The Queen: A Wicked Novella Read online

Page 6

  “And that’s what I should’ve been doing. You’re my Lite Bright. I’m your Tink. I should’ve known. And I may or may not punch Ivy when I see her.”

  “Don’t punch Ivy.”

  “Not even a little?”


  “How about a love tap?”

  A sob settled in the back of my throat as I shook my head no.

  “What about when I’m tiny Tink-sized with teeny, tiny fists?”

  I choked on a laugh. “Ren would still skewer you with a toothpick.”

  “I’d punch him first. He’s had it coming since I had to unexpectedly see his junk in Ivy’s kitchen.”

  Another laugh left me. “I’ve missed you,” I said, face-planting against his chest.

  “Of course, you did. I’m awesome.” He cleared his throat. There was a pause, and I felt his lips brush the top of my head. “Fabian told me what really happened when we were about an hour out from here. I almost caused a massive pileup on the interstate.”

  My lips twitched.

  His hands settled on my shoulders and he guided me back. “He said you killed him. Aric?”

  “I did,” I whispered.

  “Is there anything left of his body?”

  “Um, no. He sort of just disintegrated, like most Ancients.”

  “Not even ashes?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “I’ll ask the King.”

  I frowned. “Why?”

  “Because I want to take a shit on his remains.”

  “Oh my God.” I laughed again. “That is so disgusting.”

  “I know. It’s the most disrespectful thing I can think of,” he explained and then led me toward a loveseat that often reminded me of a birdcage sliced open. “Tell me, Bri. Tell me everything you can.”

  As we sat on the thick cushions, and the gauzy curtain draped over the chair rippled in the breeze, I told him everything I could remember. It wasn’t the first time, but there was a sense that the weight was lifting, just a little this time around. It was like letting out a breath.

  “The King is most likely right,” Tink said after I told him about the hallucination I’d had earlier. “Your mind is stronger.”

  “I hope so.”

  “It could have nothing to do with the feedings.” He was toying with my hair. Somehow, it had come out of its ponytail. “It could be that post-traumatic syndrome thing that sometimes causes people to hoard things in their houses.”

  I arched a brow. “You watch way too much television.”

  “But I could be right. You experienced some trauma. Hearing voices, reliving the events is pretty common afterwards, according to Dr. Phil.”

  I stared at him.

  “After I saw Ren’s junk, I kept seeing it. Sometimes, it would talk to me—”

  “You’re a mess.”

  He grinned at me. “Fabian told me something else.”


  “He told me how the King nearly tore the city apart looking for you,” he said, and every muscle in my body tensed. “Wouldn’t give up on finding you. He also said that Ivy told him he’s barely left your side since he found you.”

  I looked away. “You know that I helped him when he was wounded. He felt like he owed me—”

  “Are you forgetting that I saw him kiss you like you were a snack?”

  My cheeks heated. “No, I’m not forgetting that, but you know he’s the King and I’m…it doesn’t matter. Tell me about your hair. Please?”

  Momentarily distracted, he ran his hand through his locks. It wasn’t spiky but fell over his forehead. “Do you like it?”

  “I …I do.” The color matched his brows now, and somehow made him appear more adult. Which was weird, but the darker color suited him. In all honesty, any color fit him. Tink was gorgeous. “It’s just a shock.”

  “I didn’t recognize myself when I saw my reflection. It was strange.” He lifted a shoulder. “I sort of got bored with it, you know? Fabian suggested I should color it, and since I was bored, I thought YOLO, bitches. Fabian did it for me.” His voice lowered. “He didn’t wear gloves. It took days for the dye to fade from his hands.”

  “Oh no.” I grinned. “But he did a good job.”

  “He does a good job at everything. It’s annoying, and I mean that in the best way.” The smile on his face faded. “Lite Bright…”

  “I’m okay. I really am. I know I don’t look it, but I’m fine.” I changed the subject once more. “Where’s Dixon?”

  “Fabian has him. Carrying him around in the sling.”

  I sort of wished I could see that.

  “I know he loves you.”

  “What?” I squeaked, my gaze shooting back to his.

  “He spoke to Fabian before we got here. I don’t know exactly what he said, but Fabian knows his brother.” Tink lightly touched my arm. “He also told Fabian what he did.”

  There could be several things that Caden might’ve told him.

  “He ended his engagement.”

  I closed my eyes. Why did it have to be that?

  “I honestly thought that when I got here, I’d find you with him. So, color me surprised when he told us you were out in the courtyard by yourself.”

  My eyes opened as my lips pursed. I couldn’t say that I was shocked that Caden knew exactly where I was.

  “And here you are, acting like nothing’s going on when the motherfucking King of the Summer Court is in love with you.” He tapped my arm again. “I know you like him. You like him a lot, and you were hurt when he pushed you away.”

  “Things have…they’ve changed. I’ve been through a lot,” I said, hating that I was using what’d happened to me as an excuse.

  “Bri, you’ve been through a lot. But, girl, you’d already been through a lot. You’re a fighter. You’re a survivor,” he said, and my gaze lifted to his. “What you’ve gone through is terrible. But I don’t think it sucked out your ability to love and the ability to recognize the feeling. Or your common sense.”

  “My common sense?”

  “Yes. Your common sense seems to have taken a vacation,” he said, and my brows lifted. “You have the love and devotion of a King. Granted, he’s not human, but who in their right mind would swipe left on him?”

  “That’s the problem, Tink. He’s the King.”

  “So? That should fall under the pro category,” he reasoned.

  I stared at him. “Do you know what will happen if he doesn’t choose a Queen from his people? I know you do. That’s why you got all quiet and weird after you saw him kiss me. That’s why you tried to get me to understand that he had reasons for pushing me away.”

  “You’re right, but he still chose you. He chose you over his Court, over—”

  “And you know what that means.” I couldn’t hear how he chose me. That wasn’t helping. “You know what will happen.”

  “Is that why you’re saying things are different now?”

  “Why else would I say it?” I admitted, shoulders slumping.

  His gaze roamed over me, and his chest rose with a heavy breath. “You love him, right?”

  “That doesn’t matter.”

  “It’s the only thing that matters,” he responded. “Despite what and who he is, you still fell in love with him. Is that not true?”

  I wanted to be able to say no, and maybe that would be the right thing to do. I needed to get better at saying it because perhaps then I’d believe it. But I couldn’t lie to Tink. “Yes,” I whispered. “But you can’t tell him that.”

  He arched a brow. “You think he doesn’t already know?”

  “It doesn’t matter what he knows or thinks. He needs a Queen, and the last thing he or I need is for someone to confirm how I feel.”

  “You mean confirm what he already knows.” Tink looked out over the darkened courtyard while I debated punching him, but since I’d just told him he couldn’t punch Ivy, I couldn’t turn around and do it to him. “I know what could happen. Sure, the Cou
rt would weaken, and they’d be without a King, but that doesn’t mean fae will start dropping dead everywhere.” He sat back against the thick, cream-colored cushion. “It doesn’t mean that the King will become so weakened that he can’t defend himself. It doesn’t mean that you should both sacrifice what you deserve. Love is more important.”

  “You really believe that? That Caden and I being together is more important than the survival of the fae? Of the human race and our—?” I cut myself off as my stomach dropped.

  His eyes shot to mine. “And what?”


  “Liar. What were you going to say?”

  Shaking my head, I looked away. “It’s nothing, Tink.”

  He was quiet for a moment. “What are you not telling me?”

  “Why does everyone keep asking me that?” I threw up my hands in frustration. Okay. Only he and Caden had said that, but whatever.

  “Maybe because there’s obviously something you’re not sharing.” There was a pause. “I’m offended.”

  “Are you now?”

  “Yes. I’m Tink. We’re roomies. We have joint custody of Dixon.”

  My brows puckered. “We do not have joint custody of your cat.”

  “Not true. He sleeps in your bed. That means we have joint custody whether you’re aware of it or not,” he said. “And you’re keeping something from me. You’re not telling me the truth, and I’ve just spent weeks with everyone keeping the truth from me. I expected better from you.”

  My mouth dropped open as I stared at him. A trickle of guilt crept into me, which I was sure he’d intended. “That is so manipulative.”

  “Is it working?”

  A short laugh escaped me as my gaze traveled to where my arms were folded over my stomach. I opened my mouth and then closed it. The need to confide in Tink—in anyone—hit me hard. It hadn’t even been a day, and I was bursting to tell someone.

  And Tink…if he was still living with me in a few months, would know. It would eventually become noticeable. I couldn’t hide it from everyone. I needed someone who knew. I could confide in Ivy, but she was prone to outbursts, and there was her own messy history with Caden.

  Lifting my hands, I scrubbed them down my face, covering my mouth. “If I tell you this, you have to promise me you won’t say anything.”

  “I promise,” he agreed quickly.

  “I mean it, Tink. You’re going to want to say something, but you can’t repeat this. Not to Fabian or Ivy or even Dixon.”

  “What in the hell would Dixon do? He’s a cat.”

  “I don’t care.” Lowering my hands, I looked at him. “You can’t repeat this. If you do, I will…” I searched for the worst possible thing that could happen to Tink. “I will find a way to blacklist you from Amazon, and until then, I will throw every single one of your packages in the garbage. I will cancel your orders. I’ll discontinue the internet.”

  His eyes widened as he pressed his hand to his chest. “That’s harsh.”

  “I know.” I held his gaze. “Do you still want to know?”

  Tink tilted his head. “I can keep a secret, Bri. You have no idea how many secrets I already keep. I’m practically the keeper of secrets. You all don’t even know my real name.”

  I frowned. “What is your real name?”

  He smirked.

  “Does Fabian know?”


  “For real?”

  “For reals.”

  I was kind of surprised that he hadn’t told Fabian. There was power in knowing a fae’s true name. I nibbled on my lip and then it sort of just spilled out of me. Two simple words that were incredibly life-altering. “I’m pregnant.”

  Tink blinked slowly. “With a baby?”

  “What other thing would I be pregnant with?” I asked.

  He gave a little shake of his head, and then a wide, beautiful smile broke out across his face, briefly stunning me. “Does that mean I get to be a godfather? I’ve always wanted to be a godfather. I can babysit. There are so many things I can show this child. I can make his or her toys come to life. Did you know that? I can teach them the wonders of Harry Potter and Twilight. Oh! And Game of Thrones. Well, that will probably have to come later. But think of all—” He came to a grinding halt while I gaped at him.

  Tink drew back from me and then stood, lifting his hands. “I’m about to ask a potentially obvious question here. Bear with me while I collect myself.”

  “Yes, it’s Caden’s child,” I stated dryly.

  “You didn’t bear with me!”


  He clasped his hands together under his chin. “You are having his child?”

  I nodded.

  “You are carrying a baby inside you right now that has your and his DNA?”


  Tink bent at the waist so we were at eye level with each other. “You are impregnated by him?”

  “Yes. Yes, Tink. I’m pregnant. He’s the father. Caden’s the dad,” I told him, exasperated. “The King is the father.”

  “Holy shit.”

  I snapped my mouth shut.

  Tink blinked.

  My heart stopped as my belly rolled all the way to the tips of my toes.

  Neither of us had said that.

  Tink straightened.

  I looked over his shoulder.

  And I saw not one, not two, but three fae staring at us in utter shock.

  Chapter 7

  It was the fair-haired Kalen who’d spoken. He looked as shocked as I felt. Standing beside him, Faye looked as if a slight breeze might knock her flat on her back. And of all people to be here, Tanner was with them.

  He looked like he was seconds away from vomiting.

  The five of us just stared at one another in silence while my heart pounded against my ribs. I thought I might hurl. Tanner and I could go puke together.

  Tink was the first to break the silence.

  “I dyed my hair,” Tink announced. “Do you all like it? I think it complements my skin tone.”

  For the first time in, well, forever, Tanner ignored Tink. “You’re pregnant,” the leader of the hotel said. “By…” He seemed as if he couldn’t bring himself to say it.

  My throat dried. “I…”

  “We heard her,” Faye said, blinking as her features settled into their typical blandness. “I don’t think we need her to repeat it.”

  This couldn’t possibly be any worse.

  Well, if Caden had been with them, that would have been worse.

  “I knew…” Tanner paused for a rough inhale. “I knew there was something between the two of you. It was obvious even before your abduction. I thought it was a passing fancy, but the way he behaved while you were missing told me it was more.”

  “Told everyone it was more,” Kalen muttered under his breath.

  “Now I understand his reaction earlier, why he demanded to be with you—”

  “Wait.” I shot out of the chair. “He doesn’t know.”

  “What?” Faye’s brows lifted.

  “I haven’t told him. I don’t plan to tell him—”

  “What?” Tink echoed in a demanding tone.

  Kalen pinched the bridge of his nose. “I have a feeling I’m going to regret coming out here tonight.”

  “What do you mean you’re not planning to tell him?” Tanner asked.

  “In other words, are you out of your freaking mind?” Tink cried.

  “This is like one of those daytime talk shows,” commented Faye.

  Kalen glanced at her. “You’re thinking of Maury?”

  The female fae nodded.

  “Love that show,” Tink chimed in.

  “He behaved that way and doesn’t know you’re carrying his youngling?” Tanner asked.

  “I’m going to be the godfather,” Tink announced.

  “Thoughts and prayers for that child,” Kalen said.

  “I know humans have their own views on these types of matters.” Tanner lifted his
chin. “But we believe that the father has the same rights as a mother—”

  “Okay, everyone needs to shut up for a second, stop judging me and listen,” I snapped, a fine sheen of sweat dotting my brow. “I just found out today, and I am planning to tell him eventually. But not right now. None of you are going to say a word to him. For two reasons. Number one—it’s none of your business.”

  Tanner sucked in air, looking absolutely affronted. “He is our King.”

  “And this is still not your business,” I told him. “The second reason is because I’m trying to do the right thing, and that does not involve giving him a congratulations card at the moment.”

  Kalen’s brow wrinkled.

  “I’m about to tell you all something that I hope shines a whole new light on this situation. Caden chose me. Not his betrothed. Not any other fae. He ended his engagement with Tatiana.” The stunned gasps from the three fae echoed like thunder. “I don’t think he’s going to pick another fae, and I’m sure as hell not into a party of three. He loves me. I love him, but I know what will happen if he doesn’t choose a Queen. I know what’s at stake. I assume each of you understands as well.”

  Tanner was slow to nod, even though he looked a little green under his silvery skin.

  “So I know that no matter what I want, what he wants, it can’t be.” My voice warbled, and when Tink opened his mouth, I pointed my finger at him. “I do not need to hear how love is worth everything. Do you think I don’t want to run in there and throw my arms around him and never let go? This isn’t easy for me, but I am pregnant. I am going to have a child. And even though I have no idea how to even raise a kid, I know I don’t want to bring him or her into a world that will go to hell in a handbasket. I know Caden needs to marry one of his own. I know the entire fae race and all humans depend on that. So, no. I’m not telling him anything until he’s happily married. Then, I will tell him.”

  Breathing heavily, I willed the knot of emotion swelling in my chest to fade. It had to. “So if any of you have any hope of preventing a catastrophe from happening, then you will keep your mouths shut about this, and you will do everything in your power to make—” I tried to swallow, but the knot had crept into my throat. “Everything in your power to make sure he marries Tatiana or another fae. That’s what you should be doing. But if you tell him what you overheard… I don’t know what he’ll do.” Pressing my lips together, I shook my head as I remembered him talking about his sister Scorcha. I tried to push away the image of him brushing the knots out of a little girl’s hair. I tried to forget how careful and gentle he was when he did it for me. I cleared my throat. “I have no idea what he’d do, but it won’t help to make sure the right thing is done. That much I do know.”