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Vaaden Captives 2: Enid Page 4
Vaaden Captives 2: Enid Read online
Page 4
Now that I really looked at him, I saw that he had Bastian’s violet eyes. His hair was brown instead of black and he was shorter, but their faces were similar.
“Finished?” he asked, having noted my appraisal.
I blushed and looked away. When he laughed, I turned my face back toward him, not understanding what was so funny.
“You’re far from what I expected. You don’t seem like Bastian’s type.”
“He has a type?” I wished I could retract the words the moment they were out.
“Tall. Dark haired. Full figured.”
In other words, everything I wasn’t. So why had he chosen me? I had been the smallest of the women in that cell, so why me? It didn’t make any sense.
“I can see you don’t know why you’re here,” Rheul continued. “I’m trying to figure that one out myself. Imagine my surprise when the prime minister called to let me know there was a slave living in my brother’s home.”
“Where’s Bastian?”
“Busy with his stepmother. My mother.”
I swallowed the knot that had formed in my throat. “I’ve caused problems for him, haven’t I?”
“Not with the prime minister, but definitely with mother. She’s downstairs arguing with him now.”
“Why are you up here?”
“I was curious about the woman who had brought Bastian to heel.” I snorted before I could stop myself. When he laughed, I tried not to smile in return. After knowing his family wouldn’t approve of me living here, I didn’t want to like Bastian’s family, but his brother looked relaxed and his laughter seemed genuine. I liked him almost immediately.
“I don’t think anyone can bring Bastian to heel, as you put it.”
“Then explain why you’re in his home and not the slave quarters.”
“Someone tried to break in while he was gone. He’s just protecting me.”
“It isn’t uncommon for a man to share his slave with others.” He moved around the bed, advancing on me. “Especially with siblings.” I backed away until I found myself pressed against the wall, Rheul closing in fast. I felt my heart pound, saw the familiar black dots that signaled I was going to pass out, and only hoped that he wouldn’t hurt me while I was unconscious.
He took a step closer and I fainted.
* * *
“There you are,” Rheul said, leaning over me.
I realized I was back on the bed with the covers tucked around me. When I saw how close he was, I tried to move away, but he placed a hand on my arm, holding me still.
“Easy. I won’t hurt you.”
I heard a small cry in the room, and realized it came from me. Shaking, I stared at him, ready to flee, if only he’d let me go.
“What’s wrong?” he asked in a soothing voice.
“Please. Don’t touch me.”
He frowned, but didn’t let go. “Why?”
I tried to pull away again, but he held tight to my arm.
A growl came from the doorway right before Bastian pulled Rheul away from me. I stared up at Bastian with frightened eyes, thankful he’d come when he had.
He glowered at Rheul. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“We were just talking.”
“It didn’t look that way to me.”
Rheul grinned. “Easy, brother. I wouldn’t try to take what’s rightfully yours, and you know it.”
Bastian didn’t back away from him. “Why didn’t you release her? I heard her tell you to let go.”
“Since when do we listen to what slaves want?”
“Since now.”
Bastian moved to my side and gathered me in his arms, his hand smoothing my hair from my face. He looked down at me with tenderness in his eyes. “Are you okay?” I nodded and burrowed my face against him.
“Bastian, this is ridiculous,” a female voice said from the hall.
I looked up and saw a woman I knew must be his stepmother. She was tall, thin, and had long blonde hair. She wasn’t what I had pictured.
“If you don’t like the way I’m living my life, feel free to stay out of it,” he retorted.
Pleasure at his words almost made me smile, but I thought that wouldn’t go over too well. In this case, it was like that old adage said -- better to be seen, and not heard.
Honestly, it was better not to be seen either, but I couldn’t make myself disappear, especially while I was naked. I could only hope they would leave soon.
“Now, Bastian, you know I can’t do that. I care about you and want only what’s best for you.”
“What’s best for you is more like it. Afraid your friends will find out and ostracize you?”
“You should be worried about the same thing,” she snapped.
While he might not be concerned, I worried enough for the both of us. As a slave, I knew his family wouldn’t approve of our living arrangement, but he had refused to listen. I would be afraid to live in the slave quarters again if he changed his mind.
“Bastian, please don’t fight with your family. Not over me,” I murmured softly, hoping no one could hear me but him.
“Silence!” his stepmother yelled.
So much for only Bastian hearing me.
“She doesn’t answer to you, Stepmother, and neither do I. In case you’ve forgotten, I’m not only a grown man, but also hold a seat on the council.”
“You honestly think the council will let you remain in their circle after what you’ve done?”
“Since I have the prime minister’s approval, yes I do.” I heard his stepmother gasp and knew she hadn’t anticipated his answer. I gathered that it was rare for a slave to live with her master, and even rarer to have the prime minister’s approval. Did that make the council similar to the senate? Was I with a politician of sorts?
“The prime minister would never approve of such a thing.”
“Believe what you will.”
“Mother, you should leave Bastian alone. He’s right. His personal life is none of your affair,” Rheul said, finally breaking his silence. “I had no right to touch his slave, even if it was innocent. She fainted and I was worried she might do so again.” Bastian looked down at me, forcing me to look at him. “Why did you faint?”
“He came too close.” I hated admitting that, especially after overcoming my fears with Bastian, but he was the only one who no longer frightened me.
“Rheul won’t harm you. You have my word.”
“I can’t help it,” I said softly.
He squeezed me tight. “I know.”
Chapter Nine
When Rheul’s mother left, he stayed behind.
“What did she mean I came too close?”
“She was abused on her planet. Males frighten her, especially if they’re close to her.”
“I didn’t know.” He looked at me. “I’m sorry for frightening you. It wasn’t my intention.”
I nodded and snuggled into Bastian, drawing comfort from his embrace. I wished his brother would leave, but it appeared it wouldn’t happen any time soon.
“I’ll meet you downstairs in a moment,” he told his brother.
Rheul nodded and left, making sure the door closed behind him.
“I hadn’t planned on subjecting you to my family just yet.”
“It was bound to happen sooner or later.”
He kissed the top of my head and I wished he would do more than that. But with Rheul waiting for him, I knew he would leave.
“Why don’t you get dressed and I’ll meet you downstairs,” he said.
I nodded, not wanting him to leave. As he gently moved me back to the bed, he smiled at me tenderly. While I was uncertain if it was love I saw in his eyes, there was warmth in them and that was enough. It was more than I had hoped for.
* * *
Once I was dressed, I went downstairs in search of Bastian. I heard voices coming from the library and followed the sound.
br /> When I stepped into the room, both men looked my way. I saw Rheul’s surprise and heard his intake of breath.
“You let her wear a Vaaden woman’s clothes? Have you lost your mind?” Rheul demanded.
“She’s more comfortable in an actual dress instead of the slave garments.” Rheul looked at him as if seeing him for the first time. “I’m not sure I know you anymore. The Bastian I know would never flout the rules.” Bastian didn’t look comfortable with the observation.
I moved further into the room and selected a book from the shelf. “I’ll just take this upstairs,” I said to no one in particular.
“You can stay,” Bastian said.
Again, Rheul gave him a funny look.
“What?” Bastian snapped.
Bastian grumbled under his breath and watched as I sat in one of the large comfortable chairs in the corner. Drawing my legs up under me, I opened the book and began to read, trying to block their conversation. It wasn’t easy since it was mostly about me.
“You know your mother will be displeased that you stayed behind,” Bastian said.
“I don’t care what Mother thinks. I wanted to talk to you.” He cast a covert glance my way.
“You can speak in front of Enid.”
“So that’s her name.”
Without looking up, I mumbled, “Enid O’Shaunessy.”
“I’ll never understand the concept of more than one name,” Rheul muttered. “It seems ridiculous.”
“And having only one name seems ridiculous to me,” I replied.
“Outspoken, isn’t she?” Rheul asked Bastian.
“I see no reason she can’t speak her mind.”
“Damn it, Bastian. Can you not see you’ve changed? First, you get a slave. Then you bow to her every whim. This isn’t like you.” Bastian ran a hand through his hair. “I can’t enjoy pleasing her?” Rheul rolled his eyes. “Yes, but it’s unseemly that you please her anywhere other than the bedroom. You know the rest of what you’re bestowing upon her is saved for our wives.”
“I’m not taking one.”
He had surprised Rheul once more. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means precisely that. I’m not taking a wife.”
“You’ll change your mind.”
It seemed as if Rheul were hopeful, almost asking a question. He wasn’t confident in his response and it made me wonder what that meant. I knew that Bastian’s declaration was unusual for Vaaden, having heard several conversations in the cell where they had kept me. But to what degree?
“No, I won’t. Enid is enough for me.”
I felt my face heat in a blush when Rheul looked at me. I could tell he wondered what was so special about me. For that matter, I wondered the same thing.
“You’re insane.”
“Possibly,” Bastian said with a laugh. “All I know is that she makes me happy.” He looked at me and I knew he meant it.
“You’re in love with her!”
Bastian’s eyes widened and his gaze moved from me to Rheul. “Don’t be silly.
Love is overrated.”
“Sure sounds like love to me.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Rheul shrugged and left it alone. “I should be going.”
“Important plans?” Bastian asked.
“Actually yes. I’m meeting Tiana and her family for breakfast.”
Bastian stared at his brother a moment before shaking his head. “Why you want to ally yourself with that family and that wretched woman I will never know.”
“She’s beautiful.”
“She’s cold,” Bastian retorted. “Her beauty won’t keep you warm at night.”
“That is what slaves are for. You’d do well to remember that.” Bastian gave him a frosty glare. “It’s definitely time for you to leave.” Rheul nodded. “It was nice to meet you, Enid.”
“Nice to meet you too,” I said softly, looking back at my book. I couldn’t concentrate after the discussion between Bastian and Rheul, but I hadn’t really been reading it anyway. What did it all mean?
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bastian follow Rheul out of the room.
* * *
When Bastian returned, I was still contemplating everything I’d heard. So engrossed in my thoughts, I didn’t hear him until he walked over to my chair.
He knelt beside me. “I’m sorry about all of that.”
“It’s okay.”
“No, it isn’t. This is your home now and you should feel safe here. Rheul shouldn’t have pushed himself on you, and he shouldn’t have talked about you like that.”
“It was bound to happen sooner or later, Bastian. I’m a slave.”
“You’re more than that,” he said softly, with a perplexed look. I could tell he wasn’t sure how I meant more to him. He just knew that I did.
“You may think I’m more than that, but I’m not. It won’t do me any good to think otherwise. Despite your claim that you never wish to marry, it could still happen.
You could fall in love one day, and then you’d either move me back to the slave quarters, or get rid of me.” I caressed his jaw. “I have a hard time seeing you as being unfaithful. I have to prepare myself for whatever may come, knowing that you could eventually get rid of me.”
I shook my head. “Bastian, we both know that no one else would be patient with me like you have. When that time comes…”
He placed a finger over my lips, silencing me. “Don’t even think of finishing that thought.”
But I already had. If he tired of me, I would die. I knew it and so did he, even if he wouldn’t admit it. There was no way I would survive becoming another man’s slave or becoming part of the public harem. My only other option was to be executed.
Chapter Ten
After Rheul’s visit, we fell into a comfortable routine. Mostly, we made love, but we also shared time in the library, reading. Sometimes we read aloud, and other times we just enjoyed the quiet of reading to ourselves. I cherished my time with Bastian and hoped it would never end.
That dream came crashing down the next time his stepmother visited.
She brought a beautiful Vaaden woman with her, and I realized the woman hoped to be Bastian’s wife. She stared at me with disdain and I quickly excused myself.
Going to the bedroom seemed like a bad idea. Instead, I sat at the top of the stairs, hidden from view, so that I could listen.
When Bastian reluctantly welcomed them, I felt every muscle in my body tense.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” he asked.
“I brought Danai with me.”
“So I see.”
“She wants to be your wife, Bastian, and I think it would be a good match. As you know, her father also sits on the council. It would be an excellent political move for you.”
I was sure Bastian would refuse, but the silence stretched for what seemed like an eternity. When he finally spoke, I realized that life for me was about to change drastically.
“It would be a good alliance.”
My breath froze in my lungs and I became lightheaded.
“Excellent. Shall I inform her family you’re interested?”
“I’d rather get to know her first. I don’t want to jump into anything,” Bastian answered.
“That seems like a wise decision,” a female voice replied, and I knew it had to be Danai. Even her voice was pleasing, every bit as beautiful as she was.
Fighting back tears, I quietly slipped down the hall to the bedroom, unable to hear another word. My heart was breaking and I knew I had no one to blame but myself. I should have known better than to think he could ever love me. It would have been better if I truly had prepared myself for his marriage.
Once locked safely in the bedroom, I threw myself on the bed and cried. Sobbing until I thought I couldn’t
shed one more tear, I finally stripped out of my clothes and got in the shower, hoping the warm water would soothe me. If nothing else, it would muffle the sound of my crying. The last thing I wanted was for Bastian to know how much his upcoming marriage affected me. It was like an arrow piercing my heart.
I realized in that moment that I couldn’t bear to share him. Knowing he was sleeping with both me and his wife would break me. When he came upstairs, I would request that he send me back to the slave quarters. At least then, I wouldn’t have to watch his courtship.
Getting out of the shower, I pulled out the slave garment I had packed, in the event I ever needed it. I slipped it over my head and went to sit on the bed to wait on Bastian.
It was a while later that he finally came to the bedroom. When he did, I could see that my choice of clothing surprised him.
“Enid, why are you wearing that?”
I took a breath to steady my nerves and give me strength. “I think it’s best if I move back to the slave quarters.”
He grew still and studied my face. “You heard.” I nodded and averted my eyes.
“You do realize why I have to consider this marriage, don’t you?”
“Yes, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it.” He stiffened and folded his arms over his chest. “You’re a slave, Enid. You don’t get to have an opinion on the matter. If I wish to marry, I will.”
I blanched. He’d never spoken to me that way and I knew it was a sign of bad things to come. He’d just turned into his brother.
* * *
In the end, I won and moved back into the slave quarters. I missed him when he wasn’t around and knew he was with her, which made me angry with him when he was around.
His brother came to visit every now and then, and I started to welcome his visits.
He never made any advances toward me, just came and talked, and kept me company to keep me from being lonely. We’d formed an awkward friendship of sorts, and I never really understood why he came. I was thankful for his company regardless. Rheul couldn’t replace Bastian, but at least he took my mind off my problems.