Stealing Shiloh Read online

Page 15

  “Nul, that’s amazing. You are so smart and talented, the fact that you see that? It only makes you unique, and who wants to be normal and boring?” Then something he said comes back to me. “Wait, you looked at me and said a hundred percent?”

  He glances away for a moment before seeming to gather his courage, and then looks back at me. “One hundred percent. I never get that percentage, but I saw it when I looked at you. You are one hundred percent perfect.”

  Well, fuck.

  Tears gather in my eyes. “Nul, that’s so romantic and sweet.” I scoot closer and kiss him, tasting myself on his lips. “I think the same about you. You are a hundred percent perfect to me, don’t ever question that. Now, how about you tell me what you are up to?”

  He grins, kissing me softly before stepping back and starting to explain as he tidies up the mess we made. I watch him with soft eyes, my heart so full, it feels like it might burst.

  Mates. I’m beginning to see why they spent their whole lives searching for that one person for them. Because when you find them, or four of them…it’s everything.

  Wait…how the fuck did he watch me and Cryk?



  Reading the digital printout from my screen on the bridge, I update my Klan. “All clear. No targets within range of the scanners.”

  “Stay ready,” Trov growls. “The stars are not safe any longer. Until we finally put an end to the Yarek threat, we stay on high alert. Nul, how are the shields?”

  Nul taps on his screen. “One hundred percent and holding.”

  “Cryk. Weapons update.”

  “All weapons at full capacity,” he responds.

  Trov turns to me. “Any update on the stealth project?”

  I frown. “Not yet. It’s tricky. I might need to speak to Klan Zolki for some collaborating. I know they’ve been working on it too.”

  “Then make contact,” Trov barks.

  I nod. “I will, but they are competing in a reaping today, so we might not hear back from them until the next sun rotation.”

  “Understood,” Trov replies. “Having stealth has never been more important. Especially now that we have our mate aboard with us.”

  “Speaking of mates,” I say, turning to face my Klan. “I’ve been really wanting some alone time with our girl. Maybe take her to Albenos and go shopping.”

  Cryk gives me a knowing look. “Is that what the younglings are calling it these days?”

  “Shut up, Cryk,” I growl. “I’m serious. I just want to do something nice for her.”

  Cryk crosses his arms, raising his chin defiantly. “Not all females like to go shopping, you know.”

  “Probability ninety-seven percent,” Nul informs us with a shy grin.

  Cryk grumbles something that sounds like “vekking mishan” while Trov chokes back a laugh. I’ve never been so grateful to have Nul as my brot as I am at this moment. Cryk huffs, turning back to his screen and ignoring me.

  “Enjoy your trip back to Albenos,” Trov tells me with a smile. “But please be careful and keep your eyes peeled. We know what creatures lurk in the dark corners of a large city like that. You have to keep your wits about you.”

  “Consider my wits armed and dangerous.” My Klan laughs at that and shoos me out of the bridge. When I get to the morfka’s entrance, I turn and call, “Oh, and by the way, I’ve submitted our request for a Vultana. We should know something later today, but chances are slim considering the next one is tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow?” Cryk parrots, perking back up.

  “Yep. Know any generals that can put in a good word for us?” I joke with a wink.

  Cryk attempts to get his shoe off to throw it at me, but I hustle into the morfka and close the door before he can make his shot. I can still hear him grumbling as it takes me to my suite.

  Last time we were in Lorenthis, I stole away for a few minutes to purchase something for Shiloh. Not only do I want to impress her, but I also want to let her know how important she is to me. Once inside my room, I snatch up the dress and—not wanting to remind Shiloh of my secret entrance to her room—head into the hallway to knock on her door.

  One knock.

  Two knocks.

  I let out a deep breath before swiping my sweaty palms on my pants and listen to her tiny footsteps get closer.

  Her voice sounds muffled through the door. “Who is it?”

  What’s my name again?

  I inhale sharply and say, “It’s Joss. May you grace me with my presence. I mean, presence your grace with me. Vekk.”

  Shiloh laughs, the sound light and carefree. Her laughter has been filling up the ship with how often she does it, and I’m beginning to realise it has become my favourite sound. It sounds like home.

  “Come on in.” The door opens, and she stands there as perfect as a newly blossomed flower. Her damp hair hangs around her shoulders, wetting the pink shirt she’s wearing.

  This outfit is just as strange as all the others. I can’t figure out why Earth women would wear something so…so…clearly made for a youngling. The face of a white kitty peers back at me, its cheeks stretched from the pressure of Shiloh’s exquisite chest. It has a bow attached to one ear and one, two, three whiskers on each side of its nose. Her pants are simple sleep wear, hanging loosely from her hips, and pink, fuzzy slippers adorn her feet, making her look extra cute.

  Shiloh waves her hand in front of my eyes, breaking what was probably a very creepy stare. “Joss? Earth to Joss, are you there?”

  “Sorry,” I mutter, after clearing my throat. “I wish to take you out.”

  Shiloh pales. “Like…into space? Because I don’t think I’m ready for that.”

  Why are words so hard?

  “No, what I mean is, out of the ship. Well, not like outside the ship. Well, we will be outside, but in a spacecraft to protect our bodies from exploding.”

  “This isn’t helping, Joss,” she admits, chewing nervously on her lip, making me wonder what they would look like spread around my—no! Concentrate, Joss!

  “Vekk. I’m not good at this, Shiloh.” I take a breath, trying to slow my heart rate as she stares nervously at me with those huge, green eyes. I run my fingers through my hair and try to find my voice.

  You can do this. You know she likes you, and you like her. Just ask.

  “Will you please go down to Albenos with me?” I exhale loudly when I finally get the words out, and she stifles a grin.

  “Like on a date?” she queries, her gaze hopeful.

  Date? “There’s no Totiv equivalent to that word, I’m afraid. What does a date mean?”

  It’s Shiloh’s turn to blush this time. The red creeping from her neck to her chest will match perfectly with the item I have clutched in my hand. “A date is when a guy and a girl who like each other go out together. They see movies and get food to eat. Sometimes they kiss and other things, if they really like each other.”

  Shiloh twists her fingers and hunches her shoulders, peering up at me through her thick lashes.


  “Yes, that’s exactly what I want,” I manage to get out.

  She smiles, showing off all her white teeth, happiness reaching her eyes. Shiloh reaches out and gives my arm a soft squeeze. “I’d love to, Joss.”

  “Oh, thank vekk, because I wasn’t going to last out here much longer.” She laughs, and it’s just the best sound. One couldn’t hear Shiloh laugh and not smile right along with her. “Here, I got this for you to wear.” My words rush out as I toss the dress at her. She holds it up, inspecting the item. “But you don’t have to. I mean, if there’s something in your closet you’d like better, or you prefer pink over red—”

  “It’s perfect, Joss. Thank you.” She clutches the dress to her chest like it’s a precious gift. Perhaps to her it is. “How long do I have to get ready?”

  Ready? “Aren’t you ready now? You’ve clearly showered by the state of your hair, and you’ve obviously been resting if you
r clothes give any indication. The empty bag and half drank bottle of water on your vanity suggests you’ve already snacked…Why would you not be ready?”

  “Well…I, umm.” Shiloh tucks her hair behind her ears. “Earth females want to look better than average on a date. So, if it’s okay with you, I just need a few minutes to dry my hair and put on my face.”

  “You have another face?” I yell, horrified.

  “No!” she replies, laughing. “It’s just a saying women use when they put makeup on, Joss. Oh my God!” She’s laughing so hard, her cheeks turn red and tears fall from her eyes.

  “Thank vekk, because I don’t think I can handle a female with two faces.”

  “Definitely,” she agrees, wiping her eyes. “No one likes a two-face woman.”

  We stand there looking at each other awkwardly. “Okay, well, how long do you need?”

  She shrugs. “Thirty minutes? I’m not sure, and there are no fucking clocks on this damn ship to help keep me on time.”

  Get this woman a vekking clock in Lorenthis.

  “Yep, thirty sounds perfect. See you later rather than sooner. Or is it sooner rather than later?”

  “Goodbye, Joss.” She’s still laughing, even as her door shuts in my face.

  I’m so grateful to be alone again, as much as I want her company. I just hope I don’t make an ass out of myself today. Back in my suite, I begin to pace. I’m already ready for a date, wearing black, form-fitting pants and a tight black shirt.

  I flap my wings with anxiousness, counting from one to sixty over and over and over again. Once I’ve counted for the twenty-ninth time, I walk back to her room and knock on the precise second I’ve reached thirty minutes.

  I can smell her before I see her. A soft floral scent perfumes the air, accentuating her own fragrance perfectly. The door opens, and my jaw vekking drops. Shiloh looks stunning.

  The red dress clings to her body like a second skin, highlighting her red hair instead of clashing with it. The pattern on her dress resembles our scales. I had it made for her, hoping it would make her feel like one of us.

  “Well? What do you think?” she asks nervously, doing a spin so I can see the whole thing.

  I lick my lips as my eyes trail the plunging neckline exposing the swell of her breasts, just barely covering her pink nipples. My gaze travels lower to the high cut on her left hip, showing off one of her slender legs when she walks, the skirt swaying softly against her ankles. I’m so vekking glad right now that I stole all her panties. Knowing she’s bare under there makes me vekking hard.

  “I think you look amazing.” The words come easy this time.

  She blushes and bites her lip. “So do you.”

  “Thank you.” She looks at me like she’s waiting for something.

  “Uhh…Did you want to get going?”

  I’m such an idiot. “Oh, right, yes! Follow me.”

  I turn and practically run down the hall to the nearest morfka and wait inside. Instantly, I’m filled with regret for leaving her like that. I need to be more conscious not to be awkward. A woman needs attention, not to be left alone to escort herself, especially once we get back on land.

  “Ran kinda fast there,” Shiloh notes, stepping inside.

  “Yeah. I’m sorry,” I say, defeated. “Something about you makes me nervous. I want to be the perfect mate for you, but all I seem to be doing is vekking everything up.”

  “No, you’re not, Joss.” Shiloh steps in front of me and snakes her arms around my waist. “I like you just the way you are.”

  Now I’m the one blushing and totally at a loss for words. My mate simply smiles at me and laces her fingers with mine, giving me a sense of calm stability.

  “Where are we going?” she questions when the doors open into the loading dock.

  I guide her to an okkren and open the door. “Albenos. It’s one of my favourite cities. So much to do and explore there.”

  “That’s where the Olin was, right?” she asks, taking a seat.

  “Not exactly.” I punch in the coordinates and sit down next to her. After a warning alarm sounds, J-Lo’s doors open to allow the okkren to pass.

  “It’s the city where the reapings are held,” I tell her softly. She nods in understanding and scooches closer to me, our legs touching.

  We remain in comfortable silence during the quick trip to Albenos. The okkren lands in a parking zone just outside a busy market. I assist Shiloh in jumping down, and she links her arm through mine, like a real mate would do.

  I mean, I know she’s my real mate, but to finally have her here with me and tangible…there’s no better feeling.

  “This way.” I guide her through the bustling town. Unlike Lorenthis, where warrior Klans run wild with weapons displayed across their bodies, Albenos is filled will all sorts of life. Totiv from all over the world come here to see Forsaken Mountain, decorating the streets with a smattering of colour. Here, you’ll see life of all shapes, sizes, and colours. It’s a pilgrimage every citizen is hopeful to make at least once in their lifetime.

  Well dressed Totiv strut down the busy streets, heading in and out of shops, while other Klans dote on their mates with younglings in tow. Others, like Shiloh and me, are having some one-on-one time.

  Smells from food vendors and bright screens advertising the newest clothing only enhance the experience. Shiloh smiles at a girl walking past with her Klan. The girl smiles back at her and waves meekly. Another Klan stares, all too interested in my mate, so I tug her closer to my side, showing ownership of her.

  Shiloh’s excitement increases the closer we get to the lotren. I do my best to not obsess about things as we walk, like counting all those wearing red shirts, calculating all the females, making sure not to step on cracks in the pathways.

  I want to seem normal, even though my mind is far from it.

  Fighting the urge is proving difficult, and I swipe at the sweat forming on my brow, even though the day isn’t particularly warm.

  “Are you okay, Joss?” she inquires, concerned.

  “I’m great.”

  She offers me a smile and goes back to observing, taking in all the sights and sounds. As she’s watching everyone else, they are all watching her. She’s simply breathtaking. The Klans gawk at her in desire while their females glare with jealousy. And why shouldn’t they? She’s the prettiest, sexiest, most beau—

  “What is that?” Shiloh points excitedly at an item in a local breshva, or bakery, pulling me from my musings. I need to be more careful not to let my mind wander, to keep myself aware.

  “It’s Totiv bread,” I inform her, pulling out a loaf and scanning my hand to pay for it.

  She inhales deeply. “It smells delicious.”

  “Oh, it is. Wait until you taste it, it’s as good as it smells.” We keep walking through the market. I select cured meats, cheeses, jams, and a few desserts, tucking them into a woven basket I snagged back at the breshva.

  A mateless Klan stalks our way with menacing looks on their faces. Their red eyes are glued to my mate. Worried that they might challenge me to a Zarl, I spin Shiloh around and march back to the okkren. We’ve lingered here long enough.

  I can almost feel the gazes from the five-male Klan incinerating the back of my head.

  “Is something wrong?” Shiloh asks, aware of my unease.

  “Not if we keep moving. The okkren is just over there. Allow me to carry you?”

  Shiloh nods, so I scoop her up and take off at a jog, twisting through the crowded streets.

  “Someone is chasing us,” she tells me, her voice wobbling just a bit. A hint of her fear washes over me in the air, and I hate that she is afraid while with me.

  I look over my shoulder and see that the Klan is no more than fifteen feet behind me. “I know, mate. I’ve got you. We’re almost there.” I quicken my pace, then shout, “Hang on, Shiloh!” Stretching my wings to full capacity, I launch us into the air. Snarls from the defeated, flightless Klan echo behind us.

nbsp; I’ve never been so grateful for my wings. Flying swiftly, I land in front of the okkren and engage the doors. I practically throw Shiloh inside and scurry in after her, plugging in our next set of coordinates.

  The okkren takes flight, and I finally relax.

  “Who were those guys?” Shiloh inquires, snuggling close to my side.

  I wrap my arm around her and pull her closer. “An unmated Klan by the looks of it.” I run my fingers up and down her arm, and tell her about the Zarl.

  Shiloh’s eyebrows shoot up. “You mean they can challenge you for ownership of me?”

  “Mm-hmm. And we would be honour bound to accept. Once we complete the Vultana, we will encounter less and less challengers. You will be wearing our insignia after that, claiming you as the mate of Klan Avuk. No one will vekk with you then. Hell, if I had worn anything identifying who I am, no one would dare try and touch you.”

  “Because you’re a bunch of badass generals,” Shiloh jokes with a smirk on her face.

  “Damn right.” I plant a kiss on top of her head and feel our ride beginning its descent. “Good. We’re here.”

  “Where is here?” Shiloh tries to look out the windows, but I engaged the blackout deflectors, wanting it to be a surprise.

  “You’ll see.” The okkren lands softly, and its door begins to open. “Close your eyes, Shiloh.”

  She narrows her emerald gaze at me but complies. Grabbing the basket and a blanket in one arm, I guide her out with the other, making sure she doesn’t stumble or harm herself.

  Outside, a canopy of trees overlooks a cascading waterfall—our destination. Birds chirp from their perches in branches hundreds of feet over our heads. Newly blossomed wildflowers perfume the air, hanging off the trees and growing in bunches in the grass. It’s beautiful, almost as pretty as my mate.

  “What’s that noise?” she questions, as we near the rushing water.

  I pull her into the spot I want her in and lay the blanket on a bed of soft grass. “Open your eyes and see.”

  She does and gasps, her hands coming up to cover her cheeks in awe. Doe-eyed, Shiloh takes in all the sights and sounds, her gaze darting about, trying to see it all at once.