Viper Read online

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  “I didn’t realize there was such a thing in the M.C.”

  Viper had to admit the alpha had a point, but the thought of cheating on Scarlet had his wolf ready to come out. Even now, just thinking of that party girl’s lips wrapped around his cock last night was enough to make him feel sick to his stomach. Was he already doomed?

  “I’ve seen that look before,” Gabriel said. “You aren’t far off from admitting she’s yours in all ways, and doing whatever it takes to make sure she stays with you. So the question becomes, will you continue to treat her as a piece of property, or will you treat her like a mate?”

  “What’s the difference? In my world, a mate is still property. They’re even branded with a tattoo. In Scarlet’s case, it would be the Loup Garous emblem and say Property of Viper.”

  Gabriel looked disgusted. “And you really want that for her? For you?”

  “I have a record. While I have some skill working on bikes, I’m not exactly marketable to a company looking to hire someone. What would you have me do?”

  “Whatever it took to keep her safe and give her the life she deserves.”

  Gabriel’s offer was intriguing, but life in the M.C. was all Viper knew. Hell, he hadn’t gone by his legal name since he was seventeen and had joined his brothers. He’d been a prospect for two years before they’d voted him in at the age of nineteen, and he hadn’t looked back since. At thirty-two, he was a little old to be restructuring his life and trying to walk the straight and narrow. Wasn’t he?

  “I’ll tell you what. You say you’re good at working on bikes?” Gabriel asked.

  “Yeah, it’s pretty much all I know.” Well, except for how to steal cars and rob banks, but he didn’t think the alpha would be impressed with either of those skills.

  “I own the garage across the street with my brother. As you can see, we’ve recently added a few new bays. We’ve talked about making one of those for motorcycle repairs, since the closest shop is one town over. Would you consider working for us, at least part-time, to repair any bikes that come in?”

  “You mean take a legit job where I pay taxes and everything?”

  Gabriel smiled. “Yeah, that’s what I mean. I haven’t seen what kind of skills you have, or how well you play with others, so I’d start you out at eleven an hour. After six months, we’ll talk about a raise.”

  It wasn’t a bad deal. “How many hours?”

  Gabriel shrugged. “As many as it takes to get the work done. I imagine business will be slow starting out, but we’ll place some ads in the newspapers throughout the county and see if we can drum up some business. I’ll ask you to not wear your colors when you’re on the clock. Chances are, you’ll get jobs from rival M.C.s and I can’t afford to lose their business because I have a Loup Garous working for me.”

  Viper hadn’t been without his colors, except for when he slept, in thirteen years, but if it meant he’d have some pocket change without doing anything illegal, it might be worth it. And it sounded like there was potential for this to turn into something full-time with better pay. Hell, he was really thinking about it. Becoming legal. If he did that, chances were he’d eventually have to leave the M.C.

  “You know if I do this, there’s a chance my brothers will turn their backs on me. If I quit breaking the law, I won’t be able to have their backs all the time.” Viper’s lips twisted. “They’re my family, all I’ve got. I’m not sure this is worth losing that.”

  Gabriel studied him a moment. “Would gaining a mate be worth it? Being able to raise your children without the threat of violence every day? Would that be worth giving up the M.C. and your brothers?”

  It was something to think about and not a decision he had to make today. “I’ll accept the part-time job and see where things go.”

  “You can start tomorrow. Be there at eight and be prepared to work. My bike needs a tune-up and an oil change, so you can start with that. I’ll see how you do and then let you loose on the other two bikes that need to be serviced.”

  Viper rubbed his hands up and down his thighs. “Sounds good. I should probably get Scarlet and head home.”

  “Bring her with you tomorrow. She can hang out with Autumn while you work. You should be finished around lunch and you can take her home with you.” Gabriel smiled. “Assuming you can find her. I think Autumn has a shopping trip planned tomorrow.”

  Shopping? It reminded him that Scarlet had very little, just three changes of clothes and some pajamas. He should probably give her some cash and let her buy a few new things. Women liked that sort of thing, didn’t they?

  Viper stood when Gabriel rose to his feet. “I’ll see you in the morning,” he told the alpha.

  Gabriel slapped him on the back and walked with him to the kitchen, where the women were enjoying a cup of coffee and a plate of cookies. Scarlet smiled when she saw him. She looked happier and more relaxed than he’d ever seen her, and it made him realize that if he did claim her, if he did take her as his mate, he would have to make some changes to his life. She deserved this, and while she would have the support of the old ladies with the M.C., it wouldn’t be the same as hanging out with the alpha’s wife.

  “Is it time to go?” Scarlet asked.

  “Yeah, but I’m going to bring you back in the morning. It turns out I have a new job across the street and the alpha thought you might like to hang out here with his mate while I’m working.”

  Scarlet squealed and launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around his waist. It was completely out of character for her and the shock of it made him stumble back a step. He’d never seen her express such happiness before. She’d smiled, of course, but they were always small smiles, reserved ones as if she knew she should be happy about something but didn’t really feel it.

  “I take it you like Autumn,” Viper said, wrapping an arm around her.

  “She’s great! I haven’t had a friend since… Well, since before the Red Devils. The old ladies don’t talk to me and I don’t really care to know the party girls. There isn’t a chance of me making friends in the M.C.” Scarlet smiled up at him. “Thank you for giving me this opportunity.”

  Well, if that didn’t hammer the final nail in his coffin, he didn’t know what did. It was obvious that his time with the M.C. was drawing to a close, assuming all went well with his job over the next six months. But something told him that Scarlet would be worth it. Life in a pack hadn’t worked out so well for him before, but maybe he’d just been with the wrong one. Or maybe he’d needed to sow some wild oats before settling into a normal life. He just hoped he could walk the straight and narrow. Failure wouldn’t be an option. Once he was out of the M.C., he doubted they would welcome him back.


  Scarlet hugged Autumn before following Viper out the door. Visiting with the alpha’s mate had been exactly what Scarlet needed. Before she’d realized what she was doing, she was opening up about her life with the Red Devils and what had happened last night. Instead of withdrawing in disgust, Autumn had embraced her, set her down with a cup of coffee, and pulled some fresh cookies out of the oven. Scarlet hadn’t had a friend in a while and she’d forgotten how nice it was to just sit and chat with another woman.

  At the club, the old ladies tolerated her and the party girls hated her. She held Viper’s attention without having to service him, and after her stunt with the Prospect, she held the respect of every man in the club. She was somewhere between party girl and old lady, which meant there wasn’t a place for her in that lifestyle. She wasn’t sure she wanted to be Viper’s old lady, even if he asked. Even old ladies didn’t hold the amount of respect Scarlet hoped to have from a man one day.

  Oh, she desired him. Despite what she’d been through, she tingled whenever he was nearby. But she didn’t want to be just another notch on his bedpost. After everything she’d been through, she didn’t want to be intimate with a guy unless he was willing to give up other women for her. And something told her that Viper wasn’t a one-woman kind of gu
y. When he’d left last night, she’d been plagued with visions of him fucking the party girls at the clubhouse. Until Slash had come after her. After that, she’d only been focused on escaping and surviving.

  “You seemed to get along well with Autumn,” Viper said. “The alpha offered to accept you as part of the pack.”

  She stopped beside the bike and looked up at him. “I’m not a shifter.”

  Viper shrugged. “Didn’t seem to matter to him. Is that the life you want? A man with a respectable job, friends that don’t have property tattoos on them? Do you want a normal life, or as normal as life can be with a shifter?”

  “Does it matter what I want? I thought I belonged to you. Or are you going to release me?”

  He growled softly.

  Scarlet folded her arms over her chest. “Guess that answered that question. So if you aren’t going to release me, what does it matter if I want the life they have?”

  “It doesn’t.” Viper swung his leg over the bike and motioned for her to climb on. She wrapped her arms around his waist and held on as he pulled out of the driveway and sped down the street.

  Scarlet couldn’t figure Viper out. He owned her, and if the bulge in his pants was anything to go by, he wanted her. And yet, he never made a move to take her to his bed. No matter how many of the Loup Garous were interested in her, he’d told them all to keep away. So if he didn’t want to give her to his friends, and he didn’t want her for himself, what the hell was he doing holding her prisoner?

  She hadn’t really had a chance to speak to Autumn about Viper, and now she wished she had. Autumn was a bit older than her, and obviously had her life together. Surely she would be able to offer some advice. Maybe she’d get the chance to ask tomorrow. The thought of hanging out with the alpha’s mate again made her smile. There was finally a bright spot in her life. She had a friend.

  Chapter Four

  The wolf whistle behind him had Viper grinding his teeth. He couldn’t bash the wolf’s head in because he wanted this job, and Scarlet wasn’t his mate. In the world of the pack, that meant she was fair game. Just because he owned her by M.C. standards, didn’t mean these dickheads would respect that. In fact, they would probably give him hell about it. From what he’d observed, they treated their women well. That didn’t mean he had to like it when they admired her swishing backside as she crossed the street to the Victorian.

  A shadow fell in next to his and Viper looked to his right. One of the mechanics, a huge guy, was wiping his hands on a rag.

  “You must be the new bike mechanic.” The man held out his hand. “Name’s Ramsey. You’ll like working here. We have a good group of guys.”

  “All wolves?” Viper asked, as he shook Ramsey’s hand.

  “Yep. Gabriel likes to keep it within the pack. Thankfully, the business has expanded along with the pack. Otherwise, a lot of these guys wouldn’t have a job here. Want to meet the other guys?”

  “Sure.” Might as well get the introductions out of the way. “But first, is there a place I can stash my cut? Gabriel said I couldn’t wear it on the job.”

  Ramsey tipped his head toward a door on the left. “Waiting room and front desk are through there. Down the hall is the office and breakroom. Just pick a locker.”


  Viper shrugged out of his cut and headed toward the breakroom. The other mechanics looked him over in curiosity and he tried to give them a friendly smile. He found the breakroom easily enough and noticed the lockers had names on them. He picked up the roll of masking tape and a marker off one of the tables and put his name on an empty locker, then stashed his cut inside.

  When he stepped back out into the garage, he met Michael, Hunter, Austin, and Finn. He looked from the guys to the four bays, then back again.

  “There are five of you, but only four work areas. Unless one of you is with me over in the bike bay?”

  Michael smiled. “I’m in the office with Gabriel today. I’m afraid you’ve just missed this pay period, but any work you do today will be paid out in two weeks. While he handles payroll, I’m going to take care of everything else. Also, you may see some of the pack females wander through now and again. Gabriel lets them work the front desk when they’re short on cash or need to work enough hours to trade for rent on one of the apartments.”


  Michael nodded. “The pack owns what are essentially dorms for male and female pack members. Studio apartments for the most part, but some have single bedrooms. There are also duplexes for those who can afford them.”

  “Is that a requirement for joining the pack?”

  “No, but it helps the new pack members assimilate quicker. Are you thinking of giving up the M.C. for the pack?” Michael asked.

  “Gabriel mentioned it to me, but I’m not sure that way of life is really for me.” He glanced across the street.

  “But you think it’s right for her,” Michael said. “So the question is do you let her go so she can join the pack on her own, or do you give up your way of life and come with her?”

  “Something like that. She’s mine. And yet she isn’t.”

  “You haven’t claimed her, but you know she’s your mate? Or she’s yours because of your M.C. laws?”

  “A little of both. I won her in a hand of poker, but my wolf wants to claim her.”

  Michael tipped his head to the side. “So why haven’t you?”

  Viper crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s complicated. She’s been used and abused and I’m not sure she could handle being a mate right now. But I’ve come to the conclusion that I can’t have my needs met by anyone else. The few times I’ve tried, I feel guilty as hell afterward and my wolf is disgusted with me.”

  “Listen to your wolf. Take it from someone who didn’t, you don’t want to go down that road. If she’s your mate, you need to tell her and see if she’s ready for that step. She’ll be honest with you and let you know if she can handle it. And if she can’t, then you know you need to wait a little longer.”

  “All right. I can do that.”

  “Now, I believe Gabriel’s Harley is waiting for you. See what magic you can work on it, then come get one of us when you’re done. Gabriel wants to inspect your work before he turns you loose on another bike.” Michael winked. “I have every faith you’re going to do just fine.”

  Viper walked over to the Harley Davidson Low Rider. Its black paint was in pristine condition, and the chrome shined brightly under the fluorescent lights. It wasn’t a bad bike and he could easily see the Alpha cruising the streets on her. Tools had been provided for him, and Viper pulled the rolling cart over to get acquainted. Once he figured out where everything was kept, he got to work.


  Scarlet smiled at Autumn as they walked out to her SUV. She couldn’t believe she was actually going shopping and doing girly things today. Autumn had promised they would stop for a mani-pedi on their way back from shopping. Scarlet couldn’t remember the last time she’d had her nails painted and had been pampered.

  “Gabriel talked to me for a while last night, about your situation and Viper,” Autumn said. “He’s trying to convince your wolf that the two of you should join the pack.”

  Scarlet snorted. “Viper will never leave the M.C. It’s his life. I don’t think he even knows how to be a civilian.”

  Autumn smiled. “Maybe not, but I’m betting he’ll at least try. For you.”

  “No.” Scarlet shook her head. “There’s nothing between us. I mean, I know he wants me, and for some reason isn’t acting on it, but that’s all there is to it. He feels responsible for me since he won me in a hand of poker, but that’s as far as things go between us.”

  “Would you want there to be more?”

  Scarlet shrugged.

  “Come on,” Autumn cajoled. “You can admit you want more from him.”

  “All right, so I want more. I’ll never get it though. And even if he did make me his old lady, he’d never be faithful. He has
n’t been too secretive about playing with the party girls at the clubhouse. Like it’s any mystery what they’re doing when they crawl under the table, or when he takes them down the darkened hallway by the bathrooms.”

  Autumn winced. “So he’s something of a horn dog?”

  “You could say that, but then all of the M.C. men are like that. Viper’s crew are nicer than the Red Devils, by far, but when it comes to women they either don’t expect to hear ‘no’ or think if they convince the woman she really does want them, then it’s okay.”

  “I think Viper cares for you more than he lets on. Did you see his face when you were walking across the street today? He didn’t want to let you go. And the fact the other guys were checking you out, probably just made things even worse. I bet that’s one cranky wolf right now.”

  “Maybe, but a leopard can’t change his spots. He’s been chasing women all his life. Why would he stop now?”

  Autumn smiled. “The right woman can change any man. If you don’t believe me, ask Michael, Gabriel’s brother. He nearly lost his mate because he was being a jackass, but now that they’re married, he’s completely faithful to her. I don’t think he even notices other women.”

  “So you’re saying there’s still hope for him?”

  “Exactly. Maybe you need to show him what he could have if he decided to toe the line. Dress a little sexy, flirt a little…what’s the worst that could happen?”

  Scarlet looked down at her secondhand jeans and tank top. “I wasn’t given much of a choice in my clothes. Some of the old ladies got together and donated a few pieces to me. I have one pair of shoes and three changes of clothing.”

  “Well, we’re changing that today. Did Mr. Tough Stuff give you any money?”


  Autumn snorted. “That’s not nearly enough for what I have in mind. Would it bother you if I called in reinforcements?”

  “I’ll take whatever help I can get, if you think it will really make Viper change into the kind of man who would be happy with just me.”

  Autumn smiled and pressed a button on her phone. “Call Cassie.”