frown. “What part of me is too tight? I’m not built from bolts or screws.”

  Shiloh laughs, slapping her knee. “Not like that, silly! Like to loosen up, to relax, to chill out.” I nod, and she gestures at the brownie in my hand. “Eat it, Joss.”

  “Is that an order?” I inquire mockingly.

  “More like a demand. Trust me, you’ll like what I have planned for you.”

  I worry I’ve done something wrong, that she’s brought me here to tell me how furious she is with what I did during the Vultana. I worry I’ve shamed her, but as I promised, I try not to overthink and push those thoughts from my head and finish the brownie.

  “How are you feeling?” she asks, a smug grin on her face.

  I think about it before answering, “Quite good actually. My head feels a bit light, and my limbs are a bit heavy, and all I want to do is laugh.”

  “Awesome! The pot is working!”

  I take another sip of wine, feeling very parched. “What is pot?”

  “You know…marijuana?” When I give no indication of understanding, she continues, “It’s a plant that grows on Earth, and when smoked or ingested, it makes you feel happy!”

  “I do feel happy.”

  “Good.” Shiloh stands up and offers me her hand. I take it and allow her to pull me up. “Take me down to the bottom of the waterfall, please.”

  “I’m not sure flying is a good idea right now, I—”

  “You promised you wouldn’t question things,” she snaps.

  I deflate. “You’re right.” Before she can blink, I swoop her up and run off the edge of the cliff overlooking the falls. I allow us to freefall before stretching out my wings to soar. Shiloh squeals in delight, throwing one arm out into the air.

  Feeling brave, I hold her tight and swirl and loop, flying us upside down. We laugh together, enjoying the flight before I descend to her desired destination at the bottom of the waterfall. The noise from the rushing water is loud down here, and the mist quickly coats our skin. We stand silent for a few minutes as Shiloh watches the falls, and I observe her clothes growing wetter and wetter, clinging to her skin, displaying her supple breasts and plump nipples beneath the thin fabric.

  Shiloh gives my hand a squeeze, and I wonder if she caught me staring, but she just pulls me away. After a short walk away from the falls, we find a large, open pool of water off the main river. Tall trees and wildflowers surround the basin of blue liquid, giving it a very serene feel.

  “How did you find this?” I ask, as she dips a tentative toe in.

  “Saw it last time we flew over,” she admits. “Wanted to get a closer look.” Her eyes screw up, and she points to the water. “Joss, what is that?”

  I squint and lean down, trying to see what she saw, when I feel small hands push my back hard. Yelping, I fall forward, crashing into the water with a huge splash.

  “Shiloh!” I shout, laughing after emerging from the water. “It’s vekking cold!” Shiloh is giggling so hard, I think she might burst. “You’re gonna get it!” I yell, trying to find a hold to pull myself out.

  “Gotta catch me first!” Shiloh takes off into the woods, causing the predator in me to rise.

  Game vekking on.

  I heave myself from the pool and follow the sound of her shrill laughter through the trees. Up ahead, she’s dodging around the plant life, her pert ass taunting me, the prize for catching her perhaps?

  Growling, I take off. She turns and sees me coming for her and blows me a kiss before making a sharp right. Adrenaline pumps through my veins as I chase her, my warrior mind frame overriding my scientific one. Her once braided hair now flares out behind her, wild just like she is. I swipe at it, just missing. She laughs harder and falters. I make my move, lashing out my hand and snagging her upper arm.

  Keeping her off balance, I spin her and shove her back against the nearest tree. I pin both of her wrists over her head and lower my eyes to meet hers. “You shouldn’t have done that, mate.”

  She raises her chin defiantly. “Why not, mate?”

  I growl, “Because you awakened the hunter inside me, the one who wants to eat you alive.” Gripping her wrists in one hand, I trail a claw down her cheek to her neck and slice right down the middle of her shirt, exposing her breasts. Her pink nipples tighten before my eyes and, unable to stop myself, I latch onto one, rolling it around with my tongue. She moans as I suck and nibble on her sensitive skin.

  It feels so good, her tight bud at my mercy, and the sensation of being totally in control of her turns me on. “Tell me what you want me to do, Joss. I’ll do anything. Let me give myself to you.”

  Vekk me.

  My cock thickens at the thought of her being submissive to me. My desire to control every aspect of my life speaks loudly when I tell her, “Take off your vekking pants before I tear them from your body.” I push off the tree, freeing her wrists as she stands there panting. “Now, Shiloh. I need to see all of you.” Shiloh bites her lower lip and slips her thumbs under the seam of her pants and wiggles the wet material down her body. “Kick them over to me.” She does, and I snatch them up, deciding she won’t get clothes for the rest of this trip.

  “Now, sit down and bring your knees up to your chest. I want to see your pussy.” She does as she’s told, but it’s still not enough. I need more. I don’t know where this confidence is coming from, but I just vekking own it. “Spread your lips with your fingers, I want to see inside you.”

  With a shaking hand, Shiloh spreads her cunt, and I fucking groan. Her tight hole is glistening, pulsing, wanting to be filled. But I can’t vekk her yet. It’s too soon, the bruising on her neck and wrists tells me that.

  But I can make her do other things.

  “I want you to vekk yourself, mate, vekk yourself and play with your clit. I want to see how you get yourself off,” I demand, my voice a rumble at this point.

  Wow, I said it, and she’s doing it. The desire to count things leaves me completely as the need to control her takes hold. And she allows it, like she knows that’s what I need to let go.

  Her slender finger dips into her wet hole.

  In and out. In and out. In and out. The fourth time she brings her finger covered in her own wetness and circles her clit, moaning.

  I come undone.

  Quickly, I pull my cock out and squeeze it hard, pretending it’s Shiloh’s mouth or cunt wrapped around me. I kneel in front of her and swipe my fingers in her arousal before rubbing it all over my cock.

  “Harder,” I growl, jerking myself roughly, the way I would fuck her. “Flick that little clit of yours, mate. I want to hear you mewl.”

  She flicks, gasping from the abrupt contact, then quickens her pace. She rotates between sinking her finger deep inside herself and swirling it over her pink bud. Her breathing accelerates and a beautiful flush creeps down her chest. I know she’s getting close.

  “I’m-I’m gonna—Joss!”

  “Not yet!” I snarl, working my cock faster.

  She whimpers. “Joss, I can’t hold it.” Her eyes close in concentration as she tries not to come. Her circling becomes erratic, her tight hole pulsing, gushing her decadent cream.

  I reach out and tug on her nipple. “Now!” I shout, as my balls tighten. We come together, me spraying my release all over her perfect tits, and her coming all over her fingers.

  When she comes down, she opens her eyes and smirks at me. “That was unexpected and totally fucking hot.” Shiloh tucks her knees under her ass and wraps her hands around my neck. Then she kisses me, passionately. Her lips become her desire for me, her tongue her love. They mix together in an exquisite warmth, in a disciplined rage. With her, I can let go and be in control all at the same time, and it feels amazing.

  “Thank you,” I say, pulling away from her lips. “You knew just what I needed, even when I didn’t.”

  She smiles. “That’s my job as your mate. To take care of you, give myself to you however you need.”

  Vekk. This girl has my entire heart in her little hands. It’s time I tell her how much she means to me.

  “Shiloh?” I wet my lips and muster up my courage, letting the last of the pot, as she called it, keep me happy and confident.

  “Yes?” Her eyes search mine looking…dare I say, hopeful?

  “I-I—Vekk, this is hard.” I swipe my fingers through my hair as a knowing grin pulls at her lips. “Okay, here it goes.” I reach down and cup her face, running my thumbs across her rosy cheeks. “Shiloh, I love you.” Her smile grows, showing off her white teeth. She takes a breath to respond, but I put my finger to her lips, shushing her. “You don’t need to say anything in return. Today you gave me a gift I never hoped to have, and the only thing I can give back is my love. I promise to do right by you, to treat you well, and to earn your love in time.”

  Shiloh melts in my arms, and we kiss again. I let myself get lost in the feel of her mouth against mine, her chest pressed against me, the texture of her hair soft in my fingers. Because right now? There’s no place I’d rather be.



  After getting back from the waterfall, I’m exhausted. It has been a busy few days, and my body takes that moment to remind me that I need to sleep more than my mates do. Joss must notice, because he lets me lean on him as we enter the airlock where all my mates are waiting for me with guilty expressions on their faces.

  “What did you do?” I ask with a small giggle.

  “Nothing.” Cryk grins.

  “We did nothing.” Trov rolls his eyes and then looks away before glancing back at me. “We just missed you is all,” he rumbles.

  “How long have you been standing here?” I respond, voice tight with suppressed laughter, even as my heart fills from that confession.

  “Just a few rotations,” Nul offers with a shy smile.

  “You have been standing here for hours?” I gasp out, trying not to laugh, but when they look at each other and nod solemnly, I can’t help it. I nearly fall, but Joss catches me as I carry on giggling like a crazy person.

  Trov growls and strides over, yanking me away from Joss. He picks me up bridal style, keeping me held to his chest like I’m precious. I stifle my laughter and snuggle closer, almost falling asleep right here, comfortable against his warm chest, his huge arms surrounding me in safety.

  “Food first, little warrior, then sleep,” he says softly, peering down at me as we enter the morfka, the others following close behind.

  “But Trovvvv, I’m tired,” I whine, and push my lip out at him in a pout.

  His eyes go wide, and he starts to panic. “Stop it, stop, what is wrong with your mouth? Shiloh, no!” He gasps before looking around helplessly and extending me in his arms to the others who laugh and back away, hands up. Trov’s voice turns loud and angry. “Take her! She looks sad! Fix it!”

  Then he throws me. I yelp as I tumble through the air, only for Nul to catch me and pull me to his chest. He’s not as wide or tall as Trov, but he’s still warm and snuggly, so I move closer as he smiles down at me. “You okay, Shiloh?” I nod around a yawn, and he brushes a strand of red hair from my cheek. “Finished teasing him? Because I think Trov’s about to kill someone.”

  I look up to see he’s right, Trov has a laughing Cryk pinned to the wall, a blade at his throat as he roars at him. “Fix. Her.”

  “Trov?” I call, but he is too far gone to hear me. “Big red alien mate!” I scream, and they all whip around to look at me, whoops. “Sorry, Trov, I’m fine, I was just being a baby.”

  “Baby?” he repeats, brow furrowed.

  “Youngling,” Joss informs him.

  He lets go of Cryk and stares at me. “Why would you be a youngling?” Trov is yelling now, and they all look at me again.

  I shake my head. “Trov, you’re pretty, but now I’m sleepy.”

  Trov’s whole face softens, and he plucks me from Nul’s arms and back into his, cradling me as we exit the morfka and step into the cafeteria. I raise my head and smile when I see food is already waiting on the table
for us.

  Trov doesn’t bother putting me down, but sits with me on his lap and starts to hand feed me. I feel so tired and cherished in his arms that I let him. Once we are finished eating, they all quietly follow us back to the morfka which we ride up to my room. My eyes are slowly shutting, even as I fight to stay awake, my body limp in his grasp. Trov sits me on the edge of the steps, propping me up with his body as Nul heads to grab me some clothes.

  Cryk helps undress me from the garments Joss had stashed in the okkren, stating that I somehow always end up naked, and when Joss comes back over with a skimpy pink nightgown, I wave it away. They have all seen me naked, and I want them to stay here tonight with me, which means it’s going to get hot. Like cuddling with a fireplace. “No, I’ll sleep naked.”

  He raises his eyebrows, his eyes darkening in lust. Joss turns off the lights before heading my way, and I force myself to get the words out. “Will you stay in here with me?”

  “Who?” Cryk asks, sounding hopeful.

  “All of you, like an alien puppy pile.” I grin, and he winks back at me.

  “Anything for you, little flyer, you know that.” Then Cryk looks at the others. “No touching my ass, you pervs.” Grabbing me from Trov, he throws us backwards, flipping mid-air and making me squeal as we land on the bed and bounce with me sprawled across his chest. His knee is pressed to my bare pussy, making me shiver.

  The others soon join us after stripping off, and I see Trov typing into his tablet. When he notices my gaze, he smiles. “Autopilot and shields, just in case.”

  I roll from Cryk’s chest and snuggle between him and Nul. Joss is lying lengthways at my feet, his hand encircling one ankle, and Trov rests above my head, his fingers tangled in my hair.

  We are all quiet for a moment, just relaxing in each other’s company. It’s nice and gives me time to think, but when my mind wanders, all I think about is them. Their hands on my body, innocent touches that send heat spiking through me, gentle caresses that propel my heart into overdrive. Every time they look my way, I want to giggle, and my heart starts to pound like it will rip from my chest.