The Boy Spies with the Regulators Read online

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  While we lads crouched amid the vines which covered the porch of thedwelling wherein we had entrenched ourselves without due authorityfrom the owner, watching intently for some token that our enemies werecreeping up on us, the question came into my mind as to whether agoodly portion of the present trouble did not come from the fact thatMaster James Hunter was one of the deputies appointed by theassociation.

  Then there came back to me all I had heard regarding the arrest ofMasters Husband and William Hunter, a cousin of Deputy Hunter. It wassaid by some that Fanning had particular reasons for desiring theimprisonment of James, while he did not have a speaking acquaintancewith William.

  When the arrest was made, or rather when the two Regulators were takeninto custody to convenience Messrs. Fanning and Edwards, the wrongHunter was taken, and he against whom the attorney had been workingwas appointed one of two to represent the Regulation at an interviewwith the governor.

  It was a vile act, throwing two men into jail on a charge of seditiousconduct, simply to pleasure a couple of villains; but even this wasnot the worst of our treatment at the hands of Governor Tryon and hisminions.

  I could fill an hundred pages like this with accounts of injusticedone us of the Carolinas, and yet set nothing down which might not beverified by reliable witnesses, while every item would be the recordof an outrage as gross as that committed in the imprisonment ofMasters Husband and Hunter.

  If it could have been known throughout all the colonies what we of theCarolinas suffered under the misrule of William Tryon, then would thatdeclaration of liberty which was made in 1776, have been brought aboutfive years earlier.

  However, it is not for me to hark back to the beginning of ourtroubles; I have set down these thoughts because they came into mymind like a flood while Sidney Hubbard and I remained on the alertagainst those who, unquestionably, had been instigated by men whoseduty it was to protect the people, instead of riding them down likefoxes on the hunting field.

  I had been disheartened by the sudden turn in affairs, and thepredictions made by Sidney, until it was to me as if the efforts toassert our rights as honest men would result in the death orimprisonment of all concerned in the undertaking.

  Meanwhile, as I thus agitated myself about affairs which would beregulated by Providence, we two lads kept close watch but withoutseeing or hearing anything of those horsemen, who, as we knew fullwell, were lurking near at hand to work us some mischief.

  When the white servant had prepared our supper, Masters Howell andSidney went inside the dwelling to partake of the meal, leaving MasterHunter and me on guard, and, later, we two were relieved by theothers to take our places at the table.

  While Master James Hunter and I were eating, I ventured to ask himwhat he thought of the situation, and received as reply:

  "We are better off here than on the road, although it seems likely ourreturn will be greatly delayed."

  "Meaning that you believe those men whom we saw will spend much timetrying to capture us?"

  "We shall not be able to continue our journey save at the expense ofan encounter with those villains, and whether we ever see home againdepends, as I believe, upon our being the best marksmen."

  Such a prediction did not tend to raise my spirits, as can well beimagined, and straightway all desire for food fled from me.

  I left the table without ceremony, and rejoined Sidney, full ofdetermination to shoot with true aim if one of our enemies wouldpresent himself as a target.

  Until the sun had gone down we watched in vain, and while thetwilight was gathering Master Howell announced his intention ofventuring out to reconnoiter, for it seemed necessary we should knowwhat disposition had been made of their forces.

  Sidney insisted that he or I should be allowed to perform such task,arguing with great force, so I thought, that it would be of but littleconsequence if one of us lads was captured, while it could not bereckoned anything short of a disaster if harm befell either of thedeputies.

  Master Howell turned a deaf ear to his arguments and entreaties,replying again and again that he would not put a dangerous duty upon aboy when he was able to perform the task himself.

  Even while we strove to restrain him, he went out into the night, asif bent on visiting the stable, and when he had arrived at thatbuilding it was no longer possible for us to distinguish his form.

  Master Hunter kept watch alone at the front of the house, and in therear Sidney and I strained our ears for some token of disaster orsuccess.

  The deputy had been absent a full half hour, during which time weheard nothing save the movements of the servants, or the stamping ofthe horses in the winter kitchen, and then suddenly, as if he hadrisen from the ground, appeared Master Howell.

  We lads raised our rifles, not knowing for the instant whether it wasfriend or foe who had come upon us so silently, and then we heard hisvoice:

  "I have returned; do not fire."

  He stood on the porch an instant to tell us in whispers the result ofhis investigations.

  "They have surrounded the buildings in such manner that we cannotleave secretly, and appear to be content with that. As I look at thematter, they, having trapped us, are waiting for reinforcements, or,possibly, officers of the law."

  "But you have said that Governor Tryon does not dare to cause ourarrest now that the people of Brunswick have heard all the story," Isuggested, not a little alarmed by the information that the enemyappeared well content to wait until we might be captured with greaterease.

  "It was my proposition that Tryon would not dare arrest us inBrunswick; but now we have left that place, he might work his willwithout the people being any the wiser."

  There was in Master Howell's tone that which convinced me he wasseriously disturbed by the condition of affairs, and I understood suchwas really the case when he added:

  "I think it is high time we held a conference of war, and one of youlads had best come with me to the front veranda, while the otherremains here on guard."

  I motioned Sidney to accompany Master Howell, and he, eager to hearall which might be said, readily acceded to the mute suggestion.

  In another moment I was alone, peering out into the darkness withevery faculty on the alert, and thus I remained until half an hour ormore had passed, when my comrade returned.

  "Well?" I asked impatiently, burning to learn the result of theconference, for I had worked myself into a fever, trying to imaginewhat else we might do save await the preparations of our enemies.

  "It is decided that we leave this place about midnight," he said in acautious whisper; "that is, if you agree to the proposition."

  "If I agree!" I repeated in nervous petulance. "What can I have to dowith any plan which may be proposed?"

  "If we set out it will be at risk of our lives, and the deputies havedecided that no move shall be made unless all four of us are fullyagreed that nothing different can be done."

  "But how may we go or come at our pleasure if the house issurrounded?"

  "We can saddle the horses, and mount while yet in the building. Thenit is a case of starting with a rush, hoping that in the darknessthose fellows will not be able to shoot us down."

  "We are to run away, then?" I asked in surprise, for it had been in mymind that both Master Howell and Master Hunter would insist onfighting, however great the odds.

  "It seems necessary to do so if we would see our friends again, andthe deputies believe it is of the utmost importance the Regulation beacquainted with the fact that all manner of treachery will be broughtto bear, rather than do us justice. Therefore we will run instead offight. Our horses are as fresh as theirs, and we may be able to givethem the slip. In case we are brought to bay, it is better, so thegentlemen have decided, that we stand opposed to five or six men,rather than a large body. Are you agreed?"

  "It is useless to ask such a question. I shall do whatsoever thedeputies think best."

  "Then, if that be your mind, the time may
come when you will be calledupon to act what appears to me like a cowardly part."

  I was amazed by this remark, and it can be readily supposed that Iinsisted upon an immediate explanation.

  "The deputies are agreed that in case we are brought to a standstill,you and I are to make our way to Maddock's Mill without regard tothem. They will fight, whatsoever the odds, for the sole purpose ofallowing us to escape."

  "Why have they grown so careful of us?" I cried, never dreaming ofthat which would have come instantly into the mind of a quicker-wittedlad.

  "It is that we may carry the news to our friends. Masters Howell andHunter will sacrifice their lives in order that the members of theassociation may be informed of the exact situation of affairs."

  I made no promises; timorous though I was, there could be, so I saidto myself, no time when I would feel warranted in leaving comrades orcompanions struggling against a superior force. The Regulation mightforever remain in ignorance of what had been said at Brunswick, beforeI would write myself down such a coward as to seek safety while othersof my party were in peril.

  Luckily Sidney did not exact a promise from me on this score, and whenMaster Howell came to where we stood, he believed I had fully agreedto all the propositions.

  "Sidney and I will saddle the horses when the time comes, and you andHunter will only leave your posts in order to mount and make therush. There is opportunity for us to gain a couple of hours' sleep. Iwill stand guard in front, Sidney is to remain here, and in due timeyou and Hunter shall act as sentinels."

  I was not disposed for slumber; but this was virtually a command, andwithout hesitation I went into the sitting-room.

  Here I soon fell asleep, despite the fear in my heart, and when MasterHowell aroused me, at the expiration of two hours, it was as if I hadbut just closed my eyes.

  Then I performed the part of sentinel, when the hours seemed as longas the time of repose had been short, and it was as if the night hadpassed before Master Hunter came to announce that the moment foraction had arrived.

  Then he went back, leaving me with the blood bounding through myveins, and my heart throbbing violently, for I believed that one ormore of us would soon be in another world.

  As had been agreed upon, Master Howell and Sidney made ready thehorses, and the words were passed to the front veranda that that postbe vacated.

  Now we moved swiftly, mounting the horses while they were within themakeshift of a stable, and when all were in the saddle Master Howellpaused to say:

  "I will lead the way, then comes Clare, Sidney, and lastly Hunter.Ride in close order, and at full speed."

  The indentured servant stood near the door, yet holding the moneywhich had been paid him according to promise, and our leader rode outinto the darkness.

  At a foot pace we went around the building, until coming to the pathleading into the road, when Master Howell struck the spurs deep, hishorse darting off like an arrow sent from a bow.

  At that same instant came the crack of a rifle; I heard the ballwhistling a few inches above my head, and said to myself that if theenemy shot as well as that in the beginning, they must succeed inwinging all of us before we were well under way.

  The fever of excitement was so great upon me that I cannot well sayexactly what happened during five minutes after we emerged from thestable.

  I only know that a volley of musketry rang out; that I firedpoint-blank at a man who suddenly appeared from out a clump of bushes,and cheered when he fell. Then it was as if a fierce conflict wasbeing waged all around us, and that we rode through the showers ofbullets until gaining the main road, when our animals stretchedthemselves to the race.

  I came out from the dream into which I had been plunged, when MasterHowell shouted to know who had been hurt, and each in turn declaredthat he was not even scratched.

  It seemed almost impossible we could have come through that shower ofbullets without being riddled, yet such was the case, and then Iwondered whether the horses had fared as well.

  My steed was going true; I could feel the play of his muscles beneathme, and knew beyond a peradventure that he like myself was yet soundin wind and limb.

  "They aimed too high!" Master Howell cried exultantly. "If thescoundrels had turned their attention to crippling the animals, ourchances would have been slim. Huzza for the Regulation!"

  Then we four who had ridden out from the shadow of death gave voice toour triumph, and from the rear came a yell of rage, telling us that ityet remained to shake off the pursuers who were bent on taking us,dead or alive.

  "Keep your horses well in hand," Master Hunter cried. "There's a longrace ahead of us, and we must not wind the beasts."

  Our leader set the pace, riding only to keep beyond rifle range, andwe four came alongside each other until we filled the road socompletely that had any unfortunate been ahead on foot we must havetrampled him down.

  It was possible now to converse, and I fancied also that the animalstraveled more easily by thus being in company.

  When an hour had passed and we were come to a stream, the deputies andI dismounted, standing side by side in the road, while Sidney gavethe horses water enough to wet their throats, and loosened the girthsthat they might regain their wind, for all four were well nigh blown.

  We there stood ready to fire in case the pursuers came up before thesteeds were ready for the road again, and word had been passed that weshould give our attention to crippling the enemy's horses rather thanthe men.

  During fifteen minutes did we remain with rifles in hand ready to bedrawn to the shoulder at the first show of a pursuer, and then thechase was resumed.

  We had gained a long start of Governor Tryon's minions; but the haltwould enable him to cut down the advantage, and again we rode atracing speed until once more it became necessary to halt.

  In this manner was the night spent; we favoring the faithful animalsas much as possible, and while they rested, standing shoulder toshoulder ready for a battle.

  When morning dawned we could see no signs of the enemy in the road,and this fact troubled me not a little, because I feared that theyhad taken a short cut unknown to us, and we would soon find them inadvance to check our flight.

  By riding until nearly noon we arrived at the plantation of WilliamPayne, on whom Master Howell could rely fully, and here we came to ahalt, counting to give the horses a long rest.

  Our host had two sons, and with such an accession to our numbers wewere not greatly dismayed by the prospect of another siege, thereforewe dismounted, and my timorousness vanished as I realized that we werenow so far from Brunswick there was little fear but that word could besent to the members of the association even though we should bedisabled.

  While we ate dinner, which had been hurriedly prepared, and the sonsof our host cared for our leg-weary steeds, Master Howell told all thestory of our adventures, and the owner of the plantation proposed thatone of his boys take a fresh horse for the purpose of making his wayto Maddock's Mill with the tidings.

  After some little discussion our deputies agreed to this proposition,and before we stretched ourselves out to sleep the lad rode away,counting to change horses at the house of a friend, forty milesdistant.

  Our mission was thus virtually accomplished, and we composed ourselvesfor slumber with the satisfaction of knowing that the duty due theassociation was the same as performed.

  Our host and his son agreed to stand watch while we slept, and nothingdisturbed us until well into the night, when I was aroused by hearingthe owner of the plantation as he entered the room to awaken thedeputies. Then I overheard the following conversation:

  "Your pursuers are here. The hoof-prints of your horses could beplainly seen on the lane, and all hands were in front of the housebefore seeming to realize the situation."

  "Where are they now?" Master Howell asked quietly as he arose withdifficulty from the bed, for his joints were stiff and lame after thehard race.

  "I forbade their coming nearer, and warned the party to leave myprem
ises. They asked if two men and two lads were here, and I,fearing lest they might pursue my son, told them the truth."

  "That was well done," Master Howell replied approvingly. "Now they maybesiege us once more, and we will make no effort to get away unless,perchance, you object to our resisting the governor's servants fromyour house."

  "Do as you will with me and mine. My wrongs are not less than yours,and now is the time when we of the Carolinas must prove ourselves men,or expect to remain under the yoke forever."

  "You may be set down as a traitor to the king if we make this houseour castle," Master Hunter suggested; but stout Master William Paynewas not to be frightened.

  "I can't say that I have any quarrel with the king himself; butagainst his representatives in the Carolinas my hand shall never belowered. I aroused you only that you may be prepared in case an attackis made."

  "We will let the boys sleep, while Hunter and I have a look around,"our deputy said in a low voice, and the three men left the roomsoftly, believing we lads were yet asleep.

  When they were gone Sidney said as he turned to face me, for we hadbeen sleeping in the same bed:

  "So it seems that we are besieged again."

  "Did you hear all Master Payne said?"

  "Every word."

  "We are like to make quite a halt here."

  "And can well afford to do so, now that word has been sent on ahead.Young Payne will readily arrive at Maddock's Mill by to-morrowafternoon, if he gets a fresh horse during the night, and we shallsoon have reinforcements enough to settle as many as have come."

  "If we must fight to get back home, what will be the result once wearrive there?" I asked, a new fear coming over me.

  "That is something concerning which we need not trouble ourselves forthe present," Sidney replied carelessly.

  "Then I'm of the mind that Fanning will speedily find a chance to clapus into jail on a charge of treason, unless the association holdstogether to the bitter end."

  Such mournful conversation might have been continued a long while butfor the fact that it was interrupted by a volley of musketry,succeeded by straggling shots which told that our people were replyingonly when they saw a target.

  "It's to be a battle instead of a siege!" Sidney cried as he hurriedlydressed himself, I following his example; but the firing had ceased bythe time we gained the kitchen, which apartment was directly below ourchamber.

  Here we found Master Howell and our host, one at the door and anotherpeering out of a loophole cut in the shutters of a window, and I knewfull well that Master Hunter and young Payne were on guard at thefront of the building.

  "Where can we be of service, sir?" I asked, and Master Payne repliedwith a grim laugh:

  "I reckon you lads will not be needed, save, perhaps, to stand guardlater. The gentlemen from Brunswick fired in order to learn if we wereprepared to receive them, and I'll answer for it that at least oneknows to his cost that we're not to be caught napping."

  "How many do they number?" Sidney asked, and Master Howell saidgravely:

  "Not less than a dozen. The reinforcements have evidently responded tothe summons sent from our last halting place."

  "We should be able to hold our own until some of the Regulatorsarrive?"

  "Aye, lad, and that is causing me no little uneasiness. By protectingourselves we shall be giving Tryon an excuse for breaking his word,and before this business comes to an end the upper Carolina will beoverrun by the king's soldiers. It is beginning to be rebellion ingood earnest!"