A Stable for Nightmares; or, Weird Tales Read online

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  Some few years ago one of those great national conventions which drawtogether all ages and conditions of the sovereign people of America washeld in Charleston, South Carolina.

  Colonel Demarion, one of the State Representatives, had attended thatgreat national convention; and, after an exciting week, was returninghome, having a long and difficult journey before him.

  A pair of magnificent horses, attached to a light buggy, flew merrilyenough over a rough-country for a while; but toward evening stormyweather reduced the roads to a dangerous condition, and compelled theColonel to relinquish his purpose of reaching home that night, and tostop at a small wayside tavern, whose interior, illuminated by blazingwood-fires, spread a glowing halo among the dripping trees as heapproached it, and gave promise of warmth and shelter at least.

  Drawing up to this modest dwelling, Colonel Demarion saw through itsuncurtained windows that there was no lack of company within. Beneaththe trees, too, an entanglement of rustic vehicles, giving forth redgleams from every dripping angle, told him that beasts as well as menwere cared for. At the open door appeared the form of a man, who, at thesound of wheels, but not seeing in the outside darkness whom headdressed, called out, "'Tain't no earthly use a-stoppin' here."

  Caring more for his chattels than for himself, the Colonel paid nofurther regard to this address than to call loudly for the landlord.

  At the tone of authority, the man in outline more civilly announcedhimself to be the host; yet so far from inviting the traveller toalight, insisted that the house was "as full as it could pack;" but thatthere was a place a little farther down the road where the gentlemanwould be certain to find excellent accommodation.

  "What stables have you here?" demanded the traveller, giving no moreheed to this than to the former announcement; but bidding his servant toalight, and preparing to do so himself.

  "Stables!" repeated the baffled host, shading his eyes so as toscrutinize the newcomer, "_stables_, Cap'n?"

  "Yes, _stables_. I want you to take care of my horses; _I_ can take careof myself. Some shelter for cattle you must have by the look of thesetraps," pointing to the wagons. "I don't want my horses to be keptstanding out in this storm, you know."

  "No, Major. Why no, cert'n'y; Marion's ain't over a mile, and----"

  "Conf--!" muttered the Colonel; "but it's over the _river_, which Idon't intend to ford to-night under any consideration."

  So saying, the Colonel leaped to the ground, directing his servant tocover the horses and then get out his valise; while the host, thusdefeated, assumed the best grace he could to say that he would see whatcould be done "for the _horses_."

  "I am a soldier, my man," added the Colonel in a milder tone, as hestamped his cold feet on the porch and shook off the rain from histravelling-gear; "I am used to rough fare and a hard couch: all we wantis shelter. A corner of the floor will suffice for me and my rug; aprivate room I can dispense with at such times as these."

  The landlord seemed no less relieved at this assurance than mollified bythe explanation of a traveller whom he now saw was of a very differentstamp from those who usually frequented the tavern. "For the matter of_stables_, his were newly put up, and first-rate," he said; and"cert'n'y the Gen'ral was welcome to a seat by the fire while 'twasa-storming so fierce."

  Colonel Demarion gave orders to his servant regarding the horses, whilethe landlord, kicking at what seemed to be a bundle of sacking downbehind the door, shouted--"Jo! Ho, Jo! Wake up, you sleepy-headednigger! Be alive, boy, and show this gentleman's horses to the stables."Upon a repetition of which charges a tall, gaunt, dusky figure lifteditself from out of the dark corner, and grew taller and more gaunt as itstretched itself into waking with a grin which was the most visible partof it, by reason of two long rows of ivory gleaming in the red glare.The hard words had fallen as harmless on Jo's ear-drum as the kicks uponhis impassive frame. To do Jo's master justice, the kicks were notvicious kicks, and the rough language was but an intimation thatdispatch was needed. Very much of the spaniel's nature had Jo; and as herolled along the passage to fetch a lantern, his mouth expanded into astill broader grin at the honor of attending so stately a gentleman.Quick, like his master, too, was Jo to discriminate between "realgentlefolks" and the "white trash" whose rough-coated, rope-harnessedmules were the general occupants of his stables.

  "Splendid pair, sir," said the now conciliating landlord. "Shove some o'them mules out into the shed, Jo (which your horses 'll feel more to humin my new stalls, Gen'ral)."

  Again cautioning his man Plato not to leave them one moment, ColonelDemarion turned to enter the house.

  "You'll find a rough crowd in here, sir," said the host, as he paused onthe threshold; "but a good fire, anyhow. 'Tain't many of these loafersas understand this convention business--I _pre_sume, Gen'ral, you'veattended the convention--they all on 'em _thinks_ they does, tho'. Factmost on 'em thinks they'd orter be on the committee theirselves. Goodmany on 'em is from Char'ston to-day, but is in the same fix as yerself,Gen'ral--can't get across the river to-night."

  "I see, I see," cried the statesman, with a gesture toward thesitting-room. "Now what have you got in your larder, Mr. Landlord? andsend some supper out to my servant; he must make a bed of thecarriage-mats to-night."

  The landlord introduced his guest into a room filled chiefly with thatshiftless and noxious element of Southern society known as "meanwhites." Pipes and drinks, and excited arguments, engaged these peopleas they stood or sat in groups. The host addressed those who weregathered round the log-fire, and they opened a way for the new-comer,some few, with republican freedom, inviting him to be seated, the restgiving one furtive glance, and then, in antipathy born of envy, skulkingaway.

  The furniture of this comfortless apartment consisted of sloppy,much-jagged deal tables, dirty whittled benches, and a few uncouthchairs. The walls were dirty with accumulated tobacco stains, and somoist and filthy was the floor, that the sound only of scraping seatsand heavy footsteps told that it was of boards and not bare earth.

  Seated with his back toward the majority of the crowd, and shielded byhis newspaper, Colonel Demarion sat awhile unobserved; but was presentlyrecognized by a man from his own immediate neighborhood, when theinformation was quickly whispered about that no less a person than theirdistinguished Congressman was among them.

  This piece of news speedily found its way to the ears of the landlord,to whom Colonel Demarion was known by name only, and forthwith hereappeared to overwhelm the representative of his State with apologiesfor the uncourteous reception which had been given him, and to expresshis now very sincere regrets that the house offered no suitableaccommodation for the gentleman. Satisfied as to the safety of hischattels, the Colonel generously dismissed the idea of having anythingeither to resent or to forgive; and assured the worthy host that hewould accept of no exclusive indulgences.

  In spite of which the landlord bustled about to bring in a separatetable, on which he spread a clean coarse cloth, and a savory supper ofbroiled ham, hot corncakes, and coffee; every few minutes stopping torenew his apologies, and even appearing to grow confidentiallycommunicative regarding his domestic economies; until the hungrytraveller cut him short with "Don't say another word about it, myfriend; you have not a spare sleeping-room, and that is enough. Find mea corner--a clean corner"--looking round upon the most unclean cornersof that room--"perhaps up-stairs somewhere, and----"

  "Ah! _upsta'rs_, Gen'ral. Now, that's jest what I had in my mind to axyou. Fact is ther' _is_ a spar' room upsta'rs, as comfortable a room asthe best of folks can wish; but----"

  "But it's crammed with sleeping folks, so there's an end of it," criedthe senator, thoroughly bored.

  "No, sir, ain't no person in it; and ther' ain't no person likely to bein it 'cept 'tis _yerself_, Colonel Demarion. Leastways----"

  After a good deal of hesitation and embarrassment, the host, inmysterious whispers, imparted the startling fact that this mostdesirable sleeping room was _haunted_; that
the injury he had sustainedin consequence had compelled him to fasten it up altogether; that he hadcome to be very suspicious of admitting strangers, and had limited hiscustom of late to what the bar could supply, keeping the matter hushedup in the hope that it might be the sooner forgotten by the neighbors;but that in the case of Colonel Demarion he had now made bold to mentionit; "as I can't but think, sir," he urged, "you'd find it prefer'ble tosleepin' on the floor or sittin' up all night along ov these loafers.Fer if 'tis any deceivin' trick got up in the house, maybe they won'ttry it on, sir, to a gentleman of your reputation."

  Colonel Demarion became interested in the landlord's confidences, butcould only gather in further explanation that for some time past alltravellers who had occupied that room had "made off in the middle of thenight, never showin' their faces at the inn again;" that on endeavoringto arrest one or more in their nocturnal flight, they--all more or lessterrified--had insisted on escaping without a moment's delay, assigningno other reason than that they had seen a ghost. "Not that folks seem toget much harm by it, Colonel--not by the way they makes off withoutpaying a cent of money!"

  Great indeed was the satisfaction evinced by the victim of unpaid billson the Colonel's declaring that the haunted chamber was the very roomfor him. "If to be turned out of my bed at midnight is all I have tofear, we will see who comes off master in my case. So, Mr. Landlord, letthe chamber be got ready directly, and have a good fire built there atonce."

  The exultant host hurried away to confide the great news to Jo, and withhim to make the necessary preparations. "Come what will, Jo, ColonelDemarion ain't the man to make off without paying down good money forhis accommodations."

  In reasonable time, Colonel Demarion was beckoned out of the publicroom, and conducted up-stairs by the landlord, who, after receiving acheerful "good-night," paused on the landing to hear his guest bolt andbar the door within, and then push a piece of furniture against it."Ah," murmured the host, as a sort of misgiving came over him, "if aapparishum has a mind to come thar, 'tain't all the bolts and bars inSouth Carolina as 'll kip'en away."

  But the Colonel's precaution of securing his door, as also that ofplacing his revolvers in readiness, had not the slightest reference tothe reputed ghost. Spiritual disturbances of such kind he feared not.Spirits _tangible_ were already producing ominous demonstrations in therooms below, nor was it possible to conjecture what troubles these mightevolve. Glad enough to escape from the noisy company, he took a surveyof his evil-reputed chamber. The only light was that of the roaring,crackling, blazing wood-fire, and no other was needed. And whatstorm-benighted traveller, when fierce winds and rains are lashingaround his lodging, can withstand the cheering influences of a gloriouslog-fire? especially if, as in that wooden tenement, that fire be ofabundant pine-knots. It rivals the glare of gas and the glow of afurnace; it charms away the mustiness and fustiness of years, and causesall that is dull and dead around to laugh and dance in its bright light.

  By the illumination of just such a fire, Colonel Demarion observed thatthe apartment offered nothing worthier of remark than that the furniturewas superior to anything that might be expected in a small waysidetavern. In truth, the landlord had expended a considerable sum infitting up this, his finest chamber, and had therefore sufficient reasonto bemoan its unprofitableness.

  Having satisfied himself as to his apparent security, the senatorthought no more of spirits palpable or impalpable; but to the far graverissues of the convention his thoughts reverted. It was yet early; helighted a cigar, and in full appreciation of his retirement, took outhis note-book and plunged into the affairs of state. Now and then he wasrecalled to the circumstances of his situation by the swaggering treadof unsteady feet about the house, or when the boisterous shouts belowraged above the outside storm; but even then he only glanced up from hispapers to congratulate himself upon his agreeable seclusion.

  Thus he sat for above an hour, then he heaped fresh logs upon thehearth, looked again to his revolvers, and retired to rest.

  The house-clock was striking twelve as the Colonel awoke. He awokesuddenly from a sound sleep, flashing, as it were, into fullconsciousness, his mind and memory clear, all his faculties invigorated,his ideas undisturbed, but with a perfect conviction that he was notalone.

  He lifted his head. A man was standing a few feet from the bed, andbetween it and the fire, which was still burning, and burning brightlyenough to display every object in the room, and to define the outline ofthe intruder clearly. His dress also and his features were plainlydistinguishable: the dress was a travelling-costume, in fashion somewhatout of date; the features wore a mournful and distressed expression--theeyes were fixed upon the Colonel. The right arm hung down, and the hand,partially concealed, might, for aught the Colonel knew, be grasping oneof his own revolvers; the left arm was folded against the waist. The manseemed about to advance still closer to the bed, and returned theoccupant's gaze with a fixed stare.

  "Stand, or I'll fire!" cried the Colonel, taking in all this at aglance, and starting up in his bed, revolver in hand.

  The man remained still.

  "What is your business here?" demanded the statesman, thinking he wasaddressing one of the roughs from below.

  The man was silent.

  "Leave this room, if you value your life," shouted the indignantsoldier, pointing his revolver.

  The man was motionless.

  "RETIRE! or by heaven I'll send a bullet through you!"

  But the man moved not an inch.

  The Colonel fired. The bullet lodged in the breast of the stranger, buthe started not. The soldier leaped to the floor and fired again. Theshot entered the heart, pierced the body, and lodged in the wall beyond;and the Colonel beheld the hole where the bullet had entered, and thefirelight glimmering through it. And yet the intruder stirred not.Astounded, the Colonel dropped his revolver, and stood face to facebefore the unmoved man.

  "Colonel Demarion," spake the deep solemn voice of the perforatedstranger, "in vain you shoot me--I am dead already."

  The soldier, with all his bravery, gasped, spellbound. The firelightgleamed through the hole in the body, and the eyes of the shooter wereriveted there.

  "Fear nothing," spake the mournful presence; "I seek but to divulge mywrongs. Until my death shall be avenged my unquiet spirit lingers here.Listen."

  Speechless, motionless was the statesman; and the mournful apparitionthus slowly and distinctly continued:

  "Four years ago I travelled with one I trusted. We lodged here. Thatnight my comrade murdered me. He plunged a dagger into my heart while Islept. He covered the wound with a plaster. He feigned to mourn mydeath. He told the people here I had died of heart complaint; that I hadlong been ailing. I had gold and treasures. With my treasure secretedbeneath his garments he paraded mock grief at my grave. Then hedeparted. In distant parts he sought to forget his crime; but his stolengold brought him only the curse of an evil conscience. Rest and peaceare not for him. He now prepares to leave his native land forever. Underan assumed name that man is this night in Charleston. In a few hours hewill sail for Europe. Colonel Demarion, you must prevent it. Justice andhumanity demand that a murderer roam not at large, nor squander more ofthe wealth that is by right my children's."

  The spirit paused. To the extraordinary revelation the Colonel hadlistened in rapt astonishment. He gazed at the presence, at thefirelight glimmering through it--through the very place where a humanheart would be--and he felt that he was indeed in the presence of asupernatural being. He thought of the landlord's story; but whileearnestly desiring to sift the truth of the mystery, words refused tocome to his aid.

  "Do you hesitate?" said the mournful spirit. "Will _you_ also flee, whenmy orphan children cry for retribution?" Seeming to anticipate the willof the Colonel, "I await your promise, senator," he said. "There is notime to lose."

  With a mighty effort, the South Carolinian said, "I promise. What wouldyou have me do?"

  In the same terse, solemn manner, the ghostly visitor ga
ve the real andassumed names of the murderer, described his person and dress at thepresent time, described a certain curious ring he was then wearing,together with other distinguishing characteristics: all being carefullynoted down by Colonel Demarion, who, by degrees, recovered hisself-possession, and pledged himself to use every endeavor to bring themurderer to justice.

  Then, with a portentous wave of the hand, "It is well," said theapparition. "Not until the spirit of my murderer shall be separated fromthe mortal clay can _my_ spirit rest in peace." And vanished.

  Half-past six in the morning was the appointed time for the steamer toleave Charleston; and the Colonel lost not a moment in preparing todepart. As he hurried down the stairs he encountered the landlord,who--his eyes rolling in terror--made an attempt to speak. Unheeding,except to demand his carriage, the Colonel pushed past him, and effecteda quick escape toward the back premises, shouting lustily for "Jo" and"Plato," and for his carriage to be got ready immediately. A few minutesmore, and the bewildered host was recalled to the terrible truth by thenoise of the carriage dashing through the yard and away down the road;and it was some miles nearer Charleston before the unfortunate manceased to peer after it in the darkness--as if by so doing he couldrecover damages--and bemoan to Jo the utter ruin of his house andhopes.

  Thirty miles of hard driving had to be accomplished in little more thanfive hours. No great achievement under favorable circumstances; but thehorses were only half refreshed from their yesterday's journey, andthough the storm was over, the roads were in a worse condition thanever.

  Colonel Demarion resolved to be true to his promise; and fired by acuriosity to investigate the extraordinary communication which had beenrevealed to him, urged on his horses, and reached the wharf atCharleston just as the steamer was being loosed from her moorings.

  He hailed her. "Stop her! Business with the captain! STOP HER!"

  Her machinery was already in motion; her iron lungs were puffing forthdense clouds of smoke and steam; and as the Colonel shouted--the crowdaround, from sheer delight in shouting, echoing his "Stop her! stopher!"--the voices on land were confounded with the voices of thesailors, the rattling of chains, and the haulings of ropes.

  Among the passengers standing to wave farewells to their friends on thewharf were some who recognised Colonel Demarion, and drew the captain'sattention toward him; and as he continued vehemently to gesticulate,that officer, from his post of observation, demanded the nature of thebusiness which should require the ship's detention. Already the steamerwas clear of the wharf. In another minute she might be beyond reach ofthe voice; therefore, failing by gestures and entreaties to convince thecaptain of the importance of his errand, Colonel Demarion, indesperation, cried at the top of his voice, "A murderer on board! ForGod's sake, STOP!" He wished to have made this startling declaration inprivate, but not a moment was to be lost; and the excitement around himwas intense.

  In the midst of the confusion another cry of "Man overboard!" might havebeen heard in a distant part of the ship, had not the attention of thecrowd been fastened on the Colonel. Such a cry was, however, uttered,offering a still more urgent motive for stopping; and the steamer beingagain made fast, Colonel Demarion was received on board.

  "Let not a soul leave the vessel!" was his first and prompt suggestion;and the order being issued he drew the captain aside, and conciselyexplained his grave commission. The captain thereupon conducted him tohis private room, and summoned the steward, before whom the details weregiven, and the description of the murderer was read over. The steward,after considering attentively, seemed inclined to associate thedescription with that of a passenger whose remarkably dejectedappearance had already attracted his observation. In such a gravebusiness it was, however, necessary to proceed with the utmost caution,and the "passenger-book" was produced. Upon reference to its pages, thethree gentlemen were totally dismayed by the discovery that the name ofthis same dejected individual was that under which, according to theapparition, the murderer had engaged his passage.

  "I am here to charge that man with murder," said Colonel Demarion. "Hemust be arrested."

  Horrified as the captain was at this astounding declaration, yet, onaccount of the singular and unusual mode by which the Colonel had becomepossessed of the facts, and the impossibility of proving the charge, hehesitated in consenting to the arrest of a passenger. The stewardproposed that they should repair to the saloons and deck, and whileconversing with one or another of the passengers, mention--as it werecasually--in the hearing of the suspected party his own proper name, andobserve the effect produced on him. To this they agreed, and withoutloss of time joined the passengers, assigning some feasible cause for ashort delay of the ship.

  The saloon was nearly empty, and while the steward went below, the othertwo repaired to the deck, where they observed a crowd gathered seaward,apparently watching something over the ship's side.

  During the few minutes which had detained the captain in thisnecessarily hurried business, a boat had been lowered, and some sailorshad put off in her to rescue the person who was supposed to have fallenoverboard; and it was only now, on joining the crowd, that the captainlearned the particulars of the accident. "Who was it?" "What was helike?" they exclaimed simultaneously. That a man had fallen overboardwas all that could be ascertained. Some one had seen him run across thedeck, looking wildly about him. A splash in the water had soon afterwardattracted attention to the spot, and a body had since been seenstruggling on the surface. The waves were rough after the storm, andthick with seaweed, and the sailors had as yet missed the body. The twogentlemen took their post among the watchers, and kept their eyesintently upon the waves, and upon the sailors battling against them. Erelong they see the body rise again to the surface. Floated on a powerfulwave, they can for the few moments breathlessly scrutinize it. The colorof the dress is observed. A face of agony upturned displays a peculiarcontour of forehead; the hair, the beard; and now he struggles--an armis thrown up, and a remarkable ring catches the Colonel's eye. "Greatheavens! The whole description tallies!" The sailors pull hard for thespot, the next stroke and they will rescue----

  A monster shark is quicker than they. The sea is tinged with blood. Theman is no more!

  Shocked and silent, Colonel Demarion and the captain quitted the deckand resummoned the steward, who had, but without success, visited theberths and various parts of the ship for the individual in question.Every hole and corner was now, by the captain's order carefullysearched, but in vain; and as no further information concerning themissing party could be obtained, and the steward persisted in hisstatement regarding his general appearance, they proceeded to examinehis effects. In these he was identified beyond a doubt. Papers andrelics proved not only his guilt but his remorse; remorse which, as theapparition had said, permitted him no peace in his wanderings.

  Those startling words, "A murderer on board!" had doubtless struck freshterror to his heart and, unable to face the accusation, he had thusterminated his wretched existence.

  Colonel Demarion revisited the little tavern, and on several occasionsoccupied the haunted chamber; but never again had he the honor ofreceiving a midnight commission from a ghostly visitor, and never againhad the landlord to bemoan the flight of a non-paying customer.