Onyx: Forever Read online

Page 3

  “Do you know what a Las Vegas Showgirl is?”

  “A stripper?” Sungmin asked, doubtfully.

  I rubbed at the back of my neck. My Korean learning hadn’t covered Showgirls... And if he called my mom a stripper to her face, she was going to strangle him with her G-string.

  Mom was one of the previous generations of Showgirls, and as she frequently told me, was a dancer. She was trained in ballet. She had worn skimpy clothing, but she had never gone completely nude.

  “Please don’t say that in front of my mom. She’s a dancer,” I told him. We wouldn’t be here long. I could translate a full explanation on my phone later. “Just don’t be alarmed by her.” My mom’s heyday had been the 80s and she’d never quite left it.

  Before I could change my mind, I walked towards the front door and put the key I’d fished out of the bottom of my bag into the lock.

  It didn’t work.

  I pulled it out, glanced at the number on the porch wondering if, for some strange reason, I’d taken us to the wrong house, but it was the right place. “Well, this is awkward,” I muttered. My mom had changed the locks?

  I knocked on the door.

  Moments later, I heard movement from the depths of the house and then the door unlocked. The woman who opened the door was old enough to be my mom, but she wasn’t her. “Yes?”

  “Hi,” I greeted her, giving her an awkward smile. “Um, does Lisa West live here?”

  The woman frowned thoughtfully. “I’m sorry, dear. She sold the house to me two weeks ago. I believe she moved in with her new husband.” She gave Sungmin a curious glance before looking back at me. “Are you Kate?” she asked.

  I nodded.

  “She left me something to give to you. One moment.” She disappeared back into the house, leaving the door open. I could see into the main room and it was evident that the woman was in the middle of unpacking.

  “Kate?” Sungmin muttered, his hand finding its way to the small of my back. “What’s happening?”

  I shook my head unable to look at him. I’d been gone on this tour for a few months. It had barely been six weeks since I’d been followed to New York by Damien and he’d been arrested. That was the last time I’d spoken with my mom. When I had decided I wanted to stay with Onyx in Seoul, I’d tried to call her, but she hadn’t answered. I’d assumed she was still mad about Damien.

  That was why I was here. To tell her I was pregnant and that I was going to have it in Seoul.

  I’d never dreamed that she would move, much less get married.

  Not that I could judge her on the latter – I hadn’t been seeing my guys for much longer than that…


  “Here you are, dear.” The woman reappeared brandishing a slightly disheveled large envelope. My name, written in my mom’s handwriting, neatly printed in the corner.

  “Thank you,” I muttered, taking it from her. “I’m sorry to have bothered you.” Numbly, I turned, walking down the drive, but instead of going back to the car, I turned and carried on walking. I could sense Sungmin behind me, but he didn’t say anything, instead following me in silence.

  My neighborhood hadn’t changed. I didn’t really have a destination, but I found myself at the neighborhood park. Park was a strong word to describe it. There was an area about the size of a basketball court with a path looping around it and a metal igloo climbing frame in the middle. I sat down on a bench, staring at the igloo.

  Sungmin came and sat down beside me. “What happened back there?” he asked. “That woman wasn’t your mother.”

  “My mom moved.”

  “She didn’t tell you?”

  I shook my head. “Apparently not.”

  “Is that normal?”

  A snort escaped me. “It’s the first time my mom moved, but it’s not completely far removed for her normal behavior.”

  Sungmin shuffled closer, angling himself more to face me. “Are you OK?”

  “I honestly don’t know,” I admitted. It was hard to feel anything when I only felt numb. I lifted the envelope up, staring at my name.

  Sungmin’s hand reached over, taking the one that was holding the envelope and lowering it. “Do you need to read what’s in that tonight?”

  “Do I need to read it all?” I asked, more to myself than to him. Sungmin didn’t answer, but I didn’t expect him to. With a sigh, and more subconscious than with intention, I leaned into him, resting my head on his shoulder. “It wasn’t until I moved away for college that I realized what a dysfunctional relationship I have with her. I remember bringing Damien home that summer and she seemed to warm up to him instantly. She took a real shine to him. And then things were fine – no, not fine, but better. Things were better between us.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said, shifting his weight so that he could wrap an arm around me.

  I glanced down at the envelope and then abruptly stood up. Before I could change my mind, I marched over to the trash can and shoved it in. Then, dusting my hands off, I walked back to Sungmin. “She has my number. She also has my email. If she wants to contact me, she can do.”

  Sungmin stared at me in complete shock. Apparently cutting off ties with parents wasn’t all that common in South Korea. “Kate-”

  I held my hand up. “I read somewhere that sometimes you get to choose your family, and I’m lucky because I can do that, and I have done that.” I sat back down on the bench beside him, suddenly feeling exhausted. “I’m tired,” I muttered.

  “Let’s go find a hotel,” Sungmin suggested. He got to his feet and stared down at me, I cocked my head. “You look tired. You need a good sleep; in a bed, and not a car.”

  What I really wanted was to get back to LA and see the others. My chosen family. But Sungmin had driven for nearly five hours to get here after a long flight. If we turned around and went back now, it would be the early hours of the morning. He was going to be exhausted and it wasn’t fair. I wasn’t in a rested state to be able to drive either.

  I nodded. At least being in Las Vegas, there wouldn’t be a shortage of hotel rooms.

  We found a hotel off the strip, getting two adjacent rooms. After quickly messaging the suspiciously quiet group chat to tell them that we were staying the night in Vegas, I jumped in the shower. Sungmin and I were going to go out for some food, but I really wanted to wash the day away first.

  Only, by the time I got out, I was ready for bed. I was still wrapped in my robe, staring blankly at the contents of my suitcase when there was a knock at the door.

  I pulled it open, finding Sungmin, as expected, fully dressed. His cheeks went pink when he saw me. “You’re not ready.”

  “Can we do room service?” I asked him, apologetically. “It’s not that I don’t want to go out, but I am so tired.”

  “Of course,” he said, before starting to walk away.

  “You can eat with me if you like?” I offered, stepping back.

  Sungmin stepped in, walking into the room as I closed the door behind him. The room was big enough for two queen beds and a small table and chairs. Sungmin perched on the bed, picking up the remote and switching it to the services channel.

  I sat down on the bed behind him, relaxing into the pillows with a soft moan. The idea of not having to leave the room was blissful. Beside me, the phone buzzed. I ignored it, looking at the television screen. Sungmin had the menu up. “Oh my god, they have ribs. I want ribs.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Mashed potatoes and a coke.” Sungmin turned back, giving me a pointed look. “Fine. A Fanta. I can have that, right?”

  Sungmin selected my order and I turned my attention to the phone. It was a message from MinMin, out of the group chat. How is the hotel? I hope you are resting?

  In the hotel room, just ordering some food with Sungmin.

  Can I see?

  I arched an eyebrow at that request. Where did he think I was? At a casino? I had grown up in Vegas and casinos held no interest to me. Plus now, I didn’t want to
go in them because they were full of cigarette smoke. I took a picture of Sungmin, still choosing what to eat, making sure to zoom in on the menu, and try to get as little of Sungmin in it as possible.

  I hope you are having vegetables with that.

  I dropped the phone beside me, too tired to bother responding. Potatoes were vegetables.

  “Done,” Sungmin said, turning back to me as I yawned. He tilted his head. “Why don’t you sleep and I’ll wake you when the food arrives?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Will you really wake me, or will you just let me sleep? Because I am hungry and momma wants food.”

  “I will wake you up,” Sungmin promised.

  I didn’t need to consider it. I was already falling asleep.

  제3 장


  True to his word, Sungmin let me nap and then woke me for our meal. I only ate half the ribs and some of the potato, suddenly not in the mood for either, just to keep Sungmin happy.

  It was about ten when we finished, and I crawled back into bed. “Thank you for saying we needed a hotel,” I told him, sleepily as he let himself out.

  What felt like minutes later, I was woken up, but I wasn’t sure what had woken me. I rolled over and glanced at the digital alarm on the beside table. It was after midnight. I’d slept longer than I thought.

  There was a knock at the door – that was what had woken me. I got out of bed, pulling my robe tightly around me, and walked over to the door. Just as I got there, I heard voices outside.

  “Are you sure she said 4113?”

  “You know I’m American, right? I can understand numbers. I can understand English!”

  “It is the middle of the night…”

  I opened the door and found JongB, MinMin, and CX in front of me. “What the fuck are you three doing here?” I hissed. “Does Taeyoon know you’re here? Does Sungmin know you’re here?”

  Whilst MinMin and CX stood there, sheepishly, JongB gave me the biggest shit-eating grin he’d ever given me. “But we brought bulgogi.” He raised his hand, revealing the plastic bag.

  I caught a whiff of it and my stomach instantly grumbled. “Thank you,” I said, reaching over and taking it off him. And then I promptly shut the door on them.

  “What the hell?” I heard JongB blurt out.

  I opened the door back up and stood back to let them in. “I should kick you out,” I told them as I shut the door. “You three are going to get lynched when Sungmin finds out. How the hell did you get here? More importantly, where’s the kimchi?”

  “Can we have sex first, and I’ll then tell you all about it?” JongB asked me, blinking innocently.

  CX stepped up to me, pinning me against the wall. “If we’re going to get yelled at, can’t we at least make this trip worth it for all of us first?” he asked, before lowering his mouth to my collar bone.

  “I think you’re more likely to get murdered than yelled at,” I scoffed, trying not to show how much I was enjoying CX kissing my skin. He moved his lips to mine, claiming my mouth. I sank back into the wall as he slid his tongue in, allowing it to massage mine.

  “Then let us all die happy?” MinMin suggested, stepping forward and taking the bag of food off me before I dropped it. He set it on the side, never taking his eyes off me.

  I let out a whimper, torn between food and three really, really hot guys worshiping my body.

  Did my pregnant body really rate food over sex?

  MinMin unfastened my robe, revealing the t-shirt and boy shorts I had thrown on earlier. “Nope,” he muttered, gently moving CX to the side. MinMin’s hands settled on my waist, and then he was picking me up and carrying me over to the bed I’d been using, and then he was kissing me like he hadn’t seen me in months.

  By the time he pulled away, I had a desperate need to get naked.

  I didn’t waste any time in pulling my t-shirt off and flinging it to the side, but it was JongB in front of me when I looked back. He reached for the boy shorts, tugging them off so that I was completely naked. JongB looked over at MinMin and CX. “I’m going to make Kate come, so if you two want to occupy yourselves for a while, you do so,” he said, slipping a finger between my already wet slit. He looked up at me, licking it clean. “Seeing as Kate really likes that idea, let’s make it twice, and you two can come over here.”

  “Yes, please,” I groaned.

  JongB dropped his head to me, his tongue wasting no time in sliding along me, making me moan in pleasure. I flopped backwards and then propped myself up by my elbows.

  I gripped the bedsheets, trying hard not to lose myself completely so that I could watch MinMin – quiet, gentle MinMin – march up to CX and assault his mouth with his own as he grabbed his hair. He reached around CX, pulling something out of CX’s back pocket and tossing it onto the bed beside me.


  I had no idea if that was for me or them, but the idea of either of those options almost had me orgasming. Beneath me, JongB sucked hard before lifting his head. “What got you so excited?”

  “Oh no,” I told him, pointing back between my legs. “You need to return your attention to my clit.”

  “I am going to make you cum, so hard,” he promised me with an evil grin, before returning his mouth exactly where I needed it, rolling his tongue over my clit.

  When I returned my attention to MinMin and CX, they were undressing each other, still kissing with an almost aggression, as they shed each other of clothes.

  Lips locked, their hands slipped between them, grabbing each other’s already hard cocks. “Oh, fuck,” I murmured, watching as they stroked each other. CX’s free hand ran over MinMin’s chest, making him growl. I’d never heard MinMin growl before.

  JongB’s teeth grazed against my clit, as he worked his fingers inside of me. I glanced down at him, catching his gaze as he smirked, as if to say, it’s going to be me, not them. And then, sucking my clit, while rolling his tongue over it, his fingers thrust back inside me as he added another. I let out a scream of pleasure as my body clamped around him.

  He didn’t stop, his mouth lapping me up as I writhed around beneath him, both cursing him and praising him for making my orgasm last.

  By the time the haze of pleasure cleared, I was aware of MinMin leaning over me, his cock brushing over my breasts as he grabbed the lube on the other side. He pulled back, moving to my face so that he could kiss me. As his tongue dipped into my mouth, JongB’s was back inside me, making me moan into MinMin.

  “I need you to help me lube MinMin up.”

  My eyes shot open and I stared at CX. He’d suddenly appeared by my head and had whispered the request in my ear. Hell, I was still feeling the last orgasm and these few words were going to make me come again.

  CX came up behind MinMin, his hands sliding down his side to his hips, gently pulling him away from me so that he could get to his cock. As his hands wrapped around it, MinMin let out another growl. “I like that noise,” I told him.

  “So do I,” CX agreed as MinMin sank back against him. His eyes closed as his breathing picked up.

  I took the lube from MinMin, flipped the lid open and proceeded to squirt it onto MinMin’s cock as CX slid his hands up and down his shaft. I dropped the tube, reaching out, but suddenly, JongB’s fingers were back inside me. “Fuck, that’s not fair,” I complained.

  I could feel JongB chuckle against me.

  Cocky little shit.

  Suddenly, MinMin was shoving CX around, switching places. He pressed up against his back, biting at his neck. “Tell me to stop,“ he muttered, before kissing the bite mark and running his tongue up CX’s neck. He looked down at me. “Help him out.”

  I didn’t need to be told twice. I shuffled towards him, running my tongue up the length of his shaft. I had just taken the tip of him in my mouth when he suddenly thrust into me, letting out a cry as he did.

  And then JongB was no longer licking me. He removed his fingers from me too, instead using them to help me roll over so I could take CX be
tter. Behind him, staying perfectly still, MinMin watched.

  On my hands and knees, CX threaded his hands in my hair. I looked up a CX, taking him deeper. Behind him, MinMin slowly started moving. “Tell me to stop,” MinMin said again.

  I had no idea where this dominant MinMin had come from, but I was getting off on it.

  “Don’t you dare stop,” CX told him.

  I wasn’t the only one.

  MinMin continued to ease himself in and out of CX, forcing him in and out of me. Or he would have done if CX wasn’t holding my head around his cock.

  Well hell, I loved this side of CX too.

  “JongB, don’t just stand there watching,” MinMin barked.

  I tried to look at JongB, curious, but CX held me in place. “Nope,” he gasped as MinMin thrust into him. He pulled sharply at my hair. I moaned, too caught up in the moment to care. I kinda liked it. And then the two of them stilled.

  I pulled back, swirling my tongue around the tip of CX’s cock, tasting the salty precum. I could feel JongB slide the tip of his cock along me. CX moaned, and then, with no warning, JongB thrust his cock into me.

  Fuck me, it was a good job I didn’t have a gag-reflex as it seemed like I was taking all of CX into the back of my throat. I looked up. CX had his head back, as MinMin whispered something in his ear. CX nodded and then closed his eyes.

  Movement happened as MinMin started thrusting into CX, sending him in and out of me, then me up and down JongB’s cock. It was like a dance, and I swear they’d probably choreographed it in the drive up.

  I could feel my orgasm building as JongB moved, deeper inside of me. “You need to come, Kate. Please cum Kate,” CX begged me, his hands twisting in my hair.

  He wasn’t wrong. I really did need to come.

  JongB sped up. MinMin sped up. CX and I caught in the middle of whatever this slice of heaven was.

  And then, with CX’s cock swallowing up my cries, I came. CX let go of me as I gasped for air as JongB continued to thrust into me, until finally, he came, holding me steady as he filled me.

  JongB flopped onto the bed beside me, breathing heavily. My body was tingling, and I was trying to catch my breath as I watched MinMin and CX. MinMin’s hand was around CX’s neck, not choking him, but making sure that he stayed upright.