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Used to Me
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Used to Me
By JaMa Literary Agency
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Used to Me
Copyright © 2015 by JaMa Literary Agency
Make sure to check out our most downloaded books. Everything on this list has been downloaded at least 250 times each. They're hot and only getting hotter! Most of these books are 100% free. Including: Erotica, Historical Fiction, Horror, Romance, Humor, Poetry, Historical Research, and more!
All the depth
Of my agony
Holds down a light
From inside
That won’t shine for me.
Every time
I ever try to live,
I stuff away
All of the
Answers to this
Pain in my head,
Able to swim,
All the heart I give,
And now,
My blood is
Running thin.
We are all lost,
Tossed in a sea of shit and rot,
Taught to be ourselves,
But really, all they think we should’ve thought
To be as they made us be.
I’m just as bad at this all
As I used to be.
I’m worn down to naught and caught
Up in a whirlwind of decay and haven’t got
Two cents of sense to know what to believe,
But in all this time, you should be used to me.
I’m cold as ice.
It’s nice to be alone.
I’m doing twice
All that I should
Not have to do at all.
I sacrifice my very soul
To be what you need,
What you dream of me
And never leave me on my own about,
So much doubt to be the one you want,
And everything you know
Is a bullshit-covered lie you’re told.
You’re fed it,
And I’m fed up.
Let it all let up
On me this time.
I don’t get it,
How you
Live such a lie,
And I…
Can’t seem to get up
And don’t think I ever could
From this blinding light
Of you being so much better than I
Could ever hope to be.
For me, it’s just misery.
I’m pathetic, but I don’t let it
Get to me as much as you think I should.
We are all lost,
Tossed in a sea of shit and rot,
Taught to be ourselves,
But really, all they think we should’ve thought
To be as they made us be.
I’m just as bad at this all
As I used to be.
I’m worn down to naught and caught
Up in a whirlwind of decay and haven’t got
Two cents of sense to know what to believe,
But in all this time, you should be used to me.
Why the hell
Aren’t you used to me?
Why am I
The slave
To your apathy?
I must behave, be brave, be the same
As the ones leveling their shit at me,
But I can’t
Because I’m not really set to be like them,
Expected to be both but never mind
That they always win
When they can’t get a damn thing right.
I don’t give up; I give in
To the sorry, simple, suggestive might.
We are all lost,
Tossed in a sea of shit and rot,
Taught to be ourselves,
But really, all they think we should’ve thought
To be as they made us be.
I’m just as bad at this all
As I used to be.
I’m worn down to naught and caught
Up in a whirlwind of decay and haven’t got
Two cents of sense to know what to believe,
But in all this time, you should be used to me.
We are all lost,
Tossed in a sea of shit and rot,
Taught to be ourselves,
But really, all they think we should’ve thought
To be as they made us be.
I’m just as bad at this all
As I used to be.
I’m worn down to naught and caught
Up in a whirlwind of decay and haven’t got
Two cents of sense to know what to believe,
But in all this time, you should be used to me.
Is all my fault.
Apparently, I’m anything
But what I am not
What I’m supposed to allow of myself,
A sinner, beginner of the game of hurt and never help.
If I give up now,
I’m not the someday, something, some anyhow,
Pretending that I care when they make me
All that was never there
And all they couldn’t be themselves.
We are all lost,
Tossed in a sea of shit and rot,
Taught to be ourselves,
But really, all they think we should’ve thought
To be as they made us be.
I’m just as bad at this all
As I used to be.
I’m worn down to naught and caught
Up in a whirlwind of decay and haven’t got
Two cents of sense to know what to believe,
But in all this time, you should be used to me.
I’m not even
Used to me.
Should be used to me.
Don’t even
Want to be me.
Not even used to me.
I know I live in evil ways.
I look at myself and see no face.
There is an abscence of heart I'd like to replace...
But I am the man of permanent disgrace.
I'm sure it all went to shame.
It's a game we play
To find the harshest words to say.
Don't look at me like I was the one to blame.
I don't know you.
I don't even know your name.
Forget me
For forgetting you.
Let me go.
I'm tired of letting you place everything on me.
You're stalking me,
Always talking to me like we're good friends.
It's harmful and startling
That you think we could make a pleasant amends.
The present is when it ends.
The past was a laugh,
And now, you're just going with the trend.
I'm sorry if...
I was never there.
But you never understood
That I don't care!
You're more than a thorn
In my side
Or a scorn on my pride
Causing pain inside.
You're useless!
So useless!
It's hard to be
Someone hard to see
Cuz everyone's on your case,
And you have no place
All your own.
It's misery
When they never leave you alone.
Leave me alone.
I'm not all
I'm cracked up to be.
You came to me
And then backed down
And then came around again.
I don't need you.
I don't even remember you.
You were t
oo much to take,
But you never
Got the hints I'd given you.
The remains of the days gone by
Have made me
Too afraid to cry.
I thought I wanted peace
Or a piece of ass at least...
But I've been far too depressed
To fuck or fuckin care.
I've been commanded to come when called
Without knowing when or where.
It's all I can do.
Me and you, we're through.
It's all I can do...
To keep me from killing you.
Don’t fuck with me!
I'll brand you.
I'll beat you.
I'll kick you.
Stay away from me.
I thought this was beneath you.
You say you want me to leave you alone.
Now, you've changed your story.
You don't come around,
And you got a finger for me.
Well, fuck you, too!
You fucked me twice.
It was shit to me,
But I was too nice to you.
You hate me!
You hate me!
You fucking hate me!
I'll be hating you!
Unsheltered Life
Feel the needle
Plunge into skin.
As the fear kicks in.
It's one thing
You won't forget.
It'll live in you...
One regret.
Your eyes are numb.
You're oh so cold.
You don't know where it's from,
Maybe your absent mind.
It's so slow,
A delay in time,
As you die...
Minute by minute
In an unsheltered life.
I Would Move a Mountain
I would move a mountain
To heal your pain.
I would take it all
And not complain
If it could be in that bed,
So torn and afraid.
We share someone,
The one that took your name
And gave me life.
She’s my mother.
She’s your wife.
You don’t deserve this at all,
And it’s not alright.
I’m scared for you.
I’m torn in two.
I would do anything I could
To give you hope renewed,
But the one that should give
You all she has
Is holding back, and she won’t ask
What you really need and why you hurt.
You’re my friend, my sense, my other dad,
Yet the one that should put you first
Is that one that puts you last.
Do you see
What you mean to me
And to so many more?
You’ve asked so little,
So why is it so hard what you’re asking for?
The one whose blood I do not have
Is the one that raised me up and
Made me so much of who I am.
You have my all as long as you need me there.
No matter what, I will always love, and I will always care.
It All Falls Down
It all falls down
Heaven ain't just in the sky
Your pot of gold
Might not be
Where you were told
It might be in my eyes
It all rains down
And washes away
Everything is still
Right where you left it
At the end of the day
But it all fades to grey
The black ain't so dark
The white ain't as nice
Every heart falls apart
At some time
Bring me back
Into your life again
It all feels right
To me
But maybe
You don't have
The luxury I do
Maybe your feelings
Aren't what I thought they were
I just remember
You tellin' me
Everything you
Wanted to do
Do I fit into that
Do you need some time
To figure it out
To paint me in your picture
And steal away
Some sort of relief
From the life
You're leavin' behind
It's all fallin' down
I'm not that good
But I'm tryin' to be
If you think I should
I'll do anything
Anything you want
Just don't give up on it
Give me another chance
I know it's been quite a while
But waitin' for you
To come back
Was worth every second
It wasn't a bad thing to do
Even though it all falls down
Back when we were
So much younger than we are now
You said I was what
You were looking for
I thought the same of you
Isn't that why we
Kept on piecin' together
Every bit of what
We always heard was
What you need to have
In a memory
It's been years
But I haven't lost my hopes
Even when it all falls down
I found an old photograph
It's a little bent up
But about as good as new
I think it's better than
It was then
Cuz every time I hold it
I can't stop thinkin' of you
You didn't call me
Since graduation day
I've done so many things
That I didn't want to
Because I thought
You'd be hurt
But you weren't my girl
You gave that up long ago
I gave up wishin'
But never gave up hopin'
Even when it all fell down
My world was crashin'
All around me
Into a sea of
Everything I couldn't
Stand to have near me
Everything I couldn't
Stand to be
I really want you to tell me
Does any of this
Change your image of me
Even when it all falls down
Could you ever
Give this one more chance
Once again
Even if it all falls down
Should I just give up
Cuz it's all fallin' down
Maybe I'm livin'
In a land of false beliefs
But the hands
That wanna hold you
Could be yours
When you want 'em
It might be hard to believe
But I never stopped hopin'
Even when it all fell down
If you wait long enough,
It all falls down
How do you
Make decisions
When it's so hard
To choose
You know you
Could win it all
Or you might lose
How do you decide
To stay or to go
How can you
Make a decision
To just say
I don't know
You’re Not Me
In the game of names,
I think you called me liar.
br /> Everything is over.
You don't need to conspire
To hide the truth.
You know you know.
Just remember whose pants will be on fire.
Is that anything you'll show?
I thought
I had you figured out,
But in the course of life,
I learned that nothing's
What it seems about.
You get told
How you have to be.
No one's the same as they say.
I say
You're not me.
Once again, we set out
On a road of never-ending deceit.
I give you all I have
All I can tell you...
But your head is concrete.
I am waiting,
Hating it all.
I thought
I had you figured out,
But in the course of life,
I learned that nothing's
What it seems about.
You get told
How you have to be.
No one's the same as they say.
I say
You're not me.
You're not me,
But you're not you.
You can't be what you want
If you act like they do.
You've proved
That I'm right.
I'm wrong.
I can't
Belong anymore.
I thought
I had you figured out,
But in the course of life,
I learned that nothing's
What it seems about.
You get told
How you have to be.
No one's the same as they say.
I say
You're not me.
You are what they make you
When they design
Your every bit of being,
And they will
Cuz they can,
And you can't.
Make sure to check out our most downloaded books. Everything on this list has been downloaded at least 250 times each. They're hot and only getting hotter! Most of these books are 100% free. Including: Erotica, Historical Fiction, Horror, Romance, Humor, Poetry, Historical Research, and more!
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