Messiah Read online

Page 3

  With only a glance at each other, they got up and made their way quickly to the kitchen. Geremy knocked out of habit, but without waiting for an answer Julia pushed the already open door. The waiter, chef, and his assistant stood as some kind of monument to a gastronomic event. Their eyes were fixed on a small television perched high in the corner of the kitchen. They said nothing.

  In hushed tones Geremy asked an important question.

  "Julia, do you understand French?"

  And she whispered to him in return, and with growing impatience

  "No, I don't. I know, I know?I should in my job. Come on, let's go to our room and find out what's going on."

  They hurried upstairs, fumbling with the keys as they went.

  Geremy slammed the door open, and Julia lunged for the remote.

  Every channel had the same broadcast. A handsome young man, apparently in his twenties, clean-shaven and serious addressed them, again, unfortunately, in French.

  They flicked through the channels until they reached CNN. The same man continued but now spoke in English.


  c6 Observance

  From beyond Jupiter They watched and waited. They looked human, born perhaps of a racially mixed lineage, but with all severe characteristics softened and blended so well that the effect was that it would be very difficult for a human to say where on earth They came from. Which, of course, They didn't.

  They were so technologically and biologically advanced that a physical, humanoid form was no longer a necessity. In many ways it was a liability, too prone to injury or sudden death through accident. But this was the form They preferred. After thousands of years of experimentation placing Their essence, their souls, Their very existence in artificial encasements, or greatly altered and enhanced genetic life forms, it was this primitive shell They came back to inhabit. It was the form of Their ancient ancestors, and something called to Them from that fragile time so strongly that most of Their species preferred to exist in that form. Precautions were, of course, taken. On an almost continual basis thoughts were 'backed up' and an individuals soul file updated so that in cases of fatal accident or altercation the only thoughts and memories lost would be those between the last backup and 'death'.

  With the longevity of the immortals that They were, some things were placed into strange contexts of normality. Even after aeons of technological advances They still didn't possess the trans-dimensional, instantaneous transportation that They believed possible, but it didn't seem to matter.

  Travelling at near the speed of light for hundreds, or thousands, of years became normal. Stay in a semiconscious 'static memory' state that was close to being 'asleep' in the machine, initiate a biological body a few months or so before arrival and enjoy the moments. None of Them now detrimentally aged anyway. Differences of personal time lines due to high-speed travel became insignificant aberrations. One entity might have been in existence for ten thousand years and his good friend twenty-five thousand. It didn't matter. Only Their experiences mattered to Them, for Their lives had taken on the scale of stars.

  All things are relative, and to Them humans were endearing reminders of what They once were. For in relation to Them humans still had the life spans of aphids to an elephant. And, just as the urgency held in the lives of those aphids, the spirit of life was - at least in some humans - intense. Strangely to the observers, 'some' was not many. In a life already so short, many earthlings, after a comparatively dynamic youth, appeared to quickly degenerate into a complacency that seemed astounding. With so much to learn and so many ideas left to imagine and explore, the majority of humans seemed to want nothing more than to 'do time' on their way to old age and death. It was unfortunate, but not uncommon. In the immortal world of the observers the productive passing of time had become a primary concern.

  For what would you do with forever? They had asked the question often in Their history and no more so than in the time when Their scientists were giving validity to the question. But in the end only time would tell. And it had.

  "What would you do if you had the time and the money?" Nine out of ten life forms replied "Travel."

  It was a long-standing - in truly cosmic terms - joke. There really weren't that many other really long term projects for an almost eternal species to partake in. But there were some.

  They had the power of creation, and indeed, They had experimented many times on many worlds. Earth, however, was not Theirs. A far older Creator had probably touched those on Earth and it seemed that it was, perhaps, the same hand that had touched Their species also.

  Many hundreds of thousands of years of evolution separated Them from their earthly cousins. But cousins they were, of this They were sure, because genetic similarities existed. Kindred dust - in the winds of space and time. They had seen similarities between Themselves and other species before, and with each incidence They felt just a little less alone.

  In Their aeons of intellectual existence They had seen atrocities and disasters on planetary and even galactic scales. They had seen civilizations come and go, and empires fall and rise, and where there was good They fostered, encouraged and whenever possible, advanced its cause. There was great need for this, for good had never been alone. In many species technological advancement had not run parallel to moral and ethical development. Indeed, the concepts themselves were alien to many species. Survival of the fittest was often the battle cry of the conqueror. And while marauding species existed victims would be found.

  Here was a reason for Their existence. An urgency in a life where it need not exist. But it was exactly this need that gave Them purpose to continue. Their reason to set the alarm. Not for tomorrow, but tomorrow's intellect. A thousand or a million years distant. To protect the next species to rise from primordial sludge to contemplate its own existence and place in the universe - and not to take another's.

  From the time of Homo sapiens' first radio transmission they had signaled to the pillagers, to the cosmic Vikings, "We're here, we're young, and ripe for the taking. Come and get us."

  Sometimes They arrived too late, sometimes early enough. Never would They fight the malevolent ones directly. It was not Their way. Through Their actions and judgement there was no need. There had never existed a species of galactic plunderers that had reached Their own level of evolutionary development. In truth, it was likely that some species had, but only by changing their conduct, and whether this was an inevitable state, or there was some preordained cosmic pattern, They could not prove, but it seemed to be the way. So They looked upon the young Earth and saw its youthful atrocities, tyrannies and dictators - but also its people's achievements, religions and philosophers. And in its stumbling progress They recognized the seeds of goodness. And so They visited. And so They now returned.


  c7 Transmission

  The young man spoke clearly and with purpose.

  "Two thousand years ago, your ancestors crucified one of our people. He was sent to you as a baby, so that He would grow to be one of you, as much as one of us. He did your kind no harm. In His mission he brought only a message of peace. But still you chose to kill. It has been your way.

  We are here now as it was foretold in your scriptures. We are here now to pass judgment.

  It is our desire that you will assemble all of your world's leaders, without exception, in one public area, so that we may address you in person. The President of the United States will act as your spokesperson. He will contact us by military band communications, using an encrypted signal if so desired, and inform us of the location of the site. You will make the arrangements to be ready for our visitation a little more than 81 hours from now - at precisely 23:00 G.M.T. on the fourth day of your New Year.

  And if you ask yourselves 'Why should we gather as they ask?' I will answer the question simply - because we wish it. But perhaps, for some of you, that is not enough"

  It was a threatening kind of statemen
t that shocked slowly as its meaning became clear.

  "Do not doubt our conviction. We realize that it is the nature of your species to bow to power. Then know ours."

  As millions watched in disbelief, and without enough time to be scared by the words another scene appeared.

  The television displayed what was apparently a tumbling rock moving through the inky star speckled blackness of space. It was impossible to tell how big the object was, and how fast it was travelling from the image.

  "We are providing the coordinates of this object to your observatories as I speak. In a few minutes your astronomers will have determined its mass and vector. We will speak again when that information has been confirmed."

  The screen continued to show the tumbling mountain, accompanied now only by a slowly modulating low hum.

  Julia turned to Geremy and reached for his hand.

  Around the world much more chaotic scenes were enacted.


  c8 Power

  The world's most potent land and space telescopes were now directed towards the object and the world's most powerful minds and computers worked on the problem. Frenzied calculations were made, shouting by otherwise calm scientists was observed, and coffee spilt. Communications flew around the world and a consensus of opinion made.

  For twenty-seven excruciatingly tense minutes there was no sound, save the hum, on anyone's television, only the sight of

  a mountainous rock tumbling through space followed by an unfeeling camera.

  Without warning the humanoid resumed his speech. But the meteor remained the only picture to behold.

  "We have now received communication from your agency known as NASA. It is their opinion that the object shown is travelling at a speed of 150,000 kph, that it has a mass of seven hundred million kilos, and is travelling on a vector that will bring it within 30,000 kilometres of earth in twenty-six years.

  Let us be more accurate. It is moving at 162,752.743 kph, it has a mass of nine hundred and forty-three point two six eight million kilos and will collide with earth on March 17th 2026 at 4:06 p.m. G.M.T., with a point of impact of 70?15'22" latitude and 22?14'07" longitude.

  It is possible that by that time you might have the technology to destroy it before it annihilates humanity. And possibly not. But then again, perhaps you needn't worry - this time."

  As the last word left His mouth, the tumbling, mountainous threat disintegrated into what appeared to be ever decreasingly sized granules, which, within seconds became invisible in their smallness. It all happened with no sound and a calmness that belied the achievement.

  "Again I invite your leaders - of every single country and nation on earth - to personally be present at our gathering. Do please make every effort to attend."

  That the threat had been removed with a weapon or power far greater than any possessed on earth had been confirmed within minutes by the same authorities that had attested to its presence.

  The episode left several billion people in a vast array of emotional states. Hopeful, expectant, in happiness, and in tears, confused, in prayer, remorseful, but perhaps, most of all - petrified.

  Yet there was another set of emotions that ran deep among a disturbing number of seemingly well-adjusted, stable, but religious individuals.


  2000.01.01 13:17 G.M.T. 14:17 E.T.

  c9 Usurper

  Professor Mohammed Samir watched His broadcast on his newly acquired flat, wide screen, digital television. He relaxed in his chair with a drink - of water. He would not touch alcohol. He could not. His religion forbade it. The ice cubes tinkled in his glass, not from relaxed swirling, but from trembling, and the trembling not from fear, but from rage. One word. First silently to himself, and then when too loud in his thoughts, vocalized in a shout, and a scream.

  "Blasphemer! Blasphemer! There is one God, our God, and He shall not be mocked. In the name of God, I shall strike this creature down."

  Professor Samir had been born of royally favoured parents, his childhood spent under watchful eyes of his parents, tutors, servants - and God. From the time he could understand the spoken word, he was made to understand the Koran. To live and breath its words, to do whatever necessary to protect and keep the Faith. At the age of nineteen, in nineteen sixty-seven, he was sent to Oxford. He was sent to become a physicist.

  As with most other students, it was his time of experimentation with all things earthly. His mind was opened and his experiences broadened. He lusted and loved, dared and succeeded.

  Yet slowly, through the years, his mind again became disciplined. This time not in that which he knew better than if he had written it himself, but in the theories and laws of science. His mind was, he believed, well balanced. His faith was safe, but he would no longer exhibit his devotion, for his devotion was true, but to others he passed the duty of observance. For with his recent acquisitions of knowledge and experience, his faith had been slowly displaced. Not removed, or affected, but displaced. He now served God in a different way. He believed in his divine duty to his people, to help bring them to the forefront of technological achievement. So he rested his soul and practiced his science.

  Dictated by opportunity and facility his research had been conducted in England. For thirty-three years he worked. And through those years he remained true and faithful to his calling. On the eve of the millennium he was a bachelor still, married only to his work and the furthering of science. It had seemed that this was his life and destiny. He was busy, content and proud of his scientific achievements. It had only taken seconds for those years of science to fall from his mind and for his soul to command him again.

  He would use all his knowledge, ability, and the help that he was sure God would give him, to rid the people of God's enemy. The liar, the fraud, the usurper - the Devil incarnate.

  As the water spilt from his glass he closed his eyes and found inspiration; for in the darkness he found light.

  Mohammed was not without friends, and those friends he called upon now. Not only those of his own faith but those he knew were faithful to their own God. Those who held their own faith as well as he did his own. These friends were people of influence and intelligence. Many moved in the highest echelons of government and science. By the time he had made the necessary calls and plans there would be less than 72 hours until Their arrival. He had three days. God had three days.


  2000.01.01 15:04 G.M.T. 10:04 E.S.T.

  c10 Where do you run to my lovely?

  At 10:00 E.S.T. the President of the United States declared a national state of emergency. Martial law was brought into effect in most countries and a 7p.m. curfew meant that city streets would be deserted in only a few hours.

  There was nowhere safer than anywhere else, and although many felt that the country was definitely a better choice than the cities, many stayed where they lived. For most took comfort in being, and remaining close, to their family and friends.

  Y2K survivalists were exceptionally pleased. Only hours after their disappointment in the very limited disruptions created by the millennium bug, another, potentially far more dangerous situation was manifesting itself. Finally, their battle fatigues and food supplies would prove their worth. So who was laughing now? All of a sudden their neighbours were friendly. Not that the survivalists could know - or care.

  Food stores around the world quickly sold out of all things edible and drinkable. Stocks of toilet paper and batteries were gone within hours. Sitting in the washroom listening to the radio was now common, and people had prepared themselves for the worst.

  Televisions were on continuously. The news was good, the news was bad, the announcers didn't know what was news anymore. The news now was only conjecture. The news had no meaning. Only Their communication had meaning. But people everywhere hungered for information, anything, conjecture or not. News, or fiction masquerading as fact.

o are they?"

  "What do they want from us?"

  "When will something happen?"

  "Where do they come from?"

  "Why are they here?"

  The reporters had the questions, but no answers that were based in truth. They reported on the sublime to the trivial. From what the president would wear for the Meeting, to interviews with people claiming to have met with the aliens in their back gardens?And front gardens, and bedrooms, bathrooms, and all sorts of other improbable areas. Visitations that were, without doubt, only in their dreams - and nightmares.


  2000.01.01 15:12 G.M.T. 16:12 E.T.

  c11 My Friend?

  Geremy and Julia were still in their room when a piercing tone began. It startled them only a little less than the recent broadcast. As soon as he realized it was his cell phone, Geremy dove into his carry on bag to try and find it. A camera, binoculars, sunglasses, packages of film and various other items were thrown onto the bed. At last, on the fifth ring he answered.