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Page 8

  Jason was glad to get to the hotel and have a little distance between himself and his well-meaning friends and their prying questions about his recent temperament change. So he’d embraced his wilder side and flung his typical caution out the window.

  What did it fucking matter?

  He’d encouraged them to all hit the bar so he could grab the room keys himself. As he made his way to the woman behind the counter he couldn’t help but get turned-on remembering the conversations he’d had with her the past couple of weeks. The innocent flirtation had opened Pandora’s Box during a time when he needed a diversion more than anything.

  She’d been perfect with her soft but sexy voice. The whispered promises had sounded more like wanton taunts. She probably didn’t think he’d have the balls to follow through with his end of the naughty ideas.

  He’d anticipated this encounter the entire flight, had contemplated it long before that. Long brunette hair framed an oval face. Lush, red lips turned into a slight smile when he approached the counter. Long lashes fluttered and partially obscured brown eyes.

  “Welcome to Sunset Lodge. How may I help you?”

  They’d run through a few scenarios. Her breathing had gotten heaviest on one in particular—one that he was more than ready to fulfill. He remained silent and let his looming presence in front of her settle in her mind.

  Her eyes widened. Her lips formed a sexy O he couldn’t wait to feel around his cock. He looked around to make sure what she’d said was true—the lobby was dead after ten. Hopping the counter was easy enough. She backed up toward the small office she’d been teasing him with all week.

  “We don’t have much cash here but take whatever we have. It’s right there in the register beneath the counter.” She pointed in the general direction with a wary glance. “I won’t call the cops.”

  “All I’m wanting is a little bit of personalized service.” His gaze slid over her and paused on her button-down shirt. The short skirt would slide up her thighs easily enough.

  She backed into the corner and widened her gaze. “Please don’t hurt me.”

  The words gave him pause. The nametag read Maria. What if she’d changed her mind? He edged close enough for his breath to fall on her cheek. He noted the way she trembled and sighed softly when his hand settled on her waist.

  Oh yeah, she was totally into this.

  “Open the door or we’ll finish it right here where everyone can see what a bad girl you’re about to be.” He paused to let the statement hang between them when she shivered. “I might have to drag you over to the couch by the door and bend you over it. I bet they’d hear your screams of delight from the bar as I fuck you from behind.”

  She fumbled with a key she pulled from her pocket. Her fingers shook as she slid it into the keyhole. Warmth greeted his hand when he settled it atop hers and squeezed gently, an unspoken promise that he’d make sure she enjoyed every moment.

  Suddenly the ache he’d been trying to numb or fuck from his system since Jeanie’s wedding was once again gone—if only for this brief interlude. Maybe if he fucked enough random strangers into heady oblivion he could sate the need for something more buried deep in him.

  The door opened inward and he nudged her inside. “I bet you have fun in this room a lot, don’t you, naughty girl?”

  “H-how did you know?” Her gaze was unsure when she turned around. A sexy red tint formed on her cheeks.

  “Those sexy lips are going to feel real good around my dick. On your knees.”

  She knelt immediately, easing some of the nervousness in his gut. He’d never done anything this out there. One slight misunderstanding could land his ass in the slammer.

  Maria looked up through half-hooded eyes as though she’d never been in the position before. He gripped her long hair and tugged hard enough to hear her soft gasp.

  “Suck me. I won’t ask again.”

  And there it was. The surge of adrenaline, or testosterone or whatever the fuck it was that made his dick harder than steel and his balls titanium. He felt like Hercules right now as she unzipped his fly and grasped his shaft with her small hand.

  Trusting a stranger with his dick probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do but it wasn’t the first time. Sure, this was a weird sex role-play scene or some shit he didn’t fully understand but it was a woman. He was a man. Primal instincts kicked in soon enough.

  Her lips were velvet along his shaft as she hovered above it and her tongue flicked from the head to his balls. A firm tug on her hair elicited the response he needed—her hot mouth around him. Taking his length like he’d imagined during the flight.

  A few thrusts and he knew he was too close to release. He pulled her off and motioned toward the curiously empty desk. He lifted an eyebrow as he regarded the desk, then her.

  She smiled and shrugged. “I’m a neat freak. Couldn’t help but anticipate the need for a clean surface.”

  “Then we’d better put it to good use. Get up there and hike that sexy skirt up.” He swatted her ass and then squeezed. “I want to see that pussy I’m going to fuck.”

  She complied quickly. Her skin was soft beneath his touch. She trembled when he ran a path from her knee, up her inner thigh and paused at the sexy white panty covering her pussy.

  “I bet you’re all wet and ready for me, aren’t you?”

  She shook her head.

  “Oh, I know you are. It’s not nice to lie.” He dragged her panties down her legs and spread her legs wider. He spread her lips and licked, relishing the taste of her on his tongue.

  Her soft moans encouraged him. He plunged two fingers into her wet pussy and played with her clit. Her orgasm came hard and fast. He rolled a condom onto his dick and thrust into her.

  He fucked her hard and fast. The impact of flesh on flesh became louder, her screams needier. His release came on the heels of her second one. Her breaths mingled with his.

  “Next time I’m stripping you down and taking this nice and slow,” he whispered as he leaned his forehead on hers. “That was hot, babe.”

  “I think that was the best check-in I’ve ever dealt with.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m glad I answered the phone instead of Carl.”

  “I don’t think Carl’s my type.”

  She giggled into his neck. “Just wait until you see Carl. I don’t think you have any competition from him.”

  They clung to one another in a comfortable silence for a few moments but he knew someone would start hunting him down soon enough. “I left the guys at the bar. There’s no telling how shitfaced they are now.”

  “I fully expect a VIP invite to your room later.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.”

  * * * * *

  “This place is awesome.” Anthony looked around the massive room with reverence.

  As the most inexperienced of them all he was the easiest to impress but Tyler had to admit he was right. The civic center was pretty amazing.

  “This isn’t good, amigo.” Lamar motioned toward the stage. Five feet off the floor and in the dead center of the seating, it offered a huge complication to the planned set.

  “Okay.” Jason sighed as he returned from speaking with the events manager. “That’s going to be turning during the performance.”

  “So it’s a full Monty right off the bat?”

  Since the first act called for baring their asses to the crowd, there wasn’t much of a choice. Someone was going to get a hell of a peek at the goods even if they cupped themselves.

  Dread filled Tyler. “Fuck. I haven’t shaved in a week.”

  Anthony and Lamar started laughing their asses off. Jason grinned but tried to play it a little cooler.

  “No worries. He’s already promised the lights will go down for a few seconds. We’ll grab our junk and that’ll cover up the hairy balls you’ve got going on.”

  Grateful for the decisive plan, Tyler set his anxiety aside and headed to the back to get ready with the rest of the guys.

/>   “Man, I don’t think I’ve ever danced for this many women before.” Anthony fist-pumped the air. “It’s gonna be epic.”

  “Why the fuck didn’t I remember to shave my balls?”

  The guys laughed.

  “Almost five hundred presold tickets,” Jason stated. “And speaking of nuts, make sure none of yours are hanging out. We don’t wanna look stupid like last time.”

  “I whipped my nut sac out on purpose. Those bitches weren’t showing any love. I told them to suck it,” Anthony stated.

  “You don’t have to worry about me. I’m covering up as much as I can,” Tyler stated.

  The ladies were screaming so loud Tyler could barely hear the music as they made their way onto the stage in their towels and got into the formation. The act started and everything was working exactly as planned.

  They dropped their towels and cupped their cocks immediately. The lights didn’t go off.

  What the fuck?

  This wasn’t happening. No way.

  One of the guys beside Tyler yelled but he couldn’t tell which one. They stood there naked and vulnerable, frozen stiff as the cheers turned to laughter.

  “Look at that bush!”

  Heat ran up Tyler’s cheeks. The lights finally went off and the guys ran offstage as fast as possible.


  The stage had rotated and left Tyler on the opposite side of the dressing room. He’d had to jump down off the stage and sprint around it—right in front of the first row of girls. Tyler made a mad dash around the stage, cupping his flaccid, hairy cock.

  He was in a full-on sprint for the stage when Lamar yelled, “Your towel and boots are still onstage.”

  Dumb fucking prop guy didn’t get his stuff. The lights turned on just as he turned back and started his humiliating run of shame all over again as the laughter swelled. By the time he got there he realized he’d have to let go of his dick to jump up and grab his stuff.

  As he army-crawled back up his naked ass was spread apart as he threw his leg up and over, giving the audience a view no man should ever provide. Embarrassed more than he’d ever considered possible, Tyler jumped down and made the run of shame again.

  Chapter Eight

  “Things changed when we got back from that road trip.” Jason stretched out the tension in his muscles. Even though more than a couple decades had passed since then he could still hear Jeanie’s voice and the slice of guilt her words had created.

  “Huh. Not sure I’m following you. You still partied. Hell, I remember that one birthday bash Ethan threw you a few years after that. That was sick.”

  The day after that party had been a pivotal point in his life, even though he hadn’t realized it at the time.

  * * * * *

  An obnoxious noise jackhammered his skull until he awakened fully and embraced reality. A hand rested on his hip and long tendrils of blonde hair tumbled across his pillow. It took a few moments for him to realize the hand was on his right and the hair on his left. Translation—he had a couple of women in bed with him and he didn’t remember how they’d gotten there.

  His cock hardened as he contemplated the possibilities but then the throb in his brain paused long enough for him to remember today was Saturday. He was supposed to pick up Vanessa so Dan and Jeanie could have a day out on the town.

  A small part of him still ached when he saw them together but he’d gotten past the initial bone-crushing numbness. She was happy and that was what mattered. Dan had done a hell of a good job getting his bar up and running. Sure, things appeared to be tight right now but Jason supposed that was to be expected.

  Not that Dan confided in him about anything. Truth be told, they didn’t speak about much of anything anymore. That concerned him a little bit, along with the worry he saw on Jeanie’s face every time he came over. Something was going on Jason didn’t know about. Honestly, he wasn’t sure whether he wanted to.

  Either way it was brutally early in the day for him to think about shit. Right now he needed to deal with the two sexy women wrapped around him. He glanced at the clock. Eleven a.m. Definitely not enough time to do half the things he wanted to and still make it clear across town on time.

  He unwound himself from the women and headed into Ethan’s living room. An assortment of trash, clothing and drug paraphernalia was strewn across the room. Anthony and Lamar were passed out on a couple of the couches with women curled at their sides.

  He could climb into the shower, head out and leave the two women for Ethan to contend with but karma was a bitch sometimes. Doing shit like that almost guaranteed a fallout later on.

  Fumbling around the kitchen, he managed to throw together a passable breakfast and made his way back to the bedroom he’d claimed last night. The two women awoke with a kiss on their foreheads. A blonde and brunette.


  He didn’t try to strike up a conversation when he set the tray on the bed between them. He took a seat in the corner of the room and decided a bit of hydro would get him going faster than eggs. A few minutes later both ladies were dressing and heading out.

  Ten minutes later he was showered and on his way across town. He’d be a few minutes late but he always was. Dan had gotten a house in a nice suburb—one of those Mayberry lookalikes you see in the movies but never had in real life. The fucker even had a swimming pool.

  He wheeled into the driveway and made his way into the house. He’d moved past the knocking stage last year. Being so formal tended to grind on Jeanie’s nerves and he didn’t want that.


  A small bundle of energy slammed into his left side. He bent down and hauled her into the air, delighting in the squeals of a three-year-old with not a worry in the world.


  Yeah she always liked the airplane. He made the requisite noises and moved Vanessa up and down until she squealed louder, even though his attention was drawn to the footsteps falling on the wooden floor.

  He set the munchkin down and looked up. “Hey, Jeans.”

  “Hey.” She hugged him but pulled away quickly. Her eyes widened and anger flashed across her features as she shoved away. “You’re stoned.”

  “What’s wrong, Jeans?”

  “Don’t.” She pushed him away when he approached. “You come over here to pick up my daughter stoned and you wonder what’s wrong?”

  “You know I’m good, Jeans.”

  “What’s going on?” Dan asked as he made his way in from the backyard. He wrapped his arm around Jeanie’s waist and Jason couldn’t help but notice her shudder.

  Guilt made him feel like a son of a bitch. He didn’t want to make her shudder. Vanessa started crying—no doubt picking up on the negatively charged tension now in the room.

  “I was just telling Jason that we won’t need him to watch Vanessa today. We’re staying in tonight.”

  “We are?”

  “Yeah, I wanted to cook you dinner. Maybe watch a special movie.”

  Dan’s grin left no doubt what special meant. Jason shook his head. “Whatever. I’ll check you later, man.”

  Dan nodded as Jason turned to make his way out.

  “Wait up. I’ll walk you out.” Jeanie’s heels clacked on the floor behind him.

  Great. Just what he needed. His mind was already filled with images of Jeanie and Dan and their special movie. He didn’t need a riot act but the look in her gaze when she finally caught up signaled that’s what he was about to get.

  She stepped outside and closed the door. “I’m sorry, Jeans. I fucked up.”

  “You did.”

  “Thanks for not telling Dan. He would’ve kicked my ass.”

  She shrugged and looked back at the door. She hugged herself as she looked at him. “It’s probably for the best we stay in anyway. Dan hasn’t been doing too good.”


  “I shouldn’t have said anything. It’s just that the last thing I need for Vanessa to see is you stoned off your ass. She’s getting old
enough to understand more stuff. Until you get your shit together I can’t let you around her. She needs a man she can rely on.”

  “Jeans, seriously. I’m her godfather. I want to be there for her and shit.”

  “Then grow up.” Her voice rose slightly. “Jesus, Jason, you aren’t twenty anymore. When the hell are you going to move on with your life and take it seriously? Life can’t be a party all the time.”

  “You really think that’s all I’m about?”

  “Can you say it isn’t?”

  Jason didn’t know what to say, how to respond. Anger fueled his movements but he couldn’t tell whether it was directed at her or himself. He turned and headed toward his truck.

  As he trudged his way back to the other end of town her words settled in his brain—a constant throb of guilt he couldn’t purge.

  She needs a man she can rely on.

  Damn, he wanted to rewind that conversation and ask what the hell was going on with Dan. It was becoming clearer that shit was brewing.

  But it wasn’t his business. She wasn’t his responsibility. Vanessa wasn’t either. It was time to man up and move on with his life. She’d been right about that much.

  * * * * *

  “Wow, she handed you your ass.”

  “Yeah.” Jason looked over at the other side of porch where she still sat knitting. “I think a guy needs that sort of shit, you know?”

  “I didn’t know you liked your ass spanked, man. Sounds like a personal problem to me.”

  “Ha. You were the one with the weird hookups.”

  “Oh yeah.” Tyler remembered those nights fondly. It’d taken a few years to embrace the fact he not only loved sex but he loved wild sex. The more out there, the better. From public to group to leather and all three. He’d been ready for any of it anytime. What a hell of a way to live.

  * * * * *

  The crowd was thick despite the fact it was almost closing time. Tyler watched one woman carve a path toward him through the thick crowd. She wasn’t the sexiest woman he’d seen. Her hair was in a cute bob. Her dress was flattering to her average figure. In essence she was utterly forgettable, yet he sensed he’d seen her before.