Topaz Goes Downunder (Jewels Cafe Book 18) Read online

  © 2020 J.E. Cluney

  All Rights Reserved

  First I’d like to thank you for purchasing this book. I hope you enjoy the story. I’d love if you could drop me a review if you do, it’d mean the world to me and it’d help me reach more readers.

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  “Australia, damn,” Tyler whistled as he stared out the airplane window at the sunburnt country below.

  I leaned over to get my first glimpse, all bubbly and excited for our holiday down under. I’d always wanted to visit, and the boys had gotten me tickets for Christmas.

  Two weeks later, here we were, flying over the dry countryside on our first vacation together.

  Jackson and Darcy sat across the aisle from us, and the older woman beside me had drifted off a few hours ago in the flight. I’d ignored her soft snores as her head drooped forward, and I wondered if she’d wake with a sore neck.

  “Drop bears,” Tyler murmured, and I snorted. Of course he thought they were a thing.

  “Koalas. They’re nice, they sleep the majority of the time,” I informed him. I’d researched Australia and it’s wildlife a lot over the past two weeks, and had even jumped onto the Supernatural Web to research shifter hangouts and what species made up the majority of the shifter population.

  Kangaroos, koalas, dingoes, and various aquatic shifters, including great whites, were the main ones. Big cats like myself and wolf shifters were rarely found, as they couldn’t hide in plain sight like the others.

  “Excited?” Darcy asked in a whisper-shout from his seat across from me.

  I just beamed in return, loving how his hazel eyes twinkled in delight.

  This was going to be an awesome trip, I just knew it.

  I settled back in my seat as clouds blotted out my view, and Tyler grumbled as he looked back at the small TV screen set into the back of the seat in front of him. He’d been watching quite a few action movies over the long flight, whereas I’d slept, watched a chick flick, then a comedy, and now I was doing some more reading about Australia on my phone using my Kindle app. I’d loaded a few Australian books onto it, and so far I’d learned that we’d chosen a hot time of year to visit. Vastly different from the cold winter we’d just left behind.

  No long pants and jackets here, we’d packed shorts, swimsuits, tank tops, and the sorts. I’d thrown in a few airy dresses too. We were flying into Brisbane today, which was a humid part of Australia, something I was curious to see what all the fuss was about.

  I glanced over at Jackson, who was immersed in a movie as well, while Darcy had gone back to reading a fantasy book he’d brought along. He’d been reading on his e-reader before switching to the paperback.

  We’d rented a camper to travel around in, finding it was cheaper than staying in motels, and it meant no packing up and unpacking constantly.

  God, this was going to be fun.

  I grinned as the pilot announced we were getting ready to land, and everyone was to return to their seats.

  “You ready?” Tyler chuckled as he noted my delighted expression.

  “Of course!”

  Fuck no. I had not been ready for this at all.

  I drew in a deep breath as we stood outside the airport while Darcy sorted out our hire car.

  God, it was hot, and sticky. Nothing like back home.

  We’d collected our bags, with Tyler getting some disgruntled looks when he’d pushed his way to the front of the crowd waiting for their bags.

  He didn’t care, he was too excited, and we didn’t chastise him for it.

  But as I stood in the wretched heat, I began to wonder why we’d decided to holiday on the tail-end of their summer.

  Apparently they had gorgeous beaches worth visiting, but all I could think of was getting back into some air-conditioned luxury to escape this fiery weather.

  “I heard they had a whole heap of fires this summer, now they’re having issues with flooding,” Jackson said as he stood beside me in shorts and a shirt.

  He had on flip-flops, which I couldn’t help but grin at. Australians called them thongs. Weird.

  “Well, today is a hot one,” I muttered as I pulled my hair back into a ponytail, grateful I’d popped on a light dress for the flight.

  Screw being in jeans and a top today.

  “Well, definitely hadn’t expected this,” Tyler grumbled as he yanked his shirt off.

  This caused a few people to look at him, and I smirked to myself. They could look all they want, but that sexy, devilish body was all mine. Chiseled and toned to absolute perfection.

  Tyler noted me looking, and he closed the gap between us to wrap his arms around my waist.

  “Getting jealous?” he smirked as he flicked his head to where a few older women were ogling him.

  “Of Mrs Old Fart and her friends? Hell no, besides, I know this is all mine,” I purred as I danced my fingers up and over his shoulders before leaning up to kiss him.

  He moaned softly as he tightened his grip on my waist, and I melted into his warm embrace, enjoying the tender kiss.

  It was cut short though when I felt a trickle of sweat run down my back. And damn, I was getting some serious under-boob sweat going on.

  “It’s too hot,” I sighed as I broke the kiss.

  “Tell me about it. It’s thirty-eight degrees celsius apparently,” Tyler groaned.

  “How do you know that?” I arched a brow at him.

  “Overheard someone saying that,” he stated with a shrug.

  “That’s 100 degrees fahrenheit,” Jackson stated from beside us as he looked me over.

  I realized me leaning up to kiss Tyler had made my dress rise up quite a bit, and he was getting quite a good look.

  “Enjoying the view?” I snickered as I pulled out of Tyler’s grip.

  “Always,” Jackson chuckled, his blue eyes glinting. Damn, my sexy ass viking looked damn good even in shorts and a shirt.

  “Well, let’s go get our car then, shall we?” Darcy joined us, grinning widely.

  I clapped my hands in excitement, and they laughed at my childish joy.

  Even if it was stinking hot, I was damn excited.

  I stared out the window, taking in the city around us with wide eyes. At least it was a better temperature inside the air-conditioned SUV, and we were headed to the outskirts of the city to pick up our camper.

  “I’ll make a pit-stop for some sim cards so we don’t get whacked with some massive bills, everyone got theirs turned off?” Darcy asked from the front seat.

  He was our designated driver, along with Jackson when he wanted a break. We needed to choose our drivers, and they’d decided to be the main two to cart us around for our holiday.

  A holiday. I’d wanted to do this for so long.

  We’d had to talk to the Pride, and they were happy to allow their healer to travel for three weeks. What could possibly go wrong that required me? I was barely in
use as it was.

  Our Pride was still adjusting to our unique relationship dynamics, but many had learned to accept it, and those who hadn’t, they at least kept their mouths shut.

  Our families had accepted us all, especially after seeing how we worked together for Christmas dinner, which I was grateful for.

  Life couldn’t be better, and now we were taking our first vacation together.

  “I have a list of things we need to try too,” I stated as I pulled out my notebook.

  “Like what?” Tyler asked from the seat across from me.

  “Tim Tams, milo, vegemite, fantales, caramello koalas, meat pies, pavlova, kangaroo meat, golden gaytimes-”

  “Let me stop you right there. I’m not trying a ‘golden gaytime’,” Tyler gave me a horrified look like I’d suggested he stick his dick in a blender.

  “It’s an ice-cream!” I laughed, loving how his face contorted in confusion.

  “Who names an ice-cream that?!” he demanded in shock.

  I just shrugged, taking delight in his reaction.

  “I can’t believe they eat their national symbol,” Jackson snorted as he glanced back at me.

  “They eat emu too. Then again, a turkey was nearly our symbol,” I reminded him, and he just shook his head while smiling.

  “Well, when I stop to get us sim cards, we can do a small grocery shop. We’ll wait until we have the camper before we do a big one,” Darcy stated.

  “I’m glad you offered to drive, they drive on the wrong side of the road here,” I stated as I stared out the window as we came to another set of red lights.

  I would’ve caused an accident already by now.

  “It’s definitely a different, backwards country,” Darcy muttered. He’d adapted quite well though in my opinion.

  We drove for a while longer, listening to a local radio station and singing along to songs we knew.

  We laughed as we drove, not caring if we were out of sync or off-key, just loving the freedom we had.

  Three weeks of vacation. Who could’ve asked for more?

  “Okay, these fish and chips are pretty good,” I stated as I dug into the crisp hot chips and battered fish.

  We’d decided to stop for lunch before heading into the small shopping center for sim cards and groceries.

  Tyler had gotten the full works burger they had on offer, and I was impressed with the hefty size of it.

  Darcy had opted for fish bites and chips, while Jackson had gone with a bacon and egg burger.

  We sat outside the cafe, sipping our sodas as the sweltering heat had us sweating already.

  “Well, this will take some getting used to,” I sighed as I squeezed some tartare sauce on my chips and fish. I hated how my dress was plastered to my back already.

  “It’s meant to cool down a bit over the next few days. Apparently the city is quite hot though,” Darcy stated as he enjoyed his meal.

  Tyler had put on a tank top now, and seemed more at ease in it with this heat.

  We enjoyed our meals before heading inside the center and savoring the air-conditioning.

  Tyler went with Darcy to get the sim cards, and Jackson accompanied me to pick up a few groceries.

  He carried the basket for me, and I collected up some cold water, Tim Tams, caramello koalas, and milo, but decided against anything that would require refrigeration. Then again, the caramello koalas and Tim Tams could be risky in the heat. Hopefully being in the air-conditioned SUV would be enough.

  “So, there’s only the one queen bed in the camper and two bunks. Who gets first dibs with you?” Jackson asked as he shuffled up behind me to wrap an arm around my waist as I checked over the chips for flavors I knew they’d like.

  I leaned back against him, loving how his lips brushed my neck sweetly.

  “I figured you guys could take turns sharing, I’ll have a bunk,” I smirked.

  “That won’t do,” Jackson chuckled against my neck, his entire body vibrating with the sound and making me hold his arm around my waist.

  “Fine, although Darcy has already called first dibs tonight,” I sighed.

  “Damn, quick bastard,” Jackson muttered before kissing my neck once more.

  I couldn’t help the stupid grin I always ended up wearing when any of them did cute shit like this.

  I loved it.

  I tossed some plain salt potato crisps in the basket, along with sour cream and chives, before dragging myself from Jackson’s arms and heading for the checkout.

  We met up with the other pair back at the car, and we installed our new sims, putting our old ones in small ziplock bags labeled with our names and shoving them in the glovebox for safe-keeping.

  “Time to get the camper now, then we’ll head down to the coast,” Darcy stated as he started the engine.

  We’d agreed on spending our first few nights in a campground by the beach so we could enjoy the main part of our holiday. It was also a designated shifter spot, and I was excited to meet some Australian shifters.

  As we drove, we enjoyed some Tim Tams and caramello koalas, and I fell in love with the chocolatey biscuits that made my mouth water. I’d make sure to enjoy as many as I could before we headed home.

  After all, who doesn’t enjoy some chocolatey goodness?


  We pulled up at the camping area, and, with Tim Tams in hand, I climbed out into the hot, sticky air, grateful for the cool breeze sweeping in from the ocean on the other side of a small crest. I could hear the waves crashing on shore, beckoning me to go investigate and cool off in the salty water.

  Instead, I helped the guys move our bags from the SUV into the camper, and popped my remaining Tim Tams and caramello koalas in the fridge. We’d chosen a powered site thankfully.

  “How many packets of those Tim Tams are we going to end up going through?” Darcy chuckled as I snuck another one before moving out of the way to let Tyler through.

  “Hundreds,” I joked around a mouthful of deliciousness.

  He just snickered at this before jamming his suitcase in a compartment on the right side of the queen bed.

  Tyler and Jackson had claimed the bunks, and they were shoving their bags into storage spaces while I slid past them to investigate our bathroom.

  Darcy had offered to handle the toilet side of things, which I was thankful for as I had no idea what to do in regards to it.

  There were toilets on the site which he suggested we use mainly, along with their showers. It saved him having to empty the toilet often.

  It was a tiny bathroom, but I expected nothing more inside a camper, and I stepped out to investigate our kitchenette. Cooking for all of us was going to be interesting, but we were intending to enjoy the local cuisine as well and eat out a fair bit.

  After all, it was a holiday.

  “I’m so checking out that beach, can’t wait to see what all the fuss is about,” Tyler remarked as he yanked his shirt off.

  “A swim sounds damn good in this heat,” Jackson said as he began stripping down as well.

  We’d grown used to being naked around one another, even Tyler.

  I bit my lip as I watched them, and they smirked knowingly.

  “Seriously, T?” Darcy chuckled from behind them as he changed into his bathers as well.

  “Can’t help but enjoy the view,” I chuckled as my eyes trailed over their lean bodies.

  Damn, I couldn’t wait to have a little fun tonight.

  But right now, it was hot, especially inside the camper without the air-conditioning running.

  I wiped at the sweat already beading on my brow and scowled.

  “Here, bikini,” Darcy pushed past the pair to hand me the said garments.

  “Thanks, don’t forget sunscreen,” I reminded them.

  Tyler groaned, but accepted defeat as Jackson handed him the tube after smearing it on his face and bare chest.

  My three guys were just doing board shorts today, and I was quite happy with that. Who didn’t like to enjoy some eye can
dy while swimming?

  I slipped into the bathroom, ignoring their groans and mutters of annoyance that I was hiding away to change when I’d just watched them.

  They’d see me half-naked in a minute anyway, jeez.

  I changed out of my dress and into the blue bikini, and made sure to redo my bun nice and tight before stepping out of the bathroom.

  “So, who wants to help lather me up?” I said suggestively as I waggled my eyebrows.

  “Step aside, boys,” Jackson squeezed past Tyler, having somehow ended up with the sunscreen again.

  “Rocking the blue today,” Tyler winked at me, and I grinned in response before lifting my chin as Jackson got to work putting sunscreen on me.

  I closed my eyes, enjoying his gentle hands running over my shoulders and down my arms before sliding back up. He stroked my neck, smearing sunscreen all over it and then running both hands down my chest.

  I quivered, and he sucked in a breath as his hands slid over the bare skin of my cleavage.

  His thumb grazed my nipple as he made sure to slip his hands just a little under the flimsy fabric in case it moved, and a tingle coursed through me.

  “Don’t do that,” Tyler growled.

  “Got a problem with him lathering me up?” I chuckled as I opened one eye.

  “No, I can just tell he’s teasing you on purpose, and if we catch your scent, we’ll never make it to the beach,” Tyler groaned as his nostrils flared.

  I turned around, allowing Jackson to do my back, loving how his fingers dragged over my skin gently. He kissed my neck sweetly before I turned back around.

  He gazed at me, his mouth curving upwards, and I just smirked and nodded for him to continue, loving the devious glint in his eyes.

  His hands moved to run down my navel, and I bit my lip as he teased my bikini bottoms, making sure to get some sunscreen just underneath the waistband.

  “You look so beautiful in a bikini,” Jackson growled, his voice low.