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- Joanna Wylde, Stephanie Burke, Marly Chance
Wicked Wishes Page 2
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Page 2
"You must ask to journey to my kingdom in between the realms and to experience your deepest, wildest fantasies."
"Everything has a procedure now," she sighed, but repeated the words. "I wish…"
"State your name," he interrupted.
"Okay," she snapped. Floating like this was definitely making her headache worse. "I, Nola Jacobs, wish to be taken to Craven's kingdom between the realms for wildest fantasies and such."
"Very good," he replied, sounding very amused and pleased. "Now take my hand."
Before she could blink, a long tanned arm reached out throughout that gap in space and time, and reached for her.
It was a strong looking hand, though she was hesitant about grasping it, but it at least looked human. She didn't think that she could imagine the fey any other way.
That hand also had some interesting jewelry on it. Several rings covered the dark skin, proving that her imagination had good taste as well as fashion sense.
"Come now," that voice urged. "We haven't got all day."
With a laugh, Nola placed her palm in the hand that reached for her. What was the harm? It was her imagination, after all.
"Gotcha," the voice laughed, and suddenly she was falling again.
But strangely, instead of falling to the ground, she seemed to be falling up. Was that possible?
Then there was a klaxon-like rush of sound and the world began to swirl before her eyes. Maybe she was passing out in her unconscious state, she thought, before the color silver surrounded her, flashed and floated around her. Then the world went black.
Craven stood, the woman lying limp and unmoving in his arms, and for the first time in a long time, he smiled.
Chapter Two
"Nola," the hypnotic voice seemed to flow over the air and stir the very space around her.
"Nola," it called again, deep and rich and mellow.
"Wake up," it yelled, and Nola found herself snapping her eyes open and trying to leap to her feet all in the same moment.
"That's three questions, my dear," the voice replied, "And you have to earn the answers."
Nola's head snapped around, her loose hair flying wildly about her face as she desperately tried to spot the owner of that hypnotic voice.
And there he was.
In all of his glory, there he was.
The man stood about six feet tall, maybe an inch or more, and stood in the corner, arms crossed and foot tapping.
His long dark hair covered him like a cloak, silky and shiny. It alternately hid and exposed his bronzed body to her view. His eyes, a shining unnatural turquoise, gleamed wickedly at her as his red tongue slipped from between full lips to lightly wet their surface. But the most surprising thing was, he was totally and completely naked.
He stood there, penis hanging low, chest pushed out, arms crossed, and he wore not a stitch of clothing. Who was this guy?
"So glad to see that you decided to join us," he said as he took a step towards her. "So very glad, indeed."
"Who are you?" Nola asked. The last thing she remembered was some wild dream about floating and a pair of turquoise…
"Make yourself at home, take off your clothes, stay a while."
"Who are you?" she repeated, the gasped as he seemed to float over to her, walking on air, his hair moved by mysterious unseen winds as it flowed around him.
"I am the Master of Dark Desire, the Lord of the Flesh, the Ruler of the Kingdom of Lust. I am Craven."
He stopped a scant inch before her, his eyes shining wickedly, the gleam of silver from his nipple bar making his body seem all the more masculine and strong.
"I should say so," she breathed as she watched his nakedness put on display for her visual enjoyment. She looked around, expecting a director to yell cut and wake her from this dream, but there he was, standing naked and unabashed before her. "You have to be craven to roam around in a get-up like that. Where is your shame, man?"
"I'm fresh out," he replied as his hair settled around him like a cloak, hiding the important bits from her view.
"Didn't that hurt?" she asked, looking direct at the flash of silver on his chest. "The piercing I mean," she added when she saw him smile.
"Pleasure is pain, pain is pleasure," he retorted, chuckling a bit as her face screwed up in confusion.
"I never found any pleasure in being hurt," she finally said, wondering if she were really having this conversation.
"How about when the pain stopped?" he asked raising one eyebrow. "Did you take pleasure in that?"
"Ass," she snorted, to which he promptly turned, parted his hair and presented.
"Oh my," she gasped as his perfect globes of muscular male flesh were exposed.
"Anything else you care to see?" he asked.
"Dic…uh, never mind," she said, a blush heating her cheeks.
"Coward," he laughed as he returned to face her. "I am also Lord of Painful Pleasures," he added as he rearranged his hair to his liking.
"But why am I here?"
"To face your greatest fantasies, Nola. That is something simple to one such as I."
"And what are you?" she asked as she began to relax a bit.
If he were out to kill her, she would be dead, and if he wanted to harm her, he would have done so by now. She found herself curious, though. She wanted to know more about him and his claims. If what she uttered in her dream were real… The possibilities were endless.
"I am Master of Dark Desire, Lord of…"
"Yes, thank you for the lesson in your lineage," she sighed interrupting him. "What I want to know is how you can do all that you claim."
"Easily, my dear girl," he replied. "I am a fairy. I live for this kind of thing."
Nola blinked, then blinked again for good measure.
"Okay," she finally said after a moment of silence. "If you are a Fairy, make my wish come true."
What is your wish?"
"I want a bath."
"That's it?" he asked and she nodded.
"Okay, knowing that a wish comes with a cost…"
"I shall grant your request."
"Cost? Wait. What cost? You never mentioned cost."
Nola looked disgruntled as she glared at the man, uh, Fairy that stood nude before her. What kind of cost would she have to pay for that stupid wish?
"Done deal," he crowed as he turned and walked toward a far wall.
As he approached, it parted for him, like some great hand had opened it, and he disappeared inside.
"Follow me," his voice echoed as he disappeared into the blinding white light.
Loath to be left alone in this strange place, even if her only company was the man, Craven, she quickly wrapped her robes around her body and followed him inside.
As soon as she stepped through, there was a great rush of sound and that blinding flash of light.
As she blinked to clear the almost painful spots from her sight, the feel of the room grabbed her.
It was wet and hot. Maybe humid would be a better word she thought, as she stepped inside.
Then she gasped in pleasure.
Large pillars made of soft pink marble surrounded the room. Through the white haze of steam, she could just make out a set of stairs.
Taking a step, she looked down as her feet sank into something lush and soft.
The floor was carpeted by white rose petals. Inches of petals cushioned her every step, releasing their heady fragrance with each movement of her feet.
She wiggled her toes in appreciation, before curiously taking another step forward.
She saw the set of stairs, made of the same pale marble, which led down.
Stepping over, she drew in a deep cleansing breath, and ran her fingers through her long hair, letting the feel of the steam penetrate her through the skin.
Once she reached the steps, she dropped to her knees at the edge, headless of her robes, and peered over the side.
There, in the m
idst of all of this fantasy, was the greatest fantasy of them all.
A real, deep, sunken bath.
The heated water rippled gently, a smattering of rose petals and other flowers floated on top.
The smells were wonderfully floral and teased her senses, relaxing her and at the same time bringing her great joy.
"Oh my," she gasped as she let one hand trail in the soft water.
As she bent over, phantom hands began to tug and pull at her robes.
She turned quickly, ready to swat away the pervert who dared undress her, but saw nothing,
But again the hands tugged and pulled, harder this time, and before she knew it, her robes were rent into many pieces, and floated around her to be lost in the plush floor of flowers.
"Eip," she squeaked, so quickly was she stripped. She slapped her arms across her bare bosom, and hunched over to hide her most feminine places.
"Your bath," Craven's deep voice filled the room, and with a gasp, she dove for the water.
If he was in there, being covered by anything was better than standing there buck-naked.
But as the water caressed her, sank into her pores, a flashing heat began to fill her.
She sighed in delight as her pores opened and welcomed the moist wetness, refreshing her skin and relaxing her muscles.
"There is a bench there," his voice said, and absently she reached back until she could feel it.
Yup. Running the length of the small pool, there was a ledge, a marble ledge that held the head at a relaxed angle and was perfectly for sitting or reclining.
"How wonderful," she whispered as she placed herself upon the inclined ledge.
She was already in there, so she may as well enjoy it.
Arms still crossed over her chest, she eased back into the pool and let the water wash away her fears and worries.
She moaned as the heat increased a bit, making her body tingle.
Wait, that wasn't her whole body that was tingling, just certain parts of it.
What the hell?
Even as she sought to sit up, an incredible wave of pleasure shook her body.
She gasped as the heated water entered her cunt, surer than any man. Something tugged and pulled at her nipples, caressed her erogenous spots, and prickled excitement all around her skin.
This was not the bath that she expected.
"Craven," she called. "Where are you?"
"Right here," came the voice, from everywhere and nowhere.
She fought to answer, but was caught off guard but the loud moan that spilled from her throat.
Her senses were now pumping, her flesh tingling as wave after wave of orgasmic delight was teasingly promised and fulfilled.
Her clitoris began to burn and her nipples ached as if someone was tugging at them, laving them with a rough tongue, suckling upon them.
"What is happening to me?" she breathed as her body began to rock with the rippling of the water. She moaned and cried out as the ripples became waves and her head was forced backwards by the rolling waves of desire pulsing through her.
Never had she ever felt anything like this before. The water—the same water that she lay in—was making love to her, and doing a damn fine job of it too.
"Oh," she moaned as she felt something expanding her feminine walls. It was warm and wet, but it filled her completely, touching odd spaces that no man had ever touched that brought an intense, almost crippling, pleasure.
"Let go," a voice whispered into her ear, teasing the delicate nerve endings there, adding another element to the love play. "Enjoy this. You deserve this. You want this, you crave this."
"Yes," she breathed, almost mindless with pleasure. "I crave this.
"Then have it," Craven answered as the heat of the water spiked, and the tugging and pulling became intense. Her body arched off of the ledge.
"Yes!" she screamed as she flung her head backwards, her long dark locks floating around her, as her body became wracked with tremors. "Oh, yes!"
Then she exploded, her body clenching mindlessly at the water that filled her, that increased the pleasure wracking her body. Her breath gasped from her mouth, as her eyes dropped shut to savor each clenching convulsion.
The water heated up a bit, held the climax, and increased the pleasure, before it slowly lowered in temperature, just a bit, bringing her back to earth.
"Craven," she breathed, for all throughout her orgasm, she heard his voice whispering to her, whispering dark and delicious and naughty things. "Where are you?"
"Right here," replied the voice answered as she managed to pull her eyes open long enough to look around her.
"Where?" she breathed, as she realized that the arms were flung outward in a submissive manner, a welcoming manner, and hid nothing from his eyes.
"Isn't it obvious, my sweet, sweet Nola?" he asked as he chuckled.
"Where?" she asked again, finally believing all that he said was true.
"Why, I am the water in your bath, love."
Nola's eyes widened for a moment as comprehension sank in.
She was sitting in a pool of Craven? She was sitting in a pool of Craven.
"Uh," she gasped, looking at the water that surrounded her, her mind going to mush. "Uh."
"Say something," he laughed. "Or I shall begin to doubt you intelligence."
She blinked again, her mind coming back into focus.
The she said the only thing that she could say.
"Can I get you bottled?"
Chapter Three
"Now I suppose you want me to dry you off?" the voice chuckled as the water around her, that delightfully sensuous water, began to pull away from her like some thick gel. It slid from all corners of the pool and began to mound up before her, a clear liquid mass that rapidly began to take on human form.
"Craven?" Nola said warily as the form began to take on a familiar countenance.
"In the flesh," he answered with a chuckle as his shape began to solidify and grow opaque. Within in seconds, the water glowed gold and almost anticlimactically, the Fairy lord known as Craven stood before her.
"Impressive," she breathed as she stared at his naked form. That had been all around her, inside her, touching her? She needed to take more baths than her accustomed showers.
"Yes, I am," he said as she began to shiver. "Cold?"
"Damp," she replied.
"Yes, I know," he said with a leer.
"Damp," she said more forcefully, ignoring his quip, "And sitting here naked. Of course I am a bit cold. The heat is gone."
"Just banked," he mused. "But eager to get stoked into full strength again."
Nola blushed at his words, and tried her best not to look down to see if he actually was building up again.
"I am a bit chilly," she said quietly.
"Of course you are," he replied. "You are female, and according to the female rule book, you will be cold at bedtimes, in the middle of the night, when you are angry at your lover, and when you need an excuse to cuddle."
"Fuck you," Nola growled, turning her nose up at him.
"I thought you would never ask."
In a flash, the walls around them began to heat up, almost glowing with their warmth.
"Craven," Nola gasped, still a bit unsure of this magical creature.
"You wanted heat? I am bringing the fire," he said with a leer as he watched her naked body. She was trying to cover herself with her hands. Wasn't that…cute?
In a flash, the room began to heat and a warm, dry air began to circle her, lifting her hair, dancing along her nerve endings.
"Oh," Nola gasped as the naked form of Craven stood before her once more, in all of his glory. Suddenly, she was feeling a lot more heat internally.
"Burn baby, burn?" he asked as he stepped towards her.
Before she could speak, that familiar feeling of weightlessness took over.
Nola found herself being levitated, cradled gently, and carried out of the room.
"Craven?" she called
, worry in her voice.
"Oh I love how you say my name," he purred. "Such need, such wanting, such uncertainty. Say it again."
"Craven," she yelped. But found herself back in the room where she started, lying on a plush padded table.
"Time to pay the cost," he whispered as he sauntered in behind.
Again, his hair was doing that reveal and conceal act, driving her mad even as she worried about what cost he would extract for a few moments of pleasure…well, extreme pleasure.
"What cost?"
"Why, all I want are your screams," he purred as she felt herself being rolled to her stomach by the phantom hands that earlier had rent the clothes from her body.
"What do you…" But her words were cut off as her arms and legs were pulled out to the side.
"What are you doing?" she hissed, a frisson of fear working its way up her spine. What would this creature do to her? All of the stories about watching what you said around the fey came rushing back t her.
"Extracting screams," he said as the table began to slowly rise to hold her up vertically.
The table began to part swiftly and silently, making padded supports for her arms and legs, holding her spread-eagled and firmly in place. She wiggled to try to break free, but she could not budge.
"Shake it, baby," he sighed. "I do love the sight of a well-rounded ass moving and gyrating."
"Let me out."
"Grinding if you will."
"Let me out."
"Humping the table."
"Waiting for the fire whip."
"Craven, you… Fire whip?"
Nola's voice rose in pitch as the words fire and whip crossed her ears.
"Fire whip. Relax. You will enjoy this. Almost as much as I will enjoy administering each stroke."
Nola gulped. What was this depraved person going to do to her? Suddenly marriage didn't look all that bad.
"Look at it. Can you feel its seductive power? It just sings with lust."
"You are crazy," Nola whispered as he walked into her view. In his hands he held a small, thin wire.
"No, I am the Lord of Painful Pleasures. You are about to experience some."
As he spoke, the room began to heat and the wire he held began to glow. It thickened and suddenly almost looked alive in his hands, the gold sensuously wrapping around his hand and arm, as if begging to be caressed.