Bossy Bastard: A Hero Club Novel Read online

Page 30

  “These are driving me crazy,” he whispers, leaning into me. “I need to see them.”

  His words give me an idea. Removing the cloth napkin from my lap, I stand. “I’m going to the bathroom.”

  “I’ll come with you,” Carla says. She hooks her arm through mine as we cross the room.

  Entering the stall, I step out of my lace underwear, scrunching them up and shoving them into my purse. If Ashton wants to see them so much, who am I to deny him. My stomach feels jittery for what I’m about to do, but this is about healing, letting go, and learning to trust again. Ashton has proved himself worthy.

  Exiting, I walk toward the line of sinks to wash my hands and wait for Carla.

  “Ugh,” I hear someone say as they enter. “I was hoping you wouldn’t be here tonight, hillbilly.”

  Through the mirror, I see Willow approaching. I was secretly hoping she wouldn’t be here either.

  “Leave me alone, Willow. Valentina invited me personally.”

  “Valentina invited me personally,” she says, mocking me. “You’re pathetic.”

  We both flinch when a loud bang startles us. I glance over my shoulder and see Carla storming toward us.

  Oh shit.

  “Willow… Willow… Willow,” she says, cracking her knuckles as she approaches.

  “Who the hell are you?”

  “Your worst fucking nightmare, that’s who,” Carla sneers.

  A brief moment of terror flashes through Willow’s eyes, but she recovers quickly.

  “Ignore her,” I say to Carla, reaching for her arm. “She’s not worth it.”

  Carla shrugs out of my grip, her eyes never once leaving her target. “You’re lucky I don’t kick your ass.”

  “Try it, bitch,” Willow replies, finding her backbone.

  I gasp. Does she have a death wish? I know for a fact Carla could tear her to shreds. She’s a fourth-dan-black-belt—a lethal weapon.

  Carla takes a step back and starts waving her open palmed hands around in front of her. Chopping the air, Ninja style. “Waaaaaa,” she says as she does it.

  I have to bite my lip to suppress my laugh. She looks ridiculous, and she knows it.

  One of Willow’s eyes twitches as she stares at Carla, anticipating her next move. When Carla lunges in her direction, Willow’s hands instinctively fly up to cover her face as she cowers.

  Carla drops her arms by her side and laughs. “Just what I thought… gutless bitch. Stay the fuck away from my friend, or next time you won’t be so lucky. Got it!”

  Willow nods. Too frightened to speak.

  “Good, now get out of here before I hold you under the lights and melt your plastic ass.”

  I place my hand over my mouth to muffle my laughter.

  Willow turns, practically running toward the door.

  “Are you okay, Em?”

  “Yes, karate kid. I didn’t know you were friends with Mr. Miyagi.”

  “We go way back,” she says with a wink as she moves over to the sink to wash her hands.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  Emma smiles at me as she approaches the table and my heart rate kicks up a notch. She still affects me like no other. Every man in this room would be envious, she looks so beautiful tonight. I’m proud to have her on my arm.

  Standing, I pull out her chair. Once she’s seated, she places her clutch purse on her lap, fishing around inside it.

  Emma’s hand moves to mine under the table. “Here.”

  I look down. What the fuck. My eyes snap to hers.

  “You said you wanted to see them.”

  My cock goes instantly hard as a deep groan bubbles in the back of my throat. Without thinking, my arm rises toward my face, but she captures my wrist, stopping me. “Don’t you dare,” she warns. “If you sniff them here, I’ll kill you.”

  She knows me so well.

  Chuckling, I run the delicate lace between my fingers before shoving them into my pocket.

  “God, why do rich people have to be so stuffy and boring?” Carla mumbles from across the table, oblivious to the panty exchange that just went down. “With all that money, you think they’d know how to have some fun.”

  “Hey, I resent that remark,” Grayson gripes. “And I’m plenty of fun.”

  “Except you, baby, you’re an exception. Nothing about you is boring or stuffy.”

  He smiles, leaning in to place a kiss on her hair.

  “Are these charity events always like this?” Carla asks.

  “Pretty much,” I chime in. My mother has been dragging me to them for years.

  “Even the music is putting me to sleep.”

  I chuckle. “Yeah, it’s pretty bad.”

  Grayson and I usually come to these events alone. I’ve never brought a date before, neither has he.

  Carla’s attention moves to Emma. “Did you just yawn?”

  “Yes,” she answers with a giggle. “This music is putting me to sleep, too.”

  “Right, that does it.” Carla slams her hands down on the table. “Nobody puts Baby in the corner.” I laugh at her euphemism, it’s from one of Emma’s favorite movies, Dirty Dancing. Emma made me watch it with her the other night. I only agreed on the proviso if she did her own dirty dancing with me when it was finished.

  And she did.

  It was fucking hot.

  Carla stands, and all of our eyes are on her as she struts across the room, approaching the DJ. God only knows what song she’s going to request. Knowing her, it’ll be something completely inappropriate for this crowd.

  She looks like a woman with a purpose as she comes striding back to our table. There’s a huge-ass smile on her face. When she reaches us, she holds out her hand to Emma. “Get ready, Em, the next song is for you, pretty girl.”

  “You want me to dance with you?”

  “Of course. You love to dance. Let’s show these lacklusters how it’s done.”

  “But the dance floor is empty.”

  “So! Since when has that stopped us? More room for us to show off our awesome dance moves.”

  Tentatively, Emma takes Carla’s hand and stands.

  My eyes follow my girl as she crosses the room, her hips swaying in a way only a woman who unknowingly possesses natural sex appeal can. I grip the glass in my hand until my knuckles turn white because my eyes aren’t the only ones on her. The fact that I now know she’s panty-less under that dress makes me borderline insane.

  I’ve never thought of myself as the jealous type, but the way the men have been ogling her all night ignites a steely possessiveness inside me. I should’ve known the sharks would be circling tonight. Aside from her obvious beauty, she has an unequivocal grace about her that lures you in.

  I intake a few deep breaths trying to control my raging need to claim her, right here in front of everybody. Just the thought of someone else trying to take her away from me is like a stab to the heart with a hot poker.

  She’s fucking mine.

  Emma throws back her head and laughs when the introduction to Footloose blares through the speakers. People suddenly sit up straight in their seats as their heads dart around the room. I’ve been to a lot of these charity events over the years, and this isn’t the kind of music that’s ever played.

  Carla starts walking backward onto the dance floor, crooking her fingers in front of her for Emma to follow. When the instrumental kicks up a notch, Emma’s body starts to bob to the music as she raises her arms and starts playing the air guitar.

  “Fucking hell,” I mumble to myself as Grayson throws back his head and roars laughing.

  I cover my eyes with my hand but continue to watch them through the gap in my fingers. It’s like a train wreck, but it’s one I can’t look away from.

  There’s no denying Emma can dance. I’ve witnessed her moves firsthand in the bedroom, she’s definitely got it going on. I get a semi just thinking about it.

  Their bodies move in sync to choreographed line dancing and some
wacky random shit they add in along the way. At one point, Carla starts moonwalking across the floor as Emma’s arms flank around in front of her like a damn robot. These two have zero fucks to give.

  “They’re certifiably nuts,” I say, laughing.

  Grayson pins me down with a hard stare. “But the good type of nuts… you know that, right?”

  “Yeah, I do.” I established weeks ago Emma is nothing like my ex.

  My eyes dart to my mother who’s sitting at the far end of the table, I’m almost afraid to see what her reaction to this will be. There’s no denying she loves Emma, but this is her charity, these snobs are her friends.

  To say I’m taken aback to see her beaming as she watches them—clapping along to the music—would be an understatement.

  When the song finishes and the girls make their way back to the table, my mother stands. “Bravo, my dear… bravo.”

  Emma’s face turns as red as her dress, making me laugh.

  Before she gets a chance to round the table to me, some brazen fucker reaches for her hand, trying to pull her back toward the dance floor.

  I’m out of my seat in a flash. “Fuck off,” I say, eyeing him as I grab her and start moving toward the exit.

  “Ashton, Jesus… let me go.” Ignoring her, I keep moving. “Where are we going?”

  “I need some fresh air.”

  I need you.

  “Slow down.”

  Pushing through the doors, we continue through the elaborate gardens until I find a spot to shield us from view. I’m on her before she even realizes what’s happing. Falling to my knees, I gather her dress up around her waist, slinging one of her legs over my shoulder.

  “You’re bare?” I say as I take in the sight of her pussy.

  “I got waxed today.”

  Fuck me.

  “I didn’t think it was possible for your pussy to be any prettier.”

  My fingers glide over her smooth lips, I’m so turned on right now.

  “Ashton,” she whimpers the moment I slide two fingers deep inside her.

  Her nails dig into my scalp as my mouth bears down on her, but she’s not pulling me away, she’s dragging me closer.

  I’m shocked by my aggressive savageness, but my need to claim her, to mark her, it’s too great. I devour her with my lips, my tongue, and my fingers. I don’t stop until her body is withering under my touch.

  “What in the hell has gotten into you tonight?” she asks, her eyes wide.

  “I’m just claiming what’s mine.” I stand, moving my hand back between her legs, cupping her pussy. “I own this, goddammit, and when we walk back into that room, I’ll have the satisfaction of knowing I have something the others don’t.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “The tastes of you on my tongue… your scent on my fingers and lips. You’re fucking mine, Emma. You belong to me.”

  “Is that so?”

  “You better believe it.”

  She smiles, grasping the lapels of my jacket, pulling me in for a scorching kiss. I think she likes being claimed. “And don’t forget my panties in your pocket, you also have them.”

  “Right,” I say, chuckling. “I’m keeping them, too. I’m adding them to my collection.”

  “So you can sniff them?”


  My answer makes her smile grow. “There’s something else you have of mine that they don’t, Mr. Barclay.”

  “And what’s that, Miss Phoenix?” I ask, righting her dress and sliding my arms around her tiny waist, drawing her closer.

  “My heart.”

  You have mine too.

  “And that’s something I’ll always cherish.”

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Anything,” I answer.

  “You could have anyone. Why me?”

  I rest my forehead against hers, giving her the honesty she asked for. “Because with you, I never had a choice. From the moment we met, I didn’t stand a chance.”

  My ridiculously hot friend: We just touched down in LA. Can I see you tonight?

  I’ve been missing her all day, and being back in Coalville only made me think about her more.

  Sweet-thing: Yes. How was Utah and my dad?

  I flew out early this morning with one of the company’s interior decorators. I wanted to show her the furniture Emma’s father makes. It’s unique, and we’re always looking for one-of-a-kind pieces to put in our display homes.

  My ridiculously hot friend: Utah was good, and your father is doing great. Mandy was impressed with the quality and uniqueness of his work. She put in a huge order. He’s going to have to hire himself an assistant to keep up with the demand.

  Sweet-thing: Really? I bet that made him happy. Thank you.

  My ridiculously hot friend: It was my pleasure. Now, when can I see you?

  Sweet-thing: I can be at your place by six.

  My ridiculously hot friend: I have to pick something up from Cerritos first. I should be back by then, if not, just let yourself in.

  Sweet-thing: Okay. x

  Thankfully, I manage to get home before she arrives, giving me a chance to prepare her surprise. I pour myself a scotch when I’m done. I think she’s going to like what I got her, but I’m still feeling anxious.

  It’s been two months since I let all my inhibitions go, giving us a real chance of a future, and things are going great. I can’t even put into words how fulfilled my life has become. I’ve never known such happiness.

  Looking down at my watch, I see it’s just after six. I take another sip of my scotch before moving toward the door. I pray this doesn’t backfire in my face.

  Emma’s car pulls up a few minutes later, and I descend the front steps heading straight for her. I didn’t get to see her last night because of my early flight, and I’ve missed her.

  I open the front gate, and as soon as she’s within reaching distance, I pull her to me, engulfing her in my arms.

  “Hi.” My lips are on hers before she has the chance to reply. I need this kiss more than I need my next breath.

  “Hi, to you, too,” she says the moment we part.

  “How was your day?”

  “Okay. Better now.”

  I smile as I reach for her hand. “Come, I have a surprise for you.”

  “A surprise?”


  “Let me guess, it’s in your pants.”

  “Cute, Em,” I say, laughing. “No, that one is for later.”

  We enter the house, and I stop just inside the foyer. “Wait here, I’ll be right back.”

  When I return, my arms are behind my back. She gives me a skeptical look as I approach. “I picked something up for you today. I hope you like it.”

  The gift is so tiny, it fits into the palm of my hand. “Extend your arms out in front of you,” I ask. “Open your hands and place them side by side. That’s it. Now close your eyes.”

  “Should I be worried?”


  She does as I ask. I bring my arm around from behind my back, placing her gift gently in her hands. Her eyes immediately spring open, and she gasps.

  “Meet Duchess. She’s Duke’s offspring, and the only one in the litter of four puppies that had his coloring, hence, why I opted for the female.”

  “Ashton,” she breathes as tears rise to her eyes. “I… I can’t believe… oh my God, she’s adorable. Look how tiny she is.”

  “Isn’t she,” I beam. Reaching out, I swipe the first tear that falls from her eye. “I didn’t do this to make you cry. I hate seeing you cry, Em.”

  “They’re happy tears,” she says, lifting the puppy closer to her face and studying her. “Oh, Ashton, she looks just like him. I already love her… I love her so much.”

  Do you love me?

  There’s been no mention of the ‘L’ word since we’ve reunited. Well, except for the time I told her I loved in her in French. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. The morning I asked he
r to leave, she told me she was falling in love with me? Did she not mean what she said? Her inability to express her feelings makes me hesitant to confess mine.

  “So, I did good?”

  “You did,” she replies. “She’s perfect. I feel like I have a piece of him back.”

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  The heart, you can’t live or love without it. If Emma has taught me anything since we met, it’s exactly that. I lie here watching her sleep, and all I can think about is how much she means to me, how deeply I’ve fallen, and how empty I’d be if she were no longer in my life.

  She owns me completely.

  I should man up and confess my feelings. Say those three words I’ve never said to anyone else—discounting the time I said it in French—because she needs to know how much I love her.

  My fingers skate along her jawline, and I see her lips curve up. “Good morning,” I whisper, bringing my face forward to kiss her.

  “Morning,” she says against my mouth.

  I love waking up beside her. I want to do it for the rest of my life.

  Reaching for her leg, I anchor it over my hip.

  “Hold that thought,” she says. “I need to use the bathroom.”

  “Make it quick.”


  “Are you okay?”

  “Just a bit dizzy,” she replies. “I think I sat up too fast.”

  She stays seated for a brief time before moving to the side of the bed.

  I take in her long, lean back, slender waist, and gorgeous backside when she stands. “I’m going to bite that ass when you get back here.”

  “I don’t feel so good,” she says, taking a step forward. But before her words even register, she collapses to the floor.

  “Fuck, Emma,” I call out, leaping from the bed. I’m by her side in an instant, and she’s already coming around. “Are you okay?” I help her into a sitting position as I cup her face in my hand.

  “I think I’m going to be sick.”