Dark Side Of the Island (2010) Read online


  Jack Higgins

  Open Road Integrated Media

  New York

  And this one for Ruth


  Book One: The Long Return

  1. On Kyros, nothing changes

  2. A Man called Alexias

  3. Two Candles for St. Katherine

  4. The Bronze Achilles

  Book Two: The Nightcomer

  5. Cover of Darkness

  6. A Willingness to Kill

  7. Of Action and Passion

  8. "The Little Ship"

  9. Temple of the Night

  10. Fire on the Mountain

  11. No Hard Feelings, Captain Lomax

  Book Three: A Sound of Hunting

  12. One Should Never Return to Anything

  13. To the Other End of Time

  14. A Fine Night for Dying

  15. A Prospect of Gallows

  16. The Run for Cover

  17. Confessional

  18. Dust and Ashes

  A Biography of Jack Higgins


  One of my earliest forays into the Second World War. A holiday spent visiting the Greek islands and my discovery of the undercover work there by the SAS in its earliest years gave me the idea for a thriller which has the hero return to the island that had been the scene of his most brilliant exploit, only to find that local people believe him a traitor and responsible for the executions of many partisans. In a way it is a whodunit, as he tries not only to stay alive but to find out who was really responsible.


  October 1996

  Book One

  The Long Return


  On Kyros, nothing changes

  Lomax lay on the narrow bunk in the airless cabin, stripped to the waist, his body drenched in sweat, and stared up at the stained and peeling ceiling.

  Looked at long enough, it became a pretty fair map of the Aegean. He worked his way down from Athens through the Cyclades to the larger mass that was Crete, but where Kyros should have been there was only an empty expanse of sea. For some reason it made him feel curiously uneasy and he swung his legs to the floor.

  He got up, splashed water into the cracked basin that stood beneath the mirror beside the bunk and washed the sweat from his body. His shoulders were solid with muscle, his body bronzed and fit, and somehow the ugly puckered scar of the old bullet wound beneath his left breast looked sinister and out of place.

  As he dried himself, a stranger stared out of the mirror. A man with skin stretched tightly over prominent cheekbones and dark, sombre eyes that examined the world with a curiously remote expression he could no longer analyse, even to himself.

  As he reached for his shirt, the cabin door opened and the steward looked in. "Kyros in half an hour, Mr. Lomax," he said in Greek.

  The door closed behind him and for the first time Lomax was conscious of a faint stirring of excitement, a cold finger that seemed to touch him somewhere inside. He pulled on his linen jacket and went out on deck.

  As he stood at the rail watching Kyros gradually rise out of the sea, Captain Papademos emerged from the deck-house and paused beside him. He was heavily built and almost blackened by the sun, his face seamed with wrinkles.

  He put a match to his pipe. "It's difficult in this heat haze, but if you look carefully you can see Crete in the distance. Quite a view, eh?"

  "Something of an understatement," Lomax said.

  "I've been everywhere a sailor can go," Papademos continued. "In the end I found I was only travelling in a circle."

  "Aren't we all?" Lomax said.

  He took out a cigarette and Papademos gave him a light. "For an Englishman you speak pretty good Greek. The best I've heard from a foreigner. You've been out here before?"

  Lomax nodded. "A long time ago. Before the flood."

  Papademos looked puzzled for a moment and then his face cleared. "Ah, now I see it. You were in the islands during the war."

  "That's right," Lomax said. "Working in Crete with the E.O.K. mostly."

  "So?" Papademos nodded, serious for a moment "Those were hard times for all of us. The people of these islands don't forget how much the English helped. Have you been back before?"

  Lomax shook his head. "Never felt like it. In any case, I always seemed to have something more important to do. You know how it is."

  "Life, my friend, she grips us by the throat." Papademos nodded sagely. "But seventeen years is a long time. A man changes."

  "Everybody changes," Lomax said.

  "Maybe you've got a point there, but why Kyros? I could think of better places."

  "There are some people I want to look up if they're still around," Lomax said. "I'd like to see if they've changed too. Afterwards, I'll move on to Crete and Rhodes."

  "On Kyros nothing changes." Papademos spat down into the water. "Ten years I've been making this trip and they still treat me as if I've got the plague."

  Lomax shrugged. "Maybe they just don't like strangers."

  Papademos shook his head. "They don't like anybody. You sure you've got friends there?"

  "I hope so."

  "So do I. If you haven't, you're in for a pretty thin time and you'll be stuck for a week until I call again."

  "I'll take my chances."

  Papademos knocked the ash from his pipe on the rail. "We'll be here for four hours. Why don't you have a quick look round for old times' sake and then go on to Crete with me? They'll show you a better time in Herakleion than they will here."

  Lomax shook his head. "Next week I'll take you up on that offer, but not now."

  "Suit yourself." Papademos shrugged and went back into the deck-house.

  They were close inshore now, the great central peak of the island towering three thousand feet above them. As the little steamer rounded the curved promontory crowded with its white houses, a single-masted caicque, sails bellying in the breeze, moved out to sea. It passed so close to them that Lomax could see the great eyes painted on each side of the prow.

  The man at the tiller waved carelessly and Lomax raised a hand and then the throbbing of the engines began to falter as they slowed to enter the harbour.

  On the white curve of sand, brightly painted caicques were beached and fishermen sat beside them in small groups mending their nets while children chased each other in the shallows, their voices somehow muted and far away.

  He went back to his cabin and started to pack. It didn't take long. When he was finished, he left the canvas grip and the portable typewriter on the bunk and went back on deck.

  They were already working alongside the stone pier and as he watched the engines stopped and everything seemed curiously still in the great heat.

  On the pier, three old men dozed in the sun and a young boy sat with a fishing line, a small black dog curled beside him.

  As the steward emerged from the cabin carrying the canvas grip and the typewriter, Papademos came out of the deck-house. "You travel light."

  "The only way," Lomax said. "What happens now? Do I just walk off the boat? Doesn't anyone want to see my papers?"

  Papademos shrugged. "There's a police sergeant called Kytros who attends to all that. He'll know you're here soon enough."

  By now a couple of sailors had the gangway in position. The steward went first and Lomax put on a pair of sunglasses and followed him.

  As he took out his wallet to tip the man, he was aware that the three old men were all sitting up straight and looking at him curiously.

  The boy who had been fishing was winding in his line. As the steward went back on board, he hurried across, the dog at his heels.

  He was pe
rhaps twelve with brown eyes in a thin, intelligent face. His jersey was too big for him and his pants had been patched many times.

  He looked up at Lomax curiously for a moment and then said slowly in English, "You want a good hotel, mister? They look after American tourist real nice."

  "What makes you think I'm an American?" Lomax asked him in Greek.

  The dark glasses. All Americans wear dark glasses." The boy replied in the same language instinctively and his hand went to his mouth in astonishment. "Say, mister, you speak Greek as good as me. How come?"

  "Never mind that," Lomax said. "What's your name?"

  "Yanni," the boy told him. "Yanni Melos."

  Lomax extracted a banknote from his wallet and held it up. "All right, Yanni Melos. This is for you when we reach this hotel of yours where they treat Americans so well. It had better be the best."

  Yanni's teeth gleamed in his brown face. "Mister, it's the only one in town." He picked up the canvas grip and typewriter and hurried ahead, the dog at his heels, and Lomax followed.

  Nothing had changed. Not a damned thing. Even the pillbox the Germans had constructed to guard the pier was still standing, its concrete crumbling a little at the edges. All that was missing were the E-boats in the harbour and the Nazi flag over the town hall.

  The boy led the way between tall, whitewashed houses, moving away from the waterfront. Once or twice they passed someone sitting on a doorstep, but on the whole, the streets were deserted.

  The hotel formed one side of a tiny cobbled square with a church opposite. There were several wooden tables outside, but no sign of any customers, and Lomax guessed that the place would probably liven up in the evening.

  He followed the boy into a large, stone-flagged room with a low ceiling. There were more tables and chairs and a marble-topped bar in one corner, bottles ranged behind it on wooden shelves.

  Yanni put down the canvas grip and the typewriter and vanished through a door at the rear. It was cool and pleasant after the heat outside and Lomax leaned against the bar and waited.

  He could hear a murmur of conversation and then a girl's voice was raised, high and scolding. "Always you lie to me!" There was the sound of a slap and Yanni ran into the room head down, a young girl in a blue dress and white apron in hot pursuit.

  She came to an abrupt halt when she saw Lomax and the boy made a dramatic gesture. "There, am I not speaking the truth?"

  The girl was perhaps sixteen or seventeen, with a round, pretty face, and she came forward, wiping flour from her hands on the apron.

  She stood looking at him helplessly, crimson with embarrassment, and Lomax smiled. "It's all right. I speak Greek."

  Immediate relief showed on her face. "You must excuse me, but Yanni is such a liar and he caught me in the middle of baking. What can I do for you?"

  "I'd like a room," he said "Yanni told me this was the best hotel in town."

  She looked as if she didn't know what to say and he added gently, "You do have one available, I take it?"

  "Oh, yes," she assured him. "You've caught me rather by surprise, that's all. We seldom get tourists on Kyros. I'll have to get clean linen and air the mattress."

  "Don't worry about that," he said. "There's no hurry."

  He took a banknote from his wallet and handed it to Yanni. The boy examined it carefully and his eyes widened. He looked longingly at the open door, sighed and held out the note reluctantly.

  "I think you've made a mistake, mister. It's too much."

  Lomax closed the boy's hand over the note. "Let's call it an advance payment on your services. I may need you again."

  Yanni's face split into a delighted grin. "Say, mister, I like you. You're my friend. I hope you stay on Kyros a long time."

  He whistled to the dog and ran through the doorway into the square. Lomax picked up the grip and the typewriter and turned to the girl.

  "He is impossible," she said as she led the way out into a whitewashed passage.

  "He seems to speak pretty good English?"

  She nodded. "After his parents were drowned, he lived on Rhodes with his mother's people. I suppose he picked it up from the tourists."

  "Who looks after him now?"

  "He lives with his grandmother near the harbour, but she can't do much for him. She's too old."

  They mounted narrow wooden stairs and turned into a corridor that seemed to run the full length of the building. She paused outside the door at the far end and said, "It's a very simple room. I hope you understand that?"

  He nodded. "That's all I'm looking for."

  She opened the door and led the way in. It was plainly furnished with a brass bed, a wash-stand and an old wardrobe. As elsewhere in the house, the walls were whitewashed and the wooden floor highly polished.

  The whole place was spotlessly clean and he went and opened the window and looked out across the red-tiled roofs to the harbour below. "But this is wonderful."

  When he turned, he saw that she was smiling with pleasure. "I am pleased you like it. How long will you be staying?"

  He shrugged. "Until the boat comes again next week. Perhaps longer, I'm not sure. What do they call you?"

  She blushed. "My name is Anna Papas. Would you like something to eat?"

  He shook his head. "Not now, Anna. Later, perhaps."

  She smiled awkwardly and retreated to the door. "Then I will leave you. If there is anything you need, anything at all, please call me. I will be in the kitchen."

  The door closed behind her and he lit a cigarette and went across to the window.

  Some fishing boats were moving in from the sea and he could see the rusty little island steamer moored beside the pier. A gull cried as it swept across the rooftops and quite suddenly he was glad that he had returned.


  A Man called Alexias

  He unpacked his bag and then washed and shaved and put on a clean shirt. He was pulling on his jacket when the knock came at the door and a small, balding man entered.

  He carried a stiff-backed ledger under one arm and smiled ingratiatingly, exposing bad teeth.

  "Excuse me. I hope I'm not disturbing you?"

  Lomax took an instant dislike to him, but he managed a smile. "Not at all. Come right in."

  "I am the proprietor, George Papas," the little man said. "I'm sorry I wasn't here when you arrived. Mornings I work in my olive grove."

  "That's all right. Your daughter looked after me fine."

  "She is a good girl," Papas said complacently. He placed the ledger on the table by the window, opened it and produced a pen from the inside pocket of his jacket. "If you wouldn't mind signing the register. A legal requirement, you understand? The local police sergeant is fussy about such matters."

  Lomax examined the book with interest. The last entry had been made almost a year before. He took the pen and entered his name, address and nationality in the appropriate columns.

  "You don't seem to get many visitors here."

  Papas shrugged. "Kyros is a quiet place with nothing much to attract the tourists--especially Americans."

  "As it happens, I'm English," Lomax said. "Perhaps my tastes are simpler."

  "English!" Papas frowned "But my daughter assured me you were an American."

  "A mistake the young boy who brought me here from the boat made," Lomax said. "I only live there. Does it matter?"

  "No, of course not." Papas looked distinctly uncomfortable as he swivelled the register to examine the entry.

  "Hugh Lomax--California," he mumbled. "Nationality English," and then his whole body seemed to be racked by a violent spasm.

  For a moment, Lomax thought the man was about to throw a fit. He took his arm to lead him to a chair and Papas jerked it away as if he had been stung.

  His face had turned a sickly yellow colour and his eyes were staring as he backed to the door.

  "For God's sake, man," Lomax demanded. "What is it?"

  Papas managed to open the door with one hand and crossed himself mech
anically with the other. "Holy Mother of God," he breathed and stumbled into the corridor.

  Lomax stood there for a moment, a frown on his face, and then picked up the register and followed him.

  When he went into the bar, Anna was polishing glasses. She looked up and smiled. "Can I get you anything?"

  He shook his head and placed the register on the bar. "Your father left that in my room by mistake. I'd like to have a word with him if I may."

  "I'm afraid he's just gone out," she said. "I saw him crossing the square a moment ago."

  "It can wait till later. Tell me, is there still a tavern on the waterfront called The Little Ship? It used to be owned by a man called Alexias Pavlo."

  "It still is," she said. "Everyone knows Alexias. This year he is mayor of Kyros." She frowned in bewilderment. "But how could you know of Alexias and The Little Ship?"

  "Remind me to tell you some time," he said, and went out into the bright sunshine.

  As he crossed the square towards the street that led down to the harbour, Yanni emerged from it and ran towards him, the dog yapping at his heels. He was wearing a scarlet shirt, khaki shorts and a pair of white rubber shoes.

  He halted a few paces away held out his arms and pirouetted. "Don't I look beautiful?"

  "What's the idea?" Lomax said

  Yanni spread his hands. "If I'm working for such a rich and important man I must look the part. These are my best clothes."

  "That makes sense," Lomax said. "Where did you steal them from?"

  "I didn't steal them," Yanni cried indignantly. "They were a present from a very good friend of mine. The best friend I've got."

  "All right," Lomax said. "Have it your way."

  He moved down the cobbled streets towards the harbour and Yanni trotted beside him. "Where do you want to go first?"

  "A place called The Little Ship."

  The boy's eyes widened. "You don't want to go there. That's a bad place. Not for tourists. For fishermen."