Flesh For Fantasy Read online

Page 14

  They danced until the backs of Barbara’s thighs touched the edge of the large conference table. She boosted herself slightly until she slid onto the table, knees spread. Now she understood why Maggie had insisted that she change into a short denim skirt that zipped up the front. She wore a light green scoop-necked T-shirt and a denim vest that barely closed.

  As Alex stepped between her knees, Barbara wrapped her legs around Alex’s thighs and linked the high heels of her leather boots behind him. Between the effect of the music, the champagne, and the intensely hot look in Alex’s eyes, she felt bold and daring. Her legs still around Alex’s, she pushed books and papers aside until she could lie back on the cool wood.

  With a groan, Alex pulled her shirt up so he could cover her lace-covered breasts with his hands. “Oh, sweet,” he said, his voice hoarse. He found the clasp at the center front of her bra and deftly opened it.

  “I knew you’d be gorgeous, but I had no idea…” he said as her breasts spilled out and filled his hands. He bent over and kissed her chest and ribs, finally covering her aching nipples with his wet mouth.

  As he pulled and nipped, shafts of pure pleasure stabbed through her body. Unable to wait much longer, he grabbed the bottom of the skirt zipper and pulled it upward until the skirt was only held around her waist by a single button. “Oh, shit,” he groaned when he discovered she wore lace garters to hold up her stockings but no panties. “Oh, shit.” His eyes glazed as he stared at her naked pussy. “Oh, shit.”

  Quickly he pulled down his slacks and underwear. “Protection,” Barbara said.

  Alex pulled a condom from his wallet and opened the package. “Let me do that,” Barbara said, standing up. She pushed Alex into a chair and unrolled the latex over the hard cock that stood straight up in his lap. When he started to rise, she said, “Let me do that, too.” She straddled his thighs and slowly impaled herself on his erection.

  “Oh, shit,” Alex said again. “Yes, yes, yes.”

  When the length of him was inside her, she planted her feet firmly on the floor and levered herself up, almost off his cock, then allowed her body to drop again. Up and down, in and out, she established a carnal rhythm.

  She allowed her head to fall back and surrendered herself to the music, the champagne, the heat of her desire. She reached between their bodies and rubbed her clit and the base of his cock. It took only another minute until Alex climaxed, and soon after Barbara reached her peak as well.

  Panting, Barbara collapsed against Alex’s chest, still covered with his white shirt and tie. “Making love half dressed is very erotic,” he said. “I still have my shirt on and you’re still almost wearing most of your clothes.”

  “God,” Barbara said. “That was great.” She rose and Alex quickly removed the condom with a wad of tissues. When he went to toss it into the wastebasket, she added, “Drop it into the bag. Why let anyone suspect what we’ve been doing?”

  Alex tossed the tissues into the shopping bag as Barbara rose. She collected the champagne bottle and put it, the glasses, and the tape player into the bag.

  “Leaving so soon?” Alex asked, picking up a few books and papers that had landed on the floor. “I’m running late, but we could have dinner in about half an hour.”

  As Alex pulled on his clothes, Barbara rezipped and tidied herself up. “I find that I’m not too hungry anymore,” she said with a suggestive wink. “You satisfied my hungers just fine.”

  “Ummm,” Alex purred, holding her and nibbling on her ear. “You aren’t bad yourself.”

  “I’m going to catch a cab home and collapse from the pleasure of what we just did.”

  “I hope I’ll see you before I leave.”

  “You might. And when you do, think about how good this was. And maybe next time you’re on this coast we can do it again.” Barbara picked up the shopping bag and looked around the library. “This room will never feel quite the same again,” she said.

  “I’ll bet not,” Alex said. “Sleep tight.” He kissed her hard.

  “Ummm, Barbara said. “Don’t work too hard.” As she opened the door, she looked back and marveled at the expression of pure satisfaction on Alex’s face. She had put that there. Life was wonderful.

  “Maggie, it was a trip,” Barbara said the following morning as she poured coffee for herself and her friend. “It was sport fucking, it was no-strings lusting, it was more fun than I’ve had in years. And it was meaningless.” Unable to sit still, Barbara paced the length of the kitchen, her cup in her hand.

  “I know just how it makes you feel. Desirable, attractive, sexy.”

  “Yeah. All of that. No one has ever made me feel that way before. No, that’s not really true. Alex didn’t make me feel that way, I did. It’s all inside me. Somehow I think it’s always been there, that spark, that glow. It took you to make me see it.” She walked up to Maggie, pulled her to her feet and gave her a giant bear hug. “I’m a sexy woman.”

  “That you are, yet you’re also the same person you were three months ago, before we met.”

  “I feel like going to bars and picking up guys just to prove that I can do it. Then fucking their brains out, and mine, too, of course, just for fun.”

  “That’s what sex is for. Fun. Sex with Chuck was never fun. It was okay, just not fun with a capital F. I never had fun like that until after my divorce.”

  Barbara sat down at the table and thought a moment. “Do you really mean that your marriage to Chuck was all bad?”

  “Not bad, just boring.”

  “There wasn’t anything good about it?”

  “Marriage is for fools who are willing to settle for monotony and security.”

  “My parents had a good marriage, I think, until my father died. I think they were truly happy. I can remember that they used to disappear into the bedroom to ‘go over finances.’ They would close the door and giggle. Giggle. My mom and dad. They were truly happy.”

  “Maybe they were the one in a thousand,” Maggie said.

  “What about Bob? Wasn’t that good?”

  “Funny, it was the exact opposite of my marriage to Chuck. Hot sex but nothing else. It’s impossible to have both hot sex and a good friendship in the same relationship.”

  “I hope you’re wrong…Anyway, back to last night. Did I tell you about the tape? It was wonderful, so dreamy and erotic.”

  “Did you do some slow dancing? I always like to start an evening with a little concentrated body rubbing.”

  “Yeah, we did. And you’re right about that. It is a great way to start things.”

  “But Alex is history?”

  “He’ll be in the office this morning, but I have several errands to run for Steve so I’ll probably get to the office after he leaves to go back to the Coast. Anyway, seeing him the morning after would probably be a letdown.” She took a swallow of her coffee.

  “And Jay?” Maggie asked.

  “Oh, no, he’s still very much around. He’s a nice man and I enjoy sex with him, even if it is a bit predictable.”

  “Why don’t you initiate something new? Something that turns you on more than what you’re doing.”

  Barbara looked surprised. “You know, old habits die hard. I guess I thought I could do new things with others, but I never thought of taking the initiative with Jay. Maybe I could. But I’m still such a dunce when it comes to creative stuff. I wouldn’t know what to try.” She raised her eyebrow a bit.

  “Are you manipulating me?” When Barbara smiled, Maggie continued. “You want another of my tapes, don’t you? You know you could buy some books of good erotica. They will be full of new ideas.”

  “I know, but those tapes turn me on. And I love both the music and the voice of the sexy man who reads the stories.”

  “That’s my friend, the one who gave me the tapes in the first place. I think I told you that he runs an erotic boutique in the city. You should go there and meet him sometime.”

  “I think he’d intimidate me. He’s sort of a professiona
l at sex, and I’m such an amateur.”

  “He’s a wonderful, creative lover with a marvelously devious mind. You shouldn’t be afraid of him. You and he would make beautiful music together. I’ll see whether I can get the two of you together. In the meantime…” Maggie reached into her pocket and pulled out another audiotape. “I want you to save this one for twenty-four hours. Put it on your dresser so you’ll see it tonight when you get home from work. Think about it, but don’t play it until tomorrow.”


  “It’s a bit heavier than the ones you’ve listened to before and I want you to be really excited. So no touching, no sneaking, just let the excitement build till tomorrow. Okay?”

  “If you want, Maggie. You haven’t steered me wrong up to now.”

  Maggie looked at Barbara’s watch. “Aren’t you getting late for work?”

  Barbara looked down. “Oh, damn,” she said. “It’s almost eight. I’m going to be late for the first time in years.”

  Since Maggie had given her the tape, Barbara had been intrigued. A bit heavier, she had said. The next night Barbara put the tape in the player and pushed play. There was music and that wonderful voice. She became wet just hearing it. I’m getting like Pavlov’s dogs, Barbara thought. That man doesn’t have to say anything dirty. He could read the telephone directory and I’d probably come. She stretched out on the bed, closed her eyes and listened.

  His name was William Singleton and he had been working on the plan for months. First, he combed the city for just the right women, prostitutes to be sure, but women of beauty and refinement. Women who entertained men and didn’t just fuck them. He paid them well and, telling them exactly what he intended, he invited the three he selected to his home.

  Over the following weeks, using exotic drugs and hypnosis, he trained the girls for many hours each day. Now he could show off his creations to his friends at a small exotic party he was throwing that evening.

  He checked the living room and the dining room. “Yes,” he muttered as he rearranged a flower here and a napkin there, “everything’s ready.”

  He walked down the hall and opened the door to each of three special bedrooms. In each room, a girl lay sleeping, resting for the evening ahead. Reclosing the three doors, William went downstairs to await his guests. It would be a long evening.

  At eight o’clock, the doorbell rang for the first time, and by eight-fifteen there were four men in formal dress, including William, seated in the living room. Each held a drink in his hand; each talked nervously, anticipating the evening to come. Sir William Singletree was known for his erotic and highly unusual parties and his three best friends were anticipating a creative evening.

  At eight-thirty, the doorbell rang again. The butler, dressed in tailcoat and patent-leather shoes opened the door. The woman who swirled through the opening was beautiful. She shrugged out of her floor-length royal-blue velvet coat and left it with the butler. She was dressed in an ice-blue satin evening dress which was draped dramatically over her left shoulder. Her right arm and shoulder were bare, which showed off the wide diamond cuff bracelet that was her only piece of jewelry. Her meticulously arranged chestnut-brown hair swept up from her long, graceful neck.

  She crossed the living room and offered a perfectly manicured hand to each of the gentlemen, greeting William last.

  “My dear,” he said as he took Sylvia’s hand and kissed her cheek, “I think everything is ready for dinner now.”

  Without another word, she gracefully crossed the room and disappeared down the long hallway.

  “Sylvia is looking magnificent as usual,” Marshall said. He was in his midthirties and the star of a successful TV series. Tall, with dark and brooding good looks, his life was a continual battle to keep women from throwing themselves at him. But willing women bored him.

  “Absolutely gorgeous,” Samuel agreed. At almost fifty, he was the oldest man in the group. Gray hair and matching steel-gray eyes made him look the epitome of a business tycoon, which was exactly what he was.

  “Yes,” William said, taking obvious pride in the looks that his dinner companion got. “Sylvia is a beautiful and surprisingly resourceful woman.”

  Resourceful was a strange word to use for a woman, Paul, the third invited guest, thought. But leave it to William to use words in their most unusual connotations. Paul was about the same age and height as his friend Marshall but that was where the resemblance ended. Paul was a blue-eyed blond with hair slightly longer than was fashionable. A successful writer with three best sellers to his credit, he usually managed to look just a bit individual, and his sexual tastes were unusual as well.

  William looked around at his three friends. Three totally different types, each with exotic sexual appetites like his own, but each with entirely different tastes. It would be interesting to watch how each one reacted to the evening’s “entertainment.”

  Small talk continued to fill the living room until, about five minutes later, Sylvia returned, followed by three spectacularly beautiful women. Each was about twenty-five, one a blonde, one a brunette, and one a redhead. The women were dressed in identical evening dresses, strapless and unadorned, sweeping to the floor in a waterfall of silk. The only difference was that the blonde’s dress was gold, the brunette’s black, and the redhead’s silver. Each was perfectly made up with an elaborate hairstyle that piled obviously long hair high on each woman’s head.

  The three guests stared. The women were all of medium height and well proportioned. “Good evening,” they said, almost in unison.

  “These are your dinner companions,” William said. “Sylvia, introduce our guests.”

  Sylvia took the hand of the blonde in the golden dress and walked her over to where Marshall was standing. “Marshall, darling,” she said, “I’d like you to meet Kitt. I think you and she will get along wonderfully.”

  Marshall took Kitt’s hand as she murmured, “It’s so good to meet you.”

  Sylvia then walked the brunette toward Samuel. “Samuel, you and Ginny have a lot in common, as I’m sure you’ll find out.”

  “I’ve heard a lot about you,” Ginny said, “and I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.”

  Paul walked over to the girl with the incredibly red hair. “I’ve always loved redheads,” he said to the girl. “My name is Paul.”

  “This is Cynthia, “ Sylvia said. “She’s to be your companion for the evening.”

  Almost immediately, William said, “Dinner is ready. Shall we eat?”

  As dinner proceeded uneventfully, perfectly prepared dishes arrived one after another, accompanied by perfectly selected wines. The eight diners discussed politics, books, sports, any subject that anyone was interested in. Each man marveled at how perfectly the woman he was with fit his tastes, both in looks and in interests.

  When coffee and brandy arrived at the table, William stood. Raising his brandy snifter, he said, “A toast to a splendid evening to come.”

  They all raised their glasses, then drank.

  “Shall we go downstairs?” William asked.

  They crossed the living room and walked down the great curved staircase to the large well-carpeted area below. The three male guests had been in William’s house many times before. His parties were legendary, and the best entertainment always took place downstairs.

  The three couples settled themselves on large overstuffed sofas to wait for whatever entertainment William and Sylvia had planned.

  The host and hostess crossed the room and, while Sylvia gracefully took her seat, William stood beside a table on which a line of glass bells of different sizes was arranged. With great ceremony, he took a small glass rod and tapped the bell at the near end of the row. A single clear note filled the room.

  William looked at each of the three women. As he gazed, each man turned and looked at his companion. Each of the three identically dressed women stared into space, seemingly out of contact with the others in the room.

  “Gentlemen,” William sai
d. “The ladies are unable to hear or see what’s going on right now. They have been conditioned to the sound of these bells. When I ring this one, they all respond by going into a trance. When I tap the one on the other end,” he tapped the bell, “they all return to us.”

  He looked at the three women. “Don’t you, ladies?”

  The women smiled and looked a bit confused, so Sylvia said, “You’re feeling fine, aren’t you, ladies?”

  “Certainly, Sylvia,” Kitt said. “We all feel wonderful.”

  William tapped the first bell and the three women again stared into space, their eyes distant and clouded over.

  “Each one of these women has volunteered for a most amusing training program. Sylvia and I have spent weeks perfecting their behavior. We have done it as a present to each of you to thank you for your years of friendship and loyalty.”

  “You know you don’t have to thank us,” Samuel said. “We’ve always been there for each other.”

  “Well, I wanted to do this,” William said, “so let’s get on with it. Marshall, you get to go first.”

  Marshall looked a bit puzzled. “First for what?” he asked.

  “I’ll show you.” William tapped a bell in the center of the row and said, “Kitt, take off your dress and show Marshall what is his for the evening.”

  Slowly Kitt rose. She looked into Marshall’s eyes as she reached behind her and slowly unzipped her dress and gradually allowed it to inch down her body. Proudly she displayed a sensational body, covered with a golden corselet that cinched in her waist and cupped her breasts but left the nipples bare. Gold-colored garters held up matching stockings. Her shoes were also golden with high spike heels. She wore no panties and Marshall could see her blond hair between the garters.

  “What do you think, Marshall?” Sylvia asked.

  “She’s magnificent, Sylvia.” He sounded hesitant.