Winning the Doc's Heart Read online

Page 13

  “That’s a neat family tradition. I look forward to meeting your siblings.”

  Her breath caught when his hand went to her face. Her cells swirled a wild beat as he stroked his thumb lightly over her skin. “They’ll love you,” he murmured.

  She peered up into his eyes. “I suppose if you have to go, you must.” She let out a wistful sigh. “Somehow, I’ll survive. Just barely, but I’ll survive. Go enjoy your last week with your mom in Clementine. I’ll be working every day. Will you be able to come up during the week?”

  He shook his head sadly. “We’re going down to Orlando to visit my sister. I’ll drive Mom back to Clementine on Saturday and then come up here on Sunday afternoon.”

  “Oh.” She rested her forehead on his chest, noting the calm, steady beating of his heart. She marveled how much this kind, compassionate, amazing man was coming to mean to her. After a few seconds she looked up at him. “I’ll call you. Cell phones work in Orlando, right?”

  A crooked grin slid over his lips. “It’s a fairly civilized place. I think we can work something out.”

  Her heart melted as she looked deeply into his eyes, which had deepened to a smoldering mahogany. Before meeting Kyle, P. J. had convinced herself that her work was enough. She’d wondered if she would ever find the kind of enduring, lasting love that her parents shared. She clung to the notion that her making a difference in other people’s lives could somehow fill the hole in her heart. Now, she knew with a startling clarity that wasn’t true. While she was blessed to be able to help others through her work, she needed Kyle. She wanted a life with him—a family. Was it possible to have it all? Her heart filled with hope. She was beginning to think it was not just possible, but hopeful.

  “I love you,” he uttered.

  She blinked in surprise, the words finding their place into her heart. “That’s good to know,” she said, a smile curving her lips.

  A low chuckle rumbled in his throat. “Oh, yeah? Why’s that?”

  Her spirit soared with jubilation. “Because I love you too.” She pulled him down. Her lips moved against his slowly, coaxingly with tantalizing persuasion that sent a tender ache through her. He let her take the lead for a moment before pulling her into his arms and crushing her lips with his. Her heart pounded against her chest as explosive currents of pleasure raced through her. Theirs was more than mere physical attraction. It was the joining of two souls who, now that they’d found one another, could never let the other go.


  Easter morning, P. J. went in to work. Thankfully, it turned out to be a slow day, so she was able to go home that afternoon and have dinner with her parents. Kyle called her shortly before she went to bed, and the two of them talked for an hour. He was heading down to Orlando the following morning. It was bound to be a long week for P. J. She was counting the minutes until Kyle was back. Not just from Orlando, but she was looking forward to him getting back to Birmingham so she could see him on a regular basis.

  The next day, hospital business picked up to its normal pace, now that the holiday was over. The entire cardiology and cardiac surgery department gathered for a correlation meeting every Monday at lunchtime. P. J. sat with her salad waiting for the meeting to start. Someone plopped noisily into the chair next to hers.

  She tensed. “Ascott.”

  He threw her a friendly smile. “Hey, you. How’s it going?”

  “Okay.” It was better to keep her responses short and to the point. Of all the places for him to sit, why did it have to be smack dab beside her?

  “The other day when we talked … well, I’m afraid we got off on the wrong foot … with the concern thing.”

  Her eyebrow slid up. “Are you admitting that you’re the one who raised the concern?”

  “I would never do that to you.” A wounded look overtook his features. “How could you think so little of me?”

  She studied him, trying to decide if she could believe him.

  “I’ve been so swamped, keeping up with work while trying to get my condo fixed up that I hardly have time to breathe, much less butt into your business.”

  At that, she settled down a smidgen. Maybe it was unfair of her to assume that Ascott was the one who raised the concern about her dating Kyle. There were a number of people who could’ve done it. Maybe a jealous colleague who resented P. J. getting the opportunity to work under Dr. Stone. She pulled herself back from her thoughts to the conversation at hand. “How’s your condo renovation going?” she asked politely.

  “The painters were slower than my grandma, but I’m finally moved in. I made them redo it because the shade wasn’t right. After my tanning bed is delivered this afternoon, it’ll be finished.”

  She fought the urge to roll her eyes. Tanning bed? Seriously?

  “How about you? Anything new?” He gave her a speculative look. “How are things going with Mr. Computer?”

  Heat rose in her cheeks. She didn’t want to openly acknowledge that she was with Kyle in case Ascott was the one who raised the concern. It was better to keep her relationship with Kyle on the down low. “Your condo sounds nice. But it sounds like you’re going to a lot of work.”

  “Oh, I am.”

  “Aren’t you only going to be here one year?”

  “Yeah, but I only buy the best. It’s the penthouse on top of the Sterling Bank tower. You should come up and see it sometime.” She could almost see his chest expanding with pride.

  “Maybe I will,” she said evasively. Sheesh. This guy was starting to grate on her nerves. He was so polished and pompous. The conversation lagged as P. J. sought for something to say. “What’s on your schedule today?”

  “I’m supposed to meet Phil here and see if he can teach me anything I don’t already know.”


  “Dr. McDavid, you know, the attending doc in electrophysiology.”

  Ascott really was too much. “Right. I’ve never heard a brand-new first year fellow call an attending by their first name before, so I was confused.”

  “Really? You people are so formal down here in the South.” The way he said ‘down here in the South’ sounded condescending.

  “I have no idea what time Dr. McDavid will be here. He usually stops at the nurses’ station. You can probably find him out there before much longer.”

  Ascott twirled around in his chair like a third grader. “That’s okay. I’ll just hang out with you for a few minutes.” He threw his feet up onto a desk and leaned back in the chair.

  Seriously? This guy’s planning to have people’s life and death matters in his hands?

  P. J. tried to focus on her salad, but he kept running his mouth.

  “Hey, I’m having a little get-together tonight with some friends. You interested in coming?”

  “No, thanks.”

  His jaw dropped. “Oh come on. Don’t be such a party pooper. I’m buying the food and drinks. All you have to do is show up. Everybody else said they’ll be there.” His eyes glittered in a challenge. “Is it because of Mr. Computer?”

  She squirmed in her seat. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said stiffly.

  He laughed easily. “Sure you do.” He tipped his head. “You know, Red, if you are worried about people thinking you’re together with Thornton, the best way to nip that in the bud is to be seen out socially … alone.”

  She bristled. Had he really just called her Red?

  “Angela and I already have plans for tonight.” It was true. P. J. and Angela, one of the other cardiac fellows, had planned to have dinner together.

  His brows darted together. “That’s too bad. So, that’s why Angela couldn’t come,” he mused, drumming his fingers on the table.

  “Yep, I’m sure that’s why,” she chimed. Chalk one up for Angela. She’d gone bowling with Ascott once, but maybe she realized how shallow he was.

  Ascott held out his hand. “Let me see your phone.”

  She flinched. “What? You’re not getting my phone!”
br />   “I wanna plug in my address … in case you change your mind.”

  This guy was unbelievable. “I won’t,” she snipped.

  “Too bad,” he purred, “you don’t know what you’re missing.”

  The department chair took his place at the front of the meeting room and cleared his throat. Finally, Ascott had to stop talking.


  Later that evening, P. J. called Kyle, but it went straight to voicemail. “I guess cell service in Orlando doesn’t work after all,” she sighed. Angela picked her up at seven on the dot.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Some place you’re gonna love,” Angela said with a laugh.

  When they pulled into the parking lot of a private residence area, P. J. frowned. “What is this?”

  Angela turned to her, cautious hope on her face. “Okay, don’t be mad, but we’re not going to a restaurant.” She held up a hand. “Ascott’s having a party.”

  P. J. groaned. “No way!” She shot Angela a hard look. “That guy’s a putz.”

  “No, he’s not,” Angela giggled. “He’s a cutie.”

  P. J.’s eyebrows shot up. “Are we talking about the same guy? He’s so full of himself that it makes me nauseated to even be around him.”

  Angela thrust out her lower lip in a pout. “Come on,” she urged. “Do this for me. I like him.”

  P. J. rocked back. “You like him?”

  “Yeah. I do.” She gave P. J. a knowing look. “We can’t all be lucky enough to score a hunk like Kyle.” Her eyes pled with P. J.’s. “Do this for me … please?”

  P. J.’s stomach growled as she clutched it.

  “See,” Angela laughed. “You need food, and Ascott is providing lots of it.”

  “Okay,” P. J. said, letting out a long breath, “but you owe me big time.”

  “Duly noted,” Angela giggled.

  P. J. felt like she was going to the gallows as they got out of Angela’s car and went inside the building. They approached the front desk. At the mention of Ascott’s name, the clerk smiled broadly as she motioned to the nearby elevator and told them to go to the top floor and then go left. After rattling off the condo number, she let them go on their way. When they rang the doorbell, Ascott opened it. “Well, hello beautiful,” he said to Angela. He flashed a dazzling smile before giving her a one-armed hug and a continental-style kiss on each cheek. Angela beamed, making P. J. feel sorry for her. Couldn’t she see that Ascott was a player?

  Next, he turned his attention to P. J. “Red,” he boomed with a gigantic smile that was probably supposed to turn her to mush. It didn’t. “You came.” He went to hug her, but she thrust out her hand instead. They shook. His eyes lingered on hers. “You look lovely tonight,” he uttered, holding onto her hand.

  She stepped back, pulling her hand from his. “Thanks,” she said tersely.

  Ascott’s arm made a sweeping motion over the spacious penthouse which was brimming with people. “Make yourself at home.” P. J. was grateful there were lots of people here. That way, she wouldn’t feel like she was on the hot-seat.

  A short while later, Ascott took P. J., Angela, and three other guests on a tour. When he was done, he announced, “So that’s my penthouse.” His casual, unassuming tone reeked of false humility. “And out this door is the pool.” He slid open a three-paneled glass door that led to the private rooftop swimming pool. Beyond the glass roof was a blanket of glittering stars. “Go ahead. Make yourselves comfortable.”

  As the other three guests went back inside with Ascott, P. J. and Angela walked over to a pair of lounge chairs on the far side of the pool. P. J. didn’t mind being out here, away from the commotion of the party.

  “Pretty nice place, isn’t it?” Angela pointed out in a dreamy, star-struck tone.

  “Yeah, it’s great,” P. J. said flatly. She motioned. “I think the palm trees are a little over the top though.”

  “I know, right?” Angela giggled. “Who puts them on the seventeenth floor of a skyscraper?”

  “Someone with more money than he knows what to do with, I imagine.”

  “That would be Ascott. His father wrote some computer program back in the eighties. He claims he’s not allowed to tell me what it is, but he says we’d know it if he did. He sold it for hundreds of millions, apparently.”

  P. J. scrunched her nose. “Why in the world would someone like him bother going through all the torture of medical school and residency?”

  Angela leaned over and lowered her voice. “I understand it had a lot to do with Daddy’s donations to the school’s charitable trust. Ascott worked hard to get here, I’m sure, but I doubt he could have landed a cardiology residency without some solid financial backing, if you know what I mean.”

  P. J. shook her head. “You and I had to bust our brains to get to this point. It bugs me more than I can say that people still think they can buy their way into positions like this.”

  Angela reclined in her chair, stretching out her legs. “Yeah, but there’s nothing wrong with enjoying his toys while he’s around. Might as well take advantage of it.”

  While they were talking, Ascott strode out to where they sat. The chaise next to P. J.’s squeaked as he sat down. “And how are the two best-looking guests at my party doing? Can I have the caterer bring you another soda, or a snack or anything?”

  “I’m good, thanks,” P. J. responded. “How about you, Angela?” She was tempted to switch chairs with Angela. After all, Angela was the one who was so smitten with Ascott. Why, P. J. had no idea. The man was a pompous buffoon.

  “I could use something cold and wet.”

  Ascott got up and stepped inside. Through the wall of windows, they could see him talking to a woman in her serving tuxedo uniform. He pointed to Angela. A second later, he returned and sat back in his same spot. “All taken care of,” he said with a cocky grin.

  Sure enough, the woman came out with a platter of various soft drinks and an assortment of snacks. She placed them on the table. “Will there be anything else, Mr. Carson?”

  He flicked his wrist. “No, that’ll do for now.”

  Nodding, the woman went back inside. Angela grabbed a drink and started digging into the snacks.

  “I’m going to start seeing patients on my own next Monday morning,” he boasted. “After that I’ll be really busy with calls and stuff.”

  P. J.’s skin bristled. He sounded like his schedule was the most important one in the department.

  “Since I won’t have much time then, P. J., would you go to a movie with me tomorrow evening?”

  It took a second for P. J.’s brain to register that Ascott had asked her out. She looked at Angela’s crestfallen expression.

  “Sorry,” she said delicately, “I’m busy, but Angela would love to.”

  “Yes, I would,” Angela blurted, with a goofy grin.

  Disappointment flicked over Ascott’s face before he pulled his mouth up into a tight grin. “Alright, beautiful,” he said, giving Angela a doting look. “It looks like it’s me and you.”

  When P. J. and Angela got back to the car, P. J. pulled out her phone, realizing that she’d missed a call from Kyle. He’d left her a voice message. As Angela started the car, P. J. listened to his message. He said the trip to Orlando had gotten postponed because his sister’s daughter was getting over a cold virus and didn’t want to pass it on to Marigold. A glow of warmth spread through her when he said that he missed her. She would’ve called him back that instant, but he said he was turning in for the evening and would talk to her tomorrow afternoon, when she got off work.

  With a sigh, she ended the call and sat back in her seat.

  “Everything okay?” Angela asked.

  “Yep, I’m good.”

  A smile sounded in Angela’s voice. “Was that message from Kyle?”

  “It was.” P. J. couldn’t stop a large grin from spreading over her lips.

  “You’ve got it bad, girl,” Angela cooed.

  P. J.
laughed. “Is it that obvious?”

  “Yep, I’m afraid so.” She paused. “I mean, it’s not every day a girl would turn down a date with Ascott Carson.”

  Hearing the jealousy in Angela’s voice, P. J. winced. “I’m sure Ascott just asked me to the movies first because I was sitting next to him.”

  “You think so?” A combination of hope and doubt coated Angela’s voice.

  “I know so,” P. J. said with conviction.

  “Ascott is so amazing,” Angela cooed. “He’s so perfect with his hair and teeth. And, that penthouse … wow!”

  As Angela babbled on about Ascott, P. J. relaxed back in her seat and let her mind get lost in her favorite topic—Kyle.


  Kyle was sitting at the desk in his bedroom, staring at the wall like he’d done so many times back in high school when he didn’t want to focus on his homework. Now though, he was so deep in concentration that he jumped when his cell phone rang. He thought—hoped—it might be P. J. Having missed her call the night before, he was anxious to talk to her. He frowned. Not P. J. It was a number he didn’t recognize. “Kyle Thornton,” he answered briskly.

  “Kyle,” the man began, “this is Ascott Carson.”

  “Who?” Kyle didn’t recognize the name at first.

  “From the hospital. I work with P. J.”

  Kyle grunted in surprise as he straightened in his seat. Why was Ascott calling him? His mind began to race. Had something happened to P. J.? He tightened his hold on the phone. “What is this about?”

  “It’s about P. J.”

  Kyle’s heart lurched. “Is she okay?”

  “She’s okay … for now.” Ascott chuckled lightly. “Man, this is awkward.”

  A furrow dented Kyle’s brows. “What is this about?” he repeated.

  “It’s about your relationship with P. J.”

  His pulse began throbbing a fast beat against his temples as he swallowed. “I beg your pardon.”

  “Look, I get it, P. J.’s a beautiful woman, but you’ve got to let her go. You’re putting her career in jeopardy.”