Blood-Red Rivers aka The Crimson Rivers Read online

Page 31


  "Quite. Logically speaking, Champelaz should then have compared the records he'd already examined with the ones that had just turned up. But he didn't. He didn't have time. Or couldn't be bothered. Or, more like, was scared. Of finding out the horrible truth about the Guernon community. So, I compared them."

  "And what did you find?"

  "That the official records had been forged. Etienne Caillois had imitated the handwriting and, each time, changed one detail in comparison with the originals."

  "Which was?"

  "Always the same one – the baby's weight at birth. So that the figure would match the data in the rest of the file, when the nurses weighed the baby again during the next few days."

  "I don't get it."

  Niémans leant forward. His voice was expressionless.

  "Listen to me carefully, Karim. Etienne Caillois forged the first pages in the file to conceal something inexplicable: in these records, the weight of the baby was never the same the next day. The infants lost or gained several hundred grams in one night. I went to the maternity clinic and asked an obstetrician. He told me that such rapid changes are impossible. So, I took the only explanation left: it wasn't the weight which had changed in one night, but the baby. That was the terrible truth which old man Caillois had been trying to conceal. He, or more likely, old man Sertys, a night auxiliary at the Guernon University Hospital, swapped over babies in the delivery room."


  Niémans grinned horribly. The rain, blown in on the wind, was slapping at his face like a flail. His voice was wearing thin on the rock of his conviction.

  "To regenerate a worn-out community, to pump new, vigorous, healthy blood into the intellectual community. Caillois's and Sertys's technique was simple: they replaced certain babies born to university families with children from the mountain stock, who'd been selected according to their parents' physical profile. In that way, strapping, powerful bodies suddenly became part of Guernon's academic circle. New blood percolated into the old in the only place where the inaccessible university elite crossed the path of humble farmers – the maternity clinic. A clinic which handled all of the children of the region and which made these exchanges possible. I then guessed that Caillois and Sertys shared a common goal. Not only did they want to regenerate the professors' precious blood, they also wanted to engineer a breed of perfect beings. Supermen. People as beautiful as those in the photographs of the Berlin Olympics, which I'd noticed in Caillois's flat. And people as brilliant as Guernon's most distinguished academics. That's when I realised that those lunatics wanted to bring together the gray matter of Guernon and the bodily vigor of the outlying villages, to fuse together the academics' brain power and the natives' physical prowess. If I have understood correctly, they perfected their system to such an extent that they not only programed the births, but also the couples, by setting up marriages between selected youngsters"

  Karim swallowed down these pieces of information one by one. He seemed to be silently, intently digesting them. Meanwhile, Niémans's feverish monologue went on:

  "So how to make the right people meet? How to organise the marriages? I thought about the jobs Caillois and Sertys did, and the limited responsibilities they held. I was sure that it was precisely thanks to their obscure, humble positions that they had been able to carry out their scheme. You remember what was written in that exercise book? `We are the masters, we are the slaves. We are everywhere, we are nowhere.' This seemed to imply that despite their lowly jobs, or rather because of them, they were able to control the destinies of the inhabitants of an entire region. They were lackeys, but they were also in charge. Sertys was a mere auxiliary nurse, but he changed the fates of the area's babies by swapping them over in their cots. As for the Caillois family, they set about organising the next part of the program – the arranged marriages. But how? How did they go about it? I then remembered Caillois's personal files in the library. We had checked which books had been consulted. We had also gone through the names of the kids who had read them. There was just one thing we hadn't looked at: where the readers sat, those little carrels where the students work. So I hurried back to the library and compared the lists of seating positions with the falsified birth papers. They went back over thirty, forty, even fifty years, but the whole thing matched, down to the last name. The kids who had been swapped over were always placed in the reading-room facing the same members of the opposite sex – who were offspring coming from the most brilliant families on the campus. I then did some checking at the registry office. Things didn't fit precisely, but most of those couples who had met in the library, through the glass panels of their carrels, had subsequently got married. Which means I was right. The `masters' had first changed the kids' identities, then arranged who they would meet. They placed the swap-overs – mountain dwellers' children – in front of bright sparks who were the real offspring of the academic community. And so they gave birth to a superior cross-breed, bringing together the `body' blood and the `brain' blood. And it worked, Karim. Our university champions are none other than the children of those programed couples."

  Abdouf remained silent. His thoughts were crystallising, as sharp and daggered as the needles from the larches as they mingled with the raindrops.

  Niémans continued:

  "I put the pieces together and, little by little, completed the jigsaw. I then realised that I was following the same path that the killer had taken, that the story about those old papers turning up in the library, which had been mentioned in the press, had tipped the murderer off. He must have compared the two sets of documents as well. I suppose he must already have had his doubts about the origins of Guernon's `champions' and is almost certainly one of the champions himself. One of those lunatics' creatures. He then worked out how the conspiracy functioned. He followed Rémy Caillois, the son of the man who'd stolen the birth papers, and discovered his secret relationship with Sertys and Chernecé…Who, I reckon, was only an extranumerary. A nutty doctor who had, while treating blind kids, stumbled on the truth and decided to join the genetic engineers rather than turn them in. So, our killer unearthed the three of them and went about wiping them out. He tortured the first victim, Rémy Caillois, in order to get the whole story.

  He then simply mutilated and killed the other two."

  Karim stiffened. His entire frame was trembling under his leather jacket.

  "Just because they did a bit of baby swapping? And got couples together?"

  "There's something you don't know. The villagers in the surrounding mountains suffer from an extremely high infant mortality rate. This fact is inexplicable, particularly as they are strong and healthy. But we can now guess the reason. Not only did the Sertys family swap babies over, but they also smothered the kids who were supposed to have been born to the villagers – but who were really the academics' runts. By depriving the mountain folk of their offspring, they were certain that they would try again and so provide even more fresh blood to be poured into the valley's academic families. They were fanatics, Karim. Madmen and murderers from father to son, ready to do anything in order to create their superior race"

  Karim panted hoarsely:

  "If these murders are revenge killings, why are the victims mutilated in such a precise way?"

  "It's symbolic. The idea is to wipe out the victims' biological identities, to destroy the signs of their origin. Which also explains why the bodies were positioned in such a way that they were first discovered via their reflections, and not their actual forms. It was another means to dematerialise the victims, to disembody them. Caillois, Sertys and Chernecé robbed people of their identities. And they were made to pay in the same coin. As though it was an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

  Abdouf got to his feet and went over to Niémans. The rain-laden wind beat against their ghostly faces. The condensation formed a pale mist around their heads, Niémans's bony crew cut, and Abdouf's long, soaking wet dreadlocks.

  "You're one he
ll of a cop, Niémans."

  "No, Karim, I'm not. Because even if I found out the killer's motive, I still don't know who it is."

  The Arab sniffed icily.

  "No, but I do."


  "It all fits together now. You remember my own investigation? Those demons who wanted to obliterate Judith's face because it was a piece of evidence, proof against them? Well, those demons were none other than the victims' fathers, Etienne Caillois and René Sertys, and I know why they had to wipe out Judith's face at any price. It was because that face was going to give the game away, to show up the nature of the blood-red rivers and this business of exchanging babies."

  It was now Niémans's turn to be astonished.

  "Because Judith Hérault had a twin sister, who had been swapped over."


  The rain seemed to be abating at the approach of dawn as Karim began his explanations. He spoke in a serious, neutral tone of voice, his dreadlocks hanging down like an octopus's tentacles in the early light.

  "You said that the conspirators picked out the babies that interested them according to their parents' profile. They were obviously looking for the strongest, most agile kids the slopes had to offer. They were after mountain creatures, snow leopards. And so they must have noticed Fabienne and Sylvain Hérault, a young couple living in Taverlay, in the heights of the Pelvoux, at an altitude of over five thousand four hundred feet. She was six feet tall, a giantess and splendid with it. A dedicated primary school teacher. A virtuoso pianist. Silent, graceful, vigorous and lyrical. Believe me, Fabienne was already a bit of a strange breed herself.

  "As for her husband, Sylvain, I don't have so much info about him. He spent his life on the tops of the mountains, digging precious crystals out of the rocks. A real giant, too, who made no bones about clambering up the highest, most inaccessible peaks.

  "And, superintendent, if our conspirators were going to steal one baby from the entire region, then it was obviously going to be this extraordinary couple's kid, whose genes contained the strange secrets of those lofty heights.

  "I'm sure that, like true genetic vampires, they waited impatiently for a babe to come along. Then, on 22 May, 1972, the long-awaited night finally arrived. The Héraults turn up at Guernon University Hospital. That enormous, beautiful woman was on the point of giving birth. But after a pregnancy of only seven months. The child is going to be premature.

  "Still, the midwives reckon that there won't be any insoluble problems.

  "But, things don't go as planned. The child is in the wrong position. They call in an obstetrician. The machines start beeping like crazy. It's two in the morning on 23 May. And the medic and the midwife end up sorting the chaos out. Fabienne Hérault is not about to have one child, but two – a pair of homozygous twins, who are wrapped up together in her uterus like two halves of a walnut.

  "They anaesthetise Fabienne. The doctor carries out a caesarean and manages to extricate the babies. Two tiny little girls, as identical as peas in a pod. They've got breathing problems. So they're urgently given to a nurse who takes them away to an incubator. Niémans, I can see in my mind's eye those latex-gloved hands that picked up those girls, just like I was there. Jesus. Those hands belonged to René Sertys, Philippe's father.

  "He's totally out of his depth. His job was to make off with the Hérault couple's kid, but now there are two of them. What is he supposed to do next? As he washes those premature twins down, he breaks out into a sweat – they are two perfect miniature specimens, two masterpieces for Guernon's new blood bank. In the end, he puts them in an incubator and decides to swap just one of them over. Nobody's had a good look at their faces yet. In all that gory panic in the theater, nobody's noticed if they really are alike. So Sertys risks it. He plucks one of the twins out of the incubator and exchanges her with a little girl who's been born to one of the academic families, and who more or less resembles the Hérault kids – same size, same blood group, approximately the same weight.

  "He now realises that he's got to pluck up his courage and kill the other baby. He's got no choice. He can't let a so-called twin survive, who has nothing at all in common with her sister. So he smothers her, then calls out in fake panic to the doctors and nurses. He plays his part excellently. The remorse… My God, however did it happen? I just don't know… I just don't know… Neither the obstetrician nor the pediatricians have a clear opinion. It's another one of those sudden cot deaths that have been afflicting the mountain villagers for the last fifty-odd years. The hospital staff reconcile themselves to the fact that at least one of the girls has survived. Meanwhile, Sertys has a happy laugh to himself. The other Hérault is now part and parcel of the Guernon clan, via its adopted family.

  "I worked all this out thanks to your discoveries, Niéman. Because the woman I spoke to earlier tonight, Fabienne Hérault, still knows nothing about this insane conspiracy. And on the night in question she saw nothing, and heard nothing. She was under the effects of the anesthetic.

  "When she wakes up the next morning, she's told that she has given birth to twin girls, but only one of them has survived. Do we grieve for someone whose existence we hadn't even suspected? Fabienne accepts the news with resignation – but she and her husband feel totally confused. A week later, she's allowed to go home along with her little girl, who's now brimming with life.

  "Somewhere inside that clinic, Rene Sertys watches the couple as they leave. In their arms, they are holding the double of a baby he's swapped over, but he knows that that wild couple live over thirty miles away and have no reason whatsoever to come back to Guernon. By letting that second child live, Sertys has taken a risk, but it's only a slight one. He supposes that the twin's face will never return to unmask the conspiracy.

  But he was wrong about that.

  "Eight years later, Taverlay School, where Fabienne teaches, closes down. She is then transferred – the only coincidence in this entire business – to Guernon's prestigious Lamartine School, the place where the children of the university's lecturers go.

  "So it is that Fabienne discovers something weird, incredible. In the CE2 class which Judith attends, there is another Judith. A little girl who's the carbon copy of her daughter. When she's recovered from the shock – the school photographer meanwhile has time to take a class photo, in which both of them can be seen – Fabienne thinks things out. And there's only one possible explanation. That identical child, that double, must be Judith's twin sister, who has in fact survived and was, for some strange reason, given to another family.

  "Off she goes to the maternity clinic and explains what's on her mind. She's greeted with icy suspicion. But Fabienne is a hard woman and not one to let herself be easily intimidated. She insults the doctors, she calls them baby snatchers and says she'll be back. Rene Sertys presumably witnesses this scene and senses danger. But Fabienne is already long gone. She's decided to go and see the university family who are supposed to be the second twin's parents. Her usurpers. She cycles off with Judith toward the campus.

  "Then, suddenly, terror strikes. As night begins to fall, a car tries to run them down. Fabienne and her daughter roll down into a ditch on the side of the rock face. Hidden in the ravine, with her child in her arms, she sees the killers. Two men, holding guns, leap out of their car. Horrified, Fabienne wonders what is going on. Why this sudden outbreak of violence?

  "The murderers finally give up their search and leave, presumably under the impression that mother and daughter have fallen to their deaths. That night, Fabienne goes and sees her husband, who still lodges in Taverlay during the week. She explains what has happened. She thinks they absolutely must tell the police. But Sylvain disagrees. He wants to get the bastards who tried to kill his wife and daughter himself.

  "He takes a gun, gets on his bike and goes down into the valley, where he comes up against the killers much more quickly than he would have liked. They're still out on the prowl, spot him on the road and run him down. They drive over the body several t
imes, then make their escape. Meanwhile, Fabienne has taken refuge in Taverlay church. She waits for Sylvain all night. The next morning, she learns that her husband has been killed by a hit-and-run driver. She immediately realises that her children have been victims of some sort of manipulation and that the men who eliminated her husband will also do away with her if she doesn't disappear at once.

  "She and her daughter go into hiding.

  "You know the rest. How the mother and daughter holed up in Sarzac, over one hundred and eighty miles away from Guernon. How they fled again when Etienne Caillois and René Sertys came looking for them. Fabienne's attempts to wipe out all trace of her child, convinced that she was the victim of a curse, then the car accident in which Judith finally died.

  "Since that time, the mother has lived a life of prayer. Several possible explanations occurred to her. But her main hypothesis was that her second twin's adopted parents, a powerful and evil university family, had organised this whole plot in order to replace the daughter they had lost and that they were quite capable of murdering her and Judith so as to cover up their tracks. She never worked out the truth, the real reason for this exchange. Or the real reason why the two conspirators hunted her and her daughter down across the whole of France, for fear that she would reveal this terrifying scheme and that her child's face would be a vital piece of evidence.

  "Our two investigations have now joined un like two rails leading to death, Niémans. Your hypothesis corroborates mine. Yes, the killer looked through the stolen papers this summer. Yes, the killer followed Caillois, then Sertys, then Chernecé. Yes, the killer uncovered the plot and decided to exact a terrible revenge. And that killer is none other than Judith's twin sister.