Onyx: Heart Read online

Page 4

  He didn’t.

  He nodded his head towards the bed. “Go get comfortable.”

  The intrigue was still there, but it was now joined with excitement. I moved to the foot of the bed and crawled up to the head, sitting back into the cushions as I waited for him to join me. Only, when I looked, he showed no indication that he was moving. Instead, he was still calmly sipping at his drink. No, that wasn’t strictly true. He had also unzipped his pants and was stroking his cock as he watched me.

  “Are you going to join me?” I asked.

  Jiwon shook his head. “I’m going to watch you make yourself cum.”

  I couldn’t stop my mouth from slowly falling open. I masturbated. I wasn’t going to pretend otherwise, but even when I had been dating Damien the Dick, I’d never done it in front of him.

  “What about you?” I asked him.

  “As soon as you come, I might let you wrap your mouth around my dick,” he informed me. “But that’s going to depend on whether or not you’re a good girl.”

  Honestly, I had no idea what made me a good girl, or a bad girl. Equally, I had no idea which one would let me do that, and yet, somehow, I really wanted to. The idea of it being a reward or a punishment was turning me on.

  Fuck that.

  I was already turned on. I didn’t need to touch myself to know I was already wet. The ache between my legs was enough to make me raise my knees and let them drop, fully exposing myself to him. Unable to take my eyes off Jiwon who was staring at me like he wanted to devour me, my fingers ran along my slit, finding my slick clit.

  My own touch had me moaning. My other hand cupped my breast, as I played with my already hard nipple. I pinched it and my clit, but this time, Jiwon’s groan was louder than my own.

  I had never thought I would be so turned on by someone watching me get myself off. At some point, Jiwon had stopped drinking, but he never let go of the glass. He’d stopped stroking himself, even though I could see his erection straining at me as I played with myself. I was close.

  “I need you to come, Katie,” he growled, like he knew. I wasn’t sure whether he meant to add the ee to my name, but I liked it. And I was happy to oblige his request, switching up the pressure and finding my release. I flopped back, allowing the blissful sensation to wash over me.

  “Oh no, it’s my turn now,” Jiwon chided me, standing. He moved to the foot of the bed, his cock pointed at me. “You will crawl over here and wrap those beautiful lips around me, right now.”

  I liked bossy Jiwon, just a little too much.

  Despite the fact my limbs felt like jelly, I complied with his order, getting onto my knees and crawling over to him. Taking his shaft with one hand, I ran my tongue around his tip, then took it in my mouth. Jiwon’s hands threaded through my hair, guiding my head further down his shaft. “Look at me,” he commanded. I did exactly as he said, my blue eyes locking on his brown ones. He let out a near animalistic grunt and I had the strongest feeling that what he really wanted to do was fuck my mouth. But he didn’t, instead letting me lick and suck at my own pace.

  With my hand following my mouth up and down as I tasted him, I found a rhythm he liked. “Fuck! I’ve been fantasizing about your mouth wrapped around my dick since I met you in our studio,” he ground out. His hands gripped my hair tighter. “I’m going to cum.”

  I wasn’t sure if that was a warning or an instruction that he was going to come in my mouth. I didn’t care. I wanted him to.

  His hands held me in place as he came, muttering curses. He didn’t let go until he was completely spent and I had swallowed it all, all while never taking my eyes off him.

  Finally, he loosened his grip and slid out, giving me an appreciative smirk. “Better than my fantasy.”

  “What else did you fantasize?” I asked him.

  “I think the rest of my fantasies are much filthier than you’d want.”

  “I think I’m willing to find out,” I informed him.

  Jiwon pursed his lips then moved back to the side to grab his unfinished drink. He took a mouthful. “Lie back and put those heels on the bed.”

  I didn’t hesitate, doing exactly as he instructed, propping myself up.

  Still clutching at his drink, he kneeled in front of me. He took a mouthful, then, slowly poured the drink over me. The alcohol stung, but as I hissed in pain, his tongue was there lapping it up, running between me. The combination was… going to be my undoing.

  Then I felt the ice in his mouth as he ran that over my clit. “Fuck me!” I cried, my arms giving out on me. His mouth latched onto my clit, his hot tongue and the ice cube driving me mad. Then I felt the rum being poured on me once more, the bite joining the hot and the cold. I was orgasming again, crying out Jiwon’s name as I clutched at the bedsheets.

  He didn’t let up, instead using his fingers to run another ice cube around my opening. “Oh, holy mother of god and all her-” he shoved the ice inside me.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…

  That was the only word I could manage.

  I wasn’t sure I was saying it aloud or in my head as his fingers slid in and out moving that ice cube, while he continued to suck at my clit.


  Just as I was about to have another orgasm, he stopped, removing his fingers. The ice cube remained in place. I could feel it melting inside me like it was trying to douse the heat in my core. Although it was a strange sensation, I was more frustrated from the lack of attention coming from Jiwon. I lifted my head, ready to beg him to return his mouth and his fingers to me, when I discovered he was hard again.

  He stood, his hands sliding down my thighs and under the garter belt straps. “I like these.” Shaking his head, as though he had momentarily been distracted, his gaze flicked to mine. “Roll over.”

  As I did as he said, he climbed on the bed behind me, reaching under me to lift my ass in the air, bringing me to my hands and knees. The ice cube shifted inside me. Jiwon’s hand came from around my stomach, over my ass cheek. He gently ran his hand over it. Then, I felt his cock at my opening. As he slid it in, his hands gripped at my thighs. My own hands clutched at the bedding as I moaned at the sensations.

  His cock slid deeper, finding the ice cube and pressing it into me. I could feel him shudder inside me. Then, with no warning, he started bucking his hips, pounding his length in and out of me as his grip held me in place. Each time he drove into me, the ice cube, or what was left of it, rubbed up against my core.

  Hot, cold, fast, hard… my orgasm exploded around him. My arms gave out on me. Jiwon continued to thrust into me. All I could do was yell out the pleasure I was experiencing, though the sounds were largely swallowed by the bedding.

  Suddenly, he wasn’t in me. I managed to turn my head to look over my shoulder, just in time to witness him come over my back as he threw back his head and let out a stream of words I didn’t understand.

  I could feel the hot liquid as it landed on my skin, already damp from sweat. Exhausted, and still reeling from my own orgasm, I could do nothing as I felt it trickle down my back.

  Jiwon finally let go of my thighs, allowing me to slide down onto my stomach. I lay there, my limbs feeling heavy, as Jiwon collapsed onto the bed beside me. We locked eyes as we both tried to catch our breath.

  Finally, Jiwon rolled off the bed, padding into the bathroom. He returned a few moments later with a damp washcloth and proceeded to wipe my back clean. After he tossed it in the trash, he leaned down, capturing my lips with his.

  제 4 장

  My Zone

  “What are you smiling at?” It was some god-forsaken hour in the morning, and we were still awake. The TV was on in the background, though neither of us were really watching it. Jiwon was half propped up against the pillows, his eyes closed and a lazy smile on his lips as his fingers ran up and down one of my bare arms.


  That made me smile. “Don’t you need to be going back to your room?”

  “Soon,” he agr
eed, though he made no effort to move.

  I yawned, stretching. I wasn’t in a hurry for him to move either. He didn’t come across as the cuddliest of people, but he was, and I was making the most of being able to snuggle up against him. “How many countries have you visited?”

  “Twenty?” he shrugged, poking an eye open to look at me.

  He didn’t sound tired, and although I was sated, I wasn’t sleepy. Of all the guys, Jiwon was the one I found the hardest to understand. My Korean was improving on a daily basis – I was studying like mad in the free time I had – and his English wasn’t too bad, although the filthier it was, the more he seemed to be able to speak. I blamed that one on JongB. Mixed in with the English and Korean was Japanese. We could communicate in our strange way, but I struggled because of his accent. But that didn’t mean I didn’t want to try. “Which was your favorite?”

  “You’re curious.”

  I nodded. “Before this tour, the only other countries I had been to were South Korea and Japan. My passport is slowly gaining a nice collection of stamps and visas.”


  I didn’t correct him. Instead I let the grin settle on my face. “And outside of this room?”

  The fingers on my arm paused. “I’ve been to a lot of countries, but I don’t always get to see them. Most of the time we’re travelling from the airport to a hotel, to a venue or photoshoot, then back to the airport. I see a lot of a country from the back of a minibus.”

  That made me sad. I’d spent four months on the road with a pop star last summer, doing her concert photography. The tour dates had been spread out a bit more and she’d been able to see more of the states and cities we’d visited. Life of a K-Pop idol seemed to me more… rushed. “Do you wish you could?”

  “I think I would now like to spend more time in hotels.”

  “OK, that was smooth,” I chuckled.

  “Of course it was,” he agreed. “I’m not JongB.” He let out a long sigh as he resumed tracing patterns on my arms. “Sometimes. There are a lot of restrictions that come with this life, but I knew that before I signed up for it.”

  “Personally, I think you all get judged way to harshly.” I didn’t need to say it. We both knew I was talking about how the fans had reacted to CX and Xiao.

  “Or not harshly enough.” Jiwon’s tone was bitter.

  I wanted to go back to Shanghai to find Bohyun and punch him. He deserved it and much worse for his accusations to Youngbin. “What are you looking forward to on this tour?” I asked, trying to move the conversation to more positive topics.

  Jiwon looked down, his lips quirking up in to a smirk. “Finding out if you’re a good girl or a bad girl.”

  “What’s the verdict so far?” I asked, cheekily.

  “You’re a good girl.” He nodded, more to himself than to me. “A good girl, but a naughty girl.”

  I had to frown at that, unsure if what he was telling me was being lost in translation.

  “So far, you’ve done exactly what I’ve told you, which makes you a good girl,” he clarified. “But you’ve done exactly what I’ve told you, and that means you’re naughty.” He tilted his head. “I wonder how naughty.”

  “I guess we’ll both find out,” I told him.

  The arm around me tightened. “I never expected to have a girlfriend before I enlisted. I had planned on honoring my contract. But you’re… You surprise me. I want to do dirty things to you, but I also want to spend time with you doing other things.” He leaned down, capturing my mouth with his. His lips were forceful, putting him in control, but the kiss was lazy, acknowledging the fact we had just used up a lot of energy.

  Just like that, the tiredness hit me. I pulled back, gently patting his chest under where my hand lay. “And if we want to keep up with this, you should probably go. I don’t know about you, but I need to sleep, and you shouldn’t be here for much longer if you don’t want to get caught.”

  Although he didn’t look too impressed at my words, he nodded his agreement, slowly extracting himself from my bed, and my arms. He was still fully clothed. He started walking to the door and then paused, looking back. “How do you feel about anal?”

  I blinked several times in surprise. That was not what I was expecting.

  “How do you feel about anal?” I countered.

  “You are not wearing a strap-on with me,” he said, bluntly, his eyes narrowing.

  “That’s good to know,” I nodded. “But that’s not where I was going with that suggestion.”

  He shrugged. “Just trying to find your limits.”

  How did I feel about anal? “I don’t know,” I told him, truthfully.


  “Does that make me a bad girl?” I asked before he could walk out.

  Jiwon frowned at me as he shook his head. “No, it means I get to find out what you don’t like, and we don’t do it.” At that, he left me alone in my room.

  Jiwon was definitely going to keep me on my toes.

  The Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Vancouver was a different venue to the ones that had been used in Asia. It was also a different kind of concert. It wasn’t until I arrived at the venue that I discovered how different everything was going to be in the American leg of the tour.

  The ‘Our Truth World Tour’ was now a mini fan-meet, as well as a concert. Fans who had bought VVIP tickets were now able to have albums signed and talk with the group. VVIPs and VIPs were also able to have a High Touch (I had no idea what one of those was) and have a group photo taken with them. Both were allowed into the venue a few hours before the concert took place for this to happen, after which, general entry would be allowed in as Onyx disappeared backstage to get ready for the concert.

  And then Sungmin dropped the bombshell that I was to take the photographs for the group photos, as well as during the fan meeting and the concert.

  It wasn’t that I objected, but I did wish I’d been given a little more notice. At least the photos would be taken on the stage where there was proper lighting. What was stressing me out about it was that Sungmin had said there would be a couple of hundred VVIP and VIP fans who would need their photograph taken, which meant I wouldn’t have time to take test shots and alter lighting.

  We arrived early at the venue and fans were already lining up outside, despite the fact there was snow on the ground. From the room we had been given, I could see Xiao and MinMin constantly peeking out of the window, frowning with worry. Eventually, Xiao pulled out his phone, recording a quick message. “My precious Canadian Black Gems, it’s cold and snowing. Please go somewhere warm. We will wait for you.”

  I swear my heart melted, but I also couldn’t help but smile.

  Xiao caught me looking. “It’s cold outside.” I gave him a pointed look and he glanced down at the pale legs poking out from under his shorts. “I am inside.”

  “Xiao, MinMin is wearing a beanie.”

  “He’s not wearing it because he’s cold,” Xiao returned.

  I glanced at MinMin and the oversized woolen sweater he was also wearing. Of course it wasn’t because he wasn’t cold… Either way, I wasn’t arguing. At the end of the day, he was doing something sweet for the fans.

  I went to tell Sungmin that I was going to scope out the stage and get ready for the fan meet, but he was already talking with Youngbin. “I can ask,” Sungmin was saying. He looked over at me. “Is everything OK?” His tone had changed. He still hadn’t forgiven me for Hong Kong.

  “I just wanted to let you know that I was going out to the stage to prepare for later.”

  Sungmin just nodded at me before leaving the room. My shoulders slumped as I leaned against the wall. “He still hates me,” I muttered at Youngbin.

  Youngbin put a sympathetic hand on my shoulder. He didn’t remove it and I was thankful the only people in the room were his groupmates. “We’ll work on that.” He glanced around and then took half a step closer. “You look tired.”

  “Thanks,” I grumbled, tucking m
y hair behind my ear. I’d had a few hours at best, so I wasn’t surprised. “Are you annoying Sungmin too?”

  Youngbin nodded. “I was asking if it would be possible to open the doors a little earlier to allow fans to come out of the cold.”

  It was something simple, yet so thoughtful, and it gave me such gooey feelings that I leaned over and kissed his cheek before I could remember that MinMin and CX were also in the room. While Youngbin was looking at me with his eyes wide, but a soft smile on his face, my head whipped around to find the two youngest members.

  MinMin was still peering out of the window with Xiao. CX had his back to us, taking a selfie. I looked back to Youngbin. “I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t have to apologize,” he informed me as the door opened behind me.

  I hastily moved out of the way while taking two steps from Youngbin to put a bit of distance between us as Sungmin re-entered the room. He gave me a sharp look. “I thought you were going to the stage?”

  “I am,” I agreed, ducking out of the room before he could say anything else.

  Outside, I let out a long breath. Sungmin was good looking enough to be in the group with Onyx, but ever since I had missed the flight with CX and tried to cover it up (to cut CX a break), he hadn’t trusted me. He was no longer punishing me with crappy seats on planes, but there was still a frosty atmosphere between us.

  In the main room where the show would take place, I took a seat midway down, and stared at the stage. It was a good-sized stage, but it didn’t come out like the others had in Asia. Of course, they had all been arenas, and this wasn’t, but it meant that the show wasn’t going to be the same. Actually, the venue was a lot smaller. Maybe that was why there was a fan meeting here?