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Jordan's Misunderstanding Page 5
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Page 5
She laughed harder when they all got in together. She was in the middle. Larkin was tall enough that he blocked the water from her and Romy. He leaned back and let the water come to her over his shoulder. Romy picked up her soap and began lathering it up in his hands.
“Hmmm, we are going to smell like lilies today, Larkin.” Romy said and ran his hands over her shoulders.
“My favorite.” Larkin said and did the same and they began to wash her front. She closed her eyes and let herself feel the sensations of her two men taking care of her.
They popped open when she felt Romy use his finger to run through the crack in her ass and settle over her back hole. He circled it with his finger and kissed her shoulder. She nervously looked at them and said, “I have never done that before.”
“No worries, baby girl, I have done it plenty and I can attest to the fact you will love his cock buried in your ass.” Larkin said and kissed her. She smiled and then relaxed a little.
Romy felt her unclench and began to circle her hole again. Slowly he used the soap to slide into her ass. She gasped as she felt the intrusion and then Larkin kissed her and she forgot all about what Romy was doing.
Larkin ran his hands over her body and made sure that she was all slippery, before grabbing her around the waist and lifting her until she wrapped her legs around his waist. He continued his onslaught of her mouth and she moaned into his mouth when she felt Romy put another finger inside her and stretch her out. He moved them in and out while opening and closing his fingers. It stung a little, but in the position she was in she was wide open to him.
Larkin moved her a little until his cock was lined with her pussy. She sighed when he entered her slowly. She could feel Romy"s fingers and Larkin"s cock rub against each other through the thin membrane that separated them. It made her shiver with feeling.
“Hang on, baby.” Romy said and then pulled his fingers from her back entrance. He used the soap once again to make him slick. He slowly arranged himself so that he was lined up and then he nodded over her shoulder to Larkin who was holding still. He pushed a little and she tensed. “Easy, baby. I won"t hurt you. Just a little pinch and then pleasure.”
She nodded against Larkin"s chest and then relaxed and allowed him to push a little farther in her ass. Slowly she felt him filling her back entrance. Hell, they were huge, and both inside her. She could feel their feelings of satisfaction as they took her together.
Finally, Romy blew out a breath and said, “I"m in. Larkin, are you ready?”
“Fuck yeah.” Larkin said and then allowed Romy to take Jordan"s waist as he slowly pulled out. They worked out a rhythm, Larkin pulling out while Romy pushed in and then the opposite. The friction was amazing. It made all of her nerve endings tingle and she cried out.
“More.” She said and grabbed on to Larkin"s shoulder and raised herself a little more before slamming herself down.
She heard both of her mates grunt and then smiled when they began to move faster. She felt them tighten their hold on her waist and she smiled. Larkin reached in between them and pinched her clit and she screamed her release. She had never come that hard before and was sure she would never again.
Panting, her men buried their faces in her neck and kissed her where they marked her.
She felt the marks tingle and she smiled. They were hers. And she was not going to let them go.
“Now for a real shower. Your parents will smell us from a mile away.” Larkin said and handed the soap to Jordan. They made the shower quick and fun. Each of them making sure the other was clean of soap.
Chapter 6
The Master stood at the corner and watched the apartment that his mate was in. He couldn"t wait. Soon she would exit and he would get to see her again. She was going to go over to her parent"s house and confront them. She had called them this morning as he listened on the bug her planted earlier this week. She had sounded tense and upset.
Her parents had to know something was going on. He wanted to put one more screw in the coffin. He pulled out his phone and called Oliver.
“Sir, I was hoping that I would get hold of you. I have been searching Jordan"s background like you asked.” He said into the phone.
“Yes?” Oliver said briskly. Like it was too much to ask for him to be polite and greet him.
“Her parents were the Cheasters. They were the ones who ran your house.” He said smoothly and then almost laughed out loud when he heard his supposed friend gasp.
“How are you going to tell her brothers that you were responsible for Jordan"s parent"s deaths?”
“I don"t know. I have to go and talk to Jo first.” Oliver said distractedly and then hung up before saying goodbye.
He laughed and looked at his phone. He wished he could be a fly on the wall. Long ago, he had convinced Oliver in his haze of grief that he had gone wild one night. Of course, it had not been the truth, but it was the easiest way to explain. Oliver had gotten drunk that night, which was very hard for a wolf to do. Because of their metabolisms, they had to drink a lot in order to feel an effect.
Oliver had just lost his wife and child and his grief was unbearable to the rest of the Pack. His emotions were bleeding over to them. Oliver drank and passed out. He had just arranged for the Cheasters to come and help him get Oliver back to his room. When they got him there, he killed them making sure that all of their blood had flowed over Oliver. It was one of the biggest secrets of the Old Council Pack.
Everyone had wondered where the Pack servants had gone. Only he and Oliver had known. That was because Oliver had called him in a panic when he had awoken. Oliver cried and said he would turn himself in to the Council. Of course, he, The Master, told him no. He convinced the stupid old man that it would be for the best if they kept this secret. He had disposed of the bodies and arranged everything. It wasn"t for months that Oliver asked about Jordan. He told the man that he had no clue where Jordan had gone.
Having something over the Old man"s head had proven to be very useful over the years.
That is until Jo showed up. Now he was getting stronger, back to his old self. Ordering him around like he had the right.
That was fine; he would allow it for now, it played into his hands. Oliver had blocked out that night for years. It wasn"t until the New Council had been formed that Oliver seemed to remember. He had not wanted to tell anyone, because of the embarrassment.
He had assured him they would be able to hide it. He lied, and set this up. Now the old man was going to have to confess to Quin and Jaden and throw himself on their mercy.
Oh, how he wanted to see that!
He laughed to himself and then dialed another number and talked to his Beta. “Watch the compound. I bet there is going to be activity soon and I want to know what is going on. Call me when you see something. Soon they won"t know what hit them.”
“Are we going to step two yet?” Roarke asked and The Master smiled.
“No, not yet. I have to make sure that Jordan is ready before I do that. I still have one other chance if this fails.” He said.
“Yes, Master. I am sending out a few men right now to Washington. I am not sure, but it is possible that we found another one. We re-read the Seer"s Prophesy and think that we may have figured out where April"s Chosen is.” Roarke said.
The Master chuckled and said, “Really, how is that?”
“There is a man up in Washington that is a community leader. He has been encouraging more Packs to start so everyone has a place to belong. He preaches that any shifter on their own is susceptible to attack.” Roarke said.
He frowned and listened. “Well, do what you will. I am not sure it is that easy.”
“Sir, we have our best people looking for the remaining Chosen. This is our best guess at this point.” Roarke said. “We only need one, which is what you said. So we are looking for the one that we can exploit.”
“Whatever.” He said disinterestedly. He was waiting for Jordan. She would be the one they would turn.
/> Just then he saw her exit the building. What the fuck? He thought as he saw two men exit with her holding her hands. Who were they? He wondered and then became angry.
There is no way he could be late again. He planned this out for the last few months. She had not found her mates. He had made sure of it. In fact, she hadn"t dated at all in the last year. How was it that she has two men with her now?
The Master sniffed the air. FUCKIN" cats, was she serious? He looked closer as they walked down the street and he almost screamed. She had marks on her neck! They dared to mark her! She was his, and only his!
The Master threw his phone against the wall of the building he was standing in front of and turned away. He would find out the answers he needed and if these two men came between him and his mate, he would kill them.
Chapter 7
“Ready?” Romy said and looked at his mates. They had finally finished getting ready.
It had been enjoyable. He wished he could just stay in bed with his mates the rest of the day and then he would be happy.
But they had to go and face what was going on. Romy seriously hoped that Jordan"s parents were not lying to her. He knew if she found out they had been it was going to be a long night. They had learned a lot about her over the last few months. Probably more than she even realized.
She had told them about not being able to be turned. They questioned it also, but when she became so upset, they had let it go. They knew how much it affected her to be different than everyone in her family. Now she had them. Their bond was strong. He could tell. Even now, he could feel her anxiety and sent a soothing thought her way. He felt her relax against him and smiled. They were going to be strong together.
“Yep.” Jordan said and took both of their hands in hers. Together, they could face anything.
When they exited her building, she felt a shiver run up her spine. Someone was watching them. She looked around but couldn"t see anything unusual. Shaking off the feeling, she concentrated on the task at hand. She was going to confront her parents.
They made their way across town in Larkin"s car. It was beautiful, a newer Dodge Charger, she had ooh"d and ahh"d over it when she first saw it. She loved cars. She told them the story about rebuilding her car with her father on the way over to see them. It had taken the edge off, talking about something else. At least she was relaxed when they arrived to her parent"s house.
Jordan walked to the door and opened it. She called out for her mother as the men followed her and stood just behind her in the doorway. The house was huge. It was in the best part of town so it was not that much of a surprise; however, they were still impressed. The Alpha took care of his family well. They looked around with interest when they heard a voice coming from the room off to the left. Jordan turned to them, nodded, and walked slowly toward where her mother had called.
When she entered the room, her heart sank. All of her brothers and their mates were sitting in the living room with her parents. There was no way they would all be here unless it was true. When she called this morning, she should have known because her mother had been too eager to have her come over.
She looked at Casey and Devon and nodded. Yep, it was true, why would they have come?
Her father stood up and frowned as he looked at the two men behind her. He lifted his nose and sniffed then growled. “Jordan, why are there cats in my living room?” Jordan tensed and was instantly on the defensive. He had lied to her all these years and still felt like he could tell her who she could see and who she could not see. Well fuck him, she thought. She had never been disrespectful to her parents before but right now, she really did not care.
“Father, these are my mates, and I would thank you to remember that. That they are cats should tell us something, don"t you think?” She said briskly, in her no nonsense business voice.
Her father"s frown deepened. She had never used that tone with him before. “Young lady, I was asking a question, just wondering if I need to get the litter box out. Would you care to explain why you have your back up?”
Her mother had stood and looked at her with a shocked expression on her face. “Mates?
Honey, what are you talking about? And Daniel, really do you think this is a time for insults?”
Sid stood up also and growled. “Yeah, I talked to you yesterday and you said nothing about mates. Who are they? Do we need to get a scratch pad?” Larkin and Romy stepped forward and pushed Jordan behind them. They may be her family, but right now, they felt the need to protect her. “My name is Larkin Night and this is my partner and mate, Romy Night. We are cat shifters, which is true, black panthers. I would really like it if you toned it down a little. My cat is thinking that you are threatening my mate and isn"t liking it one bit. So, unless you want to have a cat and dog fight, I would suggest we take a deep breath. As for the insults, at least we don"t pee on fire hydrants. Now, I think we are even, let"s grow up a little.” Her mother, always the voice of reason said, “Of course, we apologize. Don"t we Sid, Daniel, my name is Margareta. This is my mate, Daniel and our sons, Sid, Brian, Anthony, and Lee. Please come in and make yourselves at home. Mates to Jordan, this is wonderful.” She said happily.
Jordan narrowed her eyes as she looked at her brothers who sat down with a huff. Her father remained standing as they walked farther into the room. Romy stepped forward and held out his hand to him.
“Sir, it"s nice to meet you.” He said and waited for the man to shake his hand. Jordan held her breath, ready to walk back out the door if her father refused to shake hands with her mate. She was not in the mood to play around. Finally, her father raised his hand and shook Romy"s. Then Larkin held out his and said the same thing. They went down the line introducing themselves and shaking her father"s, mothers, and brother"s hands. At least this part was okay.
“So, father, why am I here?” Jordan said once again briskly and sat down between her mates on the couch that was remaining.
Her father looked at her with his eyes narrowed letting her know that he was not pleased with her tone of voice. Well tough. He was going to have to get used to it.
“Jordan.” Her mother said with a shocked tone. “We have raised you better than to be so disrespectful.”
She sighed and nodded. “I know, sorry. I guess I"m on edge. I guess I will throw this out there. Someone has contacted me on the website that I have for shifters. He told me some things about my past. I assume that is why everyone is here. I would really like an explanation though, why am I just now getting told about my past.” Her mother drew in a sharp breath and her father"s frown deepened. “What do you mean you were contacted about your past? Was it these guys? What have you told her?” He bellowed.
Jordan jumped up from the couch and yelled. “Don"t you dare blame your lies on my mates! They have never kept anything from me, nor would they. And for your information, no, it was not them. It was someone else. Someone who called himself The Master, I don"t know his real name. Although he is under the mistaken assumption that I am his mate, which as you can see is impossible because Romy and Larkin are my mates. They have claimed me, so don"t think for one minute that you can get rid of them.”
Her father jumped up also and replied. “This is still my house and you are my daughter.
I will not be talked to like this.”
“Fine, we are leaving and by the way, if I were your daughter, you would have not lied to me all these years. Families don"t do that.” She said with tears in her eyes.
“Jordan, calm down. You aren"t going anywhere, and dad, sit down before you have a coronary. We need to all take a deep breath and talk about this calmly. So far, no one has actually said anything. Jordan, what exactly do you know?” Sid said loudly over the growls and hisses that were coming from her mates and her father.
Jordan allowed herself to be pulled down again by her mates and her father sat down slowly, looking at her mates with a warning. She took a deep breath and pulled out the papers she had printed off this morning. It had the ent
ire chat recorded. So she read directly from the pages. She could hear her mother gasp when she heard what the man told her and her father growl again.
When she finished she laid the paper on the table for anyone to pick up. It was Devon, the New Council Pack Beta and her brother-in-law that picked it up. He held it out and read it to himself again, frowning at the paper.
Her father stood up and began pacing, the silence in the room was deafening. She knew that they had lied to her. Nothing she said had been a surprise. How could they do this to her, especially when she had poured her heart out about wanting to be like them?
They must have been laughing behind her back this whole time. She sat up straighter and refused to allow them to see how crushed she was by this. Obviously, they were not her family. Now she had Romy and Larkin. She reached and took each of their hands in hers and allowed them to comfort her with a squeeze of their hands.
Her father was the first one to speak. “Jordan. First of all, yes we knew that you were special from the day that we got you.” Jordan snorted and looked around at her so called family.
Jordan spoke up. “How long? That"s all I want to know, how long did you keep this from me? It"s my life, I should have been told right away.” Sid held up his hand. “Jordan, it was my fault. I told them not to tell you. I wanted to make sure, before I put a target on my sister"s back. You know how it has been. Then we could not communicate with anyone, so I talked to Quin and Jaden. They agreed that you must be the human that belongs on the Council. But I swear, I knew nothing about your parents; this is the first I heard that they were killed. Quin and Jaden don"t know either. They are the ones who talked to Oliver and he told them about your parents.”
Jordan looked at her brother and yelled. “Oliver, the man who killed my parents is still alive? What did he say? That you needed to finish the job? Is that why you are all here?”