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Deadly Potential Page 2
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“I don’t expect you to break character on my account. You go on perfecting your bad cop, and I’ll enjoy performing all the other emotional roles.” Ray closed his eyes, effectively ending the conversation.
A small smile still clung stubbornly to Ben’s lips despite his best efforts to remain stern.
When he’d first met Ray Morgan, Ben had accepted the flippant surface for the truth. During their first assignment, he’d expected Ray to storm off in a huff when protesters identified them as Special Investigations, and began pelting them with garbage and insults. Ben had been prepared to restrain his partner, but to his surprise, Ray had simply wiped away the smelly remnants, apologized to the protesters on behalf of the agency, and left the scene. When Ben caught up to him, Ray explained his reasoning.
“They’re absolutely right. Special Investigations has done some horrible things. We’ve taken people out of their homes. We held them in that terrible camp up North without any chance of release. And we did it all because we were scared of people who were different.”
Ben hesitated. “Given how you feel, I’m surprised you joined the agency.”
“There’s still an important job to be done. The public needs a sense of safety, or else you’re likely to have riots and lynch mobs. If good people refuse to join Special Investigations because of its past, then it’s going to be filled with the wrong type of people to do the job.”
All in all, flamboyance and irreverence were a small price to pay for the reassurance of knowing he could trust his partner to make the right choice in a tough situation.
Ben grudgingly apologized. “I’ll do my best not to be a buzz-kill.”
“I’ll keep my stash of gold stars handy,” Ray replied, his eyes still closed, and his voice dry with sardonic amusement. “You’re not going to ruin my cheer today, no matter how much doom and gloom you insist on packing. We’re going to catch a serial killer who has eluded justice for a decade, hang out with music royalty, and enjoy some West Coast sun. You’ll see, it will all work out splendidly.”
Ben wished it could be so easy. Good guys win, bad guys lose, everyone goes home happy. But he’d already learned the hard-taught lesson of reality, nothing was guaranteed. Sometimes bad guys won, and good guys didn’t get to go home at all.
Chapter 2
“I’m going to sue that son-of-a-bitch!”
Grimacing, Katie opened the door to Aggi’s hotel suite, dodging a thrown tabloid. Discarded newsprint covered the cream and tan leather sofa as well as the white carpeting. I’ve told her not to read the gossip rags. Her sister paced up and down in front of the floor to ceiling windows, ignoring the spectacular view of San Diego’s harbor glinting in the noon sunlight.
One of the self-proclaimed Princesses of Pop, Aggi looked the part even when in a full-blown tantrum mode. Long, thick blond curls, natural in both fullness and color, tall and slender, with big green eyes, she’d been gracing the covers of magazines since her teenage years. Unfortunately, the photo under yesterday’s headline was considerably less flattering. Katie silently held out a bright pink travel mug to her sister.
“Thank God you’re here. You need to do your magic, and make this go away.” Aggi grabbed the mug before anxiously peering inside. “You made certain the place uses all organic ingredients, right?”
Mentally crossing her fingers, Katie nodded. Aggi adored strawberry smoothies, but was very particular about the taste and ingredients. Rather than searching to find acceptable smoothie options in every city, Katie had begun making them herself. She picked up organic strawberries, yogurt, milk, vanilla, and a few other items to blend in her own hotel room. One more road-smoothing task taken care of without Aggi ever being the wiser.
Aggi kicked the discarded tabloid. “I want you to call Patrick, and start the lawsuit.”
“You can’t get upset at everything they print.” Katie picked up the scattered pages. It was a rare day when Aggi’s name didn’t appear in the gossip media. Being a pop culture phenomenon extracted a price in personal privacy.
“He said we had a threesome.” Aggi hissed.
AGGI GETS KINKI! TREVOR STANISLOV SHARES ALL THE SEXY DETAILS! Katie recognized the name with a sinking feeling. Ten years ago, Trevor had been one of the non-threatening poster boys on a popular tween series. Since then, he’d failed to transition into adult stardom. He and Aggi had broken up last week after dating for six months.
“I catch him boning one of his little superfans, and suddenly I’m the one who’s a deviant?” Aggi dropped the travel mug, and flung herself onto the couch, arms thrown dramatically over her eyes.
“There’s nothing wrong with a threesome.” Katie picked up the still-sealed mug, and tossed the newspaper into the recycling bin. “It’s not even pushing the envelope these days.”
“The problem starts when a good chunk of my fan base is thirteen to eighteen year old girls.” Aggi dropped her arm to glare. “I don’t need their mothers deciding I’m a bad role model.”
“I’ll drop a few words in the right ears about how Trevor used you to jump-start his stalled acting career. Trust me, it’ll be more effective than a lawsuit. Sue him, and people will wonder if he’s telling the truth.” Katie ran down her mental list of local reporters. Exclusive interviews and VIP passes should generate a sympathetic spin. She pulled out her phone, and fired off a quick email to the top prospect.
“Do you really think he was just using me?” The question didn’t come from Aggi the brand, it was from Agatha, her sister.
Yes. Katie had no doubts. She remembered how often Trevor had casually suggested leaking date plans to the paparazzi. Or pestered her to give him the contact information for entertainment industry professionals. But she couldn’t be the one to tell Aggi. Not when her optimistically-blinded sister had been deeply infatuated with the handsome actor. Luckily, Katie was pragmatic and cynical enough for both of them. She kept her relationships casual, ensuring both parties knew what they were getting into. Falling in love is too exhausting. Unwilling to hurt her sister’s feelings, Katie chose her reply carefully. “He got kicked off the set last month because he failed his drug test. He’s probably trying to distract the media.”
“He said he went to those anonymous meetings.” Aggi sighed, and took the travel mug from Katie again. This time, she opened the lid and drank, rather than using it as a prop. “Do you think that’s why he cheated on me? Because he was high?”
“It probably didn’t help his judgment,” Katie hedged, not wanting her sister to hope for a reconciliation. “But talking to the tabloids isn’t a sign of maturity.”
“You’re right. You always are. Your boyfriends never give you trouble. I should make you pick out the next guy I date.” Aggi straightened up. “Mmm, this is delicious. Okay, we’re moving on from depressing topics. You have to talk to Annabelle about the catsuit for Watch the Claws, it feels like it’s going to tear during the high kicks.”
Katie sent an email to the costume designer. “Done. The new lights arrived yesterday. I’ll do a walk-through to make sure the stage is set up properly for tonight.”
“Have Nadia and her team do a full rehearsal of act three once it’s up. I don’t want anyone flipping off the end of the walkway.” Aggi took another long drink. “Jezzy nearly gave me a heart attack in Tucson.”
I remember. She’d already spoken with the dancers about being more careful, and arranged for an extra rehearsal. Her phone buzzed. “Razel Cummings says she’d be interested in covering backstage to demonstrate what you’re really like.”
“Which one is Razel again?”
“She’s highly acclaimed for her work on feminist matters, making her perfect for the Hear Me Roar tour.” Katie admired Razel’s documentaries and essays. Add in her position as a regular talking head on a number of networks along with a prominent social media personality, and it all seemed perfect. �
��She wants exclusive access for the next week.”
“Can’t I set something up with the cute reporter from New York? He was so sweet when we talked, and I’m single now.” Aggi leaned in to examine her make-up free face in the mirror over the dressing table. “We’d look adorable together.”
Katie bit back an indulgent smile. “No.”
“I wouldn’t sleep with him or anything. I just think it would be a nice ego boost to have a handsome man paying attention to me.” Aggi pulled her blond curls into a ponytail.
“Hear Me Roar’s point was to hire as many women as possible to bring attention to the sexist practices in the entertainment industry.” The two of them had gone over the arguments for months before deciding.
“I wish it didn’t have to be this way.” Aggi stubbornly clung to the idea that merit should be enough.
“If it helps, remember we’re showcasing a lot of talented women, which gives their careers a boost.” Katie picked up another batch of discarded papers. “Or do I have to start reciting the names of our friends who have dropped out of this industry?”
“No, I get it,” Aggi said sadly. Her fingers twisted around the travel mug, squeaking softly against the plastic. They both personally knew women who had faced intimidation and harassment. They’d heard the whispered warnings, and watched promising careers suddenly disappear.
Katie dropped her load of smudged newsprint. Once she’d convinced Aggi to throw her celebrity weight behind the cause of equality, there hadn’t been any doubt of her sister’s commitment.
“Okay. If you think it’s the right move, give her exclusive access.” Aggi leaned her head against Katie’s shoulder. Ever since they were children, Aggi needed physical contact while she worked through her emotions. “I promise not to do anything dramatic about Trevor even if it’s really, really tempting.”
“I’ll take care of everything. Two weeks from now, no one will even remember. We’ve been through worse.” Katie gave her sister a big squeeze. They’d both given up a lot for Aggi’s career. Sometimes a reminder of how far they’d come helped keep them both going.
“Okay.” Aggi stood up to begin her stretching routine. “Oh, what happened with the package yesterday? Did you figure out where it came from?”
Katie’s contentment vanished like the sun disappearing behind clouds. Finding that box in her dressing room still sparked a prickly twinge in her gut. No one should have been able to enter her private space, even in a temporary location. They paid a great deal for private security on top of the usual venue arrangements.
“The dress is gorgeous. Is it a new designer?” Aggi asked.
Katie hadn’t wanted to worry her sister, but they needed to take the incident seriously. “I called the police.”
“What? Why?” Her sister stopped in mid-stretch.
“I received some inappropriate messages through social media. At first. I thought they were from a fan with a boundary issue, and I did the usual pass off to our press liaison. The dress came from the same fan. And not through a delivery service. He must have dropped it off himself.” Despite her efforts to stay calm, Katie couldn’t help shivering.
Aggi’s eyes were round and wide. “How could he get inside? Or figure out which room was yours?”
“I don’t know. But I’ve made sure it won’t happen again.” She’d spent hours talking with their security team. On their recommendation, she’d bought a set of expensive locks and monitors online. Reminding herself of the new precautions calmed the fluttering sense of vulnerability. “The prep area will only be accessible through a scanned keycard. Extra security has been assigned to monitor exits and entries. I’ve confirmed the hotel only allows access to this floor with a room key. You and I are the only ones staying here. Everyone else is on the two levels below. All secure.”
“What about when Mom arrives later? She’s always losing hotel keys.”
“The concierge will escort her to the floor. Every time.” Katie watched carefully for a reaction. If Aggi agreed, the two of them could appeal to Bernice’s ego and VIP vanity to ensure she accepted the new measures.
Aggi’s lips thinned. “And you think that’s enough?”
“The police are looking into the package. Our people know to watch out for anyone suspicious. In a few weeks, this will be a thrilling story to share with our friends.” If she said the words often enough, maybe they would come true. “Which reminds me, we need to get downstairs for the afternoon workout with Stinging Butterfly.”
Their personal trainer did not tolerate tardiness. Katie had already quietly talked to her about brushing up on some self-defense training. Mom always insisted on training me how to defend myself, no matter what. If this Walter planned to bully his way past her, he was sorely mistaken.
A costume and a folded piece of paper weren’t obvious threats, but Katie wasn’t naïve enough to assume this man was harmless, or that he would stop at unwanted gifts. Once the cops found him, she would press charges, and it would all be over. But even while she reassured herself, the skin on the back of her neck crawled as if she were trapped in someone’s cross-hairs.
Chapter 3
“Investigators Morgan and Corwin? I’m Special Agent Tarek Orlund.”
Ben shook the hand of the tall man in a standard charcoal government suit. “I’m Ben Corwin. My partner is picking up the rental car.”
Orlund adjusted his glasses, and self-consciously touched the gray-brown fringe of hair ringing his head. “I see.”
Leaning over the counter to sign the paperwork, Ray flashed his charming grin at the rental clerk. She showed every sign of enjoying his efforts; blushing, giggling, and constantly touching her hair and her neck. Ben suppressed a sigh. His partner’s constant flirting had gotten them the bulkhead seats on the flight, free candy bars from the airport shop, and a twenty minute delay at security while he chatted up the NTSB agent.
Orlund glared at Ben. “Let me be clear. I’m not a supporter of Special Investigations. After what you people did at Woodpine, all of you should be in jail.”
The government evaluation camp would rightfully remain a stain on their agency for the foreseeable future. Ben met the FBI agent’s eyes coolly, and replied without flinching, “There is still a need for us.”
“Not here. I’ve been working on the Director’s profile for the last three years. I know the case, and I’ll take care of it.”
“We want to help.” Ben kept his voice neutral. Sometimes other agencies were easy to work with. Sometimes they weren’t. This isn’t going to be a stellar example of inter-agency cooperation.
“All set.” Ray arrived, flipping a key fob between his fingers. “Janelle gave me her number in case we run into any trouble.”
“I’m sure she did,” Orlund muttered.
Ray’s generous smile locked into place. “Is there a problem?”
“Special Agent Orlund doesn’t feel this is a case for Special Investigations,” Ben said quietly, preparing to enjoy the next few minutes.
Orlund shrugged one shoulder. “The Director is methodical, a highly organized killer. His skills let him evade capture. This isn’t one for the freak squad.”
“A highly organized killer who leaves DNA and fingerprints behind?” Ray lifted a sardonic eyebrow, apparently unfazed by the other man’s unfriendliness. “Come on, what’s the harm in an extra set of eyes?”
“It might be helpful if those eyes were focused on the case instead of a pretty girl’s chest.” Orlund snapped the reprimand like the sharp crack of a whip.
“Treating people like cogs in a machine is rude. Janelle is not a robot created solely to serve our needs.” Ray picked up his two suitcases. “Besides, she’s getting over a bad break-up, and could use the ego boost.”
“She told you that?” Orlund frowned, glancing back at the clerk.
/> “No, she wouldn’t have. But her eyes are red, and she is wearing a brand new blouse on a Wednesday.” Ben kept his voice level, as if he were teaching in a classroom.
“Someone hurt her feelings and confidence,” Ray added.
“You’re lying.” From the way his back stiffened, Orlund thought they were mocking him.
“It’s observation.” Ben followed Ray to an unremarkable silver sedan, leaving the FBI agent behind.
“There’s a seminar. Maybe we can find you a spot in the next one.” Ray’s smile hovered on the paper-thin edge between sarcasm and threat.
“Special Agent Orlund, if you’d like to join us, we’ll be at the target’s hotel, conducting an interview.” Ben hoped reminding him of the case might soften the agent’s attitude. “I’d appreciate a chance to go over your notes. I’m sure they’re comprehensive after three years.”
“All part of a thorough investigation, you know.” Ray slid his suitcases into the sedan’s trunk, leaving no room for Ben’s gym bag.
Ben shot his partner a warning glare.
“My notes are at the hotel. I’m staying in the same one as the tour.” Orlund stalked off.
In other words, not the same one as us. The FBI must have a bigger travel budget than Special Investigations.
“I suppose we won’t be earning a gold star in playing well with others today.” Ray snapped open a pair of sunglasses. “It would make him look bad if we solved this in a few days if he hasn’t in the last three years.”
Orlund climbed into a black SUV. He left without waiting for them to follow.
Ben eased their rental onto the main road. “There’s more here than a jurisdictional pissing contest. He doesn’t want us anywhere near this case.”
“Which only makes this more interesting.” Ray chuckled. “Do you think his appalling attitude is all romantic jealousy, or could some of it be professional?”