Stealing Shiloh Read online

Page 10

  Shrugging off the feeling of rejection, I tell the replicator, “Two eggs over medium, three slices of bacon, two slices of rye toast with butter, and hashbrowns. Oh! And a cup of my-my…what was it called?”

  “Tackaryn,” Joss answers from the table.

  “Yes, one cup of Tackaryn please.”

  The bright light indicating that the replicator is working flashes, and a moment later something inedible appears. The seared flesh of some foreign meat still clinging to charred bones smokes in front of me. No fucking eggs, no potatoes, just a black smoke smelling like asshole rising from the plate.

  It did remember the Tackaryn though.

  Sighing, I take the cup and abandon the repulsive dish and sink my butt into a chair between Trov and Joss, who are arguing.

  “Do you really have to do that where we eat, Trov?” Joss grouses. “If you want to be gross, go to your own vekking quarters and do it there.”

  Trov growls, “What am I doing that bothers you so damn much?”

  Joss nods at the knife in Trov’s hand. “Picking at your dirty nails while I’m trying to eat. It’s disgusting.”

  “Welcome to crazy time,” Cryk whispers in my ear before taking a seat across from me.

  “Fine!” Trov snarls, taking his knife and tossing it across the room. It embeds into the wall with a thud.

  “Thank you,” Joss grumbles, before getting started on his plate. I take a sip from my cup and watch him work. He has the same dish as Nul.

  “What is that?” I ask him, pointing to the egg looking thing.

  “A charlyn egg.” He methodically slices off the white parts with his fork before eating them, then he takes his fork and makes a small opening in the…yolk? Unlike eggs on Earth, the center of this egg is red. Joss takes the bread-like thing and dips it into the gooey red yolk before taking a bite.

  “In the Harvest House, I ate my eggs the exact same way. Whites first, then yolk.”

  “Really?” Joss looks at me with appreciation. “Would…would you like a bite?”

  Would I?

  I lick my lips. “Sure.”

  Joss smiles warmly and dips his bread into the bloody yolk before offering it to me. Instead of grabbing the bread, I lean over him and take a bite. If his sharp intake of breath is anything to go by, he wasn’t expecting that.

  The yolk isn’t gross like I expected, but salty and delicious. “Mmm,” I moan in appreciation. “That’s delicious, Joss.”

  “Yeah? Try the bjorv.” He portions off a piece of the meat looking food and offers me a bite. I take it from him, inspecting the brown thing in my hand. It smells good. Shrugging, I pop it into my mouth…and bite.


  “Fuck!” I yell, spitting out the food. “I think I broke my damn tooth!”

  “Shit!” Joss shouts, running his hand through his hair. “I’m so sorry, Shiloh! I forgot how weak your human teeth are.” Joss reaches into his pocket and grabs some grey tablet thing, then waves it over my cheek. “Nothing’s broken, just a bruised periodontal ligament. Should be okay in a few days, but just in case…” A sharp sting in my leg has me yelping.

  “What the fuck was that?” I squeal, rubbing my thigh.

  “Painkiller and anti-inflammatory. You should feel better in moments.”

  He’s right. The pain quickly dissipates, and I feel loads better. “Thanks,” I mutter. “Sorry for shouting. I was just—”

  “No need to apologise.” Joss stares blankly at his plate. “It’s me who should be sorry. I need to be more mindful of your biology and learn its differences so this doesn’t happen again.”

  “It’s okay,” I console him, giving his shoulder a squeeze. “This is new for both of us. It will take some getting used to.”

  Joss nods but pushes his plate away. Seems he’s no longer hungry.

  “So!” I begin, wanting to alleviate some of the tension. “What else do you guys do?”

  A series of beeps answer my question, and Trov looks down at an item surrounding his wrist that appears to be a giant watch. He types something into the large screen then glances up, giving each of his Klan mates a look I can’t discern before turning to me. “How about we show you? You are the mate to a Klan of generals, after all. It is time you see what we really do. Come.”

  Trov pulls me up from my seat, and I reach for my cup. “No time for drinks. We must hurry.”

  The other guys follow us into the elevator thing, and before I know it, I’m in the middle of this huge Klan of aliens. My head doesn’t even come up to their chests. They tower over me like hungry, feral predators and I’m their prey. I find the sensation exciting and terrifying at the same time.

  Trov flutters his wings in agitation as he glances at his watch again. When the doors open, I step out but my feet stop moving, my gaze fixed to the large windows surrounding the bridge. A giant ship comes into view.

  And that’s when I realise…

  We’re being attacked.



  “Details,” Cryk calls, sliding into the first mate’s chair and loading up the navigation, while Joss slips into the communication desk and Nul loads up the shields and weapons.

  “Ship signature confirmed, Yarek,” Joss informs us.

  Sliding into my own chair, I pull up my comms screen and the information. “Rogue Yarek goulyg, three clicks out. Scans show weapons armed and coming in fast. Engage the shields and load the projectiles, we are shooting this one down.” My fingers fly across my tablet, obtaining as much information as I can to relay to my Klan. “Interception of J-Lo estimated in four minutes from our current position. Projected course of Yarek ship indicates they are on the offensive. No time to board and take prisoners, we will do that next time,” I tell them, then bark out additional orders, and they all jump into action. My eyes catch on Shiloh, who is shifting nervously, her eyes wide where she stands by the door, like she is unsure whether she should be in here or not.

  Despite the emergency, I take the time to reassure her. Holding out my hand to her, I jerk my head. “Mate, come.”

  She swallows, dragging her eyes from the rest of our busy Klan, and then rushes to my side, taking my hand gratefully. I pull her into my lap and wrap my arms around her to reach the controls.

  “Trov—” Joss starts, but I narrow my eyes.

  “We all know I can kill these fuckers with my eyes closed and one hand chopped off. Our mate’s sweet body pressed to mine will only make me fight harder, now get to your stations!”

  “He has a point,” Cryk comments without even looking up, his fingers flying over the touchpad. “Let’s show off a little for our mate, shall we?” He looks up then and winks at her. “Prove we are worth that sexy little body, that we can handle our weapons.”

  She snorts, but her once stiff body relaxes against me, melting in my arms and making me grin. Sucking in her scent, I ignore my hard cock pressed against her ass as I make sure all weapons are online and ready to fire. Cryk plots a course leading us around Oxious to come out behind the goulyg. It’s a good tactic that will take them by surprise. It will be over quickly for them.

  “Hold on, mate, let us show you why we are generals,” I growl into her ear. She shivers against me, making me almost puff up in pride at her reaction to me. Shiloh wiggles in my lap, making me growl as she rubs that plump ass against my already aching cock. She is the sweetest torture.

  My mind sticks for a moment on the visual of me burying my cock in her wet heat, her screaming as she bounces on my dick while I shoot down the Yarek ship. Fucking her and fighting.

  My two favourite things.

  I have to breathe deeply to push the image away, our mate isn’t ready for that yet. She will be one day, and I plan to take her that way. Timing her climax with the ship exploding…

  “Trov, one click!” Nul shouts, showing me on the map.

  “Brace,” I yell. “We are doing this fast.”

  “So like always for you then? Maybe we should warn o
ur mate about that.”

  She giggles, so I wrap my hand around her mouth. “Silence, mate, or I will be forced to gag you and bind your body to mine while I battle.”

  “Kinky,” she mumbles against my hand before licking it, evoking a laugh from me.

  We come around Oxious, so I take my hand away as she gapes at their ship. A deep growl escapes my throat because the Yarek ship isn’t facing the other way like we planned, it’s looking right at us. Their weapons are locked on us, ready to fire.

  Unlike our ship, theirs is a mix of metals, made from scrap. Silver, black, and even green segments are welded together. They have no viewfinder, and one of their weapons is manually operated from the bottom, I can see the Yarek sitting there in the bubble, ready to fire. The goulyg is about half the size of our armada ship and nowhere near fortified enough to withstand our weapons, but they have the element of surprise…

  “They saw us coming! Brace!” I shout as I fire the first shot.

  Their weapons explode in a bright, white light which shoots towards us. I wrap my arm around Shiloh to brace her as it hits our shield. J-Lo shudders from the impact, you can see the ricochet from the blast in the space around us. It disrupts the asteroids there and sends them back to the Yarek ship.

  “Report,” I bark.

  “Shield holding at eighty-nine percent efficiency,” Nul replies.

  “Good, then let’s show them how to really fight.” I grin, flashing fang.

  I feel the excitement flowing through my Klan and around the bridge. They live to test themselves, for the next battle, and to protect our people. Letting go of Shiloh, I concentrate on the goulyg. “Nul,” I prompt, as he analyses their defences. He’s our secret weapon, after all.

  “Left side, weak welding. Scans indicate it’s been hit there before and hasn’t been patched properly. Seventy percent chance of success if we aim all our weapons to that zone,” Nul answers.

  “Seventy percent, I like those odds.” I laugh. “Lijik is armed.” I type in the coordinates and, using the aim assist, I lock onto the left side like Nul suggested. “Fire!” I yell as I attack the goulyg, concentrating on the weak zone. I fire again and again, reloading and re-aiming my other weapons to the same spot all the while we use evasive manoeuvres to duck and weave as they fire back at us. The Yarek’s ship is slow, so I grab the controls and with a whoop, flip us over their ship and under so we are hovering under their left side, unseen.

  Shiloh gasps, pushing back into me, and the scent of her arousal fills the bridge. I see all members of our Klan react. Their wings stretch out, bodies heating as they prepare to take their mate. Growling, I try to focus on bringing down the goulyg, continuing to fire as she wiggles back and forth in my lap.

  “Mate,” I warn, my voice a low growl as I try to refrain from bending her over in front of them and pounding into her, letting her tight cunt be the recipient of my battle aggression and need.

  “S-Sorry,” she whispers, shivering in my grip. But even though she’s still, the scent of her arousal doubles, making the air thick with it.


  When I look back, the goulyg has moved. They are trying to retreat. Snarling, I push us forward as they continue to return fire.

  “Shield, sixty percent before recharge,” Nul informs me.

  “Fire at will!” I order my Klan as we chase the Yarek across space. A goulyg is no match for the speed of J-Lo, and soon we are right behind them. Metal breaks off the goulyg as we make impact, throwing some Yarek from the ship and making me growl in satisfaction.

  “Moon!” Joss shouts.

  Looking up, I see he is right, they are leading us right to a moon. Vekk, we need to end this now before they get away. I increase our fire as they put on a burst of speed and swing around the moon. We follow, and I bring us to a full stop when I see what is waiting for us there.

  Another Yarek ship is behind the moon.

  They weren’t running, they were leading us into a trap.


  Just at that moment, Shiloh starts to press buttons on the console, but I don’t have time to push her hands away. “Mate—”

  A thundering rumbles through the bridge, and then I realise what she pressed—the launchet. I turn my head slowly, all of us watching out the window as the projectile shoots from our ship, too fast to avoid, and connects with the second Yarek vessel.

  It implodes as we watch. Blinking in shock, I stare down at Shiloh, noticing the others are all gawking at her as well. Her face reddens adorably, her teeth digging into her lower lip. “Oops?” she offers.

  “Well, that’s one way to do it. Trov, our mate is showing us up,” Cryk teases.

  “First ship is retaliating!” Joss yells.

  “Vekk.” I focus back on flying and fire the flret so their motion and heat sensors in their weapons are confused. Their attack misses us, but we have no time to celebrate when I hear a click of another button.

  “Anti-gravity activated. Shields deactivated,” comes the automated voice of the ship, and I hear another “Oops” from Shiloh.

  Before I can secure myself to the chair, we are floating around the bridge. The antigravity takes effect immediately, not giving us a chance to turn it off. Nul floats past, his eyes wide and wings stretched out to stop his tumbling. Cryk swears as he smacks into the window. Joss manages to grab one of the desks and his legs are floating above him as he scrambles to try and turn off the antigravity.

  Knowing we don’t have time for this, I try to get back to my chair to fire at the remaining ship before they take the chance to attack us.

  We are carrying precious cargo, after all.

  Doing a tumble through the air, I drag myself over the consoles until I reach my chair and the controls. Securing myself with one arm, I type in the coordinates. We have one shot before the shields are down and they are on us.

  “Take this, you mishans,” I growl as I hit fire.

  Letting go of the chair, I float, spinning around to watch the lijik’s white-hot beam head straight for the already damaged, left side of the goulyg. Shiloh grabs onto me, and I wrap her in my arms, shielding her from the light by pressing her head to my chest.

  “Boom,” I mumble, as the lijik beam finds its mark…

  It seems to happen in slow motion. The beam hits the ship, and for a moment, everything is quiet. Then we see it, the Yarek ship imploding from the inside out. We must have cut through the metal of the shell and into the engines. Bright red flames curl outward from every section of the ship, encompassing it until a giant explosion occurs.

  I watch in glee as the aftershock of the goulyg’s detonation races towards us. It connects with J-Lo, sending us flying through the bridge. I grunt as Shiloh and I crash into the wall, making sure to take the impact so she doesn’t hurt herself, but the pain doesn’t lessen the feeling of victory. If anything, it amplifies it as I watch what was once the Yarek ship become nothing more than scrap metal.

  It’s quiet for a moment, and then Cryk cheers, “Take that, Yarek mishans!”

  “Shield recharging,” Nul confirms. “Ninety five percent and rising.”

  “Scans of the surrounding area indicate the threat is terminated,” Joss adds.

  “I-Is it over?” Shiloh asks quietly from my arms.

  “Yes, mate.” I stroke down her back before cupping her ass and dragging her closer. “But that doesn’t mean you are not in trouble,” I growl.

  “Oops.” She giggles, lifting her head to grin at me, making my chagrin lessen.

  Who could stay angry at that face?

  “Joss, turn off antigravity and chart us a course back to Oxious. Nul, check the ship for damage, and Cryk, help him repair any damage,” I order.

  The antigravity turns off while I am in mid-air. I wrap my arms tighter around Shiloh as we fall, hitting the floor with a grunt. Sprawled over my chest, she picks her head up and grins down at me.

  “That was fun, can we do it again?”



  I can’t recollect the last time I slept this hard or for this long. Stretching my arms over my head, I realise something is different, and I don’t just mean the fact that I’m not at Harvest House because I remember my location.

  It’s my ass!

  It’s not vibrating from the subtle, yet consistent movement of J-Lo’s engines, a movement I haven’t grown used to yet. That must mean we’ve stopped, right? But why?

  I figured they lived up here, in space, fighting off bad guys and being, well, generals. Their duty and expectations must be immense. I’m surprised they have a spare moment to land. Maybe they have a work-related engagement.

  With as much energy as I can muster, I swing my legs over my bed and slide off the mattress, landing with a thud. I run my fingers through my hair, tugging the tangled mess out of my face. With a huff, I climb up the three stairs from my bed and over to the replicator. “I’ll have a Starbucks vanilla latte, please.” The bright light fluoresces, and a cup appears through the glow, making me squeal in joy that the damned thing finally listened to me.

  Only it didn’t.

  Picking up the cup, nearly dancing in glee at getting the elixir of life that is coffee, I bring it to my lips and fucking scream when I see what’s inside. Skittering, black bugs with shelled backs and a dozen legs scratch and claw at the sides to get out of a putrid green liquid.

  Seems my wails of terror were broadcasted around the ship, as my four mates come barrelling into my room from various doors I didn’t even know existed. They’re all shouting at me at once, leaving me to gawk at them with the cup of bugs held away from me in horror.

  “We heard a scream.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “H-Have you b-been hurt?”

  “Do you require mouth to mouth resuscitation?”

  I blink at the onslaught of questions, my mouth unable to work as I take in the sight before me. My mates tower around me, bare chested, with sweat covering their bodies, making every muscle glisten. Their damp pants cling to their, umm, huge, giant ass fucking dicks, making me wonder how the hell I’ll ever fit them inside me. Would I have to fold them? Push them in and hope for the best? What if they rip me in two, and I’m forced to walk like I’ve shit my pants for the rest of my life? Do aliens even have wheelchairs? Because they’re going to have to push me around in one if they try putting their massive, alien dicks inside my small, human vagina. Flustered, all I can get out is, “Uhhh.”