For a Hero Read online

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  His friend’s voice boomed over the room. “What a grade-A, prime cut of American beef, Ladies and Gentlemen. How much will it cost you to go on a fantasy date with this stud?” Blaine walked out on the stage. The music stopped. What a contrast stood up there in front of all those people. David, shirtless in flame-retardant pants and a fireman’s hat, and Blaine, elegantly clad in a tailored Italian suit.

  “Flex for us, Chief.” Blaine knew that David hated to do that. “Show us those cannons.” On the inside, David groaned; on the outside, he put on a rugged face and did as he was told. His bicep exploded out of his shoulder. Blaine walked over and tried to put his palm around it. He couldn’t even come close. “How safe would you feel in these arms, Ladies?” The noise was deafening.

  Blaine signaled to David. David thought ‘This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me.’ He ripped his pants off, showcasing the little thong he bought with Blaine. It was bright red with a little fireman’s hat shape right on the crotch. The ladies seemed to like that; one woman groaned and another one swooned.

  “We usually start the bidding at one thousand dollars. But this is our main course, our plat de résistance. It would be downright criminal to let you steal this prize for such a price. I think five thousand dollars sounds fair. Who will give me five thousand dollars?”

  Sara raised her placard. ‘That’s my girl,’ David thought.

  “We have five, now six? Anybody give six thousand dollars?”

  An elderly lady in the front signaled.

  ‘Oh God be with me.’ David muttered to himself.

  “Six thousand dollars, Folks. Who will give seven?”

  ‘Sara, please Sara.’ David hoped and prayed and wished.

  “I have seven thousand dollars from the gentleman in the back.” Blaine stated with a snicker.

  ‘Oh Jesus Christ, Sara.’

  “Eight thousand from Miss DuPont. Thank you, Ma’am” Blaine worked the crowd a little bit.

  David tried to focus his eyes; he tried to look out into the crowd to see Sara. ‘This has got to be a joke. Blaine put her up to this, but she will swoop in and buy me. I know it.’ He strains. There she is. She caught his eyes. He looked distraught. She shrugged her shoulders.


  “Nine thousand dollars from the gentleman in the back again, thank you for your tenacity, Sir.” Blaine gives David a conciliatory pat on the shoulder. “I have nine thousand, which one of you lucky ladies, err, I mean benefactors,” to bother David, “will be tripping the light fantastic with our David. He is a hero, remember? Can I get ten thousand dollars?”

  Just as Miss DuPont is about to raise her placard again, a little voice barely made itself known over the crowd. David and Blaine perk up their ears. “What’s that?” Blaine asks.

  They look out to see a woman, dressed in a black evening gown, standing in the middle of the convention area. All the people at her table were whispering and pointing at her.

  Blaine hopped off the stage, walked up to her, put his arm around her dramatically and asked. “Say one more time, please, Ma’am,” and places the microphone in front of her lips.

  Jenna takes a gulp and says “fifteen thousand dollars.”

  David was stunned. He had no idea what to think. Who was she? Why was it so important to her that she have a date with him? Did he know her? Had they met before? She must really have a heart for charity.

  “Going once, going twice, SOLD to the knock-out with the fat pocketbook!” Blaine walked the lady away from the table. David put his hand to his brow to try and see the face of the woman whom he would be entertaining this evening, but the lights shone too brightly in his eyes and Blaine had already whisked the lady away to have her sign something.

  David was escorted back-stage. He could only see the backs of the people by the podium. Blaine stood with the woman. She stood there, with trepidation, but sure of herself regardless, her dress falling perfectly over the curve of her hips. She had the most beautiful, tight ass above the silkiest, smoothest, sexiest legs. Dark hair flowed straight down her back. David fell for her, hard.

  “Ladies and Gentleman, may I present to you, the new owner of a Holiday Fantasy Date with Chief David Conlon, and the biggest benefactor to the Austin Fire Department and Home for Orphaned Boys this year, Miss Jenna Johnson!” The lights came on in the room and everyone stood up, applauding their hearts out. “You really took us by surprise, Miss Johnson. Has the spirit of Christmas future paid you a visit? What is the occasion for such charity?”

  Jenna spoke into the microphone. “I’ve been holding out for a hero.”

  Blaine smiled. He turned backstage, “You heard her, Hero. Get on out here and introduce yourself!”

  A stage-hand ran up and wrapped a red ribbon over David’s shoulder and taped an ornate bow to his head. He pinned a tag to the ribbon and wrote, “Merry Christmas, Jenna.”

  David stepped out, revealing his wrappings to the crowd. He walked toward Jenna and the whole world slipped away. Even Blaine’s satisfied smuggery faded into nothingness. She was nothing like any woman he had ever seen before. He presented himself to her, still putting on a show for the people, but deep down, he had a feeling that this was one of the most important moments in his life.

  “That’s it, Folks. I hope you enjoyed our little program. Have a safe trip, home and Happy Holidays! And if you purchased an evening with one of our prizes, I hope that tonight proves to be both fruitful and exciting. Good night!” Blaine put the microphone away.

  The crowd rose, exchanged hugs and goodbye’s, and began to filter out the door. Jenna turned to David, put one finger suggestively on his chest, and said, “I hope you planned something wonderful for me. Go get dressed. I’ll meet you in the foyer.” She winked at him and walked away.

  David paused for a moment and watched her flawless figure disappear into the crowd. Time to get ready, he supposed. “Wait a minute!” he shouted. She was too far gone. Panic began to grow in his stomach. He sprinted to Blaine. “Blaine! I planned on Sara buying me; she was just going to make me clean her garage or something. I don’t have a date planned! What am I supposed to do? She paid you fifteen thousand dollars!”

  Blaine turned to face him. “Oh no! What ever will you do?” His smile cracked across his face. Sara stepped out from behind him. She wove her arm through Blaine’s.

  “Looks like you’ve got some work to do, Cousin.”

  Chapter Three

  Jenna paced back and forth. Oh wow, she was scared. He was even more beautiful next to her on stage than he was being heroic on the bus yesterday. ‘Oh my god, I can’t believe I winked at him and strolled away. He is going to think I am some kind of temptress or a super haughty whore. What am I going to do?’

  She looked toward the doors to where the offices were. No sign of David. She pulled out her cell phone and pressed Miranda’s name.




  “Hey Girl! Congratulations! I lost you in the crowd after you bought your dream man. Where is he taking you?”

  “I have no idea. He hasn’t come back from behind the stage yet. I am so nervous. What did I get myself into? He’s going to think I am a nerd or a loser or something. This is my first real date in like five years.”

  “Don’t worry about it. You’ll do great! Just give him some of that sass you give me and wiggle your butt a little when you walk and you will have him swooning for you! By the way, where did you get fifteen thousand dollars to spend on a hunk?”

  “I don’t know about wiggling my ass, Miranda. He is the fire chief. He probably doesn’t fall for little tricks like that. He needs a princess or something. When my Uncle passed, he left me a lot of money, but he told me that some of it needed to go to charity. There it went! I’m not worried about that part. The money is deductible. I’m worried about this Greek God thinking I’m a dweeb! Where are you?”

  “Forget about me, Jenna. I’m going with Blaine and his little V.I
.P. group. I think they are having an after-party or something. I saw Blaine earlier with some blonde cheerleader-looking hussy so I have to go woo him. Looks like we are both on the job tonight!”

  “Wait, you’re leaving with them? What about my ride?”

  “I think your Hero-man will take care of that for you. Hey, I got to go. We’re going to leave soon. Good luck! Knock him dead!”


  Jenna watched the name of her friend leave her phone and the screen fade to black. ‘Does he have to be so mysterious and sexy and aloof? And fashionably late? It’s killing me.’


  “Blaine, Sara, this is not funny. That poor woman paid all that money only to have a good ole’ boy take her for chicken and waffles and a round of Peter Pan putt-putt golf.”

  Blaine and Sara laughed so hard that tears started to stream down their faces.

  “What?” David asked sternly.

  Blaine looked up at him. “Peter Pan putt-putt closes at 8.”

  They continued laughing. Even David had trouble keeping himself angry. However, the guilt and shame and nerves won over. “Fine. You two have a good old time laughing about your jokes and pranks. I have a gorgeous woman to disappoint.”

  David turned to walk away. His bow matched his thong so well that Sara fell over from laughter.

  “Wait.” Blaine exclaimed, trying to catch his breath through the gasps. “We planned this. Well, Sara did. It was all her idea.”

  “You rotten liar!” She guffawed from the floor.

  “Anyway, we both figured that you would benefit from a night with a pretty lady you weren’t quasi-related to, so we arranged this.”

  “So YOU TWO are responsible for disappointing that woman? I’m not surprised.” David understood.

  “To be fair, Cousin, she did bid higher than the amount of money you gave me to buy you. She would have won anyway.” Sara picked herself up and composed her emotions. Little glances between her and Blaine threatened to start the ruckus anew.

  “But, the point being,” Blaine interjected, “is that I was ready for this. You do have a date planned. You are coming to the after-party with me, and then you have reservations at the Emerald Café. You can thank me later. You can even tell Miss Johnson that it was your idea. Call it an early Christmas present.”

  Relief swept over David, right before another tinge of nervousness. “After-party? You know I don’t drink or dance, right?”

  Sara rolled her eyes. “It’s true. He CAN NOT dance.”

  “It’s more of a ball than a party. Really elegant stuff. You can work out the dancing thing. You’re a resourceful guy, Boyscout. You need to go change out of that little thong. As adorable as you look in it, it’s not black-tie. I had a tux made for you, its hanging in your changing room.”

  “Thanks, Pal.” He said, half-sarcastically. “You know, you call me Boyscout, but you are the one that’s always prepared.”


  ‘Oh shit, he’s coming.’ Jenna held her posture high, tried to smile as seductively as she knew how, and faced just a little away from the direction he was coming in.

  “Hello, Miss Johnson.” David bowed, took her hand in his and kissed it. Blaine said she would like that. “Did you drive here?”

  “No, I was driven. I’m afraid my well-being is in your hands tonight, Chief Conlon.” Where was she getting this? Jenna hoped she could keep up the illusion of allure all night. She took all of him in. His tuxedo was modish, flawlessly fitted to his divine body. The black of the jacket melded with his hair as if it were on purpose.

  “How convenient. Come with me. I shall have the valet fetch my vehicle.” ‘Fetch? Did I just say fetch? She is going to see right through me. I am going to kill Blaine for this.’

  David extended his arm and allowed Jenna to slip her hand through. Her escorted her through the front door and handed his ticket to the valet. Not but a few minutes passed before he returned with David’s dusty Chevrolet Silverado. He opened her door for her and attempted to scoot over the purple bag that his thong was in as well as some protein bar wrappers, Whataburger fountain drink cups and a George Strait CD.

  “Sorry it’s a bit messy.” David was so ashamed.

  Jenna looked at this beautiful man, struggling to make his ride presentable, and thought, ‘Is he nervous? Maybe he likes me.’ She was charmed. “No problem, I’m just fine.”

  He helped her into the truck and got in himself. After tipping the young man, he settled into his seat and looked over at her.

  She started to laugh. “Did you say ‘Fetch’?”

  David blushed. “Yeah, I guess I did. You noticed, huh?”

  “Yes, I noticed. I noticed the Whataburger cup, too. Which is your favorite?”

  “Coke Zero.”

  “That’s a good one. Are you nervous?”

  David put his hands on the wheel. “I don’t know. Maybe.”

  Jenna’s heart warmed. She began to melt. Could he be any purer? Any sweeter? “Don’t worry, Chief. I won’t tell anyone. Where are we going?” She put her hand over his. This date was going much better than she had anticipated.

  “We’re going to my best friend’s ball. Are you buckled up?”

  “Yes. A ball? In 2013?”

  “Yep, that’s Blaine for you.” David pulled out and began driving.

  “Blaine? Blaine Windsor? The guy who hosted the auction? He’s your best friend?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. It was all his idea, even the thong.”

  Jenna giggled. “He has good ideas.”

  David liked that. “Thanks, I think.”

  “Look Mr. Conlon. You don’t have to be nervous. I don’t want a fake ball-attendee that uses the word ‘fetch’ in every day conversation; I want you. I knew what I was buying before I came here tonight.”

  He was relieved. David drove on, weaving to and fro on the various one-way streets of downtown Austin. This felt right. He felt like he had known her forever, yet, at the same time, he had never been more nervous about being introduced to someone before. This was completely different. “Did you?” He spoke a little more confidently.

  “Yes, I did.” She decided not to share the bus story with him yet. That would come later, after she had proven that she wasn’t a weirdo stalker lady. “There was a pamphlet.”

  He chuckled. “Oh, so you came here to shop for a very particular item tonight?”

  “Yes, I did. And I must say, I am not experiencing even a bit of buyer’s remorse.”

  “Do you charm all of the men like this? Or just the ones you purchase for yourself?”

  “Only the ones I buy,” Jenna was having a great time. “Or rent.”

  The two bantered playfully for the ten minute drive to Blaine’s colossal home. Limousines and luxury cars sat parked all around the estate. David assuredly added his Silverado to the mixture, not even aware of the irony of its presence.

  He leapt out of the car quickly and ran to Jenna’s side to open her door. He held an arm out for her security. “I think you should know, the truck’s name is Leeroy, Jr. He was very pleased to make your acquaintance this evening.”

  She, as daintily as she could, climbed down from the passenger seat and turned to face David and the truck. “Delighted to meet you as well.” She curtsied to the truck. David laughed.

  She walked arm-in-arm with him up to the steps, climbing the porch. She asked, “If he is Jr., there was a Sr., right?”

  “Yes, there was. Leeroy was my mostly companion. He died, though, saving my life. I flipped my truck three times out near Crockett, but I walked away with just a torn ligament. A dog was in the road, a dachshund, and I couldn’t bear to hit him – a patch of ice made Leroy leave the road. ”

  “I’m sorry to hear that, but I am happy you had him to protect you.”

  “Me, too. But Jr. keeps me good company.”

  They stepped up to the man at the massive sprawling double doors. He looked David and Jenna up and down. “Name?”

; “David Conlon and Jenna Johnson.”

  “David Conlon, I’ll be damned! I didn’t recognize you all spiffed up! How are you?”

  The two men hugged. “It’s great to see you again, Bennie. Jenna, this is Blaine’s butler. Bernard Higgins. I call him Bennie. Bennie, this is Jenna Johnson.”

  He held out his old hand and shook hers delicately. “Oh yes, Master Blaine has told me about you two coming tonight. Please come on in, the hors d’oeuvres are already on the table in the library. The Regency Suite is where the primary festivities are being held.”

  The two stepped inside to find the most illustrious banquet they had ever seen. Men in penguin suits and women in gowns and dresses and opulent jewelry swirled around them, just like in the fairy tales. Jenna looked up at David, whom she was holding tightly, and saw a sculpted man. His face was perfect. He was dressed impeccably. The suit sat prim across his broad shoulders. Jenna snuggled into his side, proud for everyone to see her on his arm.

  Navigating their way through the house, David eventually found his way to the Regency Suite. Couples swirled in perfect circles, whirling and spinning and stepping. They waltzed and spun all around them in Dervish manner. All of a sudden, a familiar face approached them.

  “Hey Girl! Looks like you have been experimenting with some retail therapy. Tell me about this purchase you made tonight.” Miranda laughed and stumbled, careful not to spill a drop of her precious champagne. “Maybe we can arrange some kind of sub-leasing agreement, hmm?”

  “Hands off.” Jenna declared jokingly. “He belongs to me tonight. Go find Blaine or whoever and dance. Chief Conlon will be dancing with me, only.” Jenna winked at Miranda who, despite her ever-intensifying state of inebriation, got the hint and left the two on the floor.

  “Jenna, I have a confession to make. This was Blaine’s idea. I can’t dance.” A blush colored his high cheekbones. “I’m not going to know what to do.”

  She fell for him more and more the longer they stayed together. “How precious. The Fire Chief can’t dance. Don’t worry, I won’t tell any of the other firemen so they won’t make fun of you.” She held his hand and pulled him close. “Come on, Wonder Boy. I’ll teach you.”