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- Juan Pablo Villalobos, Rosalind Harvey, Neel Mukherjee
Quesadillas Page 5
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Page 5
As well as thinking about our escape – sketchy, disjointed thoughts, to match the puzzle – and concentrating hard on trying to control my erratic cardiovascular functions, I couldn’t stop thinking about my younger siblings, the ones still at home. Now they’d be a svelte, three-child family, the lucky bastards; they’d be up to their necks in quesadillas and they hadn’t even done anything to deserve it. Would they be middle class at last?
Instead of heading straight down to the road that led to the town – a continuation of the San Juan highway – we walked cross-country, to avoid human contact, which meant we had to push our way through thousands of acacia trees. The town was so Catholic it was encircled with thorns. When we finally rejoined the road that would take us down to the highway, we saw the floods of people filling the road and heard the dishevelled racket of their chants. This was the first impression they gave, one we verified immediately: that such a racket could only come from a mob with dishevelled hair.
‘I will praaaaaise, I will praaaaaise, I will praaaaaise, I will praaaaaise, I will praaaaaise my Lord.
‘It’s the grieeeeevances and praaaaaaaayers of your chiiiiiiildren of San Juaaaaaaaaaan.’
‘Pilgrims – perfect!’ exclaimed Aristotle, delighted at the idea of joining the tuneless procession.
‘You like pilgrims?’
‘Don’t be stupid. This way no one’ll see us. We just slip in among them and walk to the bottom of the Mesa Redonda, then branch off.’
We joined the crowd of pilgrims, although to me it seemed we’d slipped in among a crowd of smells: a stink of sweat and another of urine, a belch of rotten egg and another of rancid beans. I looked to one side and saw the stumps of an old man with no arms who was crawling along on his knees. I looked down and found a mangy dog trying to jump up and steal my Oreos. Babies wrapped in rags hung from their mothers’ backs. Moving through the images and the smells, floating on another plane of supernatural discord, was the disparate drone of dozens of different chants. It was incomprehensible that the pilgrims weren’t all chanting the same thing, that each person was following his or her own inspiration; could it be some kind of mystical rapture? If so, it was extremely out of tune.
I didn’t have a mirror with me so I couldn’t see my own face, but it must have been a fucking expressive one.
‘What is it, man? Haven’t you ever seen poor people before?’
‘Poor people? We’re poor.’
‘Don’t be stupid.’ To this day I still find the reality check that this admonishment was supposedly meant to prolong simply delightful. ‘We’re middle class.’
My brother didn’t like being poor, but the poverty of the pilgrims all around us didn’t modify our own. At the most it left us classified as the least poor of this group of poor people, which merely proved that one could always be poorer and poorer still: being poor was a bottomless well.
On leaving Lagos, the first impression one had was that the apologists of journeys and nomadism had not passed this way. The landscape was the same as on our Cerro de la Chingada: acacias and more acacias, flocks of wood pigeons, dust clouds. Every few kilometres the monotony would suffer the appearance of a tyre repair shop or a garage, precariously constructed from planks of wood and metal sheets. Their signs and adverts managed an average of two spelling mistakes in words of five and a half letters. Nagged by the memory of the highway to La Chona, which was identical, an insatiable anxiety began to consume me: did the whole world look the same?
Were there acacia trees in Poland?
What about Disneyland?
Aristotle had no doubts about the probable homogeneity of planet Earth; that was why he was the older brother. Or perhaps he did but he was avoiding them by keeping himself entertained, from one conversation to the next; indeed, his strategy for going unnoticed looked highly illogical to me. He was repeating to all and sundry that we were on our way to San Juan to ask the Virgin to make the pretend twins appear, and that in exchange we were offering the sacrifice of our pilgrimage.
‘You see?’ he whispered in my ear after giving me a wink that was meant to show what a genius he was. ‘It’s perfect, because it’s not true yet, but it’s not a lie yet either.’
‘Yeah, man, when we turn off it’ll be a lie that we’re going to see the Virgin, but in the meantime it could be true. I’m not telling lies, you get me, arsehole?’
At that moment a whole load of Greeks were spinning in their graves. The pilgrims said yes, surely the Virgin would perform a miracle for us, and they declared this with such absolute determination that it was almost possible to see the pretend twins already, to tousle their hair or hear how they stayed completely silent just like they always did. One devout old woman cried that the dear Virgin had cured her dengue fever, another that the virgencita hadn’t saved her husband but she had taken him to heaven, even though he didn’t deserve it for being an argumentative drunk. You never know! You never know when you might need the virgencita, repeated the walkers representing current misfortunes, those who at that very moment had a relative at death’s door. There was a group that specialised in mourning those who’d crossed over to the other side – but not to death, just to the United States: Look after them, virgencita! Give them work! Bring them home soon! Disneyland, pure and fucking simple, right? Quite a few of them were pre-emptive pilgrims, who up to now hadn’t needed a big miracle, just little ones, favours (which they could easily have requested from entities of a less noble pedigree; just asking for a boyfriend wasn’t a matter to bother the Virgin with, there were a shitload of saints for that). These pilgrims were gradually accumulating credits for when life played one of its classic dirty tricks on them. There was also an army of children, who were wasted because they weren’t asking for anything. They didn’t know how, they hadn’t yet been taught how to invoke other-worldly figures; they just acted like stray dogs, following crowds with fanatical obedience. In any case, it was impossible to tell if the dogs were praying, but it was clear they were loving the chaos.
Confusion is essentially lazy and opportunistic; it doesn’t bother turning up in controlled environments but instead comes begging around propitious scenes and never wastes a crowd. And it wasn’t about to now: it started sprouting furiously, like a watermelon plant twisting around the pilgrims’ feet.
‘Two twins have gone missing!’
‘They don’t look alike, but they are twins!’
‘O virgencita, find them!’
‘Stop! We must find the little ones!’
‘Oh, oh, oh, why did you take them, O Lord!’
‘Take me, I’m old! Why do you always take the innocent ones?’
Aristotle attempted to quell the voluble clamour all around us with his explanations, but he was at a marked numerical and, above all, temperamental disadvantage: no one takes any notice of a spoilsport.
‘No, listen, you’ve got it all wrong. They haven’t just gone missing, they’ve been missing for ages.’
It was too late. The scandal protocol had already been implemented, something crowds don’t like to abandon as quickly as all that, at merely the first few clarifications; no matter how coherent or credible they might be, they’ll never have the prestige required to challenge the fantasies of melodrama. Mobs are like aliens: they don’t give a damn about logic.
A very nervous man appeared wearing a name badge that, in large black felt-tip letters, identified him as Juan de Irapuato. He started shaking Aristotle, demanding a verbal description of the twins, quickly, before it was too late. Before my brother forgot what they looked like, did he mean? We were experiencing one of those moments of false urgency when it seems as if it’s too late for lots of things, but can the present be too late with regard to anything? Nothing but a self-satisfied sophistic exercise.
‘They haven’t gone missing,’ my brother tried to explain. ‘Well, they have, but not just now. They’ve been missing for a while.’
It was fascinating the capacity that e
verything relating to the pretend twins had for heading straight down the path of goddamn misunderstanding. At the same time, this capacity exacerbated our own incapacity for getting people to understand us. We were sorely in need of a class of applied rhetoric. In reply to Aristotle’s pre-logical babbles, Juan de Irapuato began to demonstrate that he knew how to dole out a good old-fashioned beating. Four blows to the face. Take that! And that! And that! And that! My brother’s complexion was not ashamed to change its hue straight away, in front of its assailant, giving him the pleasure of confirming the graphic effects of his pugilistic feat.
‘Stop talking crap. Come on! What are they called?’
‘Castor and Pollux.’
‘Like hell they are! Don’t you want us to find your brothers?’
‘I’m just trying to tell you that they haven’t gone missing right this minute.’
‘What d’you mean, right this minute? What the hell does that mean? What are you hiding, eh? Seems to me you’ve done something to them. Go on, you little sod, confess!’
One thing we did know how to do damn well when our epistemological skills failed us: run like mad! We stumbled out of there as fast as we could, stepping on feet and pushing people out of the way, until we reached one of the edges of the procession from where we could push towards the front without obstacles. We stopped only when we were sure that word of mouth had got up to its usual tricks and the conversations had been sufficiently distorted to save us. Up ahead, where we were now walking, a story was being told of two twins who had discovered they weren’t brothers and had come to ask the Virgin to help them find their real parents.
‘But if they’re twins how can they not be brothers?’
‘Because they’re pretend twins. They’re identical, but they’re not brothers.’
Perhaps the same thing was happening with the chants: at the front of the procession the first pilgrims, who had not only already arrived in San Juan but were already on their way back home, had started to sing one song, a tune that on its journey to the back of the line had been gradually, relentlessly twisting and bifurcating, until it caused the current harmonic chaos.
I tried to have the satisfaction of reproaching Aristotle – on few occasions in life is a younger brother given such a wonderful chance to get one up on his older brother.
‘Maybe now you’ll shut up, arsehole.’
‘They’re the arseholes, arsehole. They’re a lousy bunch of idiots.’ It was my brother in his favourite mode: Aristotle against the world.
Close to the turning for Mesa Redonda we came across a scrapyard with piles of cars forming strange-shaped mountains. The pilgrims increased the volume of their chants, because they had to compete with the din from a crane hurling cars from one side to another. They had swelled with zeal at the sight of the scrap metal, irrefutable proof that all human vanities are rubbish and the only destiny of matter is to decay. What the pilgrims didn’t know was that our relationship with matter is based on substitution, its perishable quality not mattering shit: there is always a new car to replace a discarded piece of junk.
Such a shameless display of fervour made one wonder which of the methods for finding the pretend twins would be the more outlandish: praying to an apparition in the basilica of San Juan or waiting for extraterrestrials on top of Mesa Redonda? Judging by the size of the procession the aliens were losing by quite a long way, at least in terms of popularity. However, Aristotle was the one who thought these things through and made the decisions, refusing to let go of his interplanetary certainties; the ten kilometres or so we’d walked this far had not yet crushed his fantasies.
We left the highway and headed down the dirt track that led to Mesa Redonda. The track was covered by a thick layer of very fine dust with the consistency of talcum powder, dust that was excited by our footsteps and followed wicked trajectories just to get inside our nasal cavities and eyes. Stupid crappy dust. The track also served as a border between the various plots of land belonging to a series of small ranches. We were surrounded by – guess what! – acacia trees, thousands of millions of acacia trees. It was enough to make you kill yourself. And I would have done so if my sadness had been of a more romantic bent, if it hadn’t been that grey sadness that neither drove me over the edge nor allowed me simply to resign myself to life. It would have been so easy to cut myself an acacia branch, one with long, thick thorns; so comforting to have the balls to slit my veins and bleed to death in that maddening dust. Unfortunately, as well as guts I needed imagination – I would have needed to have read lots and lots of books for such a thing to occur to me, and I’d only ever read schoolbooks, which never glorified suicide as a way of solving the problem of existence. Religious education was rather selfishly biased in favour of preserving life.
Before we could faint and grant the wishes of the vultures circling above us, we sat down in the shade of – what else? – an acacia tree.
From our rucksacks we took oranges, bread, tins of tuna, juice. That day I learned that the invention of the tin-opener was a reactionary moment in the history of mankind’s progress, an essential response to the invention of tinned food. We used sharp stones, like anachronistic Neanderthals, and managed to fill the tins’ contents with dust. If this was the life that awaited us, biting the dust as we ate, it would be better to go back to the comfort of our paltry quesadillas. Running away had forced us to step down a rung in the class struggle and now we were skulking around in the marginal sector of people who eat dirt in handfuls.
‘There are three kinds of aliens.’
‘I’m just letting you know so you can prepare yourself. I don’t know what kind we’re going to see.’
It was the perfect conversation to accompany the consumption of tuna with dust.
‘They might be lizards, arthropods or humanoids. The lizards and the arthropods come from planets where evolution followed a different path from here on Earth. Imagine that instead of monkeys winning the war of the species, there it was crocodiles or spiders. The humanoids are like us, just shorter. Their heads are bigger, their eyes stick out more, they’ve got no hair and they’re all grey.’
Other than their features, the fundamental difference between us and them lay in the digestive system, the way in which the aliens obtained nourishment, using all kinds of resources to generate energy, not just food. Would they eat soil? Aristotle explained it to me as if, in addition to knowing the contents of Epi’s magazines off by heart, he also understood the functioning of the human digestive system. It seemed that in the boredom championships my brother was in the lead, absolutely shitloads of points ahead of me.
‘Now pay attention; this is very important. If there are any problems, if we’re in danger, you have to press here. Don’t be scared, but remember, if we need help you have to press here.’
He was showing me his friend’s little gadget for epileptic fits, which now turned out to have alternative uses in the case of encounters with hostile species. He handed it to me so I could get a good look at it. It was a little black plastic square with a red button, nothing more, but Aristotle wanted me to study it so as to be sure I’d know how to use it if the situation arose.
‘How can it save us if it’s only got a reach of twenty metres?’
The whole school knew this; one day they’d tested just how far Epi could move from the headmaster’s office, which was where the receiver was kept.
‘Don’t be stupid. We’ve rigged it.’
‘What’s the headmaster meant to do? Guess where we are and figure out that the aliens are fucking with us?’
‘Epi knows everything. He’ll send help.’
I looked at the little device, pretending I was studying its complicated mechanisms, but really I was thinking about my parents. Typical. I’d finally managed to run away from home and now I was having pangs of guilt. Those lousy priests really had done a fantastic job. But seriously, my poor parents, who just couldn’t manage to keep their family together. The thing
is there were a shitload of cracks in their system of promises.
‘Our poor parents.’
Why? You have to be the older brother to have the monopoly on insensitivity.
‘First the twins go missing and now we’re leaving.’
‘But we’re going to come back, with the twins.’
‘And what are they going to tell the police now? They’ll think that it’s our parents’ fault we’re missing. They might even accuse them of having disappeared us themselves.’
‘Don’t be an idiot. I left a note explaining everything.’
‘And what did it say?’
‘What do you think it said, arsehole – not to come looking for us or tell the police, that we’re fine, that we’re going to look for the twins and we’ll come back when we’ve found them.’
The wind had stopped blowing and a cloud that belied the sun’s inclemency stationed itself over our heads. Beneath my buttocks I felt the cushion of the now-settled dust; it was pleasant if one could just keep it tamed. I lay down slowly, to avoid disturbing the particles, which were slowly sneaking out to the sides, fleeing from the imprint of my body’s silhouette. I closed my eyes and, as the screen of my eyelids projected an orangey film, I listened to the voice of Aristotle, persistent in his arrogance.
‘You think I’m an idiot, don’t you? Did you really think I wasn’t going to tell our parents? You arsehole, did you really think I was going to let them worry? You really are an arsehole.’
And suddenly I had a vision. It wasn’t the Virgin or the aliens; it was even more implausible. I appeared to myself. I saw myself trapped in a cardboard box, which had a few holes in it to make sure I didn’t suffocate. I was urinating, ashamed, my back to a crowd whose only occupation was to ignore me, although I thought they were spying on me. The box lay on an enormous rock that was floating in a universe without reason or sense, and I was wondering what would have happened if I’d never been born. With my right hand I was shaking my dick and with the left I was eating quesadillas, one quesadilla after another, one after another, just to stay alive. The quesadillas tasted of urine. The foul taste ejected me from the vision and I sat up as if propelled by a spring.