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Her Billionaire Secret Part 1: An Alpha Billionaire Romance Page 3
Her Billionaire Secret Part 1: An Alpha Billionaire Romance Read online
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“You still don’t trust me. Even though I’ve agreed to what you asked?”
He ignored her hurt. “You don’t need anything in the bag.”
“I need my house keys. I have to go home to pack some clothes.”
“That’s simple enough to fix.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket and scrolled through his contact list until he found the number he wanted. “What size do you take?” he asked, as the number connected.
Claire raised her eyebrows and shook her head.
He feigned surprise. “You don’t know?” he teased, knowing very well she wasn’t prepared to tell him her measurements.
The voice on the other end of the line took his attention. “Good evening, Christine. I have an urgent job for you. I require a full wardrobe of clothes for a young lady who is staying at my house. Casual wear, evening wear and formal dress. The works please.”
He could tell Claire was trying to listen in to the conversation as he continued to talk to Christine. “This is urgent, we’ll need some clothes immediately. Tonight if it’s possible. The rest tomorrow morning. I’ll pass you over to Claire.”
“Christine is my personal shopper. Give her your sizes and she’ll arrange everything. She’s excellent.”
Hesitantly, Claire took the phone from him. “I won’t listen in. When you’re finished, call me.”
He strode through to the dressing room to clear space for Claire’s clothes in his walk in wardrobe.
If everything went to plan, Claire wouldn’t be moving out.
Chapter Four
Sitting at the large table in the kitchen, Claire was on edge. Not that she showed it. She’d invented a new Claire persona and stuck rigidly to character. Occasionally Tevis looked at her oddly but she ignored him. She might be rusty but she knew all about acting, it was in her blood. The stage was ingrained in her DNA. Ten years was a long time but it was like slipping on an old pair of gloves.
Hiding behind this ‘pretend Claire’ made it easier to cope.
Still clad in her jeans and tee-shirt, she was glad the meal was informal. A Friday night get-together between friends. Except the foursome included two billionaires, a world famous singer-songwriter and herself—Claire Bretton, a temporary admin assistant with an ability to walk straight into the middle of a whole world of trouble.
Ellie was not all what Claire had expected, she had them all in stitches with laughter. The global mega-star Eloise Grace, who everyone seemed to want a piece of, was a bouncy fun-loving young woman. She was obviously devoted to Boyd Drummond. He sat with an arm protectively slung over her shoulder as they chatted.
“How did you meet Tevis?” Ellie asked.
Tevis never flinched, he kept on stirring the bolognese sauce he was preparing, leaving her to respond without any support. They’d already agreed that, if questioned, she would keep as close to the truth as possible.
“We bumped into each other through my work,” she responded. “I work for Stanford & Henderson Law.”
She looked at Tevis with what she hoped was a loving smile. Surprising her, he blew a kiss across the kitchen. The look in his eyes however, was teasing, as if he knew how much she had to work at this. He held her gaze for a few seconds before giving his complete attention to preparing their meal. That he cooked, was a surprise in itself. She hadn’t thought him the type.
“Have you known each other long?” Boyd looked at her quizzically. If he’d caught the silent exchange between her and Tevis, he didn’t give any indication.
“Long enough.” She smiled, letting her voice drop and take on an edge of softness. “Long enough, to know that he’s the one.”
Let him wriggle out of that with his family when the time came. They’d agreed to keep it at the ‘we’re getting to know each other’ level if they were asked questions, but the wicked side of her wanted to pay him back. To give him a taste of not being in control.
But Tevis spoilt the game. Or was he taking it up a notch?
“I knew as soon as I saw her,” he countered, as he served the sauce over steaming plates of pasta. Walking over he placed one down in front of her and smiled. His eyes said 'war is on.' “Lucky for me, Clare was in the wrong place at the right time. I might never have come across her otherwise. I like to think it was fate.”
Boyd laughed. “Brother, you have your whole life mapped out. You’re the last one to believe in love at first sight.”
Tevis took the seat next to Claire and draped his arm across her shoulder, mimicking the couple opposite them. The heat of his body seared into her, but she kept still. He was too close for comfort, his thigh pressed against hers. As much as she hated to admit it, he had the ability to make a girl feel good.
“Oh, I’m willing to make an exception for Claire,” he responded to his brother.
He leant into her and nuzzled her neck, his lips teasing at her flesh and making her skin tingle.
What the hell was he doing? This wasn’t in the script!
Also, he was putting on too good an act, her body was responding in a melting ‘take me’ sort of way and she had a strong desire to initiate a kiss. Even as she thought it, she lifted her lips to meet his.
His brief kiss was sweet. Gentle even. Unexpected. It took her breath away.
He smiled at her and it looked genuine. If he kept this up she’d be a mess by the end of the four days. The man had the ability to charm the pants off a woman. At this moment she’d gladly have dropped hers for him. Hell, he was good.
His eyes held hers in a spell but Boyd broke it.
“No fucking way, man!” he laughed. “Claire, I like you. Don’t fall for him. Let me find you someone better,” he teased.
“Any suggestions?” she responded, pasting a smile on her face and glad that the mood had changed.
“Boyd, leave them both alone. Anyone can see they’re madly in love.” Ellie interrupted.
God, I must be a better actress than my Dad always believed!
“Don’t you dare, Boyd. I’ve planned to spend the next four days convincing Claire to move in with me.” Tevis dropped his arm from her shoulder and slipped it round her waist.
Claire kicked him in the shin under the table. His hand was brushing against her breast. He ignored her, giving her a knowing look.
“You’re staying for the wedding?” Ellie smiled broadly as she posed the question.
“Yes, she is,” Tevis responded quickly as if he thought she might say otherwise.
She opened her mouth to speak but closed it. She spent the rest of the meal apparently content and happy, but inside she was fuming and thinking of all the ways she could bring about Tevis Drummond’s quick demise. Some of them weren’t pretty.
Every so often he would grin at her as if he could read every thought going through her head.
They entered the elevator arm in arm. As soon as the doors shut Claire pushed Tevis away. Much to her annoyance he still had a wide smile on his face as he watched the anger take over hers.
“I never agreed to go to the wedding!” she exploded.
“What did you expect? Of course you’re going. You’re my partner, my significant other.”
“No, I’m not!”
“You are for the next four days. Everyone will expect you to be at my side,” Tevis responded smoothly.
“Well, you can think again! I’m not doing it.” She moved as far away as possible in the small space, which wasn’t anywhere near far enough.
“Yes you are. We have a verbal contract.” His voice turned sarcastic. “I’m sure your boss Isabella will agree with me when I insist it is binding.”
“You wouldn’t…?”
“Are you sure?”
His face was cold and she couldn’t tell if he would go through with his threat. The last thing she wanted was for the law firm to find out she’d spent the weekend with their client. It wouldn’t look good whatever she said.
The doors of the elevator slid open and she
had no option but to follow him through to the reception. He headed to the bedroom where they’d had their discussion earlier.
“Where’s my room?” She needed to get out of his sight before she did something she regretted. Like, throttle him.
He cocked his head at her and that annoying smile returned.
“You don’t have a room.”
Claire had a sneaky suspicion she wasn’t going to like what came next. He didn’t fail her. It was getting to be a habit of his.
“You’re staying with me.”
“Oh no, I’m not.”
She made a dash for the elevator but she found out he’d been correct when he’d told her earlier he was fast. He caught her around her waist and swung her round to face him. Now he was much too close and he smelled delicious. Of male power and expensive cologne. And damn it, she liked that he’d caught her.
“You agreed to this. Everyone expects you to sleep in my bedroom,” he growled. “I’ve never had to provide a separate room for a woman in my life.”
“I’m not one of your women.”
“You are for the next four days. For appearances, you have to maintain the charade.”
“I’m not sleeping with you!”
“I don’t recall inviting you to,” he snapped back, pushing her towards the door of his bedroom. “But you’ll damned well sleep next to me, even if I have to tie you to the bed!”
Claire full of anger was beautiful. She paced the bedroom floor like a caged cat, making him want to take her in his arms and tame her. To turn her from spitting hellfire to purring kitten.
He kept the smug smile off his face. If he could evoke that level of anger from her, what the fuck would she be like stirred to the heights of passion? It was a fine line between the two, and one he wanted to take her over.
“You’ll have to sleep in the bath!”
“Then I’ll sleep in it!”
“No again.”
She stopped pacing right in front of him. Staring into those sexy eyes, he wondered just what she was thinking. Her face told him she wasn’t ready to give in yet.
“Why not?”
“Because we have to keep up appearances.”
“Who the hell will know?!” she spluttered.
“Josie, the housekeeper. The cleaning staff. Christine.”
“Yes, Christine. She’s already been through here to take your first set of clothes to the dressing room. She’ll be back tomorrow with the rest.”
Claire stared back at him. “Can’t we compromise on this?”
Definitely out of the question. He wasn’t giving her an opt-out. Not when what he wanted was so close.
“No. The bed has to be slept in. By both of us. One set of bedding and not two, and absolutely no evidence that we are sleeping apart.”
“Don’t you think you are taking this too far?”
“No,” he said firmly. “Ellie was a bag of nerves when she came here and it’s taken until now to get her relaxed. You’ve seen how happy she is. I won’t let anything—or anyone—spoil her wedding day.”
Claire’s features slowly changed from anger to concern. He had no idea why but Ellie was his ace card when dealing with Claire. For some reason, she empathised.
“Has she been hiding in this house the whole time?” she asked.
“Yes. She hasn’t left since she stepped through the door almost three weeks ago. She doesn’t even go near the windows.”
“She’s like a prisoner.” Claire’s voice dropped to a whisper.
Tevis wasn’t even sure if her last comment was directed at him.
“A willing prisoner,” he responded. “Ellie doesn’t want a media circus on Monday. She’s entitled to the privacy of a family occasion just like you and me.”
Claire started pacing again. Something bothered her but he’d swear the anger inside her had gone down several notches. She had the look of someone weighing up the options. Every so often, she’d glance over at him.
Folding his arms to wait this out, he was surprised when she stopped in front of him.
“Okay. I’ll sleep in the bed but under no circumstances are you to touch me,” she said firmly.
A little too firmly. He knew the signs of someone fighting to control themselves, he’d seen it happen too many times in the boardroom. His little firecracker was fighting his attraction. She was so close to submitting it wouldn’t take much to tip her over the edge.
“I’ll be the perfect gentleman,” he responded with a smile. “Unless you make the first move,” he added.
“That’s never going to happen,” she snapped back with fire in her eyes.
I can guarantee it will. I’m going to make certain.
Chapter Five
The sleepwear brought by Christine wasn’t what she was expecting. It was soft, silky and too damned short. It looked as if it would barely cover her ass and the robe that went with it was exactly the same length. And worse, it was red. Red!
It was like something worn by a film star.
She pushed the unwelcome thought out of her head. There was no way she was going there. Not now. Not ever.
She laid the offending clothing on the bed.
“Didn’t Christine bring anything else for me?”
Tevis was studying his mobile phone. She assumed he was checking for messages. He looked up as she spoke, glancing first at her and then at the slip of red satin spread out in front of him.
“Sexy,” he grinned.
“I don’t want sexy, I want practical. And something that covers me up.”
His grin got wider. “Christine doesn’t shop for practical. Besides, I like it.”
Claire could feel the blush rising up her cheeks. No damned way was Tevis Drummond seeing her in it.
He sighed.
What the hell has he got to sigh about? I’m not being unreasonable. Not like him!
He pointed to a set of doors behind her. “Go and see what else she has left for you. That’s the dressing room. I've cleared the first section on the left for you.” He went back to looking at his phone.
Grabbing the offending nightwear, she stormed over to the doors. Damn, no handles. How on earth did they open?
“Touch them,” muttered Tevis.
Did he have to watch everything she was doing? The doors slid smoothly apart under her tentative exploration.
God, she’d been right. His cupboard spaces were bigger than the floor space of the whole of her bedsitter apartment. This wasn’t a dressing room, it couldn’t be! It was as big as Tevis’s master bedroom and then some. How many clothes did he own?!
The lighting went on automatically as she stepped in and crossed the deep pile carpet. The wall opposite was covered in a mirror, a single large span of glass and it was unnerving to see herself as she walked towards it. In the centre of the room was an upholstered bench and all round the walls sliding doors concealed their contents.
One door was open. Hers. The first on the left, just as Tevis said. There were already more clothes hanging up and lining the shelves than she possessed back home. And there was more to come tomorrow.
She laid the red sleepwear she’d rejected on one of the shelves. A thorough inspection revealed four more sets, all as equally unsuitable. She dragged out a white tee-shirt and a pair of lacy panties, groaned at how tight they looked, but decided they were better.
Only just. There was still going to be a lot of her flesh on show.
She quickly changed and used the red robe to cover up. No matter how much she pulled, she couldn’t get it down lower than her ass cheeks. She stalked back to the bedroom aware of the lights going off and the doors closing behind her.
Tevis studied her but didn’t comment on her nightwear.
“I’ve left you some reading material on the nightstand.”
She looked at the books waiting for her. She softened. He’d taken h
er seriously about her love of photography.
“Thank you.” She flashed a smile at him. It had been a long time since she’d allowed herself to buy books.
He gave her a nod of understanding. “I’m going to take a shower.”
Without any warning, he proceeded to undress. Pulling off his tee-shirt, he threw it onto the floor. As he started to pull his jeans down, Claire dashed to the bed and climbed in.
“What the hell are you doing?!”
He made that sighing noise again. “Getting undressed.”
“Do it in the bathroom!”
“No. Get used to it, Claire. I’m going to be naked all night. If you don’t want to look, close your eyes.”
She wanted to but, damn it, she couldn’t. Her brain refused to perform the necessary function. She told her hands to lift the covers over her head but they stayed right where they were, gripping the bedclothes as he removed his briefs.
Oh, sweet…
“Any time you want, darling.”
Tevis was grinning at her, not at all embarrassed that he had a huge erection. Damn huge and it was pointing at her.
Unable to control herself, she licked her lips.
Tevis watched with clear fascination. “Like what you see?”
Common sense kicked back in. Tevis Drummond was not the sort of man she should be playing with.
Stop this now! Keep him at arm’s length and you’ll walk away from this with dignity.
“I’ve seen it all before,” she retorted. “You’re no different to any other man.”
“Now, I know you are lying, Claire.” He smiled lazily at her. “When you’re ready to fuck, let me know.”
Tevis left the bathroom door open while he showered and she could not only hear the hot water lashing his body, her mind filled in the gaps and provided a running video to what was happening in the next room.
After seeing him naked she had a template for her imagination. Broad chest with firmly defined muscles. A sprinkling of dark hair running down in a v to …
Hell, every image in her head led straight down to his huge dick. Closely followed by the slow sexy smile he’d given her when he talked about a fuck. Heat throbbed between her legs and she ached for what he offered.