Jennifer and the Alien Badass Read online

Page 7

  “Jennifer!” He pounded into her a few more times, his release slicking the inside of her.

  Siril shook as he held her. He lifted her away from the wall and carried her into the bedroom, easing her down on the bed, withdrawing from her body in the process. He crawled in beside her and she curled against his body. Being with him felt so incredibly right, so perfect. It was almost as if they were meant to be together. It only took her a moment to realize that she’d come to a decision about her future. It lay with Siril. If he still wanted to take her to his planet as his mate, she would go willingly.

  “I’ve been so caught up in you, I never asked you about protection. I don’t know how late in life human females can have babies,” Siril said.

  “When I had Lila, I had my tubes tied. Of course, I didn’t date a lot after that and it’s been a really long time since I had sex, so it was probably pointless. But since they’re tied, I can’t have kids. Is that a deal breaker for being your mate? I know the big sell of the bride program is that the women agree to have children with your people.”

  “I had already decided that if I were lucky enough to find a mate, I wouldn’t care if we had children. Just having you will be enough for me.”

  “I feel like I’m cheating you. I mean, I had Lila, and while things didn’t turn out as I’d hoped, I did have eighteen years with her. We’ve had our fights, but I’d always thought she was a really great kid. I’d felt blessed to have her, until this. Right now, I’m so mad and hurt that I want to spank her ass and send her to bed without her supper. I know she’s supposed to be an adult now, but she’s still my baby. I miss that little girl who used to wake me up at six on Saturdays to watch morning cartoons.”

  Siril pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “If you go with me --”

  “When,” she said. “If you really want me for your mate, I’ve already decided I’m going with you tomorrow. I just need to go pack my things and leave my keys with the rental office.”

  He kissed her hard and fast, a smile spreading across his face. “I promise you won’t regret it. And if you’d like, we can find Lila when we first get there. Or if you need more time, I’ll show your new home to you first. We should get dressed and go to the Terran Station.”

  “I thought the shuttle didn’t leave until tomorrow?”

  “It doesn’t, but I wish to petition the council to approve our mating before we leave Earth. There’s no reason for them to say no. You’ll need to see the doctor at the clinic first, just so I can assure them you’re in good health. I’ll explain that I don’t care if we ever have children, as long as I have you.”

  He seemed so excited that Jennifer found herself smiling in return. They climbed out of bed, cleaned themselves up a little, and got dressed. Siril held her hand tight as he led her down to the lobby and out to one of the waiting limos. After giving the driver instructions, he slid in behind her and they pulled away from the curb a moment later. She was a little nervous about speaking to his council. He seemed so certain they would approve the mating, but what if they didn’t? Just because he claimed to be okay with not having children didn’t mean his council would feel the same way.

  At the station, he practically ran for the clinic, making her laugh and try to keep up with him. The waiting room was empty and he rang a bell on the desk. A Terran wearing a white lab coat stepped out to greet them. He smiled warmly when he saw Siril.

  “Since you’re here with a human, does this mean you’re finally taking a mate?” the doctor asked.

  “Xonos, this is Jennifer, and yes, I’d like to claim her as my mate. I thought, perhaps, you could do an exam so the council wouldn’t have cause to say no.” Siril tugged her forward. “I’m anxious to speak with them, as the shuttle leaves in the morning.”

  Xonos nodded. “Follow me.”

  He led them down a hallway and into what looked like a mash-up of a human and alien exam room. There were gadgets she had never seen before, but the padded table was the same as every exam room she’d been in. Jennifer stood awkwardly, not knowing if she was supposed to strip and put on a gown. Xonos patted the padded table and she climbed on top, sitting nervously. What exactly would happen during an alien exam?

  Xonos checked her vitals, then scanned her with some weird device, from head to toe, coming back to rest over her abdomen. Her stomach clenched as she realized he must be able to tell that her tubes were tied and she’d be unable to have children. He smiled faintly and tipped his head toward a chair in the corner.

  “Why don’t you sit over there a moment so I can do a more in-depth scan?” he asked.

  Jennifer got off the table and walked over to the reclining chair. She eased down into it and held still as a much larger device scanned her once more, paying special attention to her abdomen. Siril had said it wouldn’t matter that she couldn’t have children, but the longer the doctor took to examine her, the more anxious she became. He drew several vials of blood and examined them before smiling broadly when he faced them once more.

  “Well, it seems congratulations are in order, Siril. You work fast.”

  “Congratulations?” Jennifer asked, her brow furrowed. “Does that mean we can be mates?”

  Xonos chuckled. “I’d like to see the council separate this one from his first child.”

  Jennifer felt the blood drain from her face and the room spun. Child? There had to be some mistake. She couldn’t have children anymore. She glanced at Siril, who looked every bit as shocked as she was.

  “Are you certain?” Siril asked. “A baby?”

  Xonos nodded. “I don’t know why you seem so surprised. I’m assuming the two of you have had sex.”

  “Twice,” Jennifer said, her voice rasping as her throat suddenly felt as dry as a desert.

  “Well, once is usually all it takes,” Xonos said. “I don’t understand why the two of you are so surprised.”

  “I had my tubes tied eighteen years ago,” Jennifer said. “I’m not supposed to be able to get pregnant anymore. It’s supposed to be impossible.”

  Xonos’s eyebrows rose and he pulled out the device again, doing another scan. “It seems they must have grown back. I’ve heard of the procedure you had done, and it’s not one hundred percent foolproof. If you’d wanted to guarantee you’d have no more children, you would have needed a hysterectomy. Or your mate would have needed to get snipped.”

  Her gaze met Siril’s and she could tell he was equal parts surprised and happy. Right now, her heart felt like it was racing out of control and she couldn’t seem to get quite enough oxygen. She’d thought she was finished raising children, but a baby? Could she go through that all over again, knowing she might lose another child when they became of age? If she was such a horrible mother to Lila, who was to say the second baby would be any different?

  Siril came toward her and knelt at her feet, taking her hands in his. “I can tell you’re shocked, and it’s understandable. Would having a baby with me be so bad?”

  “What if I’m not any good as a mother? My daughter obviously hates me. What if this baby grows up to hate me too?” She blinked at him, fighting back the tears that welled in her eyes. She didn’t think she could go through the heartache again of knowing her child didn’t want anything to do with her.

  “This baby will be different, Jennifer. He or she will have both of us from the beginning to the end. They will have everything they need, and at least some of the things they want. You’ll never have to work tirelessly from morning to night to pay the bills and feed the baby. I have more than enough money to take care of the three of us. Four of us, if Lila doesn’t find a match and wants to move in with us.”

  Jennifer shook her head. “I love my daughter, but after what she’s done, she can try to stand on her own two feet for a while. Maybe if she sees how hard it is to take care of herself, she’ll appreciate all that I’ve done for her over the years. I thought I hadn’t given her enough, but maybe I gave her too much.”

  “If you don’t wan
t this baby, if it’s asking too much of you, it’s early enough we could have the pregnancy terminated,” Siril said.

  She could tell it pained him to utter the words and she knew she could never take his child away from him. Jennifer shook her head and squeezed his hand. As long as he was by her side, she’d get through it. And as he said, this time she didn’t have to work from sun up to sun down, trying to keep a roof over her head. If their technology was so advanced they could detect a pregnancy when it had just happened, then she would imagine they would be prepared for anything. While there were plenty of women who had babies at thirty-eight, most had probably taken better care of themselves than Jennifer had. But she would put herself in Siril’s capable hands, and those of whatever doctors they had on his world.

  “I want to keep the baby,” she said softly. “Just… promise me you won’t take any dangerous missions that will keep you away for weeks or months at a time. My last pregnancy wasn’t all that easy and I’m even older now. I don’t want to be left alone with no one to help if something should happen.”

  “You seem perfectly healthy,” Xonos said. “But if you’re genuinely concerned, I’m sure they can give your system a boost with some vitamins when you reach Zelthrane-3. I’ll file my report immediately so the council will have access to the files. Congratulations again to both of you, on the baby and the mating.”

  Siril helped her out of the chair and led her out of the clinic. She wandered behind him, barely seeing where they were going as she still processed the news that she was going to have another baby. They entered what looked like a conference room but had a large screen on one wall. Siril walked over to it and punched in a series of buttons and a few moments later, an alien-looking conference room appeared on the screen with several of his people around a large table. All were dressed in black leather except for one who wore white from head to toe.

  “Chief Councilor Borgoz and council members. I would like to request that a mating be approved,” Siril said, getting right to the point. “Xonos said he would file his medical report immediately so you should have access to it soon.”

  The man in white smiled broadly. “We send you to Earth for a vacation and you return with a mate? Maybe we should have sent you years ago.”

  “I was very fortunate to be in the right place at the right time,” Siril said. “And there’s something more. Jennifer is pregnant with my child.”

  All of the council members broke into grins at the news and congratulated them. Jennifer felt her cheeks warm and gave them a shy smile back. From what she understood, these men were the ruling members of his society. Kind of like speaking to the president of the United States. It awed her that he spoke so easily to them. She found them a little intimidating, even on the screen, and hoped she wouldn’t embarrass Siril if she ever met them in person.

  “What of her other daughter?” Borgoz asked.

  “She will meet with Lila when she’s ready, if her daughter is still on our world. Do you know if she’s found a mate?” Siril asked.

  “Lila Montgomery, correct?” Borgoz asked.

  “Yes,” Jennifer said, speaking up for the first time.

  “Miss Montgomery, your daughter hasn’t found a mate as of yet. She’s been here a few weeks now, and if she doesn’t find one soon, we’ll return her to Earth. She’ll get to keep the money she was paid. Unless of course, you wish for her to live with Siril and you?”

  “She’s welcome in my home, if that’s what Jennifer wishes,” Siril said.

  “No,” Jennifer said. The word being harder to say than she’d thought. “I would like to see her before you send her back here, but if my daughter is old enough to enter a bride program on another planet and not say a word to me, then she’s old enough to stand on her own two feet. I don’t know how much you gave her, but hopefully it will be enough for her to get by while she finds a job and a place to live.”

  Borgoz didn’t seem surprised by her response. “And will she have lodgings when she arrives there?”

  “No, I’m turning in the keys to my rental tomorrow. Anything Lila left behind will be donated to charity. All she’ll have is whatever she took with her or purchased while she was there. It may seem harsh, but she’s not the young woman I thought her to be. Just… can someone watch out for her? Make sure she doesn’t fall too far?” Jennifer asked. “She’s my baby, and I love her, but she’s shown me that she doesn’t appreciate the things I’ve done for her or the life I gave her. I’m obviously not enough for her.”

  “Understood,” Borgoz said softly. “We’ll let her remain here one more week. It will give you time to meet with her, and perhaps she’ll find a mate. I must admit, there are rumblings amongst those who have shown an interest in her that she’s spoiled and seems a little selfish. I know that isn’t easy to hear.”

  No, it really wasn’t. She’d thought she’d raised Lila better than that. Yes, she’d given her as much as she could, but apparently it had never been enough. Jennifer had sacrificed for her daughter, and now it felt like Lila was just throwing it all away. She’d thought she’d raised a kind, loving daughter, and didn’t recognize the woman Lila had become. Where had she gone so wrong?

  Tears misted her eyes and her heart broke at the thought of losing her daughter. But in reality, wasn’t she already gone? She’d cut Jennifer out of her life, with no expectation of ever seeing her again. Whoever Lila was now, it wasn’t the sweet girl who’d begged for Fruit Loops in the morning or left fingerprints on the glass of all the windows. She wasn’t the little girl who had begged relentlessly for a puppy, and had been content enough when Santa had brought her a stuffed one. What had happened to that sweet little girl?

  “I’m sorry, Miss Montgomery,” Borgoz said. “You are most welcome on our world. If Siril has chosen you as his mate, there must be something special about you. Your daughter, however, will not be welcome here much longer. Not unless we see some changes.”

  Jennifer nodded, understanding where they were coming from. And she couldn’t blame them. As much as it pained her, it was time to let her little girl go. When she could speak with Lila, she’d let her know that she’d always be there for her emotionally, but that she wouldn’t support her financially any longer. She leaned against Siril’s side, drawing strength from him. She knew he would support her, whatever she decided. She’d never had that before. It had always just been her, and then her and Lila. Having a man around would be a big change, but she looked forward to her life with Siril.

  He wasn’t just any man after all. He was the sexiest, most badass alien in the galaxy.

  She grinned a little as Siril talked a bit longer with the council. Her life was changing, and in ways she’d never imagined, but no matter what was thrown her way next, she knew she’d conquer it, just like she did everything else. One step at a time.

  Chapter Seven

  Siril growled as he led Jennifer through the streets of Terran Prime. Some gawked in open curiosity, but more than one male showed her too much interest. The council had approved their mating and they were officially… what was that human term? Husband and wife? Yes, Jennifer was his wife now. He rather liked the sound of that. His arm curved around her waist as he led her through the city toward their home. He’d spent last night helping her pack her belongings. Instead of turning in her rental keys this morning, they’d left them at the Terran Station so the remainder of the belongings could be donated. Lovik assured him it would be taken care of and the keys returned to the landlord.

  Jennifer stared at her surroundings in wide-eyed fascination. He wished he could see his world through her eyes. She hadn’t said much since they’d disembarked the shuttle. He hoped she liked her new home. As they walked down the main thoroughfare, he pointed out some of his favorite shops and restaurants. She paused in front of the pet store, smiling at the fluffy and feathery companions inside. She hadn’t had any pets in her home, and he wondered if she’d ever had one.

  “What do you think so far?” he asked a
s they pushed through another throng of people.

  “It’s amazing! I can’t wait to explore more.”

  He lightly touched her ear. “How’s the implant?”

  Her fingers brushed over the area. “It’s fine. I’m glad you convinced me to have it done this morning before we left. Otherwise I might have missed out on a lot going on around me. And the thing in my wrist will me buy stuff?”

  “Yes. It also unlocks our home. Now that we’re mated, you’ll have access to my funds. If you make friends and want to treat them to lunch, you just swipe your wrist across the payment screen and it will debit the funds from our account.”

  She grimaced. “I don’t like the idea of spending your money. You worked hard for it.”

  “Money means nothing without my sweet mate by my side,” he said with a grin.

  Jennifer smiled up at him, pausing long enough to kiss him in front of everyone. He would imagine it wouldn’t be long before the entire city knew he’d taken a mate. He supposed in a way he was like her Earth celebrities. Except instead of dancing, singing, or playing a part, he defended his people. Everyone knew his name, even those he’d never personally met.

  “You followed me?” a voice screeched from ahead.

  Siril looked around and saw a younger replica of his mate heading their way. It seemed Lila knew her mother was on Zelthrane-3. He’d hoped they would have more time before confronting her. The young girl didn’t look happy to see her mother, but Jennifer stiffened her spine and waited for her daughter to come toward her.

  “How did you even know I was here?” Lila demanded. “Who told?”

  “No one told me,” Jennifer said. “I found the empty envelope in your room from your acceptance letter and I went to the Terran Station.”

  “You weren’t on my list.” Lila’s eyes narrowed. “Can’t you let me have anything? All you’ve done my entire life is tell me I can’t have this or that. Did you come here to stop me from getting married?”