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- Jennifer Keishin Armstrong
Sex and the City and Us
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1. The Real Carrie Bradshaw
2. A New Kind of TV Woman
3. Building Sex and the City’s New York
4. The Show Everyone? Wants to Live In
5. A Very High Altitude
6. Shopping and Fucking
7. Van Talk, Real Talk
8. 9/11 Hits Home
9. Happy Endings
10. Ever Thine, Ever Mine, Ever Ours
For my father, who definitely did not watch Sex and the City, but who would nonetheless have read every word here and gone to every book event he could and bought copies for everyone he knew.
Note on Reporting Methods
The following narrative scenes are re-created with the help of original interviews with those who were present, as well as accounts from newspapers, books, magazines, recorded interviews, and other research materials. I’ve indicated within the text, when necessary, who is doing the recounting. Scenes were checked by multiple sources when possible; dialogue comes from the accounts of those who were present. Full notes on specific sourcing are available at the end of the book.
I left my fiancé for Sex and the City.
At the time, in the early 2000s, I was in my late twenties. I didn’t know who I was, and it showed. One day I was wearing a striped sweater and beige slacks, purchased from a mall near where I lived in suburban New Jersey, to work at my magazine job in nearby New York City; the next day I was buying black spiky heels, a hot-pink miniskirt, and a black T-shirt from a thrift store in the city’s punk-rock-steeped East Village neighborhood. I even recall a one-month hippie phase with faded jeans, fringed belts, and off-the-shoulder peasant shirts that I thought were particularly cool to wear to literary readings in dark downtown bars. Very Joan Didion.
I lead with the clothes because Sex and the City demonstrated how much they can mean. They indicated, for me, that so much was wrong, but that something right wanted to emerge. I was trying on selves. I was searching for an identity beyond what my upbringing in the Chicago suburbs, as the child of a dad who went to an office every day and a mom who stayed home with my younger brother and sister and me, presented as my ready-to-wear options: girlfriend, wife, or mother. I wanted a nameplate necklace like Carrie Bradshaw’s and a distinct, authentic, messy identity to go with it. Sex and the City helped me find myself.
I fell for the show immediately when it premiered on HBO in the summer of 1998. As a TV nerd, I watched from the beginning; I read my Entertainment Weekly and other pop culture magazines dutifully, and the hype told me to pay attention to this one. The show followed four New York women through their simultaneously harrowing and glamorous dating lives. Carrie, who writes a sex-and-relationships column for a New York newspaper, narrates with excessive punning and digestible insight into modern single life. Charlotte longs for a traditionally romantic handsome prince, a type conspicuously absent from the Manhattan dating pool. Miranda prefers to focus on her career as a lawyer and make wisecracks rather than actively pursue the frustration of dating. And Samantha, the oldest of the four, has long since turned off her romantic longings in favor of sexual conquest.
Their stories started out simple: Carrie experiments with unattached sex. Miranda dates Carrie’s younger beta-male friend, Skipper. Charlotte meets a guy she likes until he requests anal sex. Samantha hooks up with a serial “modelizer” who fetishizes fashion glamazons. As a woman still in her twenties who was living in the suburbs of Chicago and had slept with only one man total, I was entranced. On one level, I coveted the life they were depicting, and on another, I was happy not to be facing such a scary landscape: the sex part and the city part.
My fear would, however, eventually give way to a longing for a larger life like that depicted on the show—and this shift would mark the biggest turning point in my adult life. This impact of what many have derided as a featherweight TV show is what, nearly twenty years later, inspired me to find out how author Candace Bushnell, and then a group of writers and producers, turned their own life stories into a show that could so profoundly affect others’ lives. In this book, I will share that story—all of those stories—with you.
But first, I want to give credit where it’s due and tell you how Sex and the City helped to change my life. My college boyfriend and I moved to the New York City area together in 2001, from my hometown of Chicago. Our relationship thus far looked exactly the way I, as a white, suburban, Midwestern girl, was taught life should go. This was the third time I moved to accommodate his career, and I figured this time would pay off in an engagement, marriage, and happily-ever-after. I was an overachiever, and had always assumed those milestones came as part of the adult prize package I was working toward.
In New York City, I would pursue my professional dream, a job at a national magazine—and being close to the dreamy cityscape I’d seen depicted on the first three and a half seasons of Sex and the City wouldn’t hurt. The show reached the heights of its powers in its fourth season that year, sending out a siren song to independent women throughout America: Come to New York, and your fantasy life will follow. I wasn’t deluded about this; I didn’t expect to instantly land a high-paying job as a sex columnist at a New York newspaper and find myself walking red carpets like Carrie. I just thought it would be fun to, say, walk past a cool new restaurant and see a glamorous party going on inside, or sip a cosmopolitan at a bar featured on the show, or enjoy a cupcake at Magnolia Bakery in the West Village like Carrie and Miranda did.
Mr. College and I bought a condo in Edgewater, New Jersey, just across the Hudson River from Manhattan. To be more precise, he bought us that condo. I didn’t have a job yet. He got there a few weeks before I did. And between the time he moved there and I arrived, terrorists crashed two airplanes into the Twin Towers of Lower Manhattan, devastating all Americans’ sense of security. But I went to the region anyway, fueled by love and the determination to work in national magazines, almost all of which were based in New York City. I knew I’d made the right decision when I saw the Manhattan skyline, the one I’d seen on Sex and the City and a million other TV shows, shimmering on the horizon as I approached on the New Jersey Turnpike. Smoke was still rising from the ruins of the Twin Towers. Ryan Adams sang, “Hell, I still love you, New York,” from the stereo in my Saturn. I already felt a connection to my ailing new city.
During my first few weeks there, the New York City region displayed its courage and its kindness, qualities always lurking beneath its tough exterior. The closer you were to the site of the attacks, the gentler people spoke, the more eager they were to help with the most basic questions from a New York City novice. “No, this subway is not headed uptown, it’s headed to Brooklyn.” “No, that’s the East River, not the Hudson.”
Two months and five interviews later, I got a job offer: I would be an editorial assistant at Entertainment Weekly, the publication I’d declared to be my dream job in college. I had hoped for such fortune, but I hadn’t expected it. My persp
ective began to shift. Perhaps a life like Carrie’s wasn’t as far out of reach as I’d thought.
That fall, Mr. College arranged with my boss at Entertainment Weekly to get me the day off, then whisked me away on a surprise trip to Disney World, where, as fireworks exploded above the park’s man-made lagoon, Mr. College got down on one knee and proposed. I don’t remember much else, but I must have said yes, because I ended up with a one-carat-diamond-and-white-gold ring on my finger. The next week at work, my left hand shook with excitement as I showed it off and recounted the proposal to my new coworkers.
But in the months that followed, my infatuation with the ring cooled, while my passion for the city flourished. I met Heather, a tall blonde whose looks—and high-heeled sandals—announced from a distance that she was a Los Angeles transplant. Over sandwiches and iced tea, we discovered how much we had in common: blossoming feminist beliefs, an ambition to take over the world with our writing, and on-again, off-again long-term relationships that had dominated our young-adult lives. She was off again, and able to explore a new life in New York.
Surprised to find myself envious of her freedom, I dipped my toe into her life to see what it was like. We sipped white wine night after night at whatever downtown bar we decided was cool that week. Any place that appeared on Sex and the City shot to the top of our list. We lunched at Cafeteria, the slick Chelsea site of most of the show’s brunch scenes. When her sort-of ex came into town for a visit, we double dated at Sushi Samba, the West Village hot spot where a reservation was portrayed as a status symbol on the show.
Sex and the City became my oracle. I had watched since the beginning, but now the show provided a guide to what I should or could do, wear, eat, and buy to fit into my new hometown—or at least the big city across the river from my new hometown. I honestly had no idea where to go or what to do in this overwhelming place, where walking down just one block looking for a restaurant for dinner could send a typical suburbanite into an existential crisis of indecision.
I spent many nights on Heather’s fold-out sofa bed in her East Village studio apartment, giddy the next morning to take the subway to work instead of the New Jersey bus in through the Lincoln Tunnel. The city had more young men—so many of them sexy and smart—than I had ever seen in one place. And so many more of them were interested in me than I’d expected. Back home in the Midwest, twenty-eight put you well past marriage age. In New York, it seemed possible I was just getting started. Sex and the City showed me that not only was I still young, I was also under no obligation to get married at all.
As my doubts about my engagement grew, one scene from the show returned to me. In season 4, Carrie finds an engagement ring—meant for her—in her boyfriend Aidan’s bag. She runs to the bathroom to vomit. Later, she recounts to her friends, “I saw the ring and I threw up. That’s not normal.”
Her friend Samantha replies, “That’s my reaction to marriage.”
I wondered if I had given up my own dreams of sex and the city too soon. I had had sex with one man, my fiancé. And now that I spent so much time in The City, I understood why it went with The Sex. Attractive, interesting people ornamented every street, every subway, every bar. Like so many new New Yorkers before me, I found myself enchanted by almost every second of my experience, like some manic Disney princess in a mystical kingdom. That man in the subway station who was painted silver and acted like a robot: Why did he do that? What was his life like? That woman who ranted in Times Square about the end of the world: Why did her words seem aimed right at me, as if she questioned whether I, specifically, was living my life to the fullest? And would that cute guy on the subway come over and talk to me? Should I walk over and talk to him instead? I didn’t. I didn’t have the guts yet. But I felt like I might have the guts eventually.
Everything, in short, conspired to make me feel like the Carrie Bradshaw of my own life, a heroine for whom the entire city was working to create a more interesting narrative. I had grown up in an average suburb of Chicago called Homer Glen, full of strip malls and cornfields that would soon become strip malls. I had idolized Belle in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. I loved all of the so-called Disney princesses—Cinderella, Snow White, The Little Mermaid’s Ariel—because I had grown up a Sex and the City Charlotte, sure my prince would come and grant me the happiness I had earned through working hard and being good. But I liked bookish Belle best of all, particularly the refrain of her movie’s opening song: “There must be more than this provincial life.”
I had found my “more” and had begun my transformation from a suburban Charlotte into a metropolitan Carrie.
• • •
What became clear to me right around this time, as I explored the possibilities of New York City, was that I had missed sign after sign that Mr. College and I didn’t belong together. We ate dinner separately, each fixing our own little meal at different times, even if we were both home in the evening. He pushed me to wear revealing clothes that made me uncomfortable—short shorts, microminis—and accused me of not caring about his sexual needs when I refused. I was scared to voice even my most basic concerns, like wanting to go out on a Friday night instead of staying in to watch Star Trek: The Next Generation reruns with him, because I thought the confrontation would somehow lead us to break up. I had been attached to him my entire adult life and had no idea what would happen if I removed him from the equation, so I kept him in it.
Instead of facing my concerns, I spent even more time in the city. I met a twenty-three-year-old wunderkind male novelist with soulful hazel eyes who smelled like fresh laundry and was happy to encourage my own author dreams over too many watermelon margaritas. Now this was the kind of thing that happened on Sex and the City. Carrie had dated a few younger men, and it had gone badly, but no matter: Our meetings became regular, almost weekly, and stretched from happy hour until midnight. They looked and functioned a lot like dates, and they were hardly the right way for me to handle my fraying engagement, but I soaked up the attention Author Boy gave me.
These emotional cul-de-sacs are where you can end up if you see marriage as obligatory, as the only way to be an adult. My grandmother used to say, “If a man asks you to marry him, you say yes.” My mom and I laughed at Grandma’s throwback sexism without thinking about where it came from: My grandmother was a Russian immigrant who had been allowed to advance only to a fourth-grade-level education in America; for her, a good marriage meant survival. For my mother, it meant at least security. I hadn’t thought a lot yet about what it meant to me, and yet I was following Grandma’s order, just as my mother had. But Sex and the City mapped a way out for me with its vision of women in their thirties living carefree, successful lives without husbands or children.
Mr. College knew by now that I had doubts about our impending marriage. I had at least managed to voice some hesitation, spurred by his questions about Author Boy. Nearly every Sunday night, my fiancé and I sat out on our terrace, looked at the George Washington Bridge, and talked. I even declared my intention to leave, though I wasn’t as decisive as I should have been. What I did was closer to asking if I could leave. I wanted his approval; I wanted it to be mutual and easy. He would counter with logical arguments: We already had all this furniture together. We had known each other for so long. Did I even have enough money to live on my own?
One day, after months of these talks, I moved my ring from my finger to a silver chain around my neck. I explained this to Mr. College by citing the episode in which Carrie does the same with the engagement ring given to her by sexy furniture-maker Aidan. I even quoted her: “It’s closer to my heart this way.” We both pretended this was fine. We both pretended Aidan and Carrie hadn’t long since broken up.
When others noticed—and they did—I said the same thing. My coworkers at Entertainment Weekly didn’t miss a beat. They nodded solemnly. They didn’t have to pretend not to get it. They covered entertainment for a living, after all. They knew their Sex and the City.
I had said during t
hose Sunday night talks that one problem was that I wanted to live in the city. This was true. But I also didn’t want him in my city life. I thought I was finally forcing a breakup. Instead, he bought a $600,000 condo on the Upper West Side.
You never know what that final blow will be. You never know why that moment is the moment and not some other moment. Mine came about three months after we moved into the new apartment, an eon later than would have been ideal. I looked around at our gleaming wood floors and the monstrous TV and the gorgeous Craftsman-style bookshelves filled with my books and felt crushed by the weight of it all. I was lucky by my grandmother’s standards, but this was not what I wanted. What would come next in our attempt to construct what looked like a successful life as a couple? If I stayed with him now because of the condo, soon maybe we’d get a dog that would bind us together more. And he was already lobbying for kids.
Then a thought, the clearest one I’d had in months: Even if we stayed together for all of that, we’d still get divorced in the end. I knew this was true. In the future we could be divorced people fighting over condos and dogs and kids. Or we could deal with it and be broken-up people in the present.
I packed enough to fit into one rolling suitcase and left the rest. I sat Mr. College down on our plush beige sofa on a Sunday night and told him this was a different kind of talk. I had to leave now. Time slowed down to about one-thousandth speed as I took the ring off and my hand moved toward the coffee table to place it there.
Sex and the City had ended the previous year. My Sex and the City had just begun.
• • •
I wasn’t the only one who took this TV show so seriously that it changed my life. Women and men far beyond New York City took its lessons to heart. Sex and the City changed lives across the gender spectrum, across the sexual orientation spectrum, and around the world. It affected lives in ways both personal, like my story, and global. It changed the way we thought about women and sex, the way we talked about sex, the way we dated, married, or didn’t. It did this for those who watched, of course, but even for those who didn’t; it reshaped the cultural perception of single women, sex, dating, and marriage, spreading from viewers themselves to a large swath of America and beyond. It directed the way many women dressed, elevated drinking culture to a social obligation in some circles, and foisted brunch upon an unsuspecting nation. Most of all, it demonstrated that life-changing love comes in forms besides heterosexual marriage and nuclear family; it showed single people that friends could be at least as supportive as family, at least as important as a spouse.